Concilium Bulletin January 2015

AFRICA IVORY COAST Abidjan Senatus: Five praesidia, one Curia and six Comitia made their Annual Reports to the Senatus during this period. These…

Concilium Bulletin December 2014

EUROPE SPAIN Madrid Senatus: Both men and women are contacted in the Red Light district. Drug addicts are also met. Legionaries ask only two…

Concilium Bulletin November 2014

ASIA AUSTRALIA Melbourne Senatus. Reporting Curiae ranged in size from 6 to 8 Senior and a few junior praesidia. A praesidium was set up for 6…

Concilium Bulletin - October 2014

ASIA MALASIA Kuala Lumpur Regia: Languages in the Regia include English, Tamil Filipino and Chinese. Reports were taken from 2 praesidia with a…

Concilium Bulletin September 2014

ASIA Holy Land: One praesidium was responsible for 20 people going back to Confession. Two junior praesidia with 28 students encouraged their…

Concilium Bulletin August 2014

NORTH AMERICA AND CANADA Boston Senatus: A new Portuguese Curia, Our Lady of the Sacred Family has been approved by Cardinal O'Malley.…

Concilium Bulletin July 2014

SOUTH AMERICA Paraguay Senatus of Asuncion: A prison praesidium of 12 members, 12 probationers and 4 auxiliaries in the National Penitentiary…

Concilium Bulletin - June 2014

IRISH PROVINCIAL REPORT COMITIA Cork Comitium: There are 9 praesidia plus 4 Curiae attached. The 11 members of the praesidium in Ballyvolane visit…

Visit to Senegal by Togo Legionaries

VISIT TO SENEGAL BY TOGO LEGIONARIES Two legionaries from the Senatus of Lome, Togo undertook visitation to Senegal from 29th October 2013 to 28th…

Concilium Bulletin - May 2014

REPORTS CENTRAL AMERICA Nicaragua: The Regia of Managua with 2 comitia, 2 Curiae and 17 praesidia is working well. The various reports indicate…

Concilium Bulletin - April 2014

AFRICA Senatus of Kenya: January minutes received. All attached praesidia and councils report having Mass in November for the Servant of God, Frank…

Boletín de abril 2014

ÁFRICA Senatus de Kenia: Se recibió el informe de enero. Todos los Praesidia y Consejos afiliados informan que organizaron Misas en…