Concilium Bulletin - October 2014


Kuala Lumpur Regia: Languages in the Regia include English, Tamil Filipino and Chinese. Reports were taken from 2 praesidia with a total membership of 31 members. Works include visitation of immigrants, a shelter for orphans, classes for migrants, YouCat and book barrow. 4-5 council reports are taken each month; their works include Sunday School facilitating RCIA in English, home and hospital visitation, helping the handicapped, contact with lapsed Catholics, visiting an orphanage, prisoners, also the Filipino and Indonesian communities.

Osaka Senatus
: The new Archbishop of Osaka was installed. One praesidium visited a man with a long history of alcohol abuse who has since returned to the faith; he has inspired the praesidium to get in touch with their local A.A. branch. Another praesidium does works of service and is helping out in Fucushima, an area hit by an earthquake. A new praesidium has started in Kadoma.

SINGAPORE: Four new Mandarin-speaking praesidia were formed, two in Miri (under Kuching Comitium) and two in Bintulu (under Sibu Comitium). The Legion is now in all four Archdioceses, six Dioceses and one Apostolate Vicariate. Archbishop William Goh has issued a pastoral letter to consecrate the Archdiocese of Singapore to Our Lady, Star of New Evangelisation.

HONG KONG Comitium: Four praesidia presented reports, one being its first annual report. Works include, street contact, Catechumen classes, Sunday School, visitation of hospitals and homes for the elderly. Two Concilium officers, Pat O’Donoghue and Michael Walsh attended the 65th Anniversary celebrations of the founding of the Legion in Hong Kong. Great numbers were present at Mass in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception concelebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Jon Tong and 13 priests. The Cardinal was high in his praise of the Legion since the day of its foundation in Hong Kong by Fr. Aedan McGrath in1949. The Concilium officers also visited Macau and were warmly welcomed by Bishop Rev. Joseph Lai and about 20 legionaries. The Curia in Macau has 6 senior and one junior praesidia.

Seoul Senatus:
The visit of Pope Francis in August was a wonderful event. One million people gathered in the Central Plaza of Seoul, with 2,000 legionaries acting as stewards. 1,300 legionaries attended the opening Mass of Asian Youth Day in Daejeon as representatives of the Seoul Archdiocese. According to reports, during the Pope’s five-day visit, “Korea was like Heaven, full of peace, harmony and reconciliation.” 124 people were Beatified during the Holy Father’s visit. Suwon Regia recorded 9,241 baptisms. Incheon Regia had 4,706 baptisms. A taxi-drivers praesidium of 8 members reported 11 returns to the Sacraments. A bank praesidium of 14 members had 8 baptisms and 5 returns to the Sacraments. ‘Star of the Sea’ Korean praesidium in St. Petersburg was affiliated to the Senatus.

Gwanghu Senatus: Annual reports of 2 Comitia and 3 Curiae showed a membership of 1,186, 309 baptisms and recruitment of 279 active members.

Daegu Senatus: An introduction of the Legion of Mary to newly ordained Deacons had an attendance of 22 Deacons. Bumeo Comitium recruited 361 catechumens and reported 138 baptisms and 55 returns to the Sacraments. Wolsong Comitium recruited 361 catechumens and 281 returns to the Sacraments. Most reports show visitation of hospitals and Welfare Institutions.

Malang Senatus:
The territory covers 5 Archdioceses, and 14 Dioceses, with the Legion of Mary in all but one. Visitation of councils and praesidia is mentioned in all reports. Works include visitation of Catholic families to encourage them to attend Mass, teaching newly baptised and helping with medical care for children. Semerang Regia broadcast prayers on radio and television when disasters such as flooding, volcano eruption and landslides occur. Makassar Comitium set up a new Curia and 2 new praesidia. Works are visitation of a prison and a Rehabilitation Centre for drug addicts, a mental hospital and a house for disabled people. A Curia in Merauke visit sick prison inmates; they also assist the priest with Sacraments for the sick. Kupang Regia has teams to combat disease and drugs; they
also teach catechism to children in various villages.

Malang Senatus celebrated its Golden Jubilee in July.2014.

Jakarta Senatus: The Legion of Mary is in all 5 Archdioceses and 12 Dioceses. A praesidium in Medan Regia reported visitation of stressed and stroke patients in a Mental Hospital. Tangeran Comitium prayed the Tessera prayers with a group of 17 adults and children in a remote area and had Handbook discussions with them; they also have a Patrician group and teach catechism. Kilmantan Curia has 3 new praesidia. Mater Dei Curia in Jakarta conducts a Sunday School and assists, “Vocations Section” seeking vocations for the priesthood and religious life.
AUSTRIA and Caretaker Countries

The Senatus reports covered 3 directly attached praesidia, 7 Curiae and 9 Comitia. More than 800 people attended a Youth Festival. PPC teams went to Slovakia, Lourdes, Berlin and Lemberg in Ukraine. A former legionary was ordained to the priesthood and another became a nun. In Wienerwald Comitium a healing was attributed to Frank Duff. In Linz Comitium 40 children and their parents attended a Nazareth Festival. Tragwein Curia (Muchlviertel Comitium) held a Youth Catechesis with Bishop Schwarz. A praesidium in Guntersdorf prepared a Buddhist woman for baptism. Extension efforts continue. 3 new praesidia were set up.

BULGARIA: Elizabeth Kriss spent one week in July with two extension workers. The Bulgarian Handbook is near completion.

CZECH REPUBLIC: Olmuetz Comitium hold an annual Winter School. Prague Comitium started 2 new praesidia. Works include preparing adults for baptism.

MOLDOVA: Chisinau Curia has 9 senior and 2 junior praesidia. The Bishop, six priests and 100 legionaries attended their Acies. Cemetery apostolate is among their works.

SLOVAKIA: Zseliz Comitium has 34 praesidia spread over 3 Curiae.

UKRAINE: Sr. Kriss worked in the region for 3 weeks. 45 attended a Summer School.

BELARUS: Two praesidia and 4 Curiae reported. Three new praesidia were established. A Minsk praesidium of 23 members has brought numerous people back to the Sacraments. Naliboki Curia organised two men’s Rosary Prayer Groups. Curia Spiritual Director, Fr. Marian carries out evangelisation accompanied by legionaries in nearby villages. 200 legionaries participated in a three-day Retreat in Baranovichi. On 3rd September a plaque commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Legion in the region was blessed by Bishop Jerzy Mazur from Poland, who when a priest in Belarus was the first to welcome the Legion into that country.

CROATIA and Countries under its Caretakership
Zagreb Regia: The Legion’s Radio Maria broadcasts continue monthly and the most recent subject discussed was the Legion Promise. 7 praesidia and 2 Comitia reported. Annual audits were submitted with all reports. Five new praesidia were set up and auxiliary membership is growing. A praesidium in Zadar Comitium visits betting shops. One person returned to the Sacraments after an absence of 30 years, thanks to home visitation. Seat of Wisdom Curia reported that a person associated with performing several abortions was helped to go to Confession and died soon afterwards. Herzegovine: Sarajevo legionaries visit homes, hospitals and an orphanage. They conduct two Prayer Groups and help blind people to attend Mass.
HUNGARY: Budapest Regia reports extension efforts. A new praesidium of 8 members was set up. Much work is being done for youth. Schools are visited where children are taught to pray and prepared for Holy Communion. Miskolc Curia has an apostolate to the homeless.

LATVIA: A junior praesidium in Riga Comitium promotes the faith among its own age group; they have started a public Rosary and promote this among their school friends and families. A new praesidium has been set up in Ogre parish. Legionaries from Rezekne Curia erected a Legion Stand in Algona during the weekend of the National Pilgrimage to the Shrine; this attracted much attention. In Jelgeva legionaries carried the banner during a procession and afterwards did contact work.

LITHUANIA has 2 Comitia, 9 Curiae and 29 directly attached praesidia. Two new praesidia were set up in Kaunus Comitium. The Curia in Siauliai held a Congress in May with an attendance of 53. In Telsiai Comitium extension effort to bring the Legion to new parishes continues. Returns to Confession and the Holy Eucharist after lapses of 20 and 25 years were reported. A 14 year old boy was baptised at Easter and now attends a praesidium while preparing for his 1st Holy Communion. A family of 5 people were visited resulting in 4 being baptised.

POLAND: Lublin Regia has 2 new praesidia; 8 probationers have already taken their Promise. All the usual works are undertaken. 4 people were brought to Confession and 2 couples to the Sacrament of Marriage. In Praga Comitium, Warsaw 3 new praesidia were set up. 8 new legionaries were enrolled in Walomin Curia. Works undertaken were arranging spiritual adoption of the unborn, which was taken up by 55 persons. 30 legionaries took part in a one day street contact project during which 60 Miraculous Medals were distributed. One praesidium works among alcohol and drug abusers and neglected families. Six preasidia visit the blind.

Warsaw Comitium reported an attendance of 10,000 at the Legion Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, where the Night Vigil was
based on the writings of Frank Duff. Three Bishops and 100 priests concelebrated Mass. The Bishops’ Conference re-appointed Bishop Roman Marcinkowski as Bishop Protector and Fr. Janusz Wegrzecki as Spiritual Director of the Legion in Poland.

ROMANIA: In Satu Mare Regia a praesidium of 14 members in one parish reported that the number of people attending daily Mass had doubled as a result of the Legion apostolate. Carei Comitium, in addition to its other works helps in the operating of Radio Maria.
Dromore Comitium
: Members of a praesidium in Newry visit a home for the elderly. Warrenpoint praesidium is involved in most parish activities. The Rosary is recited in a school weekly and Secondary Schools are visited yearly where DVDs on the Miraculous Medal are shown.

Navan Comitium: A praesidium of 6 members, 5 of whom are Praetorians, visited 100 homes, including non-Catholics. Another praesidium of 8 members and 41 auxiliaries visited 950 homes and a Secondary School. Their Spiritual Director produced a Mass leaflet for them which they give out on home visitation.
Trim Curia: A praesidium of 7 members, 3 of whom are Praetorians, when they meet non-believers on home visitation speak about belief in God. They also discuss the one true Church, the Real Presence and Our Lady when visiting non-Catholics. Mullingar Curia: A praesidium of 7 members with a junior praesidium attached carry out home, hospital and nursing home visitation.

Derry Curia: Creggan praesidium has 10 members and 40 auxiliaries. Their work includes home visitation and street contact. A recruiting drive was held in Lavey parish on 5th and 6th July. Waterside praesidium has 8 members and 34 auxiliaries. Works include home visitation, Pilgrim Statue and Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in homes. The men’s praesidium in Long Tower has 20 auxiliaries. Works include home visitation and Pilgrim Statue apostolate. The Comitium Congress on the theme, “Launch out into the Deep” was held on Sunday 14th September. The attendance included 55 legionaries from the Comitium and attached Curiae, their Spiritual Director, Fr. Tom Canning and Fr. Rory Brady from Letterkenny, who gave the closing address. The first 2 sessions were on the spiritual aspect
of the Legion, devotion to Mary etc. The third session was on the praesidium and Curia and the last session on Legion works. There were 4 representatives from Concilium.

Raphoe Comitium: Raphoe Curia: A reporting praesidium in Letterkenny has 5 members and 87 auxiliaries. They visit nursing homes and elderly people living alone. Another praesidium in Letterkenny has 6 members who visited the Institute of Technology on 4 occasions, distributing Miraculous Medals, Rosary Beads and spiritual material among the students. While on home visitation they had long discussions with lapsed Catholics and non-believers. Creeslough praesidium
has 3 Praetorians and 40 auxiliaries. Works include officering a junior praesidium, home and nursing home visitation. During July and August the Comitium had a book barrow on the market square in Letterkenny on Fridays and Saturdays. The Comitium received a letter of commendation from Bishop Boyce in which he thanked them for the excellent work they are doing in helping out with re-evangelisation in the Diocese.

Leitrim Curia:
An extension drive in Carrick-on-Shannon in June resulted in a new praesidium with 7 members. A praesidium in Longford town has 13 members, 2 of whom are Praetorians; they have 50 auxiliaries. Works include home and hospital visitation and Patricians with an average attendance of 10. A second praesidium in the town has 9 members. Works include the Consecration of families and homes to the Sacred Heart. Sunday Mass and the Sacraments are promoted on home visitation. Primary and Secondary Schools are visited. Legionaries from both praesidia help to run the junior praesidium.

Mid Clogher Curia: Annyalla praesidium members visit hospitals. A Mass to commemorate Alfie Lambe, Frank Duff and Venerable Edel Quinn was organised by the praesidium and celebrated on 18th August. The Concilium officer in charge of Ireland and the correspondent visited the July Curia meeting.

West Clogher Curia: Three members participated in a recruiting drive for Mid Clogher Curia in Monaghan in June. Lisnaskea praesidium has 8 members who bring Holy Communion to the housebound daily and visit 3 residential homes on Sundays. The praesidium in Ederney has 5 members who visit the old and lonely and a Centre catering for special needs patients. The library in the Church is run by the praesidium.

Kilmore Curia: Ballyjamesduff praesidium has 9 members who visit an Estate in the town. First Holy Communion children are given Rosary Beads each year. Drung praesidium members visit the sick and elderly in their homes; they also visit a nursing home and a hospital. An excellent report was received from a young man who attended the Youth Conference.

Clonmacnoise Curia: Works undertaken by the 3 praesidia include home visitation. Primary Schools in the area and a special school are visited before Confirmation.

Immaculata Curia: (Diocese of Down & Connor) has 6 praesidia. A reporting praesidium working in the Morning Star Hostel has 6 members. They serve dinners, pray the Rosary, organise Bingo and help in the Welcome Center each week talking to men and women suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness. The first report of another praesidium was given in July. Their duties include working in Primary Schools and promoting the story of Fatima. Another praesidium has 6 members who visit homes and encourage people to attend Mass. They organised a Mass in the Divis Garden on 20th August.

Down Curia has 8 praesidia. The reporting praesidium in Dundrum, which started at the end of 2013 does Fatima Statue visitation. A talk on Fatima by Fr. Michael Maher, SM, was attended by 50 people and 2 members were obtained from it. An Anniversary Mass for Venerable Edel Quinn was celebrated in Kilkeel in May.

North Antrim Curia has 9 senior and one junior praesidia. Rasharkin praesidium has 7 members and 49 auxiliaries. Works include Fatima Statue visitation and organising Eucharistic Adoration. One member prepares the Primary School children for the Sacraments. Coleraine praesidium has 29 auxiliaries. They visit nursing homes and bring Holy Communion to the residents. The First Holy Communicants in the school were visited and given Miraculous Medals. A new praesidium has been set up in Loughguile with 4 members. (Archdiocese of Armagh):

Armagh Curia: The new praesidium in Keady has 5 members who are being helped by the praesidium in Ardee, Drogheda Curia.

Drogheda Curia: The praesidium in Mosney is progressing. The annual commemoration at the grave of Sr. Kathleen Allen, former Legion Envoy was well attended. Legionaries, with the permission of the authorities, restored a statue of Our Lady in the grounds of St. Mary’s Hospital and had it blessed. Dundalk: The works of a praesidium of 6 members include hospital and nursing home visitation.
Mater Ecclesiae Curia:
Two members of the Quinn family attended prayers at Edel Quinn’s grave on Saturday 13 Sept. One praesidium has grown from 4 full members to 7. Auxiliary members join them for a weekly public Rosary. During home visitation a Japanese lady was met and subsequently instructed in the faith by a legionary; on her last day in Ireland she had a Mass said for her parents both of whom had committed suicide many years ago. Two nursing homes made a request that the Legion visit; now residents are delighted by the weekly prayers, hymns and songs.

Our Lady of Fatima Curia (Wicklow): A Deus et Patria weekend project to Brittas Bay included caravan park visitation. In Arklow on the night of Fri 12th September the DVD on Edel Quinn was shown to a group of 80 parishioners following a Mass to celebrate the 70th anniversary of her death. A recruitment drive in Greystones resulted in 1 new member. A Bray praesidium gained two members during the year but sadly 2 others passed away. All 5 members are Praetorians. Four nursing homes are visited and over 50 houses accepted the Pilgrim Statue.

Ancilla Domini Curia: the Joy of Israel praesidium has 5 members and 2 probationers, both recruited as a result of their newest apostolate, the Homework Club in Myra House. Other works include crowd contact in Temple Bar. Another praesidium has 7 active and 70 auxiliary members. They visit parishioners in hospitals and nursing homes. With the permission of the Parish Priest they did home visitation. A 6-member praesidium sets up the altar for two hours Eucharistic Adoration each Thursday; about 8 attend their monthly Patrician meeting.

Annunciata Curia: 16 people visited the Legion House during an Open Day along with 18 legionaries. Four Patrician meetings had 42 patricians and 12 legionaries in attendance. In another praesidium their Pilgrim Statue was requested by the parents of a women bullied at work. They read from Hilde Firtel’s book on Alfie Lambe to a 90 year old blind former legionary from Tullamore. 13 people were enrolled by legionaries in the Brown Scapular on July 19th. At the request of School Principals the Legion supplied 400 Miraculous Medals for distribution to the children at the end-of-year Mass.

Assumpta Curia: 8 legionaries and 22 patricians attended 2 Patrician meetings. Three members of one praesidium are registered to visit the Royal Hospital. Amongst their other works is monthly Grafton Street crowd contact. 3 of the 5 members of another praesidium are Praetorians and they have 9 religious Adjutorians. As well as home visitation, they sell Catholics Newspapers each weekend; one contact went on the Legion’s Lough Derg Pilgrimage and came back with a wonderful report. As a result of their monthly Frank Duff Prayer Group, a Novena was made to Frank Duff for a young woman with cancer and poor
chances of recovery; she is now back at work after chemotherapy. The Parish Priest invites two legionaries to the Pastoral Council meetings.

Benedicta Curia: One praesidium does street contact and home visitation; a lady whose son died from Aids invited them in; she says the Rosary daily.

Gloriosa Curia: the works of one praesidium include running a monthly Edel Quinn Prayer meeting, home and nursing home visitation; in the latter one of the legionaries uses his i-pad to draw and colour. Four secular and four order priests attended and thoroughly enjoyed the Priests Social in the Curia house in August, which included a BBQ followed by a DVD on Pope Francis.

Spouse of the Holy Spirit Curia is following up on special cases from the Jobstown Project organised with Immaculata Curia at which 113 volunteers participated in August. An extension drive in St Dominic’s, one of the four Tallaght parishes in September resulted in a new praesidium, which had up to 5 visitors. Another praesidium of 5 members runs a weekly Parish Day which features Bible reflections, music, gardening and baking. Each Friday they open the Oratory in The Square Shopping Centre for Mass.

Immaculata Curia: 34 legionaries and 33 patricians attended 9 meetings. As a result of the Jobstown Project one praesidium has had 2 visitors and another gained 2 auxiliary members. Two baptisms are due shortly. A praesidium with 7 members has 2 Praetorians. A monthly Mass is held for the Rosary Confraternity, which has 150 members.
Two recently ordained Seminarians who were auxiliary Legion members while in the Seminary have been assigned as missionaries to the Republic of Tchad and they request French Handbooks. The minutes are in Kirundu and have to be translated.

Butembo Senatus: Ten reports were given in July from Comitia, Curiae and praesidia: There are 2,037 active members and 851 auxiliaries in these councils. Works reported: Marriages blessed, children baptised, children brought to Mass, visits to sick at home and in hospital, participation in a radio programme for youths and adults. 673 children were given instruction in the faith. In August, the opening celebration of the 25th year Jubilee of the Senatus began with High Mass in the Cathedral, celebrated by Diocesan Bishop Paluka Melkisedech. He reminded those present of all the blessings the Legion had brought them, such as vocations to the priesthood and religious life, which came from legionary families. True Devotion to Mary leads them to give witness to Christ, and to live the example of
Mary. He emphasised the need for young people to integrate themselves fully into the Legion, in order to gain this help. The Bishop and 76 priests took part in a Formation session in August. A new Comitium was set up in the Regia of Beni in October. They request prayers for peace.
Lubumbashi: A mini Congress was held in August this year.

Kigali Senatus:
Over 20,000 legionaries and 30 Spiritual Directors from all over the country are expected at Kibeho, a Marian shrine where Our Lady has appeared. Prayers are asked for a successful day. A very strong junior presence has been noted in Comitium Kiziguru. The Comitium has 23 attached praesidia of which 3 are in schools, 24 Curiae have in excess of 5000 active members, 1684 auxiliaries and 74 junior praesidia with 1500 juniors. Comitium Ruhango has 66 junior praesidia, of which 16 were recently established. Many other councils report on having junior praesidia. Works include prison, home, hospital, orphanage and auxiliary visitation.

Reunion Comitium: June and July minutes of the Comitium show strong and faithful work by Curiae and praesidia: conversions, returns to the Sacraments, suicides averted by prayer, alcoholics rehabilitated, visitation of homes and of auxiliaries. They will be celebrating 70 years of the foundation of the Legion in 2015, and ask if Concilium could send a representative.

Reunion is in touch with Madagascar which has 23 praesidia. Praesidium reports are presented every month. Works include home-to-home contact, visitation of hospitals and preparation for the Sacraments. The Acies was held in the Cathedral of Namagora, with a good attendance of Legionaries.
Buenos Aires Senatus:
Annual reports are to the point and there are also very good comments. Attendance at the Senatus meetings is very good in spite of the long distances that city council officers have to make each month. Many families from the sects ask for their children to be prepared for First Holy Communion. Many of these families accept the Pilgrim Statue and eventually return to the Church.

Cordoba Senatus: In one Curia the members are dealing with children whose parents are in prison and whose grandparents are evangelicals. Another Curia reported two workshops for parents. They mention passing on clothing donated to them to a Children’s Hospital. The audit for 2013 was carried out.

Salta Senatus: Heroic work was started recently when a group of legionaries went down to an area where drug addicts congregate. The legionaries speak with them and pray the Rosary. The Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of the Sacred Heart is being promoted
with these young people.
Corrientes Regia: This council has 13 Curiae and 10 praesidia. There is a praesidium, on the border with Brazil, with an apostolate to Brazilians and
Uruguayans. A praesidium based in Corrientes reported visiting prisoners.

Belem Senatus: Several parishes in the city have Curiae, each with an average of five praesidia. Results from the legionary apostolate include the recovery of 12 young drug addicts and the conversion of a young evangelical. A morning of spiritual formation was arranged for auxiliaries. Legionaries escort the priest to hear Confessions and anoint the sick. Five couples were prepared for communal reception of the Sacrament of Marriage. June minutes report setting up of two praesidia.

Belo Horizonte Senatus: Seventeen priests took part in the Conference for Senatus Spiritual Directors. Also present were Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese, Bishop Wilson and Bishop Edson, representative to the Legion of the National Episcopal Conference. A praesidium in Gutierrez visiting expectant mothers promotes a prenatal spiritual and health programme, stressing the importance of Baptism and natural means of nourishment for the newly born. Fifteen men named Joseph were visited on the 19th of March with legionaries speaking about St. Joseph’s life. In Paracatu an Exploratio Dominicalis project resulted in five new members recruited for a weak praesidium. Two new praesidia also were set up. Three new praesidia were established in the Regia of Uberlândia.

Fortaleza Senatus: A praesidium in Fortaleza carried out 24 projects of evangelisation for adults, gathering 852 residents of several Favellas (shanty towns) for recitation of the Rosary, Gospel readings with meditation and a little teaching of catechism.

Ponta Grossa Senatus: A Comitium reported visiting a prison containing 70 prisoners and doing Bible reading for them. Legionaries in another Comitium prepared two elderly people to receive the Sacraments. Help and support were given to couples with problems and persons with depression. The Senatus has moved into a new premises.

Recife Senatus: The Regia of Maceio covering the State of Alagoas, one of the smallest in
Brazil, has almost 16,000 active members, about 1,000 being juniors. Two new Curiae were
set up. 37 drug addicts were helped through a Recovery Programme.

Rio de Janeiro Senatus: Cardinal Orani Tempesta, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, paid
tribute to the Legion of Mary on receiving a report of the special Legion event in which
2,000 young legionaries took part in the Cathedral in Rio, following the World Youth Day.
Extension continues with 14 praesidia set up in Tefe, Amazonas. Thirty members took part
in a Retreat in Copacabana, while 400 took part in a day of spiritual formation in the city
of Lages, Regia of Niteroi. Data from the western region of Amazonas shows four Comitia
in the State of Acre with several Seminary praesidia.

Salvador Senatus: In a city Parish in Salvador legionaries are entrusted with carrying
out the obsequies for the deceased. Extension continues with new praesidia set up in the
Senatus area each month. A legionary couple offer a special service of friendship to youths
living in special homes who have suffered abuse. They are brought to family social events.
The Senatus set up a Youth Secretariat.

São Luís Senatus: In one month reports tell of visits to 10,000 families. The sick were
enabled to avail of the public health services, being guided to fulfil the bureaucratic
requirements. Catechetical apostolate included preparation of parents and godparents for 296 Baptisms. Legionaries with medical qualifications provided almost 600 medical

São Paulo Senatus: The Spiritual Director of the Senatus and four other officers attended the Concilium meeting in September and had discussions with Concilium officers. The Diamond Jubilee of the Legion in São Paulo is being celebrated this year. The Regia of Santa Maria in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, affiliated to the Senatus of São Paulo, was raised to Senatus by the Concilium on 17th August 2014 and inaugurated on 28 September 2014.

Brasilia Regia: The Comitium of Anapolis, one of the places where the Legion first started in Brazil, reports the preparation for Baptism of six Adventists. Through an invitation to recite the Rosary a person was helped to avoid suicide. There were 45 visits to Basic Ecclesial Communities. A Comitium reported 155 children prepared for First Holy Communion.