Concilium Bulletin September 2015


The Curia in Karachi is working towards progression to Comitium status. Visiting homes, hospitals and institutions are mentioned in reports. Youth ministry and apostolate to the ghetto areas feature. Most praesidia have in excess of 20 members and much support is given to the various parishes.

Training sessions were held for junior praesidia and found to be helpful.

Kottar Regia engages in counselling alcoholics, teaching catechism, promotion of the Rosary and extension work.
Calcutta Comitium: A six-monthly reports was received in Belgali from Dhaka Curia.

Mumbai Senatus: Visitation of praesidia and councils is undertaken. Sunday catechism, RCIA classes, visitation of Catholics and non-Catholics is carried out. 47 legionaries attended a Legion Camp. The 4 praesidia in Nepal were visited from 13 – 19 April and a training day for officers was held. 55 legionaries attended the Acies. The Bishop was very appreciative of the Legion work. The visit was found to be a fruitful and enriching experience.
Visakhapatnam Comitium: The reporting Curia has 11 praesidia with 165 active and 225 auxiliary members. 8 praesidia were visited. A wide variety of works are undertaken, including helping the dying, sick, deaf and dumb. Legionaries also helped areas affected by cyclone damage, cleaning up main roads. Three new praesidia were started, each with 15 members.

Kerala Senatus: This council has 16 Comitia, 11 Curiae and 32 praesidia. The foundation praesidium in Pala celebrated its 75th anniversary.

Karnataka Senatus: Legionaries travel long distances to visit remote Outstations. Home/family visitation is done with outreach to all religions. Returns to the Sacraments after many years were reported. The three Causes are promoted.
Thoothukudi Comitium: 24 legionaries visited 48 prisoners; 12 were encouraged to go to Confession. 78 patients in the Leprosy Hospital were visited, also physically and mentally challenged patients. Extension is on-going.
Chennai Comitium: This council has 18 Curiae and a total of 212 senior and 39 junior praesidia. Over 1,000 people attended the annual gathering at Our Lady of Vellankani shrine. People of various faiths are visited and families reconciled. Catechism is taught and hospitals visited.

Pondicherry Senatus: Their annual planning meeting was held in August.

People of all religions and none are met through home and hospital visitation. Catholic children are taught catechism in state schools. A Curia which prayed to Frank Duff for new members reported good success. An atheist contacted by a Korean praesidium is now attending religious classes. A Junior Curia with 40 members work among fellow-students at Secondary School and University. The Good News newspaper and Miraculous Medals are distributed. Laos has two Curia with 300 members being helped by Bangkok Senatus at the request of the Bishop. Two legionaries have been assigned as coordinators to help with training. The Handbook and Tessera have been translated into Laos.

Over a period of three months three praesidia reported; one gave its membership as 11 active and 70 auxiliary. Homes in all areas and hospitals are visited. Three Comitia gave reports on their work. Lanka Comitium has 13 senior Curiae, 3 junior and 9 senior praesidia. Much home visitation is carried out. Adults and children are prepared for the Sacraments. 150 were enrolled in the Sacred Heart Confraternity. Galle Comitium: Galle suffered great damage during and after the tsunami. Legionaries are making valiant efforts to build up the Legion.

The Concilium Bulletin and other correspondence are received through the Archbishop’s House. They say that stocks of the 2012 Legion Handbook are depleted and need to be reprinted. Every praesidium has copies of the Frank Duff prayer in Burmese. Venerable Edel Quinn is also promoted. They held a two- day workshop on Child Protection; 30 legionaries attended.

HOLY LAND: Praesidia and Curia officers are to study Chapter 28 of the Handbook on Government of the Legion prior to a Conference to take place on 8th October 2015. Efforts are being made to start a praesidium in Bethlehem University. The parish praesidium encouraged 138 people to receive the Sacraments at Christmas. 12 families were prayed with at funerals; families on bad terms with each other were reconciled. In Jerusalem 700 sick persons at home and in hospital were visited.

Lebanon Comitium: Emphasis is placed on Legion Summer schools, two days for junior and one week for seniors. Assistance to refugees is continuing.


Brussels Senatus: This council recently had a PPC project to Chimay. One praesidium organised processions for the Tridium of the Assumption and Way of the Cross for Good Friday. Our Lady of the Angels praesidium has 20 active members and 1 probationer. Five new members were recruited during the year. One Moslem lady was delighted to receive the St. Michael prayer card. “Awaken Hope” prayers for vocations are promoted. Antwerp Regia was visited by correspondent Eddy Evers and Renate Seber (Frankfurt Senatus). The 94th anniversary of the foundation of the Legion was celebrated and an afternoon of evangelisation took place near Antwerp Cathedral.

Paris Regia: This council has 3 Curiae and 29 praesidia, some a good distance away. A new praesidium has started in the Diocese of Meux. Members of another new praesidium in Versailles attend the Regia meeting. A praesidium of 12 Haitian members is attached to the Regia. The newly refurbished Permanence in Lourdes has opened for the summer; more legionaries are needed to staff it. The Regia is planning to celebrate the Tercentenary of the death of St. Louis Marie de Montfort on 28th April 2016. The Legion, which started in Chateauneuf de Galaure in 1951, has two praesidia. The Vietnamese Curia legionaries in Lyon visit their own community, attend funerals, and promote the Annual Pilgrimage to Ars in memory of the Vietnamese martyrs.

Birmingham Senatus: In the Solihull parish good contacts are reported on street contact at the Bull Ring and elsewhere in the city. It was reported that due to contact with legionaries seven ladies had a change of heart regarding abortion. Blessing of homes, promoting the RCIA course and Enthronement of the Sacred Heart also figure in reports. One person returned to the Church after being lapsed for 71 years. In Bristol a “welcome home” Mass at Easter had lapsed and non-Catholics present. Junior legionaries promote the use of Holy Water in Birmingham Curia. In Coventry the ordination of Fr. Mark Higgins was a cause for great celebration.

Northampton Comitium: The Comitium has 63 active and 179 auxiliary members. In a joint effort, members of the St. Vincent de Paul and the Legion organise a monthly Mass for the elderly and housebound.

Liverpool Senatus: The good news from Liverpool is the printing of the Legion Handbook in Swedish. On their visit to Dublin Bro. and Sr. Kirstein presented copies of the Handbook to Concilium.

Newcastle Comitium: The 70 auxiliaries and Apostleship of Prayer group are a prayerful support for the practical work of praesidia. Promoting the Venerable Edel Quinn Cause, book barrow apostolate, running the Church Repository and Patricians featured in the report from Leigh Curia.

Brentwood Comitium: A reporting praesidium holds House Rosaries in May and October with an attendance of 10-20 people. These are advertised in the parish newsletter and find that they have a queue of people wanting them. Some items of interest reported by praesidia were - as a result of visiting a residential home a patient expressed a desire to become a Catholic; a function was held for auxiliary members; gifts of Miraculous Medals were distributed to Confirmation candidates and as a result of a recruiting drive 32 gave their names, 16 of them being auxiliaries. A Rosary Club work, resulted in the Rosary being said every First Friday of a month in the school.

Southwark Comitium: This council has 4 Curiae, 10 senior praesidia with 186 active members, and 3 junior praesidia with 45 active members. On street contact a leaflet entitled “7 reasons you should be a Catholic” is shared with people of other denominations. Crowd contact at railway stations, children’s liturgy, RCIA courses and Patrician meetings were mentioned. Juniors are encouraged to say the Frank Duff prayer every day. Extension is on-going.

Hammersmith Curia: Legionaries engage with parishioners while serving breakfast in the Parish Hall after the 8 a.m. Mass.
West Middlesex Curia: The praesidium in Greenford has 12 members and a Spiritual Director. Trojan work is being done by legionaries in Hayes despite small numbers. The praesidium in Northfield had a surprise visit from a priest from Nigeria who was very supportive and told them that their apostolate is a hidden one but very important. He advised the members that they should never feel discouraged. Southall praesidium has 21 active members and 39 auxiliaries, plus a junior praesidium attached. Extension is undertaken.

Swansea Curia established a new praesidium and has held its first Congress.

Frankfurt Senatus will celebrate its Golden Jubilee in January 2016. The Legion DVD was shown in Frankfurt High School. PPC projects are planned for Leipzig and Erfurt
Munich Regia: This council has 2 Comitia, 9 Curia and 8 praesidia attached. Legionaries manned a stand at the Munich Festival.

Cologne Regia has 2 Comitia, 2 Curia and 5 praesidia attached; they have new members. 30 legionaries took part in a World Prayer Day.

Berlin Comitium has 8 praesidia and one Curia attached which has 4 praesidia. Works include visitation and encouraging lapsed Catholics to return to the faith.
Freiburg Comitium has 3 Curia and 3 praesidia attached. The Frank Duff Cause is promoted. Daamstadt Curia has 6 praesidia attached and carried out extension during the year. The Frankfurt Korean Curia has 14 praesidia and works among the Korean/Chinese people.

Zurich Comitium has 1 Curia and 14 praesidia attached. Legionaries regularly participate in Swiss Radio Maria programmes.

Huge distances are involved for members attending meetings. The Curia has 5 praesidia. Sr. Metzler and Bro. Seber plan to visit the country in October.

The Curia there has 6 praesidia. Works include visiting the sick, the old and lapsed Catholics.

Members of Zurich Comitium (Switzerland) visited praesidia in Drammen and Tonsberg and the two Filipino praesidia in Bergin. In Tonsberg, the praesidium has 10 active and 17 auxiliary members. In a wide-ranging apostolate they teach catechism to children, visit the sick and lonely. One adult from Cuba was recently baptised following a course of instruction given by legionaries. In Dramen 6 members visit nursing homes where they pray the Rosary with residents. Religious instruction was given to a visiting youth from Portugal during the summer months.

Amsterdam Regia: This council has a Curia at Heerlem and extension efforts continue in Amsterdam. The Cape Verde Curia in Rotterdam has 8 praesidia with 60 active and 45 auxiliary members. Efforts are being made to recruit among the Portuguese-speaking community.


Cloyne Comitium: Midleton praesidium, with 12 members has 4 members on continuous home visitation of the Estates and 2 members visiting in surrounding areas. On Saturdays in May they set up a May Altar outside the supermarket and engaged in contact work during which they distributed prayer cards and Miraculous Medals. Members did visitation projects in Shanagarry and Cloyne at the request of Fr. Joe Rohan, Comitium Spiritual Director. Carrigtuohill legionaries, helped by other praesidia did visitation of a Housing Estate in preparation for an outdoor Mass. Cobh legionaries are doing good contact work with people from the many Liners visiting Cobh. Officers of East and West Cloyne Curiae attended and presented reports at the July Comitium meeting.

Cork Comitium: A praesidium with 9 members takes the Fatima statue to a new Estate and recites a public Rosary. This brings out the children and the children bring out the parents. In this way they also get parents who welcome the Fatima statue into their homes. Another praesidium promotes Mass and the Rosary on home visitation and also visits a Halting Site for Travellers. Glounthaune praesidium has 5 members with 10 auxiliaries. Three praesidia reported at Muire na Gras Curia. Annunciata Curia has 6 praesidia. Their works are hospital, nursing home and housebound visitation.

Kerry Comitium: Posters for the Youth Conference were displayed in every parish in the Diocese of Kerry. On behalf of the priest one praesidium was asked to recruit in the schools for altar servers and they got a response of 20. Legionaries organised the training for them. The procession of Our Lady through Killarney continues to take place on the 13th of each month until October. Contact work is done at each procession. Two Chinese boys were prepared for Baptism and one legionary was Godmother to one of the boys. Legionaries keep in touch with 5 Chinese children who were recently baptised. Prior to a recruiting drive in the Diocese the Comitium held a Novena to Venerable Edel Quinn and finished the Novena with a visit to her birth place.

Mid Clare Comitium: Ballyea praesidium visits homes where Miraculous Medals, Edel Quinn and Alfie Lambe leaflets are distributed. The local Primary School was visited and Miraculous Medals and leaflets given to the First Holy Communion children. West Clare Curia: An MEP (extension) project took place in Kilrush on 15/16 June. There were 28 volunteers from Cork, Kerry, Tipperary, Limerick, Louth and Clare. Frs. Michael Kennedy and Derek O’Connell were the Spiritual Directors. 1,183 homes were visited. There were 10 special cases, 111 lapsed Catholics and 24 non-Catholics encountered. 14 prospective new members were contacted. Fr. Kennedy heard Confessions. East Clare Curia: Four legionaries attended the annual Charismatic Conference in Fanore and were involved in the music ministry at the event.

Thurles Comitium: 26 legionaries volunteered for the MEP project to St. Paul’s Parish in Waterford. An MEP project for Thurles was given the go-ahead by Fr. Martin Hayes. Fr. Michael Kennedy and 3 legionaries from Tipperary took part in the PPC project to Oulu, Finland, organised by the Senatus of Scotland. Tipperary Curia report the erection of May Altars in the Co-Op and Supervalue stores. In Templemore the praesidium is reported to be “very visible” in the parish and local Church. Works include Pilgrim statue visitation, public Rosaries, Eucharistic Adoration, Pioneers, erection of the Crib in the Town Hall and visiting the schools. Child Safeguarding was also mentioned. Murroe Curia reported Child Safeguarding, plus a variety of works, including extension and recruiting.

Birr/Roscrea Curia: The works of a reporting praesidium with 7 members include hospital and nursing home visitation. They also run Patrician meetings. A junior praesidium has 5 girls, 3 boys and 2 senior officers. Their works include Mass serving and visitation of a nursing home where they entertain the residents with music and singing. Dunkerrin has an all-male praesidium. One of their active members is 90 years old. They visit the elderly in their homes and in nursing homes and were involved with the Youth 2000 Conference in Mount Saint Joseph’s Monastery, Roscrea.

Limerick Curia: A Patrician meeting with the title “Christianity, a Love Affair with God” was held. A new praesidium has started in Caherdavin. The works of a reporting praesidium with 7 members and 48 auxiliaries includes home visitation to parishioners and University students living in the parish. They addressed the Confirmation classes in 2 schools and promoted the three Causes. Two members were delegates to the Diocesan Synod. Another reporting praesidium has 10 members and 50 auxiliaries. Works include home and nursing home visitation and members assist the new praesidia in Caherdavin and Mary Immaculate College. The Correspondent and Concilium Officer in charge of Ireland attended the July Curia meeting.

Lismore Curia: Some of the works undertaken by the 4 praesidia include Pilgrim statue visitation, organising attendees at Eucharistic Adoration, plus distributing Miraculous Medals and leaflets at various events.

Ross Curia: This council has 9 praesidia. The Curia is trying to establish Patricians. A meeting took place in July which was regarded as very successful. Praesidia were reminded to ensure that all members are Child Protection Garda vetted. Timpleague praesidium has 6 members. Miraculous Medals are given to the First Holy Communion classes. The Rosary is recited publicly at Our Lady’s Well in the month of May and at a statue in the Church grounds during October.

Waterford Curia: Bishop Alphonsus Culinan took part in the Rosary Procession in May, which had a good attendance. 27 legionaries took part in the MEP project on 10/11 November 2014.


Presentata Curia: A Regina Coeli hostel praesidium, with a special responsibility to mothers and children, has 7 full and 1 probationary member; two took their promise in March. Two long-serving members retired. Two children were baptised, one of them 9 years old; this afforded the legionaries a chance to help the mothers in their spiritual life. On Shrove Tuesday, pancakes were given to the children, which provided an opportunity to tell them about the importance of Lent. The mothers were brought to the RDS for the Divine Mercy Conference in February and a former resident joined them with her 3 young children. Other activities include a Holy Hour every Thursday and piano lessons. The praesidium is looking forward to new challenges. In another praesidium, 2 of the 6 members are Praetorians. They have 60 auxiliary members and distribute 60 copies of the Maria Legionis. More than 100 Frank Duff leaflets were handed out during street contact outside local shops.

Exaltata Curia: A second praesidium in the Regina Coeli Hostel gained 2 members, now having 11. In order to care for the spiritual needs of the residents, they run a Bible Study Morning every Monday and a Holy Hour on 3 days of the week. The praesidium organised trips to Multyfarnham (with 8 residents), Glencree (with 9 residents) and Knock. One former resident is currently in the Cenaclo Community in Italy. Temporal care is provided by means of helping with doctor and hospital visits, hygiene and laundry. 6 residents were brought to the Dublin Zoo in May and arrangements were made for 3 of them to go on a St. Vincent de Paul holiday to Naas.
A praesidium with an African Spiritual Director has 9 active members from Ireland, Nigeria and Togo, plus 2 auxiliary members. Every week pairs of legionaries do street contact advertising the African Masses and devotions. Home visitation is done to specific cases such as a Nigerian Anglican lady whose husband died. Various duties within several Churches are undertaken by members such as Minister of the Eucharist duties.

Bethlehem Curia: 20 patricians and 5 legionaries attended 2 meetings. A praesidium of 6 members invited 166 people to join during the year and devised a Church poster to attract new members. A 102 year-old resident of a nursing home, visited weekly, who was always glad to see the legionaries, passed away during the year. A book barrow is operated at the Garden of Remembrance during the summer months. In June an afternoon of prayer was organised to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life; 16 attended including a Chinese chaplain and a reverend sister. The Curia also held a Public Rosary; blessed Rosary beads were given to all 40 people who came, half of them children; the customary Legion cup of tea was enjoyed afterwards in the Curia house. Another praesidium uses a book barrow at the GPO and makes many good contacts at the taxi rank on O’Connell Street. Their 104 recruitment efforts resulted in 14 visitors to the paresidium. A Frank Duff Prayer Meeting is held every quarter.

Porta Coeli Curia: One praesidium’s main works are (1) the delivery of 82 copies of Maria Legionis. (2) Visiting the sick and elderly (3) Promoting and monitoring of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. During the year they organised seven Patrician meetings and a number of Frank Duff prayer group meetings. On behalf of the parish they were involved in the enrolment of associate members for the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Another praesidium gained 3 new members during the year, now having 8. The main work is home visitation.

Veneranda Curia: A praesidium of An Réalt (for the promotion of Irish culture)was formed recently with 4 legionaries from 4 different Curiae and 1 probationer. A praesidium of 3 full and 2 probationary members runs a Lending Library of books and DVDs. Sacramentals and free literature are also available. Miraculous Medals were given to the Sacrament classes of the local Primary School while the Secondary School was invited to visit the Legion Hostels and Concilium; they plan to speak to the Transition Year students.

Consolata Curia: A praesidium of 6 members organised an Exploratio Dominicalis in an area of their parish suggested by the Parish Priest, who asked them to express a heartfelt and warm welcome on his behalf. Twelve legionaries took part. Legionaries make tea once a month after the Polish Mass, which is very much appreciated. During their weekly nursing home visitation they provide 2 hours of song, dance and hymns for residents. Some residents are brought to the Chapel to pray. Home visitation is also done and a Pilgrim statue is circulated to homes. Another praesidium sets up the Legion altar in the local Church each month; 8 auxiliary members were recruited on the first occasion.
As well as home and nursing home visitation Confirmation class children were spoken to and given religious packs.


Abidjan Senatus: One Regia, four Comitia, two Curiae and seven praesidia gave their Annual Reports to the Senatus over the last 3 months. They have over 13,000 active members of whom 2,029 are Praetorians, 2,122 auxiliaries of whom 1,071 are Adjutorians and there are 2,219 probationers. They made over 130,000 visits to homes and many other locations and contacted Catholics other Christians, members of sects and people of no religion. They also visited sick people in their homes and in hospitals. The fruits of their work include: Returns to Mass 995; Baptisms 18; Sacrament of Reconciliation 18; Sacrament of the Sick 679; Marriages regularised 895; Families reconciled 454; Catechumens recruited 12,148. They have 1,626 legionaries teaching Catechism. The Senatus established one new adult Comitium and three Curiae during this period and they are planning the establishment of five Junior Curiae.

Senatus of Brazzaville: The inauguration of the Senatus of Our Lady of the Congo took place in Brazzaville on Sunday May 24th, the Solemnity of Pentecost. Thousands of legionaries from all over the Congo attended the Mass for the inauguration in St. Anne’s Basilica, which was celebrated by Fr. Kizaboulu, Regia Spiritual Director. The Concilium was represented by a delegation of officers from the Senatus of Lomé, who officially inaugurated the Senatus on their behalf, to the applause, singing, dancing and joy of the legionaries present. 27 probationary members of one Curia took their Legion Promise on the 8th December 2014. Works include teaching Catechism, Eucharistic ministry, preparing the liturgy, hospital and prison visitation. Many contacts were also made with members of sects and atheists. A praesidium of 9 members contacted 7,500 people in the course of the year. 23 couples were reconciled and 27 people returned to the Sacraments. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Regia reported 15,000 contacts over two months, resulting in 58 people undertaking catechesis, 2 marriages validated, 49 couples reconciled, 9 returns to the Sacraments and 16 requests for Baptism. During visitation of a Curia by two delegates of the Regia, it was established that the weak point of the Curia was its efforts at extension. An Exploratio Dominicalis project was recommended. The Bishop of Ouesso, 20 Spiritual Directors and over 500 legionaries took part in a Pilgrimage and days of formation for legionaries in the lead up to the annual Acies ceremony. A new Curia has been set up recently. As heavy flooding threatened the cancellation of a Retreat organised by the Regia on “The Family – place and witness of evangelisation”, the 1000-plus legionaries in attendance were reminded of the Handbook where it says ‘The legionary must always hold fast and obstinately refuse to lose courage’.

Malabo Regia: The affiliation of the Bata Comitium is developing very well. The new Bishop requested a meeting with the officers and asked for a detailed report of the Legion in the Diocese. Legionaries are now doing jail visitation. They visit families who have been recruited by the sects; a large number have returned to the faith. They prepare parents for the Baptism and First Communion of their children. Of 60 people invited to the Legion, 22 attended, 9 persevered and made their promise. Two couples received the Sacrament of Marriage after dialogue and prayer with legionaries.

Lome Senatus: Officers visited Brazzaville for their council’s elevation to Senatus status. Two Congresses, patrician meetings, a Conference on the True Devotion, conversions and a praesidium based in a prison were reported on. Many new praesidia were started, including some in Secondary Schools.

Douala Senatus: Mbanga has a prison praesidium with 41 members; 40 of these prisoners are catechumens. A new praesidium in Eseka has 18 members. Most councils report on having junior praesidia. Buea mentions 25 conversions in the first 6 months of this year. Limbe and Yaounde Regia recorded 86 and 103 conversions respectively.

Moundou Comitium has 6 Curiae and 14 attached praesidia. The Acies was held in March. They visit people who have lapsed from the faith, the sick and elderly and also encourage the Sacrament of Confirmation.

BENIN REPUBLIC: The average membership of the senior praesidia reporting was 17 and of the junior praesidia reporting to junior Curia, 26. Persons and families of all religions and none are included in the Legion’s outreach with good results in conversions, returns to the Sacraments and marriages regularised. From 30th May onwards, a programme of events to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Legion in the country has been in progress. The Spiritual Director of Lomé Comitium asked that council meetings accommodate the local language (in this case “Fon”) as well as French.

Mexico City Senatus: This council has two Regia, two Comitia and 7 Curiae. Two praesidia gave their reports during this period. A Curia reported organising Holy Hours in homes at the behest of the Parish Priest and with the help of Eucharistic Ministers. In Perote, the Puebla Regia area, 5 praesidia were set up recently. Street Rosaries are organised, 5 families are selected to mount a little altar outside their home and a Mystery of the Rosary is recited at each altar as legionaries and parishioners process along the street. During the Senatus meeting the Handbook was quoted regarding every active legionary doing substantial active legionary work.

Merida Senatus: All reports indicate good numbers of auxiliaries. A mother and her family who had joined the Jehovah Witnesses returned to the practice of the faith and she (the mother) joined the local praesidium. In another case the father of a family returned to practice and arranged for the Baptism of his child. A Curia reported that 4 of the 17 attached praesidia were set up in the past year. The Miraculous Medal is widely distributed, always with an explanation. Most councils report that a good number of legionaries are catechists.

Durango Regia: Following a recent Pastoral Council meeting it was proposed at the Regia meeting that they should “evangelise house to house and speak to everyone without fear.”

Monterrey Regia: The attached Comitium of Saltillo organised Masses and Prayer Groups in areas of high vandalism. A new Curia with one junior and 4 senior praesidia was set up in a rural area. A very successful Retreat was organised in an area where practice of the faith is poor and it is hoped to set up a praesidium in that area. One praesidium organises prayers and Masses for bereaved families, resulting in many of them returning to the practice of the faith. A Curia promotes “True Devotion to Jesus through Mary.”

Guadalajara Regia: A new praesidium was recently set up. All praesidia and councils report auxiliaries, but numbers are low. A junior praesidium promotes the Miraculous Medal and helps with the Children’s Mass. They also organised a Retreat for young people.

Hermosillo Regia: The officers of the Regia plan to visit the new Spiritual Director of an attached Comitium to discuss with him Legion administration.

San Salvador Senatus: In the Chalatenango area, where 19 praesidia were set up following a very successful PPC project, the local councils are taking care of the training and formation of the new legionaries. They also obtained approval from the local Vicar to do contact work in the vicinity of the Cathedral. Legionaries visiting the Mariona prison gave instruction to 40 prisoners; three received the Sacrament of Baptism, 10 made their First Holy Communion and 5 received Confirmation. 25 young people, children of non-Catholic parents were converted as well as 16 adults, two of whom are now legionaries.

Senatus of Tegucigalpa: There are plans to raise an attached Comitium to Regia status and attach a number of councils which are not visited, nor do they have a correspondent present. The Spiritual Director of the Senatus is encouraging unity, training and extension.

Managua Regia: Attached councils are actively extending. The Comitium of Leon set up two new praesidia. A junior praesidium attached to the Regia now has 30 members and plans to divide. They target sports competitions and events to recruit young people. A senior praesidium attached to the Regia recruited 9 new members and the praesidium is now in a position to be very active in the parish. One member gives talks on True Devotion to Mary. The Regia has been in touch with the Senatus of Mexico about purchasing new Handbooks.

Senatus of San José: The Senatus appears to be working well, visiting distant councils and trying to appoint dedicated correspondents. The visit of the Concilium visitors in February was a great help to them.