Concilium Bulletin - August 2015


Boston Senatus: The Sancta Maria Hostel has been gifted to the Archdiocese enabling the Senatus to focus on extension of the Legion. Rutland praesidium organise the Adoration schedule and have prison apostolate; they plan to speak at Masses to promote the Legion. In Providence Comitium, RI, conversion works brought about Baptism and First Communion of 4 children with parents returning to practice. Also a Muslim lady was received into the Church. They started one new praesidium. The Korean Curia visit families of newly baptised infants. Confession was arranged for 6 nursing home residents. Hartford Comitium, CT, held an Acies Ceremony in a prison for 2 praesidia.

Philadelphia Senatus: Archbishop Chaput was chief concelebrant at a Mass on the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Legion in Philadelphia. In Camden Comitium, the Ocean City boardwalk summertime book barrow is in its 33rd year. Three praesidia visit a prison monthly. Pittsburgh Regia has an outreach to a Correctional Facility and has a praesidium in a local prison. Altoona-Johnstown Curia organised three Marian Days; one had 550 attending. A ‘Conservation’ Day in Bucks County Curia had 26 legionaries visiting 200 homes with 160 contacts. A praesidium in Andorra, PA, conducts a Frank Duff prayer group on First Fridays. Allentown Curia reports the validation of a marriage and the couple’s child baptised on the same occasion. An Extension Day in June had 55 legionaries and parishioners going door to door and contacting 518 persons in 410 homes, mostly Hispanic
Arlington Regia, VA: The Legion is present in all Dioceses and involved in a variety of evangelising apostolates. Crowd contact at Arlington County Fair had Literature and sacramentals passed out to passers-by. The Regia had a workshop on Liturgy of the Hours for Praetorian and Adjutorian members. Washington Comitium had a Workshop in Mary on the role of Evangelisation. A Recruitment drive was held at St. Mary’s Alexandria, VA.

Chicago Senatus: The highlight of the May Gathering this year was the presence of Fr. Bede McGregor and Fr. Liam O’Cuiv, Concilium delegates, to the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Senatus. Over 100 legionaries came from 5 States, many travelling great distances, to be present at the weekend Conference and Senatus meeting. A Legion stand at an Ethnic Fair had 17 legionaries making contact and distributing over 600 Rosary beads and Miraculous Medals to the participants. South Juliet, IL, has organised a vigil to support priests for the past 25 years. The local pastor credits the Legion with the increase of attendance at Masses in his parish. In East Chicago Curia, Crowd Contact is done at a train station, offering Miraculous Medals and Catholic literature to passers-by. Legionaries in Chinatown had a Legion booth at the Summer Fair, making contact and distributing Miraculous Medals and Catholic literature.

St. Louis Senatus: 17 new works were undertaken in the 12 praesidia since last year. They include; Enthronements to the Sacred Heart, prison visits, and welcoming new parishioners. Known results include 33 lapsed returning to practice and 2 conversions to the faith. Within the Senatus, they report two new praesidia, including a junior group.

Cincinnati Senatus: Detroit Regia has 1 Comitium and 9 Curiae with 760 members. Catechism and door to door evangelisation feature here. Dayton Curia, Ohio, host Legion booths at fairs and did a four-day street apostolate in Cincinnati. 62 Legionaries participated in PPC to Munchie, Indiana, in June.

San Francisco Senatus: A new Spanish Curia was affiliated in Santa Rosa with its 4 elected officers ratified. Their Spiritual Director, Fr. Juan Carlos Chiarinoti and 12 legionaries attended the June meeting. The praesidium in St. Agnes Church makes recruiting a priority. To encourage their 158 auxiliaries and 14 Adjutorians they held a special luncheon afternoon with stories of their Legion history and some worldwide news for them.
New York Senatus: This council is planning an upgrade of administration of councils to respond to present needs, due to expansion of the Legion in their territory, e.g., Chelsea Curia gained 34 and the Korean Comitium 17 new members respectively, since last year. Many councils report annual Retreats are well attended. Catechism is being taught to First Communion children.

Houston Senatus: Officers attended the ordination ceremony of the new Bishop of Victoria, TX, their former Spiritual Director, Bishop Cahill. Many praesidia have more than one Pilgrim Statue in use, which are having positive results, uniting families. Prisoners are visited and prayed with and religious literature shared. One adult and two youths were converted. The Regia of New Orleans had 200 at their Acies ceremony.

Miami Regia: This Council governs the Legion in five States – South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi and, in addition, on a caretaker basis, Jamaica and the Bahamas, each with a Curia and 12 praesidia. An extension worker, Sr. Amber Rose, assigned to introduce the Legion at the new Ave Maria School of Law at Naples, Florida, has now extended her efforts to the Florida Gulf Coast University at Fort Myers. Dade/Broward junior Curia reported that the Curia had been strengthened by the resurrection of one praesidium which had ceased functioning over a year ago.

Toronto Senatus: Newfoundland Curia had a 6-week parish Retreat, based on the 33 Day preparation for True Devotion to Mary. A praesidium of 6 juniors, ranging from 14 to 16 years of age do door to door and nursing home visits with seniors. Their two Adjutorians have recently been ordained to the Diaconate.16 juniors attended a Retreat organised by their senior praesidium. The seniors conducted the programme and cooked the food.

Vancouver Comitium: Six members made 75 contacts with prostitutes and drug addicts, distributing Rosary beads and Miraculous Medals. Legionaries engaged in street contact encountered 379 people. Many were from different countries, cultures and faiths, including some lapsed Catholics. 292 other contacts were made at the Sky Train, Bus Depot, bus stops and apartment hallways. One Curia reported ministry to children and youth, teaching catechism and assisting families at funerals.

Montreal Senatus: 3000 Frank Duff prayer cards were printed for distributing to parishioners. Two African praesidia report 8 and 15 active members respectively, including 9 probationers. Some fruits of their contact apostolate included; 1 conversion, a couple reconciled in marriage and a suicide prevented; also, hospital and housebound visitation, including the doing of house chores for elderly people. Moncton Curia has a telephone apostolate for the distressed. Several praesidia telephone the lone-dwellers to encourage them in the faith. All have catechism for Baptism and Marriage preparation. 9 members of a Hispanic praesidium do Pilgrim Statue apostolate in addition to other works.

Senatus of Santo Domingo: 45 legionaries participated in the annual Holy Week project organised by the Senatus. Legionaries, at the invitation of the priest, go to areas he cannot reach and conduct the Easter Triduum, with the washing of feet, celebration of the Word, the Way of the Cross, Adoration of the Cross, the Easter Vigil. This year they appointed one or two pairs to work in each of the 16 communities selected. 1,140 homes were visited to encourage attendance at the Triduum, 446 young people were contacted, 470 children catechised, 243 sick visited. There were total attendances of 640 to 1,000 at each of the Paschal Ceremonies. These communities have no catechists, and are visited by a priest every one or two months.

Senatus of Santiago de los Caballeros: All praesidia visit homes, the sick in hospitals and at home, and many visit the local jails. The Comitium Madre del Divino Niño, with 400 members reported the case of a youth dying from terminal hepatitis. The doctors stated that he had little time left, and following a campaign of prayer conducted by legionaries he was miraculously cured. The Comitium Reina De Las Vírgenes de Cristo Rey has 6 Curiae, one of which is entirely of men. They report on 13 men in prison being prepared for Holy Communion and who are now preparing other prisoners to receive the Sacraments. A youth dying of leukaemia was supported by the prayers of legionaries and to the great surprise of the doctors was cured.

One praesidium has increased from 7 to 12 members. Among the works are visiting hospitals and counselling of 30 persons, which resulted in two families returning to the Sacraments. Another praesidium has a membership of 9 and 62 auxiliaries and works of home and hospital visitation. 15 lapsed Catholics returned to Mass. The Comitium in Dominica has a membership of 106 active members, 14 probationers, 95 auxiliaries and 5 junior praesidia with a total of 57 members. Among the works carried out were home, hospital and prison visitation. 8 lapsed Catholics returned to practice. 2 adults and 3 children were baptised.

Works include visitation of homes and hospitals meeting people of many creeds and none, visiting the sick and aged at home and bringing Holy Communion to them and doing works of service. They organise formation sessions on the Legion and preparation for the Sacraments. Prayers are requested for the Haitian people and the troubled situation in their country.


Madrid Senatus: A praesidium of 22 recruited young people whose parents are active legionaries. A praesidium in a University Faculty of Law does contact work on Campus. Madrid praesidia visit hotels, contacting staff and clients, offering leaflets with Masses times. The officers of the three Senatus of Madrid, Barcelona, and Bilbao met over three days in Barcelona. Topics discussed included preparing for the 2021 Legion Centenary Celebrations, extension and recruiting, particularly of youth.

Bilbao Senatus: One member, on holidays in Torreviega helped to set up a praesidium there. Perpetual Adoration and Night Adoration feature in one report. In Burgos the Dawn Rosary attracted a big crowd. The Leon Curia with eleven praesidia, 38 Pretorians and l4l Adjutorians, held two Retreats, one each for active and auxiliary members. Algorta Curia has two groups of nuns as Adjutorians. Two praesidia report good results from the book barrow.

Barcelona Senatus: The Spiritual Director works every week with one praesidium. A praesidium gained 2 active members and a retired priest is visited regularly. The Archbishop and l8 priests were present at the Curia of Reus 50th Anniversary Celebration. They have 7 praesidia. A blind woman is taken to Sunday Mass and door duty is undertaken in two Churches.

Lisbon Senatus: A new praesidium has been set up. Members of a praesidium of 25 active and 25 auxiliary members accompany the priest and parish sister on visits to the sick, do street contact, and care for children while the parents go to work. Another praesidium brings the elderly to the doctor, bank and chemist. A weekly Rosary in a home for the elderly has an attendance of 10. A full catechism course is given to 23 children. The Torres Novas Curia reported on prison visitation. Oporto Regia closed 2 praesidia and opened 2 new ones. Coimbra Regia reports Legion extension in one parish. 100 attended a Congress in the Braga Comitium, where a new junior Curia was established.

Rome Senatus: Br. Renzo Tarter, Senatus Secretary, and his wife, also a member of Senatus, attended the ceremony in Buenos Aires presided over by Cardinal Poli at which the documents for the Cause of the Servant of God, Alphonsus Lambe were sealed for despatch to the Holy See. They also represented the Legion at the recent Conference convened by the Pontifical Council for the Laity at which the President of the Pontifical Council, Mons. Stanislaw Rylko, stressed that movements are called to adhere closely to the spirit and methods of their founders. Reports of good work were presented. One praesidium engages Seminarians from distant lands in Legion work.

Milan Regia: A praesidium in Pavia made a presentation on the Legion at the Bishop’s Pastoral meeting and presented him with a Legion Handbook. Cardinal Scola’s appraisal of the life of Alfie Lambe was published in the San Paulo Parish Bulletin and is being used to promote extension. Praetorian membership and new active and auxiliary members feature in reports. 10 members of an enclosed order of nuns became Adjutorians. Padova Comitium: Extension was carried out in Mandria and Voltabrusegana. The Nigerian praesidium has 17 active and 7 auxiliary members. They report marriage validations, returns to the Sacraments, religious instruction for Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation, hospital visitation, and visits to the mothers of newly born babies to encourage Baptism. Lana Curia reported Retreats for active and auxiliary members, street apostolate, auxiliary rallies, book barrow work, and talks on the Legion and the faith given to 4th class students.

Nicosia legionaries visited a clinic for the aged, speaking to many residents who rarely receive visitors and giving them Miraculous Medals. They also did crowd contact and met many Buddhists, telling them of God’s love and Mary’s Motherhood and showing them where to find the local Catholic Church. Many of them are now going there to pray.

Malta Regia: The 75th anniversary of the Legion in Malta was celebrated with a Marian Pilgrimage. There are 856 active members on the Island of Malta and 427 on the island of Gozo. A talk on the True Devotion on Radio Maria resulted in one new member. Praesidia reports include home visitation, teaching catechism to children, a public Rosary on a Housing Estate during May, visits to Detention Centres, apostolate to seafarers, and Pilgrim Statue visitation. Two families had their homes consecrated to the Sacred Heart. Two half-day Retreats for auxiliaries each had an attendance of 55. An Italian-speaking praesidium with 9 members has an apostolate to Italian residents. Mother of the Maltese Nation Curia conducts an outreach to unmarried mothers who meet weekly during the school year. They are given continuous support and help and some have returned to the Sacraments after lapses of some years. Hope of the World Curia reported numerous returns to the Sacraments. Their attached junior Curia with 10 praesidia help at Sunday Mass, explaining the homily to children; they also visit retired priests in nursing homes and visit a nursing home where they chat with the residents.

Gozo Comitium: All parishes have the Legion. 15 Spiritual Directors attended a meeting to discuss their role and its importance. Contact was made with 1,300 tourists of all faiths and none. A person invited to become a Catholic accepted the invitation and was later received into the Church. Two returns to the Sacraments were reported. 17 legionaries and 2 Spiritual Directors spent a day on extension work in a Parish in Malta where they spoke to 124 families, recruited 6 auxiliaries, met 3 prospective active members, and had a request for a visit from the Parish Priest.


Syria: A new praesidium was established in Lattakia. Four senior and three junior annual reports were presented. Works include Pilgrim Statue visitation, visits to shelters, help with reconciliation of troubled families, securing a wheelchair for a handicapped person and sewing vestments for priests. Juniors are carrying out many good works of service. Prayers for the legionaries in this territory would be appreciated.

Albania: A visit was made to Albania from the 21st May to 1st June by two legionaries and a Spiritual Director from Malta Regia. A meeting was held with the Shkoder Comitium Officers. The Comitium has 27 praesidia and three attached Curiae. Works include the teaching of catechism, visitation of hospitals and clinics and works of service. A meeting was held with the Officers of Bajza Curia, which has ten praesidia, the majority of whose members are farmers and villagers. A Congress was organised with 200 legionaries in attendance. A Congress was also organised for Lezhe and Sape Curiae with an attendance of 300 legionaries. The praesidium set up last year in Stubla, Kosovo was visited. Supplies of Miraculous Medals were left with the Comitium, each of the three Curiae, and the Kosovo praesidium.


An update was given at the August Concilium meeting on the Legion of Mary in Austria and countries under its caretakership by visiting Austrian legionaries, who had just completed a Summer-School in Dublin.
Austria has about 300 senior and 10 junior praesidia. The Senatus is also responsible for the Legion in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Moldovia (with a praesidium in every Catholic parish), and Bulgaria (with 8praesidia). The theme for their apostolate this year is “The Legion of Mary as a Family and our care for Families.” 50,000 copies of a card with Pope Francis’ prayer for families were distributed. During the summer they sent 5 PPC teams to Germany, Ukraine and Slovakia. Two teams were busy with the apostolate in Lourdes. A group of 4 legionaries did extension work in Slovakia.
Despite difficulties in Ukraine the Legion is still growing. Because of the war a lot of African students lost their University places, but in their new residences they founded new praesidia and so it was possible to establish an African students Curia with 10 praesidia.



Carlow Comitium: This council has 8 senior praesidia, one junior praesidium and 2 Curiae attached. Tinryland praesidium is very active in the parish and members helped with Comitium recruiting efforts. Two hospitals and a nursing home are visited. All auxiliary members take the Maria Legionis. There is one Patrician group in Carlow town, but the attendance is made up mainly legionaries. The Comitium will be responsible for the Legion stand at the Ploughing Championships, which will take place from September 22nd to 24th in County Laois. Laois Curia: Extension efforts are being concentrated in one parish at the moment. The praesidium in the Sue Ryder Home (senior citizens) has 5 members whose works mainly are visiting other residents in the Home.

Tuam Comitium has 12 praesidia and 2 Curiae attached. A mini Vigil was held in Knock Shrine on April 19th and was very inspiring. An intermediate praesidium in Tuam has 7 members whose works include visiting a nursing home where they chat, listen to and sing for residents. They helped to prepare children for the annual school Confessions and assisted at Vigils in Knock. They also promoted the Rosary and the Miraculous Medal to junior classes and showed a short religious video. Lackagh praesidium has 5 members and 35 auxiliaries Works include Pilgrim Statue and home visitation and distribution of Holy Communion to residents in a nursing home. Claremorris Curia: The works of their 6 senior and 5 junior praesidia include home and Pilgrim Statue visitation, plus visitation of the sick and nursing homes. Patrician meetings and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are also organised.


Achonry Curia: Kiltimagh praesidium has 5 members whose works include home visitation with the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady and visitation of a hospital and a nursing home. Ballymote praesidium, which was established in 1932 has 7 members. Homes in the parish are visited with the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. They organised a day of prayer for peace in the Church from 10.30am to 3.30pm on 21st May. They also visited Collooney on several occasions to help establish a new praesidium in that parish.

Clonfert Curia: The Acies which included Holy Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Conroy, Curia Spiritual Director, was held on March 22nd followed by the Curia meeting. The works of a praesidium of 5 members and 10 auxiliaries in Taghmaconnel include Eucharistic Adoration, nursing home and hospital visitation, distribution of Miraculous Medals and leaflets. Holy Water bottles are filled and left in the Church porch for collection by parishioners. The apostolate of a praesidium with 10 members, 2 of whom are Praetorians in Cappataggle include hospital, nursing home and visitation to the housebound. They have 20 auxiliaries. Two members hold a weekly get-together for residents in a nursing home where the Rosary and Legion prayers are recited. Visits are made to former legionaries who can no longer do active work.

Ferns Curia: Bunclody praesidium has 7 members who do works of consolation and home visitation. Public Rosaries are recited in May and October and Eucharistic Adoration is organised. They visit the schools to promote Eucharistic Adoration and the Rosary. The setting up of a website and Face Book is planned in the hope of making more contact with young people.

Galway Curia: One praesidium encounters people of various religious groups on home visitation. The Acies took place in the Cathedral on 22nd March with an attendance of about 80. A discussion took place on Our Lady of Fatima and Her message in May and in June on extension and recruiting. An Anniversary Mass for Venerable Edel Quinn took place in the Cathedral. The Curia officers met with Bishop Martin Drennan on 11th May. He said the work being undertaken by the Legion was very good and to continue to spread the faith as there is a great need for this in today’s world. An Exploratio Dominicalis project took place in Claregalway on 17th May with 12 legionnaires taking part. As a result the local praesidium got one new member.

Killala Curia: The Curia had a stall at Heritage Day in Ballina on 8th July. Many useful contacts were made. Patrician meetings with themes, “Why Marriage is Permanent”, “Can We be Saints?” and “Prayer” were held in Belmullet. Knockmore praesidium celebrated its 50th anniversary on June 6th. They have a junior praesidium attached. One lady visited with the Pilgrim Statue by the senior legionaries reported that she is now free from cancer. Cornboy praesidium has 8 members, 4 of whom are Praetorians and they have 35 auxiliaries. They visit homes with the Pilgrim Statue as well as a nursing home and a hospital. They also called to all 5 schools in their area, praying the Rosary with the children as well as distributing Miraculous Medals and Rosary Beads. At least 8 members of the Curia will have participated in PPC projects to Britain by the end of this year’s campaign.

Kilkenny Curia: The Curia hopes to operate a book barrow during the summer. The Annual Outing is planned to St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford. Pilgrimages are being organised to Our Lady’s Island and Knock for Legion Sunday.


Six legionaries from Dublin Southside Curiae completed the Legion’s 3-day pilgrimage to Lough Derg in July.
Gloriosa Curia: This council celebrated its 50th anniversary in the Curia house with an Open Day on Sat 13th June, followed by Mass and a BBQ on Sunday 14th June. One praesidium does street contact and home visitation as its main works; 8 homes accepted the Pilgrim Statue and 2 homes were consecrated to the Sacred Heart. The Leixlip praesidium gave its third annual report; it is supported by legionaries from a neighbouring praesidium. The curate is their Spiritual Director. They enrolled 50 parishioners to the Brown Scapular on July 16th and went on Exploratio Dominicalis to Celbridge last August.
Spouse of the Holy Spirit Curia: One praesidium reported 6 active members and 70 auxiliary members. They organised two successful parish Retreats during the year and also visit a nursing home and distribute 70 Maria Legionis.

Immaculata Curia: 41 legionaries and 34 patricians attended 9 meetings. Representatives from 9 Congregations gave testimonies at the event in July to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life; in total over 60 people were in attendance. One praesidium gave its second annual report. Four probationers took the promise during the year, giving a total of 7 full members. Monthly crowd contact is done at a local Shopping Centre or at the Luas stop. The First Communion children were given a presentation on the Miraculous Medal and religious gift packs. During home visitation statues of Our Lady of Fatima and of St. Joseph are on offer. The 33 day preparation for True Devotion to Mary was promoted in two parishes over four weekends recently with 60 people signing up; consecration is due to take place on August 15th. In another praesidium, 6 of the 10 legionaries are Praetorians. Improved publicity for their Patrician meeting saw the average attendance increase from 7 to 15. A lady contacted at a Shopping Centre subsequently returned to Mass. An American made contact asking the legionaries to visit her relative in a Dublin nursing home; the relative was soon befriended and enjoys the visits very much.

Mater Ecclesiae Curia: This Curia held a successful annual Retreat for people with mobility difficulties. A praesidium with 7 active members, 4 women and 3 men, has 65 auxiliary members. As well as weekly home, hospital and nursing home visitation, they coordinate four hours of Eucharistic Adoration daily in the Oratory of a shopping centre. A monthly Holy Hour is conducted to promote Frank Duff’s Cause. A praesidium with 4 full and 4 probationary members is represented on the Baptism Team and visit family homes before and after the Baptisms. At the request of the Parish Priest, they sell Christmas cards in the Repository and take part in the collection for the Lourdes Invalid Fund. The praesidium also coordinates the more than 100 Eucharistic adorers in a neighbouring parish.

Benedicta Curia: Members of one praesidium offer Miraculous Medals during street contact outside a Supermarket and in the Waiting Room of the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital; in the latter a priest from the country who was visiting a parishioner, showed interest in the Legion and is to consider starting a praesidium in his own parish.

Our Lady of Fatima, Wicklow Curia: The Greystones praesidium has 5 members. Holy Communion is distributed to over 50 nursing home residents daily. Religious packs were given to schoolchildren receiving the Sacraments. A new work is that of preparing sandwiches for the Outreach group to distribute.

Assumpta Curia: 38 patricians and 14 legionaries attended 4 meetings. One praesidium arranged for the Parish Priest to visit a lady in a nursing home and anoint her; the lady since passed away. R.I.P.

Ancilla Domini Curia: 11 Catholics and 4 non-Catholics discussed Catholic Emancipation at the July Pauline Circle meeting. A cumulative 54 pairs of legionaries took part during the week-long Inner City Project. One probationer and many auxiliaries were recruited. Members of the Filipino praesidium visit their compatriots and also Irish nationals at home and in the Hospice. A non-Catholic lady from Thailand is brought to pray in a Church and she is a regular pilgrim to Our Lady’s Knock Shrine. Some contacts returned to Temple Bar to thank the legionaries for bringing them back to their faith.

Annunciata Curia: 38 patricians and 18 legionaries attended 6 meetings. The Legion’s second oldest praesidium reaches out to current and former street girls across Dublin; 10 of the 12 members are Praetorians; they have 5 Adjutorians.


Senatus of Kenya: A youth rally in Nairobi had a very good attendance and 12 schools were represented. It is planned to make it an annual event. The first praesidium set up by Venerable Edel Quinn on 8th December 1936 gave its annual report. It has 10 active, 2 probationers and 104 auxiliary members. Works include home and hospital visitation and park crowd contact work. Many lapsed and non -Catholics and 8 Moslems were met. They have a junior praesidium with 38 members. Reports to Senatus tell of many recruited for catechism classes, returns to the Sacraments and marriages validated. His Holiness Pope Francis is due to visit Kenya in November.

Blantyre Senatus. Retreats were held in some areas before the Acies and more Retreats are being arranged by the Senatus Spiritual Director. The report covers 13 Comitia, a Curia and 3 praesidia in Blantyre Archdiocese. Active membership is high. Works include teaching Catechumens, encouraging lapsed to return to the Sacraments, visiting and praying with the sick at home and in hospital and leading the Rosary in small Christian Communities. Good use is made of the Concilium Bulletin and especially Fr. Bede McGregor’s Allocutios.

Maula Senatus: The first meeting of this Senatus took place on 3rd January 2015. Explanations were given about Legion functions and the question of appointing praesidium and Curia Officers.

Uganda Senatus: The 71st anniversary of the death of Venerable Edel Quinn was celebrated throughout Uganda and 46 legionaries, plus 4 Spiritual Directors took part in a pilgrimage to Nairobi for the annual Mass. A student in one of the first praesidia in Uganda, now in her 90’s wrote a testimony on Edel, which has been sent to Concilium. A praesidium, Curia, Comitium and the Regia of Western Uganda reported in May. Youth and juniors make up over 75% of the latter’s huge membership. Their work has resulted in many receiving the Sacraments, the conversion of a student, lapsed returning to the Church, including one after 40 years and marriages rectified. Following counselling, 50 drug addicts had HIV tests done and gave up drugs. More than 100 legionaries entered Seminaries or Convents. A Congress for the members of a prison Curia had 200 present and afterwards the members from the Senatus and the Spiritual Director met with the Prison Officer in charge who is very pleased with the legionaries’ work.

Ibadan Senatus: Three week-long Extension Projects in the Warri Regia area had 781, 733 and 234 participants and 49 were converted. Only one of a 14-member praesidium is over 40! The Archbishop of Benin City made a donation towards the Legion House.

Abuja Senatus: Two officers of one Curia had 100% attendances at praesidium, Curia and Senatus meetings. They reported 89 marriages rectified, 144 lapsed Catholics returned, one conversion and three praesidia formed. Lagos Regia: Membership of a Comitium increased by 250 to 1401. Works include, brothel visitation and marriage instruction/counselling while another Comitium reported that an elderly Free-Thinker was converted, baptised and died a Catholic. Many reports show a small number of auxiliaries.

Kaduna Regia: The Hausa Handbook is now available. Works include home and hospital visitation. Many visits to homes are made during PPC projects. The names of those contacted, who are in poverty are passed on to the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. Many lapsed and those in polygamous marriages are met during these projects and the children in these families are often not baptised. The Archbishop of Kaduna has instructed that such children be baptised. Catechism classes have been set up. 20 people were recruited to start the first praesidium in Kaduna State University.
Enugu Senatus: One Regia has 13 Comitia, 10 Senior Curia and 9 senior praesidia, with over 23,000 seniors, of whom over 5,000 are probationers and there are almost 14,000 juniors.

Onitsha Regia: A Comitium which prepared many adults and children for the Sacraments recruited 396 prospective legionaries, leading to the start of 12 senior and 4 junior praesidia.

Jos Regia: One Curia established a new praesidium at the University of Jos, while a Comitium with over 1,500 members prepared 406 for Baptism, 384 for Holy Communion and 668 for Confirmation.

Ikot Ekpene Regia: A Comitium with 1,538 members and 688 probationers reported many prepared for the Sacraments and converts to the Church.

Rombo Comitium: Reports include works of home and hospital visitation and visiting schools to try and establish praesidia.
Hai Moshi Comitium: Works include home and hospital visitation, contact with drug and alcohol addicts, encouraging couples to marry in Church and preparing adults and children for the Sacraments. 7 praesidia were set up.
Mtwara Comitium: Works include home and hospital visitation, youth work such as supervising juniors, and helping with an Organisation for the Aged, which they helped to establish. A Hindu studying Catholicism for 8 years has now requested Baptism. Legionaries have started reciting the Rosary in a farming community during the harvest season. Prayer cards for the Causes have been printed in Swahili. This council has enquired about sending minutes in Swahili for translation. Language is one of the difficulties in Songea Archdiocese i.e. Comitia of Songea, Mbeya, Mbinga and Njombe.
Mango Comitium: The 400 members are very active. Transport is a problem; legionaries have to walk long distances to meetings.
Kahama Comitium: The Acies Ceremony was held in May, with an attendance of 243 Legionaries from 8 Curiae. The ceremony was preceded by a day Retreat which included four periods of Confession.

Lusaka Regia: Great work is being done with juniors, who are being helped to understand the Handbook. Catechism is taught. Legionaries were encouraged to join in a Novena in preparation for the Acies.