Mary and the Legion

The month of September is a time when we spontaneously and constantly go back to the origins of the Legion. It is not simply a nostalgic trip into…

Getting to Know Mary: The Assumption

Sometimes God gives his greatest graces in the most ordinary of circumstances. An example of this might be a trip to Mount Melleray, the famous…

The Legion and the New Evangelization

All legionaries should know that the Legion exists in order to evangelize. That means that the legionary is called to live the Gospel fully and to…

The Legion and the Eucharist

Today we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi or to give it its proper title, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. Whenever this feast…

The Faith of Mary and the Legionary

The spirit of the Legion of Mary is that of Mary herself. We will always gain something by reflecting on this statement of the Handbook no matter…

Christ Lives in Me

Our Concilium meeting is taking place this month during the octave of Easter so let me first wish you all a grace filled Easter season. It really…

Mary and the Holy Spirit

One of the most important sentences in the Handbook is a statement of fact concerning the very first meeting of the Legion of Mary: 'The first…

Mortification in the Legion Handbook

This is the last meeting of Concilium before Lent begins so I thought it might be helpful to reflect on the spirit and practice of mortification or…

Spiritual Reading and the Interior Life of Legionaries

One of the most precious, profound and practical sections of the Handbook is the one on the interior life of legionaries. It is a rock solid…

The Christmas Season

At this time we look back to the greatest event that ever happened on this earth, the coming of its Creator. While we cherish the blessings he has…

The Legion in a Multi-cultural and Multi-religious Society

In many countries where the Legion is present there are deep divisions and differences that separate and alienate people. How should the Legion act…

The Weekly Meeting of the Praesidium

Our spiritual reading for today was on the weekly meeting of the praesidium. There are some powerful sentences in this section written by Brother…