The Greatest Gift the Legion has to Offer

Whenever the Pope speaks the worldwide Legion listens with love. Last week I was reading the homilies and addresses that Pope Benedict gave to the…

Concilium Bulletin April 2007

REPORTS - SOUTH AMERICA - ARGENTINA AND BRASIL BRASIL SALVADOR SENATUS: His Eminence Geraldo Cardinal Majella has appointed Fr. Ronald O.P. as…

Easter Joy

Greetings of unbounded joy on this 8th Day of Easter - Low Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday - 2 years after the death of our late Holy Father Pope John…

The Legion and the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

While attending Concilium for the last few years I have listened to many reports coming from nearly every part of the world. The presence of the…

Concilium Bulletin March 2007

REPORTS - AFRICA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA AND SWAZILAND Cape Town Senatus: The Port Elizabeth Comitium set up 2 new praesidia at…

Concilium Bulletin February 2007

REPORTS - AFRICA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Correspondence with the Regia of Lubumbashi and the Senatus of Kananga, Bukavu and Butembo is being…

Edel Quinn and the Gift of Suffering

We all have our favourite Saints. We are more attracted to some Saints than to others. Why are so many of us so deeply attracted to the Venerable…

Edel Quinn and the True Devotion to Mary

We have been reflecting on the inner life of Edel Quinn in preparation for the celebration of the centenary of her birth this year. What went on in…

Concilium Bulletin January 2007

REPORTS - AFRICA BENIN Cotonou Regia: Average numbers of members in Praesidia is 17. In the course of home visitation and crowd contact, the…

Edel Quinn and the Indwelling of the Trinity

At the last meeting of Concilium we reflected on the extraordinary devotion of the Venerable Edel Quinn to the Eucharist. Fr. Anselm Moynihan O.P.,…

Edel Quinn and the Secrets of her Interior Life

Next year we will be celebrating the centenary of the birth of the Venerable Edel Quinn. It gives us an occasion for reflecting on the significance…

Mary’s Legion of Angels

On the 29th of September the Church celebrated the feast of St.Michael, St.Gabriel, and St. Raphael. Then on the 2nd of October we had the feast of…