Concilium Bulletin December 2024


Benedicta Curia

Curia has five (5) attached praesidia. On home visitation in Drimnagh one lady whose mother is a resident in Bellvilla community unit said that the staff had great praise for the legionaries who visit there and she asked the legionaries to visit her mum too. At another door, the man who answered told them that legionaries had visited him in prison, and he accepted a Miraculous Medal. An eighty-year-old lady who hadn’t been in a church for years was encouraged to sit in the oratory in Drimnagh. Miraculous Medals, copies of Maria Legionis and Consecration to the Sacred Heart cards are given out on the work. A joint senior and junior Curia Reunion was held at Benedicta House recently. Ten (10) junior legionaries attended along with senior legionaries.

Immaculata Curia

Legionaries are encouraging all contacts to receive the sacrament of reconciliation during Advent. A Christmas Crib will be brought to Citywest and Ashleaf shopping centres during Advent, where times of confessions in local churches will be circulated as well as ‘Joy of Confession’ leaflets and other Legion of Mary literature. A Frank Duff prayer meeting is held monthly. The last Patricians meeting was attended by five (5) legionaries and four (4) non-legionaries. The title was ‘The Life of St. Francis of Assisi’. The Curia Reunion took place on December 7.

Ancilla Domini

The junior praesidium was visited recently by Curia. There are currently two (2) officers, both of whom have a very good attendance record. Recruiting is done regularly while on street contact and work in the schools. Standing Instructions are read each month. Recent Patricians meeting was held in Brandsma Hall, Whitefriar Street Church, Dublin 2. The topic was “The Immaculate Conception - What? Why?” The annual Reunion was held in Myra House recently. The Frank Duff Prayer Meeting is held once monthly. A public Rosary is held every Saturday in Temple Bar.

Assumpta Curia

A praesidium’s main works are home visitation and nursing home visitation. Auxiliary members are also visited. Members are hoping to restart the Frank Duff prayer group which ran for twenty (20) years before covid, and are also investigating the possibility of running a Bible Study group in the parish centre. Curia members have recently undertaken the 33-day Consecration to Jesus through Mary, using St. Louis Marie de Montfort’s book. The annual Curia Reunion is planned.

Annunciata Curia

Curia had six (6) attached praesidia and a total membership of thirty- two (32). The main apostolate of a praesidium with nine (9) members is to women caught up in prostitution and addiction. Approximately thirty-three (33) women are visited on a weekly basis. Most of them are lapsed. During the year, arrangements were made for a priest to visit one of the older ladies- who resides in a nursing home- to hear her confession. She died some days later. As there was no praesidium report at the November Curia meeting, a discussion took place on the importance of promoting vocations to the religious life. The following observations and suggestions were made: 1) Down through the years the Legion has played a vital role in fostering vocations to the religious life and must continue to do this. 2) Legionaries should encourage prayer for vocations and promote the vocation prayer card. 3) Curia could hold Adoration once a month in the Legion of Mary House and promote vocations, especially among young people. Forty-three (43) legionaries gathered recently to celebrate the one thousandth (1,000th) meeting of the Curia. Holy Mass was celebrated, followed by Legion prayers, refreshments and music. Br. Paddy Fay gave a wonderful detailed and informative talk on the history of the Curia. It was a joyful occasion filled with renewed hope and inspiration.

Mater Ecclesiae Curia

A praesidium’s main works include street contact in the city centre offering support to individuals facing challenges with alcohol and substance abuse. Some transition year students help with this work. Street contact is done weekly in Dún Laoghaire. Members also bring Holy Communion to the housebound. The title of September Patricians was ‘Sin’ and October Patricians was ‘My Cure in Medjugorje’. A Holy Hour with prayers for the beatification of Servant of God Frank Duff is held every week in St. Joseph’s Church, Glasthule and every month in Church of the Guardian Angels, Newtownpark Avenue. Praesidia take turns, on a monthly basis, at leading the Rosary and Venerable Edel Quinn prayer in St. Patrick’s Church, Monkstown where Edel attended Mass.



Cork Comitium

On home visitation many contacts were encouraged to return to the practice of their Faith. A praesidium of six (6) members have visited seven hundred (700) homes and thirteen (13) schools in the parishes. In one praesidium legionaries had a good conversation with a mother of ten (10) children and former member of the Legion. She now attends the Evangelical Church. She asked the legionaries for Miraculous Medals for her children. Another praesidium of eight (8) members pray the Rosary with patients in a hospital and two (2) nursing homes. The attached Curia of Muire na nGrás has four (4) praesidia. The first report of one of the praesidia was presented. This praesidium was set up following a recruitment drive. The main work is Pilgrim Statue visitation and over one hundred (100) homes were visited. In one home the Rosary is now being prayed every night, following the visit with the Pilgrim Statue. Another praesidium of eight (8) members has fifty- eight (58) auxiliaries. They carry out street contact, follow- up with special cases and visit an old Folks Club. Queen of Peace Curia: The Pilgrim Statue is brought to homes by one praesidium when they engage in home visitation. The May Procession had an attendance of approximately two hundred (200) people. Another praesidium of seven (7) members promotes Adoration, street contact work and organises showing of videos twice monthly.

Thurles Comitium

Archbishop Kieran O Reilly was heartfeltly welcomed by the president of the Comitium at the October Comitium meeting. Archbishop O Reilly gave the Allocutio stating that the Legion of Mary is an extraordinary group in our own country, but also in the Mission countries where he worked. He thanked all for their work in the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly and for their commitment, which he said is so important. The Comitium outing- on September 7- combined a visit to the Legion of Mary headquarters, and the house and grave of now Servant of God Frank Duff. A praesidium at Holy Cross has eight (8) full members, two (2) of whom were recruited during the year. The legionaries are involved in parish work and they hope to start Pilgrim Statue visitation. Cashel Curia with fifteen (15) members gained two (2) new members from book-barrow work.

Cloyne Comitium

Attendance at the Comitium meetings is generally good. Our Lady of the Nativity praesidium in Rathormac with five (5) members carries out Fatima Statue visitation and organises a public Rosary at the Grotto during May. One member went on a Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) project.

Kerry Comitium

Legionaries recite the Rosary in Glenflesk in May and October and arranged for the refurbishment of the Grotto where Holy Mass was celebrated with sixty (60) people in attendance. In Fossa, the schools are visited and Miraculous Medals are given to children in the classes preparing for Holy Communion and Confirmation. The legionaries train the altar servers, and organised for the celebration of an international Mass for refugees and migrants living in Southwest Kerry. Adults were prepared for reception of the sacraments.


Birr Roscrea Curia

The praesidium in Roscrea has fourteen (14) members, and in Moneygall there are five (5 ) members and twenty (20) auxiliaries. Both groups are very involved in their parishes. The annual Mass for deceased legionaries was celebrated before the Curia meeting. The new praesidium Our Lady Help of Christians in Nenagh held its first meeting. There are four (4) members.

Lismore Curia

The Curia has two (2) praesidia. The membership is good in both praesidia. They have been encouraged to extend to new parishes. At one of their meetings, they had a discussion on auxiliary membership, and decided to purchase copies of the new pamphlet “Repaid a Million Fold.” Visitation of the praesidia is undertaken by the Curia also.

Clare Curia

The Curia has three (3) praesidia of twenty-one (21) members. The praesidium in Killaloe has started Fatima Pilgrim Statue visitation. In Ennis the praesidium of ten (10) members is engaging in weekly home visitation and Fatima Pilgrim Statue visitation.

Waterford Curia

Our Lady Star of the Sea praesidium in Tramore has nine (9) members with an excellent attendance. With the help of three (3) priests, the legionaries carried out home blessings in three housing estates. The parish priest in St. Joseph’s and St. Belinda’s has requested that a praesidium be set up in his parish. The parish priest in Ballygunner invited legionaries to attend a meeting with a view to setting up a praesidium in his parish. It was further discussed at the Curia meeting and it was agreed to set up a praesidium in the new year.

Limerick Curia

The apostolate of a praesidium of five (5) members includes street contact on Friday nights, and home visitation in Rathkeale. A new praesidium in Raheen was set up following a successful Maria et Patria (MEP) project. Recruiting efforts resulted in nine (9) new members and one (1) auxiliary. Plans are being made for all praesidia to be visited.

Ross Curia

A good attendance at the meetings was recorded. We look forward to hearing more from you in your next report.



Madrid Senatus

A two-day Conference for officers of the Councils attached to the Senatus was held in October. Approximately ninety (90) legionaries attended. A high percentage of attendees were South Americans. It was lovely to see so many couples, and husbands and wives who met through the Legion of Mary present. Everyone took part in the different sessions which had been well prepared. The main themes were Legion Spirituality, praesidia and Councils being used to form legionaries, and new horizons which include extension of the Legion. Many practical suggestions were made in an effort to start new praesidia and attract young adults to active membership. A video and recommendations of the Conference has been circulated to all Councils to ensure all items discussed are put into practice. Sr. Coral Mendes and the Concilium correspondent attended. An international Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) team of eleven (11) legionaries from Spain, Brazil and Ireland had a very successful project in Reus, a city in northern Spain, during the month of November. All returned home tired and happy.

Bilbao Senatus

Some members have recorded talks about the Legion on the local Radio Maria and Antenna 3 Television. Nursing home visitation continues, as well as outreach to inmates within the prison system. Leon Curia numbers have declined, but there is some stability after the losses due to covid. Being comprised of twelve (12) praesidia formerly, the number according to the last two annual reports has settled at eight (8). Other works of the Senatus include participation in pastoral groups, Alpha courses and catechesis, prayer workshops, and care of invalid pilgrims going to Lourdes. Legionaries also engage in visits to ageing priests in their care facilities. The praesidium at Logrono reports that its members are advancing in years, with two of its members being seventy- nine (79), one being eighty- eight (88), and one being ninety- one (91). Three (3) of these are officers, and the fourth is the Spiritual Director. The three (3) valiant female members have thirty- eight (38) years of devoted service to this praesidium.


Lisbon Senatus

The Senatus has encouraged and supported the extension. Massamá Curia has a praesidium that is about to be dismembered. Sagrado Coração de Jesus Curia (Alcochete) recently carried out a visit to the Prison of Montijo. The Most Holy Name of Mary Curia (Amadora) has founded a new praesidium that is functioning well. The Curia carried out a Columban Drive recently. Mary Mother of Christ Comitium (Portela) held a gathering- for auxiliary members- at which a video about the life of Frank Duff was played. Contact was made for the foundation of a praesidium in a parish. Our Lady Queen of the World Comitium (Cascais) has reactivated a praesidium. It helps with the regularisation of immigrant documents.

Cenaculo do Espírito Santo Regia (Coimbra): Tondela Curia distributes Miraculous Medals to the mothers of newborn babies and the Curia of Fundão engaged in evangelisation in the streets. The Regia is preparing a Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) project in Coimbra for November 2025.

Maria Imaculada Regia (Porto) held an annual Retreat. Legionaries have assisted with referring young people who are at risk to competent institutions. A junior praesidium in Fafe was reactivated, as was a senior praesidium in Bragança. The work of strengthening weakened praesidia, and contacts with priests, for the extension of the Legion of Mary continues. In Viana do Castelo, work with Portuguese- speaking immigrant communities is encouraged, such as the Project for the Integration of Young Brazilian Students.


Rome Senatus

With the closure of the Milan Senatus and the Comitium in Padua, the Legion Councils in Italy are affiliated to the Senatus of Rome. There are eight (8) Curiae in the city of Rome, five (5) Comitia and five (5) Curiae in the provinces. There are two (2) praesidia on the border with Austria, both of which are affiliated to the Senatus of Austria and working very well. Three (3) provincial Curiae closed during covid. It has been suggested to the Senatus to try to reactivate even one praesidium or two praesidia in those three (3) Curiae areas to ensure growth, even if it is slow. A Curia with seven (7) praesidia, fifty- six (56) members, including ten (10) probationary members, and two hundred and twenty- four (224) auxiliaries carries out home visitation, teaches Italian to foreigners and organised a special Rosary in a local park for the feast of the Immaculate Conception with a very good attendance.


Malta Regia

The Regia has five (5) praesidia and one junior Curia. There are nine (9) senior Curiae with a full membership of four hundred and sixty- three (463). On the Island of Gozo there are three (3) praesidia affiliated to the Comitium with eleven (11) praesidia and three (3) senior Curiae with a membership of two hundred and sixty- seven (267). The Filipino praesidium on the Island of Gozo has thirteen (13) members and a full complement of officers. The legionaries are undertaking a very good apostolate. The Maltese legionaries are teaching them Maltese and English so as to help them to secure employment. Follow-up is happening with a Hindu person who has shown an interest in becoming a Catholic. Another praesidium of ten (10) members reported the visitation of their auxiliaries twice a year, Catechism classes for six (6) groups of children, and two half day retreats. Curiae reports: Mother of the Good Shepherd Curia with eight (8) praesidia reported all legionaries engage in home visitation. Contact with the priest who visited those who had not received the sacraments for several years had positive results. A Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) project was carried out by four (4) legionaries from September 4- September 7. The praesidium in the parish helped during that week which resulted in many good contacts being made.

Councils under the care of Malta Regia


Many praesidia consist of approximately ten (10) members each. From the three (3) praesidia that reported, the works include visitation of the sick at home and sick people with disabilities, participating in all Church activities in the parish which are organised by the parish priest who is also Spiritual Director of the three (3) praesidia. One member of the praesidia in this parish is a catechist. The legionaries attended a Retreat which was organised for them. Plans are being made by the correspondent with Malta to visit Albania from the May 7- 17 2025.


A visit was made to Thessaloniki by two (2) Maltese legionaries and a Spiritual Director from September 13- 16. They attended the praesidium meeting which has five (5) members and a Spiritual Director. The praesidium had stopped functioning during covid and restarted in February 2024. They were reminded of the importance of the weekly meeting. Giannitsa was also visited. The parish priest was met and agreed to have a praesidium in his parish. The praesidium in Thessaloniki will make follow- up visits to Giannitsa.


A visit to Turkey was made by two legionaries and a report is awaited. There is no presence of the Legion of Mary in Syria or Libia currently.


There are two (2) praesidia in Nicosia. Mediatrix of All Graces and Mother of Perpetual Help praesidia continue to hold their meetings every Sunday. Each have recruited new members, and new officers have been appointed in all positions. No ratifications have taken place, however, as the Curia has ceased to function post-covid. While efforts continue to restart the Curia, it has been challenging and will be the subject of a separate report to the Concilium. Despite this setback Mediatrix of All Graces praesidium celebrated their thirty- third (33rd) Anniversary in October, and last Sunday Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception praesidium Limassol celebrated their 27th Anniversary with a Mass before the Legion of Mary meeting which was followed by lunch and entertainment facilitated by legionaries from Limassol and Nicosia. This was also attended by the correspondent.


Philadelphia Senatus

Mention of prison visits and baptisms and returns to the Church are prominent. Also, extension and recruiting are high on their agenda. Rosaries are regularly prayed in nursing homes and graveyards. Hosting Legion of Mary Stands at festivals and crowd contact at a youth bonfire facilitated distribution of Rosaries, Miraculous Medals, and details of praesidia meeting locations and times. A free raffle for a Maria Legionis subscription was also held.

Los Angeles Senatus

Frequent Columban drives and an increase of large numbers of probationary members featured in this report. The Japanese praesidium that was established one year ago has six (6) members. They have revived the praesidium at St. Thomas Aquinas College. Many of the attached councils are hosting Congresses. A team of twelve (12) legionaries carried out a Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) project in Hawaii in September.

Arlington Senatus

Many reports grade their works in the order of the 3C’s: conversion, consolation and conservation. Promotion of the Maria Legionis publication among English and Spanish Legionaries was planned for November. One praesidium visited a sick member very regularly during his final hours and attended his funeral. This kindness inspired the man’s daughter and son to subsequently join the Legion of Mary.

San Francisco Senatus

Home visitation, Enthronement of home to The Sacred Heart and arranging reception of the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist for the housebound through the endeavours of ‘Call and Care’ in the parish was reported by a praesidium in Novata. In Monterray Curia, a praesidium assisted their parish priest to run a 33-Day Consecration to Jesus through Mary, distribution of Miraculous Medals and enrolment in the Brown Scapular for five hundred (500) parishioners, both English and Spanish.

Houston Senatus

Gallup Comitium honoured the crowning of Our Lady on the Navajo reservation on May 12. Another praesidium in New Mexico distributed over seven thousand (7,000) rosaries with literature. Houston Spanish Comitium hosted their first Mariology Conference which included Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Dallas Comitium reported on a Spanish Curia opening new praesidia in Garland, in Rowlett and in The Colony, and a junior praesidium at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Chicago Senatus

A local praesidium continues crowd contact in Millenium Park. Kokomo Comitium, Indiana carried out extension at a High School. Sioux Falls Curia held a Rosary Crusade and a Eucharistic Procession. A Curia in Illinois had twenty- nine (29) attend a new Patrician meeting. They organised and held two (2) drives to recruit people to sign up for Perpetual Adoration. Legion of Mary booths at crowd events also featured for these councils.

Boston Senatus

Efforts are being made to visit attached praesidia so as to encourage attendance at Senatus. They have a long- term vacancy for vice- president also. The attached Providence Comitium reported home visitation to one thousand, nine hundred and twenty- two (1,922) homes. The fruits included conversion of a Baptist, the prevention of abortion and the guidance of a person to confession. Legionaries in Neponset Curia endeavour to re- establish a better Legion presence in the prisons there. Hartford Comitium had two (2) converts and they restarted a prison praesidium for fifteen (15) prisoners.

New York Senatus

Concilium had assigned two (2) Arlington Senatus officers to visit them as the New York Senatus experienced difficulties. Due to the visitors’ dedication on three (3) repeat visits, the Senatus is getting back on track, having elected five (5) new officers in recent meetings.

Cincinnati Senatus

The Senatus is now ready to revert to Comitium level under Arlington Senatus and is focused on Legion extension in its new smaller territory. A new praesidium started by Miami University students is parish-based and has eight (8) members including three (3) praetorians. A weekly literature table at the university guides students on their Faith journey. Parish apostolate included visits to patients in a persistent vegetative state, and Catechism of children for sacraments. Their Birthday party for Our Lady had seven (7) members and thirty- two (32) parishioners present, and it included a talk on the Legion of Mary.

St. Louis Senatus

Reports were received from eleven (11) directly attached praesidia, two (2) Curiae and one Comitium. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, a Curia noted many Enthronements of Sacred Heart, many returns to the Sacraments and Holy Mass as a result of home visitation, evangelisation and Catechism. In Colarado, Pueblo Comitium formed a new praesidium of nine (9) members and plan a juniors also. Miami Regia received reports from one directly attached praesidium, one Comitium and eight (8) Curiae. Three (3) of the Curiae have juniors attached and their works include making Rosaries, teaching siblings their prayers, making sacrifices for Holy Souls and making baby blankets for life. The distant Bahamas Curia, with nine (9) praesidia do a full range of Legion works and give talks on the Legion to other parish ministries.


Puerto Rico Senatus

Senatus highlighted a True Devotion to the Nation (TDN) type apostolate to members of the community to ensure road repairs, street lighting and garbage collection is maintained. Catechesis is provided when children are being minded for working parents. There is prayerful outreach to people of other Faiths, to residents of a Women’s Refuge and to drug addicts. Efforts are ongoing to restart praesidia in an attached Comitium which was reduced to two (2) praesidia by covid.

Dominican Republic Senatus

Santa Domingo Senatus report that visitation of the praesidia and Councils is ongoing. Their excellent Spiritual Director drives them on to be better legionaries. They held a beautiful celebration for the 103rd anniversary of the Legion of Mary which was the 75th anniversary of the Legion of Mary in the country.

Santiago de los Caballeros Senatus

Reports were taken from four (4) Comitia and one (1) Curia. In one Comitium, visitation and catechesis of cohabiting couples resulted in eighteen (18) sacramental marriages, and two (2) couples joined the Legion of Mary. Conversion of two (2) people from a sect was also reported.

Haiti Senatus

Works reported were home, hospital, and prison visitation and preparing people for the sacraments. Priests are accompanied on sick calls and on street contact. Senatus looks forward to its 75th anniversary in 2025 and plans a number of events.

Trinidad and Tobago Regia

We look to hearing from you soon in your next report.


Toronto Senatus

Visitation of attached presidia and councils and extension is high on the agenda. Extension efforts in Senatus show new praesidia being formed with four, eight, and eighteen (4, 8, and 18) members. Likewise attached Councils attempt extension and an attached Curia reopened a dormant praesidium with help from a supportive priest.

Vancouver Comitium

A Columban Drive in August recruited five (5) active and eight (8) auxiliary members. Encouraging a homebound lady to pray the Rosary resulted in the reconciliation of herself and her estranged daughter after eighteen (18) years apart. An attached Curia with seven (7) senior and three (3) junior praesidia reported on teaching the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) programme which resulted in the baptism of six (6) people. Praesidium members are assigned a group of auxiliaries to care for, and invite to Legion of Mary events. Two junior praesidia from this Curia have seven (7) and four (4) active members, and help in school, church and home. They are encouraged to attend Eucharistic Adoration also.

Montreal Senatus

Vigilance about acquiring reports is evident. Four (4) praesidia reporting had ten, eight, seven and twelve (10, 8, 7, and 12) active members. Works include circulation of Pilgrim Virgin Statue and religious literature, and bringing elderly people to a monthly Mass. Extension is ongoing in two (2) parishes. The more distant Quebec is also in need of extension. The praesidium of eleven (11) members in Sherbrooke had three hundred and fifty (350) visitors to the church due to crowd contact promotion of a ‘Night Light Adoration’ event.

Edmonton Comitium

This quarter saw an attendance of 25% to 36% attendance at meetings. A Legion of Mary Congress had fifty- six (56) attendees. A praesidium used crowd contact method to do two (2) Exploratio Dominicalis projects. An attached Curia held a junior Retreat for forty- four (44) juniors. It included Mass, Confession, Adoration, games, talks, and testimonies.



Lagos Regia

The average attendance at the Regia meeting over the past four (4) months has been 58.4%. Praesidia were encouraged to orgnaise the celebration of Masses for Frank Duff’s commemoration. Exploratio Dominicalis projects feature in all reports. In November, Masses for deceased legionaries were organised. In September, a praesidium function was held at Kirikiri Correctional Centre. Visitation of attached Councils is done regularly, and the revised edition of the Legion Handbook is now available. Works undertook include home and hospital visitation, care of children at Mass, teaching Catechism, crowd contact, visiting brothels, and helping to prepare many candidates for the sacraments.

Onitsha Regia

A Curia helped prepare one hundred seventy-one (171) candidates for First Holy Communion and twenty-nine (29) catechumens were prepared for baptism and twenty- five (25) couples were helped to marry in the Church. Jos Regia is looking at merging two Comitia in Pankshin and following up on two Comitia in Shendam, minutes and further details are awaited.

Ikot Ekpene Regia

A Comitium reports the following updates: twenty- one (21) new members made their Legion Promise; thirty- five (35) new members were recruited; one (1) member received the sacrament of Holy Orders; two (2) catechumens were baptised; four (4) candidates received the sacrament of confirmation; one (1) junior praesidium was established; and one (1) junior praesidium and two (2) senior praesidia were revived.

Enugu Senatus

A Comitium in Asata recently established two (2) senior praesidia and one (1) junior Curia. Mirror of Justice Comitium saw ninety- seven (97) adults received into the Catholic Church and twenty- three (23) marriages were blessed.

Abuja Senatus

One hundred and thirty (130) legionaries participated in a five-day project in Idah. One thousand, six hundred and twenty- one (1,621) homes were visited. Cases of irregular marriages to be regularised, Muslims and Traditionalists considering conversion to the Catholic faith, catechumens interested in receiving baptism and practicing Catholics who indicated interest in the Legion of Mary were contacted.

Otukpo Regia

A new Curia has been established. Legion of Mary membership in the area is growing, though insecurity and economic challenges are impacting participation the Legion. The Council asked for prayers. The Senatus elected a new vice-president, and members are encouraged to promote the First Saturday devotion in parishes.

Senatus of Ibadan established two (2) new Comitia, six (6) Curiae and thirty- eight (38) praesidia and eleven (11) junior praesidia. Legionaries helped prepare two thousand six hundred and ninety- one people (2,691) for First Holy Communion, one thousand, four hundred and twenty- one people (1,421) for baptism, and one thousand, one hundred and seventy-one people (1,171) for confirmation. Two hundred and forty- eight (248) adults underwent the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and twelve (12) children were received for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC). Two (2) prison inmates received First Holy Communion and two (2) were baptised. Two hundred and thirty- five (235) marriages were rectified, sixty-nine (69) non-practicing Catholics return to the faith and one Traditionalist converted to the Catholic Faith. Patrician meetings are held monthly with large participation.


The Curia has established a new praesidium in Star of the Sea parish.

Senatus of Uganda

Ten (10) Comitia and two (2) Curiae have reported since the last report. Works undertook include helping hundreds of lapsed Catholics back to the sacraments. Preparing four hundred and eighty (480) children for baptism and eight (8) Muslims convert to Catholicism. Legionaries also carry out Legion of Mary work in fifty (50) schools. A Comitium reports visiting eight thousand, seven hundred and fifty- three (8,753) homes and visiting five thousand, three hundred and forty- six (5,346) patients in hospital and helping fourteen (14) couples received the sacrament of matrimony. Legionaries continue their evangelising work on Kisiima islands where a church is to be built. A second extension mission to Ethiopia was halted due to complications with visas but has been rearranged for 2025. The Senatus has adopted the theme ‘Do not be afraid’ for 2025 and seeks to deepen their service to Our Blessed Mother during the Jubilee year.

Councils under the care of the Senatus of Uganda:


The Senatus of Uganda visited Yambio Diocese to gather information on the Legion councils, which include six (6) Curiae and one hundred thirty- eight (138) praesidia, with a total of two thousand, eight hundred and twenty- six (2,826) legionaries. In October, legionaries returned to Yambio to celebrate the opening of the Yambio Comitium, the first Comitium in South Sudan. The bishop has appointed a Spiritual Director, who was sent to Uganda for a two- week induction. Two (2) legionaries completed a two week visit to Juba Archdiocese, where they engaged with the Archbishop, clergy, and heads of institutions to strengthen the Legion’s system. They visited praesidia and Curiae, offering support and training.


Hai Moshi Comitium

Works undertook include home and hospital visitation, contact with youths, some of whom are using drugs, encouraging couples to marry in Church and preparing adults and children for the Sacraments.

Dar-es-Salaam Regia

We look forward to hearing from you in your next report.


Blantyre Senatus

Elections for the assistant secretary were held in July, and an Annual General Meeting for the Senatus officers and Chaplains took place in August. Masses were also organised to mark the Legion Anniversary. Works undertook include visiting patients in hospitals, teaching Catechism to young catechumens, and counselling cohabiting couples, encouraging them to regularise their unions. Legionaries also prayed with bereaved families and visited lapsed Christians, helping many return to regular Church attendance. Most Councils reported efforts regarding aftercare for auxiliaries, including the rebuilding of a home for an auxiliary member whose house was destroyed by Cyclone Freddy. Additionally, legionaries have an apostolate to orphans and children from disadvantaged families, teaching them proper behaviour. The elderly are regularly visited in their homes, and in the Spirit of True Devotion to the Nations (TDN), legionaries assist them with household chores.

Maula Senatus

In February, in the Spirit of True Devotion to the Nation (TDN) training in business management was organised to help legionaries establish their own businesses and ease financial hardship. Two (2) new Curiae and one junior praesidium were established. A praesidium conducted a Retreat for Christians on what the Legion of Mary is and what role it plays in the church. Works undertook include visits to the sick at home and in hospital and connecting them with priests for the sacraments, teaching Catechesis, visits to cohabiting families and lapse Catholics, assisting the elderly with their chores and cleaning the church.

Zambia- Lusaka Regia

Changes to the revised edition of the Legion handbook are being translated and will be included in the Nyanja Handbook. Young Legionaries organised a successful Young Adult Conference in November. Councils held Conferences for officers with positive outcomes. The Regia officers met to prepare a plan for activities in 2025 and the Annual General Reunion at Marian Shrine was well attended. Works reported include praying with the sick at home and in hospitals, teaching and praying the Rosary in small Christian Communities, along with visiting cohabiting couples and encouraging them to get their marriages blessed in the Church. Throughout the month of October legionaries led the rosary in many parishes and gave talks on the importance of reciting the Rosary. A talk on the life of Frank Duff was given at a Mass for all men in the Archdiocese of Lusaka. Legionaries also visit a hospital for people who are suffering from leprosy.

Kasama Regia

We look forward to hearing from you in your next report.

Proposal to reduce Cincinnati Senatus to Comitium- December 2024

The proposal is to reduce Cincinnati Senatus to a Comitium under Arlington Senatus.

Restructuring of Cincinnati Senatus territory was recommended to them by Concilium some years ago. Its original Senatus territory has been divided as follows:

1. Detroit Regia in Michigan and Kokoma Comitium in Northern Indiana now report to Chicago Senatus. 2. Cleveland West Comitium in Northern Ohio now reports to Pittsburg Regia under Philadelphia Senatus. 3. Nashville Comitium and Knoxville Curia in Tennessee now report to Arlington Senatus. 4. The proposed Cincinnati Comitium will report to Arlington Senatus. It has five (5) directly attached praesidia and one (1) in formation. It has two (2) Curiae attached - Columbus Curia in Ohio and New Albany Curia in Southern Indiana.

All necessary councils’ approvals and all ecclesiastical approvals were obtained. Concilium wish to thank and the Chicago, Philadelphia and Arlington Senatus for accepting responsibility for new territory. Wishing all well with Legion extension in throughout this territory.

Some Handbook Reflections



“The report connects the work with the praesidium and therefore it must be a clear presentation of the doings of the member- in a sense as vivid as the picture on a cinema screen - such as will enable the other members mentally to engage in that work, to judge it, to comment on it, to learn from it. Accordingly, the report must show what has been attempted and achieved, and in what spirit; the time spent; the methods used; what has not been gained and the persons who have not been touched.” (Handbook 18:9)

It may be useful to remind ourselves of what the handbook says in regard to reports at the praesidium meeting as set out particularly in chapters 18, 19 and 33. Some points from those chapters are mentioned below:

The report, and all discussion upon it, must be delivered in a tone of voice which will reach every part of the room. Presidents must refuse to accept reports which require an effort to hear.

In its own way the report is as important to the meeting as the prayers They supplement each other. Both elements are necessary to a praesidium meeting. The meeting should be bright and cheerful. Therefore the reports should be such as will interest as well as inform the meeting.

The report must not be too long; nor too brief; above all, it must not be a routine phrase ....The praesidium cannot supervise a work unless it is fully informed about it…. if the report gives little indication as to what the legionary is really doing then the praesidium can exert only a vague control over that member’s actions. It will not stimulate him. It will not safeguard him.

No legionary should be content to give a merely good report. Why not aim very high, and deliberately set out to add to the perfect performance of the work a model report to the praesidium.

It is certain that anyone, who tries to make his report as he imagines Our Lady would make it, will not deliver a report which is inadequate from any point of view.

An important part of the training of the member should lie in the learning of the methods of other members, as disclosed through their reports, and in the hearing of the comments which one’s own reports elicit from experienced legionaries. It follows that if a report gives only meagre information, it cannot be the means of helping either the member who makes it or those who listen to it.

To remove from members the obligation to furnish adequate reports is also to remove that sense of minute control which means so much in the Legion system. No effective advice or guidance or criticism can be given so that the essential idea of the praesidium is frustrated. The education and safeguarding of the members which are based on the reports, are rendered impossible.

Unless the members’ weekly reports are adequately detailed to enable the minute control already referred to, indiscretion will almost certainly occur, with perhaps detriment to the Legion.

Every member should have a notebook in which will be kept a brief record of cases…. without its aid a suitable report will not be made.

Images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“The heart of Christ is “ecstasy”, openness, gift and encounter.”

(#28 in Encyclical Letter Dilexit Nos of the Holy Father Francis on The Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ, October 2024)

Concilium is delighted to be able to offer A3 images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, suitable for Home Enthronement to the Sacred Heart at the very reasonable cost of E1.50 each, and hopes that many homes will be offered the wonderful opportunity to have their homes enthroned to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

33 Day Preparation for Consecration to Jesus through Mary books.

It is great to hear at this month’s Concilium meeting of a is delighted to remind all of the availability for sale- at the very reasonable cost of E1.50- of this recent Legion of Mary publication, modelled on that of St. Louis Marie De Montfort. We pray that legionaries throughout the world will be inspired to implement, spread and promote this Consecration.

Columban Drive Cards.

The arrival of more Columban Drive cards to Concilium is surely a prompt for us all to expand our horizons as we plan for further extension work for 2025.

Repaid a Million-fold

It is wonderful to hear reports coming through of Councils purchasing a copy of this recent publication from Concilium to distribute among their auxiliary members. We look forward to receiving many more such orders. We very much welcome the prospect of Councils around the world translating it also so.

Mary’s Channel of Grace

We are so grateful to all who facilitated the daily transmission of Mary’s Channel of Grace on each of the 366 days of 2024, at 8 p.m. GMT, and to all who tuned in.

We look forward to seeing you all there next year, along with everybody you will invite.

Zoom Meeting ID: 811 4083 3503

Passcode: 876433


Thank you for your continued efforts for the Legion of Mary this year.

We pray that you all experience a very holy, peaceful and joyful Christmas, and that 2025 will be filled with many graces for you.
