Concilium Reports - August 2013

NORTH AMERICA, CANADA AND WEST INDIES UNITED STATE OF AMERICA Boston Senatus: Providence Comitium has 18 praesidia and 3 Curiae with 83 active and…

Concilium Bulletin - July 2013

REPORTS AFRICA BURUNDIThe Gitega Senatus reports 2 new praesidia directly affiliated. Thanks are due to the efforts of young legionaries from the…

Concilium Bulletin June 2013 - Reports

ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: Many young Argentinean legionaries will be taking part in the World Youth Day in Rio next…

Concilium Bulletin May 2013 - Reports

REPORTS MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICOMexico City Senatus: During the reporting period 1 Regia, 3 Comitia, 10 Curiae and 3 praesidia reported.…

Concilium Reports April 2013

AFRICA KENYA Kenya Senatus: Kisumu Regia celebrated its silver jubilee in December. In his homily Archbishop Okoth encouraged the Regia to recruit…

Concilium Bulletin March 2013

REPORTS AFRICA ANGOLA Luanda Regia: The elections of the President and Vice President of the Comitium of Cabinda were ratified in January this…

Concilium Bulletin February 2013

AFRICA BURUNDI Gitega Senatus: Legionaries continue to promote the De Montfort’s True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin among youth by forming…

Concilium Bulletin January 2013

Concilium Bulletin - January 2013 AFRICA IVORY COAST The Senatus is working well under its new President. The process of setting up two Regiae to…

Concilium Bulletin December 2012

Concilium Bulletin December 2012 REPORTS EUROPE SPAIN Madrid Senatus: Most praesidia work with Latino immigrants who are arriving in great numbers.…

Concilium Bulletin November 2012

Concilium Bulletin November 2012 REPORTS ASIA PHILIPPINES Western Visayas Senatus: 23 councils were represented at the Senatus by between 63 and 65…

Concilium Bulletin October 2012

Concilium Bulletin October 2012 REPORTS ASIA SINGAPORE Singapore Senatus: There are 31 junior praesidia in Singapore Archdiocese, with 17 in the…

Concilium Bulletin September 2012

Concilium Bulletin September 2012 REPORTS ASIA SRI LANKA Works include enthronements of homes to the Sacred Heart, teaching catechism to adults and…