Allocutio de febrero 2014 - Padre Bede McGregor

La Legión y los Grandes Problemas y Males de Hoy Recientemente celebramos la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Los eventos y el…

Allocutio at Concilium - February 2014 - Fr. Bede McGregor, OP

The Legion and the Great Problems and Evils of Today Recently we celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The events and message of Lourdes…

Allocutio at Concilium - January 2014 - Fr. Bede McGregor, OP

Baptism and Legion Spirituality *********************************** One of the great gifts that God gave to the Church through Blessed John 11 was…

Allocutio de enero 2014

Bautismo y Espiritualidad legionaria Uno de los más grandes regalos que Dios ha dado a la Iglesia, a través de Juan Pablo II, fue su…

Allocutio at December 2013 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

St. John the Baptist and the Legion ******************************** St. John the Baptist is one of the key figures in the Season of Advent.…

Alocutio de diciembre 2013

San Juan Bautista y la Legión San Juan Bautista es una de las figuras claves en el tiempo de Adviento. Ciertamente, es una de las figuras…

Alocutio de noviembre 2013

Las almas de nuestros legionarios difuntos Una de las más antiguas y más básicas cuestiones que los seres humanos se siguen…

Allocutio at Concilium - November 2013 by Fr. Bede McGregor, OP

The Souls of Our Departed Legionaries ************************************************* One of the oldest and most basic questions that human…

Allocutio at Concilium - October 2013 by Fr. Bede McGregor, OP

Mary and the Year of Faith ************************************ On Sunday the 13th of October 2013 Pope Francis consecrated the Church and the…

Allocutio at Concilium - September 2013 by Fr. Bede McGregor, OP

The Universal Call to the Apostolate Two of the great themes of the Second Vatican Council and of the Legion of Mary are the universal call to…

Allocutio at Concilium - August 2013 - Fr. Bede McGregor, OP

The Light of Faith On the feast of St. Peter and Paul on the 29th of June 2013 in the Year of Faith Pope Francis gave us his first encyclical…

Allocutio at July Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

The Legion and Youth ******************************* This month the Church will celebrate the 28th World Youth Day. Blessed John Paul II wrote…