Visit to Ghana Celebrations August 2015

On the invitation of the Senatus of Accra, Ghana, 2 legionaries represented the Concilium for their 75th anniversary celebrations. They were Janet…

Allocutio at October 2015 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

The Gift Of The Rosary To The Legion ************************************** The Legion Handbook is like a good jeweler’s shop that is full of…

Concilium Bulletin October 2015

ASIA Kuala Lumpor Regia: Rev. Fr. Frederick Joseph is the new Spiritual Director. A Filipino praesidium with 17 active members, 5 probationers and…

75th Anniversary Celebration in Manila July 2015

75th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS IN MANILA On behalf of Concilium, Maura and Michael McGauran reported on a very enjoyable and edifying visit to…

Concilium Bulletin September 2015

ASIA PAKISTAN The Curia in Karachi is working towards progression to Comitium status. Visiting homes, hospitals and institutions are mentioned in…

Allocutio at August 2015 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

Mary: Mother of Mercy As we continue to prepare for the great Jubilee of Mercy, the Legion instinctively turns to Mary the Mother of Mercy. She is…

Concilium Bulletin - August 2015

USA, CANADA AND WEST INDIES Boston Senatus: The Sancta Maria Hostel has been gifted to the Archdiocese enabling the Senatus to focus on extension…

Two Comitia in Brazil Raised to Regia Status

TWO COMITIA IN BRAZIL RAISED TO REGIA STATUS (1) A proposal to raise the Comitium, ‘Mater Dei’ in the city of Juiz da For a, in the Archdiocese…

Allocutio at July 2015 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor, OP

The Sacrament of Mercy **************************** At our last meeting I offered a preliminary reflection as remote preparation for the…

Concilium Bulletin July 2015

IRISH PROVINCIAL REPORT COMITIA Dromore Comitium: Mayobridge praesidium has 6 members. Works include visitation with a Statue of Our Lady to homes…

True Devotion to Mary

TRUE DEVOTION TO MARY It is desirable that the practice of the legionary devotion to Mary should be rounded off and given the distinctive character…

Allocutio at June 2015 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor, OP

The Face of Mercy ************************** On reading the letter of Pope Francis, ‘The Face of Mercy,’ announcing the extraordinary Jubilee…