Concilium Bulletin - February 2014
REPORTS AFRICA Burundi Senatus of Gitega reports 304 young people enrolled as juniors by Kanyinya Comitium and 3 new Comitia formed, one at…
Boletín de febrero 2014
África BURUNDI Senatus de Gitega. Informa que 304 jóvenes se ingresaron como juveniles en el Comitium de Kanyinya y se formaron 3 nuevos…
Concilium Bulletin - January 2014
REPORTS AFRICA IVORY COAST Senatus of Abidjan: These reports give an account of an immense amount of apostolic work. Usually a praesidium and two…
Boletín de enero 2014
AFRICA COSTA DE MARFIL Senatus de Abidjan. Estos informes dan cuenta de una inmensa cantidad de trabajo apostólico. Normalmente un Praesidium…
Concilium Bulletin - December 2013
REPORTS EUROPE Portugal: Lisbon Senatus: Latest minutes, September. Nine praesidia and two curiae were visited on the island of Medeira by the…
Boletín de diciembre 2013
BOLETIN DEL CONCILIUM DICIEMBRE DE 2013 INFORMES EUROPA PORTUGAL Senatus de Lisboa: Las últimas actas son de septiembre. El presidente del…
Boletín de noviembre 2013
Boletín del Concilium - Noviembre 2013 ASIA FILIPINAS Senatus de Visayas Oeste: Los informes trimestrales al Senatus son alentadores. Los…
Concilium Bulletin - November 2013
ASIA PHILIPPINES Western Visayas Senatus: Quarterly reports to the Senatus are encouraging with work including jail visitation, marriage…
Concilium Bulletin - October 2013
ASIA TAIWAN Taiwan Senatus: Many works are church related but there are signs of increased home visitation and crowd contact been undertaken. Two…
Concilium Bulletin - September 2013
REPORTS ASIA INDIA Mumbai Senatus continues to grow in membership with the raising of Comitia and Curiae and many new praesidia being established.…
Concilium Reports - August 2013
NORTH AMERICA, CANADA AND WEST INDIES UNITED STATE OF AMERICA Boston Senatus: Providence Comitium has 18 praesidia and 3 Curiae with 83 active and…
Concilium Bulletin - July 2013
REPORTS AFRICA BURUNDIThe Gitega Senatus reports 2 new praesidia directly affiliated. Thanks are due to the efforts of young legionaries from the…