Concilium Bulletin June 2024



Mater Ecclesiae Curia

A praesidium is contacting all its auxiliaries to offer them a new Tessera and rosary beads and to invite them to all Legion of Mary events. Members also run the baptism team and invite all the newly baptised to a Mass and refreshments at Christmas. Members carry out weekly street contact and have gained a new member through this work. Curia organised a visit to the Quinn family grave on Sunday May 12th, the 80th anniversary of the death of now Venerable Edel Quinn. A Holy Hour whereat prayers are offered for the cause of now Servant of God Frank Duff is held monthly. “The Blessed Trinity” was the title of a recent Patrician meeting attended by twelve (12) people, and “Forgiveness” the theme of another which was attended by twenty (20) people. Curia outreach in Bray and Mount Merrion resulted in the formation of a new praesidium in Bray with seven (7) members. The Curia decided to have a progress review dealing specifically with recruiting. It seems that only those members who do street contact actually ask those contacted to join the Legion of Mary. One member in a praesidium who does street contact spoke to a friend about street contact work and the friend joined that praesidium as a result. Most members come into the Legion of Mary by personal contact. Recruiting via personal contact was highlighted. Summer outing is on July 28th.

Benedicta Curia

Two praesidia have gained one new member each and another praesidium has recruited two new members. Many contacts are made outside the Legion of Mary house on the South Circular Road. Home visitation is being done in Drimnagh where the people speak about drug problems in the area. Work continues at the shopping centre in Rialto and people of many nationalities are encountered. Two members, one from the Philippines and the other from Taiwan, attended the Chinese Mass at St Andrew’s Church and afterwards distributed Miraculous Medals and leaflets and talked to the Chinese Mass attendees. Two junior members met a tourist wearing a Miraculous Medal, while they were on holiday in Malaga. They talked to the tourist about the Legion of Mary. One junior member was asked by his Muslim classmate about the Miraculous Medal that he was wearing around his neck. He explained the Miraculous Medal to him and gave him a Miraculous Medal.

Annunciata Curia

Home visitation and visitation to promote and distribute Maria Legionis are the main works done by a praesidium. Due to low membership and extended periods of sick leave this work has had to be done on an irregular basis, however. Members promote enrolment in the Brown Scapular on the July 16th, feast of Our Lady of Carmel. They also arranged that the pupils in three junior schools preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation received the Miraculous Medal.

Immaculata Curia

Curia Retreat was held in May and Curia outing to the home of now Servant of God Alfie Lambe in Tullamore will take place in June. Seven schools were visited and four hundred and twenty-six (426) children were shown the video on the Miraculous Medal and Fatima. Children were given a pack containing rosary beads, a Miraculous Medal and prayer leaflets. Another one hundred and fifty (150) packs were requested by the parish priest who distributed them to the local school.

Ancilla Domini Curia

A Frank Duff Prayer Meeting was held in Myra House recently. All are asked to pray through the intercession of now Servant of God Frank Duff and to mention any favours received. Patricians was held in Whitefriar Street Community Centre. The paper was on Matt Talbot. Next paper will be “Sacred Heart and Sacramental Life.” The praesidium in Whitefriar Street works in Temple Bar and does home visitation on alternate weeks. A public rosary will be held at the statue in Grey Street on Saturdays at 3pm for the next few weeks. The Inner City Project was held recently from June 1st to 7th. Homes in the area around Myra House were visited. People passing Myra House were approached and given Catholic literature. A recruiting drive was held at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Legionaries spoke at the Masses and engaged with Mass-attendees afterwards. The junior praesidium submitted their first report, which was read out by one of the junior members. The importance of recruiting is encouraged at all the praesidia meetings. All are asked to carry a supply of recruiting cards

Gloriosa Curia recently engaged in outreach to two parishes. A Frank Duff prayer meeting is held monthly. Mass was celebrated to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the passing from this life of now Venerable Edel Quinn. A praesidium’s works include home visitation, book barrow, and preparing children for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Members distribute eighty-five (85) journals every quarter. Mother of Divine Mercy praesidium, Lucan South recently celebrated its 100th meeting. They have five (5) full members and two (2) probationaries. Works include Pilgrim Statue visitation and home visitation. Special cases included a lady with a substance abuse problem. She accepted an invitation to go on the Legion of Mary pilgrimage to Knock, and subsequently contacted the legionaries about Confession.



Cork Comitium held a Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) conference on Sunday April 14th at Blackrock, Cork. A recruiting drive was planned for Crosshaven in May. A praesidium of five (5) members take the Pilgrim Statue to homes and a nursing home. The world day of prayer was promoted in their parish and about fifty (50) attended same. A recruiting drive is planned and members will speak on their work at the Sunday Masses. The Comitium plan to have a Mass celebrated for Edel Quinn’s 80th Anniversary. The three attached Curiae have membership of seven (7), six (6), and four (4). The works are home and street contact, selling Catholic newspapers and delivering them to homes of parishioners. Miraculous Medals were given to the Holy Communion classes in a local school.

Cloyne Comitium:

East Cloyne Curia reported a very good attendance at monthly meetings. The praesidium in Mitchelstown held a Patrician meeting with ten (10) in attendance. The topic for discussion was “The human person made in God’s image is called to happiness.” The praesidium in Ladybridge organises a rosary for children on first Fridays. A number of parents also attend. The Miraculous Medal is promoted also.

Kerry Comitium:

Holy Mass was offered for now Servant of God Alfie Lambe before the February Comitium meeting. The Spiritual Director Fr. Seán Tucker has returned to the Comitium after a long illness. A recruiting drive was held in February in Tralee. Legionaries spoke at all the Masses outlining the recruitment drive. Our Lady Queen of Peace praesidium organised a procession in Tralee in February in honour of Our Lady.

Thurles Comitium:

There was an improved attendance at the March and April meetings of the Comitium. Reports of two of the attached praesidia with five (5) and nine (9) members shows that legionaries are engaging in a good apostolate of Pilgrim Statue visitation, distribution of Miraculous Medals, and organising and holding public rosaries. The junior legionaries were involved in outdoor rosaries in three venues. Three hundred (300) Miraculous Medals were given to the boys in the Christian Brothers’ School (CBS) where Fr. Joe Walsh enrolled them. Tipperary Curia: Seven (7) new members in five (5) praesidia were recorded. Home visitation and a book barrow in the town are the main works. Cashel Curia: Confirmation and Holy Communion classes were visited. Instruction was provided to a foreign national who expressed a wish to become a Catholic. One of the legionaries was his sponsor on his reception into the Catholic Church. Book barrow work was carried out on the street and parks and many good contacts were made through this work.


Birr-Roscrea Curia:

A Patrician meeting was held on the topic “Going forward in faith, hope and love.” Legionaries attended a public Rosary on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima and a Procession to Monaincha Abbey to celebrate the Feast of St. Cronan.

Limerick Curia:

A Maria et Patria (MEP) project was held in St. Nessan’s parish in Raheen in April. Twenty-five (25) legionaries took part and one thousand, four hundred and forty-one (1,441) homes were visited. Over nine hundred (900) Miraculous Medals were distributed. A two-year lease for Stella Maris school is to be drawn up and discussed with the school principal by Bro. Cunnane, Curia president.

East Clare Curia:

The curia has three (3) praesidia with a membership of twenty-two (22). Our Lady of Mercy praesidium in Killaloe has seven (7) members. The apostolate is nursing home visitation. Some of the members help with running a prayer meeting and instructions on the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) each week.

Waterford Curia held their annual retreat in April and it was well-attended. The annual May Procession was held through the streets in Waterford on May 26th. The event was covered on local radio. A talk on the history of Our Lady of Waterford was also held and was well-attended. The talk commenced with the Rosary and Bishop Cullinane attended. Legionaries helped with the May Procession which was organised by the parish priest in Dungarvan.

Ross Curia:

Eleven (11) members of the Curia attended the “Call to Arms” Day in Newbridge and all found it uplifting and inspiring. The apostolate of a praesidium of eight (8) members is visitation of hospitals, nursing homes, homes, and the publishing of a quarterly newsletter to natives abroad. This publication has a good number of local subscribers. The praesidium assisted with organisation for Mass in the Cemetery. This Mass was attended by four hundred (400) people.



Senatus of Austria

A meeting for Spiritual Directors had an attendance of nineteen. The theme was the “Spiritual Director the driving force for the praesidium.”

Praesidia reports:

A Korean praesidium of eight (8) members including three new ones have an apostolate to their own community. A praesidium of seven (7) members with forty-five (45) auxiliaries is the care of street girls, former street girls and their families. The legionaries were instrumental in one girl no longer being involved in this way of life.

Curiae and Comitia reports:

Curia Salsburg with four (4) praesidia and one hundred and eighty-nine (189) auxiliaries reported door to door visitation with the Pilgrim Statue. In Curia Bregenz the consecration to Jesus through Mary had one hundred and seventy (170) people.

Comitia reports:

Comitium Graz held a retreat for men with thirteen (13) in attendance. Comitium Ebbs efforts to extend to new parishes is good. The visitation of all the praesidia was reported. One legionary was ordained to the Deaconate.

Countries under the care of Austria:


Curia Chisinau celebrated the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Legion in Moldova great efforts are being made to carry out their apostolate.


Prague Comitium will now be responsible for all of the Czech Republic. In order to strengthen the comitium, the senatus discussed and sought permission at the April meeting to take this step.


Challenges including lack of spiritual directors, illness and deaths of legionaries were reported. The handbook has been newly printed.


There is no presence of the Legion in Bulgaria at present. The senatus has taken the decision to suspend the activities for a year.


There are fewer people in parishes in the Ukraine but legionaries have stayed on. For the first time legionaries wrote their own reports. They learned how this was done with the help of the correspondents.


Minsk Comitium:

The attendance of the directly attached praesidia and curiae is good. The Acies was held in March with a very good attendance. It began with Mass celebrated by the Vicar General of Minsk. The Vicar showed great appreciation for the Legion apostolate in Belarus and throughout the world.


The apostolate includes contact work in the Parish of the Red Church, and catechises for children and youth. A praesidium of nine (9) active members and thirty-two (32) auxiliaries reported aftercare of auxiliaries, contact work at bus stations and shopping centres. Visitation of praesidia and curiae is done following the annual and quarterly reports.


Petrinja Comitium

In the period from November 2023 to January 2024, six (6) curiae reported with the total of thirty-nine (39) praesidia, two hundred and twenty-four (224) active and seven hundred and thirty-nine (739) auxiliary members. One (1) praesidium presented its annual report at the comitium meeting with seven (7) active members, four (4) of whom are praetorians and forty-eight (48) auxiliary members. During this period three (3) returned to Mass and Sacraments and eleven (11) new auxiliary members were recruited. Two (2) members took their Promise. Extension– one (1) new praesidium started with ten (10) regularly attending and a second with three (3) regularly attending. Fifty-seven (57) were enrolled in the Brown Scapular, fifty (50) attended a retreat and thirty (30) attended a youth gathering which included sports, spiritual inputs and Holy Mass.

Zagreb Regia and countries under caretakership.

Zagreb Regia:

Extension efforts are ongoing with approaches to new parishes. Permission was sought and granted from the parish of Zepee in Bosnia-Herzegovina for a praesidium in the parish.

Praesidia reports:

Two (2) praesidia feature in this report. Home, hospital and street contact are the main works. Aftercare of auxiliaries is also done. One person is being prepared for baptism and her daughter has expressed a desire to be baptised.


Our Lady of Fatima Curia has eight (8) senior and one (1) junior praesidium. Visitation of the attached praesidia was recorded. Home and street contact are the main works. Three (3) people received the sacraments. Our Lady of Consolation Curia Zagreb West gained two (2) new members who have taken the Promise and eleven (11) new auxiliary members.

Comitia Reports:

There are three (3) comitia attached to the regia. All three are working hard on extension and the apostolate.

Split Comitium has thirteen (13) praesidia, two (2) curiae and three hundred and forty-four (344) auxiliary members.


Satu Mare Regia

The retreat for the regia in February had an attendance of one hundred and thirty-five (135) active and auxiliary members. The bishop, and two priests were also present. In his address the bishop welcomed all the legionaries and auxiliaries. He said the Legion of Mary meeting should be a source of love and faith that may give us power for our work to go out and show the world God’s love. The apostolate undertaken is visiting the sick and housebound and helping them to receive the sacraments.


Riga Comitium has three (3) curiae attached and eight (8) directly attached praesidia. The position of treasurer of the comitium has been vacant for the past ten months.

Praesidia report:

A praesidium with six (6) members visit the hospital and homeless shelter where they give out leaflets with the times of Masses and Confession in the local area.

Curia report:

Jelgava Curia were delighted to welcome Bishop Pavlovski to their April meeting.


Kaunas Comitium

The attendance at the comitium meeting is very good with apologies always received from those who cannot attend. Two praesidia which were closed during Covid have been started again with the help from four (4) other praesidia in the area. One of these praesidia was started by Maria Smilgaite (former Legion envoy). Among the works reported were home visitation, street contact, public rosaries and nursing home visitation.

Telsiai Comitium:

Curiae reports:

Queen of Family Curia has four (4) praesidia. The work of praesidia is the visitation of hospitals, nursing homes, escorting the Priest to the sick and home visitation is undertaken.

Praesidia reports:

Health of the Sick praesidium in Palanga, has nine (9) active members, eight (8) praetorians, and one hundred and thirty-six (136) auxiliaries. Works include visitation of hospitals, nursing homes, the elderly and auxiliary members. The priest was invited to visit thirty-one (31) sick people and was accompanied eight (8) times by legionaries when he was visiting the sick to minister Holy Communion and the sacrament of the sick.


Warsaw Praga Comitium

A praesidium of seven (7) active members and twenty-five (25) auxiliaries gained three (3) new members. One hundred and seventy-three (173) Miraculous Medals were distributed. Another praesidium of five (5) members is doing very good work assisting families spiritually. From the apostolate one person who was lapsed now attends Mass, confession and Holy Communion on a regular basis.

Warsaw Comitium:

Reports from the attached praesidia and comitia show that the legionaries are engaging in a good apostolate. The Miraculous Medal is widely distributed.

Lublin Regia:

The attendance is good. In one of the attached comitia, (3) three new praesidia were established resulting in sixty-seven (67) new people to the legion. Aftercare of auxiliaries is good with some visits and monthly meetings. Home and hospital visitation, along with street contact are the main works. From the apostolate six (6) people were baptised, and 44 (forty-four) people received the sacrament of reconciliation.


Budapest Regia:

A new president has been elected. The membership of the regia has been significantly reduced since covid. Over the past four months, they have undertaken extension efforts resulting in four (4) new praesidia being established, and with the support of the parish priests more extension is planned. Among the works reported were visiting the sick, assisting the elderly in attending Mass, visiting nursing homes and prison visitation.



Buenes Aires Senatus:

The wife of the president of Buenes Aires Regia made a video of all she heard and saw when visiting the Concilium and places of Legion interest in Dublin, including Frank Duff’s house and grave. This is to be shown to all the legionaries at home. Street contact work is carried out by many praesidia. Street missions are held by many legionaries with priests, and in some cases with their bishop. Street missions include confessions and Mass on the plaza. One praesidium reported nine hundred and thirty-five (935) home to home visits as well as one thousand, two hundred and thirty-five (1,235) street contacts.

Cordoba Senatus:

There has been some re-arrangement of territory here.

Salta Senatus:

The Regia of Jujuy reported six thousand, five hundred and fifty-three (6,553) visits to homes as well as four thousand (4,000) street contacts. The senatus youth committee are promoting a spiritual bouquet for Alfie Lambe’s birthday on June 24th. The Legion Channel has weekly programmes on different Legion topics. This channel reaches all Spanish-speaking countries. This month, Noelia Garcia took part in a YouTube session on Frank Duff.

Corrientes Regia:

A city praesidium visits the psychiatric hospital and prayed a rosary in a women’s prison. At the priest’s request, they went from home to home with an image of the Holy Family in the lead up to Christmas. On a three-day project in the town of Caá Catí, legionaries encouraged those who listened to Mass on the radio or TV, to attend Mass instead.

Rosario Regia:

The regia has twice organised a day of continuous Rosaries-one for Frank Duff’s anniversary and the other for Alfie Lambe’s and is promoting the Total Consecration to Our Lady among legionaries. A praesidium reported on their work among elderly people, and contacts with people at the cemetery. With great generosity and deep trust in our Mother, the Regia has replied positively to the request of the Concilium regarding Córdoba.


Belo Horizonte Senatus:

Reports show Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in forty-three (43) homes in Itabirito. Legionaries from Joao Pinheiro contacted three hundred (300) people on an apostolic journey in a community. The Regia of Juiz de Fora recorded three thousand, one hundred and sixty-six (3,166) visits to families, and four hundred and sixty-nine (469) revisits and weekly visits to a women’s prison. The Regia of Montes Claros report two thousand, four hundred and fifty-six (2,456) visits to homes and the preparation of many children and adults for the sacraments.

Ponta Grassa Senatus:

Legionaries visited homes, hospitals and nursing homes and brought Holy Communion to the sick. They also visited prisons and organised for the Rosary to be prayed in public squares.

Recife Senatus:

Reports show two thousand, two hundred and thirty-nine (2,239) home visits were made. At the request of a priest, legionaries carried out various evangelisation activities in a square and held public meetings. They organised on four occasions for the praying of the Stations of the Cross, and then celebration of Holy Mass in a public jail. Twenty-five (25) gypsies were catechised, twenty-three (23) of whom received the sacrament of baptism and Sacrament of First Holy Communion. They had a legionary youth event, attended by one hundred and fifty (150) young people.

Rio de Janeiro Senatus:

One comitium reported nine hundred and fifty (950) visits to families, fifty (50) of these being evangelicals. Visits were made to prisons also. An evangelical was catechised and received Holy Communion and confirmation. Two new praesidia, one senior and one junior were set up. Another council reported the conversion of a spiritist.

Salvador Senatus:

Legionaries visited homes, hospitals and nursing homes, including an evangelical one. The legionaries’ visits to the homes of Protestants are well received. Ten (10) new praesidia were founded in the senatus area. The Vitória da Conquista Regia continued with visits to public offices, commercial establishments, prisons, schools, hospitals, and people on drugs. Aracaju Regia finished Project 300 with more than three hundred (300) new active members in their area of jurisdiction in the second half of 2023.

Santa Maria Senatus:

As well as visits to homes and hospitals, they held some retreats for young people aged between thirteen and eighteen (13-18).

Sao Luis Senatus:

The Lar de Nazaré, the headquarters of the senatus, welcomed one hundred and ninety-two (192) guests for medical consultations and examinations. They ensured the Christian Initiation of eighteen (18) people and the preparation of one thousand, two hundred and twelve (1,212) people, in particular, three (3) deaf couples and sixty-eight (68) adults, for the sacraments of baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage. Two hundred and thirty-nine (239) active members and fifty-one (51) auxiliary members were recruited.

Sao Paulo Senatus:

The legionary apostolate reaches out to many people through visits to homes, to the sick at home and in hospital and to nursing homes. This includes visits to evangelicals, spiritualists, people with no religion and lapsed Catholics. Legionaries bring Holy Communion to many sick people.

Brasilia Senatus:

Catholics and non-Catholics, alcoholics and people on drugs are visited. Among other works, evangelisation is done at the Metro station, in parks and in the commercial centre. A new curia has been set up.



Seoul Senatus

Legionaries are concentrating on contacting those who have lapsed from practice. Fifteen (15) new members were recruited. A comitium with seventeen (17) Curiae and one hundred and seventy-nine (179) praesidia attached has a varied apostolate, including befriending the recently baptised and contacting newcomers to parishes. In the course of visitation they contact Catholics and non-Catholics.

Gwanju Senatus

May Minutes received.

The Regia of Jeon–ju reported one thousand, seven hundred and sixty-six (1,766) returns to the Sacraments, double the number of the previous year. An unbeliever was baptised following ten years of contact by legionaries. Two junior praesidia, both for boys, were established in the Comitium of Sin-dong.

Deagu Senatus:

Reports from councils show home and hospital visitation undertaken. Two hundred and forty-four (244) active members were recruited. The Chinese Curia reported seven (7) baptisms and five (5) returns to the Sacraments. Six (6) active members were recruited.


Works reported include book barrow, patrician groups, and teaching Catechism. The legionaries act as godparents to the newly baptised. The junior curia reported on work by schools based praesidia, such as reciting prayers at morning assembly. Kenningau Comitium in East Malaysia established three (3) new curiae. The university praesidium organized the 33 day retreat and consecration. They attended an inter-faith dialogue.


Malang Senatus:

A number of attached councils reported, including Merauke Curia located in Indonesian Papua. This has forty-eight (48) senior praesidia attached with eighty (80) members. Gembira Curia is made up of four (4) senior and two (2) junior praesidia with one (1) felites group which is made up of very young children who are prepared for junior membership. Makassar Comitium in Southern Sulawesi has approximately two thousand (2000) members engaged in an apostolate of home and hospital visitation.


Queen of All Graces Curia is going through a difficult time at present and presented an honest report on their situation. Lack of members is a big problem and they are being encouraged to make earnest efforts at recruiting. The same encouragement has been given to the members of the junior curia. They were recommended to organise an event for their own age group e.g. a day retreat or an outing.


The Spiritual Director advised legionaries to concentrate on a smaller number of tasks and do them well, rather than undertaking too many projects. The officers of the directly attached praesidia were encouraged to increase their attendance in order to strengthen the regia meeting. One attached praesidium of eleven (11) members was commended on their outreach to non-Catholics.


Osaka Senatus

Reports were presented by praesidia. Star of the Sea praesidium, Hirakata church has one (1) male and ten (10) female members. They have recently recommenced visitation of homes and nursing homes as Covid restrictions have been lifted. They were joyfully received by their auxiliary members. They helped to arrange the wedding of a member’s daughter and her groom is to receive baptism thanks to their efforts. Mother of Bethlehem praesidium, Daito church, has four (4) female members. They undertake various works of service in the parish and have now reopened their church school. They have good relations with other Christian communities and take part in inter-faith events. Star of Evangelisation praesidium, Imaichi Church has six (6) male and two (2) female members. They work with the deaf community and continue their ongoing contact with a prisoner on death row.


Legionaries are very conscious of the need for recruiting new members, as many active members are in advancing years. Three (3) new praesidia have been set up fairly recently. The Rosary is recited publicly in many areas of Taiwan. A joint day of prayer was held between legionaries and indigenous peoples in the dioceses of Chiays and Tauhan. It is hoped that a new praesidium may result from these contacts.



Senatus of Gitega-Burundi:

In May 2024 the western region of Burundi was badly flooded due to a rise in water levels on Lake Tanganyika. Regia Bujumbura is located here. Curia Katumba and its praesidia are affected. All activities have been suspended. The people here have been relocated. Curia Kinindo was likewise affected, but they are able to continue their meetings and works. A landslide destroyed three hundred and seventy-five (375) homes, leaving two thousand, four hundred and eighty-five (2,485) homeless in the area where Curia Mutumba and its praesidia are located. It is leading to soaring prices and fuel shortages. Please keep them in your prayers. On the 27th April 2024 many groups whose spirituality is strongly influenced by the writings of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort gathered in the Cathedral of Christ the King in Mushasha, Gitega. Relics of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort were brought to the Cathedral for the first time. Abbé Simon, the Spiritual Director of senatus presided at the Mass. Regular monthly correspondence is received from the senatus, however no financial report has been received since March 2023. In April 2023 they identified errors and are seeking to rectify the financial records. In January 2024 Comitium Mugera, in the Archdioscese of Gitega, gave their annual report. They have seven (7) curiae, forty-five (45) praesidia, including five (5) junior praesidia, six hundred and seventy-eight (678) legionaries including one hundred and twenty-three (123) juniors, and one thousand, six hundred and fifty (1,650) auxiliaries in total. Their evangelisation and recruitment efforts are excellent, especially their recruitment of auxiliaries. They gained one hundred and sixty-two (162) legionaries, including eighty-nine (89) juniors, and one hundred and twenty-two (122) auxiliaries during the year. Reine de Fatima praesidium also reported in January. It is a praesidium of novices of the Militants of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They have fourteen (14) praetorians, ninety-two (92) auxiliaries, including seventy-four (74) adjutorians. They do an outstanding amount of evangelisation and recruitment, and also many works of consolation and service. They gained three (3) legionaries and sixteen (16) adjutorians during the year.


Senatus of Butembo

Minutes from February to May 2024 report the following attendance, in addition to that of the Spiritual Director, within those months respectively: seventy (70), eighty-five (85), sixty-six (66), eighty-four (84). The Senatus is comprised of five Comitia and one praesidium, with the total number of legionaries being nine hundred and sixty-four (964). Works reported on month by month include: visitation of elderly, widows, orphans, people uprooted due to war, prisoners, and people suffering from sickness. Many children have been baptised, marriage blessed, Catechumens given instruction, sixty-two (62) auxiliaries joined, one hundred and twenty-six (126) people returned to Sunday Mass, people have reformed from addiction to alcohol etc. The Bishop of Wamba paid a visit for the Acies, at which he celebrated Holy Mass. Allocutiones encourage generosity and hospitality to migrants fleeing war and famine, and remind of the importance of the Rosary and prayer. Legionaries are continually reminded also of the prayers and encouragement of Concilium, and thanked for their great apostolic work.

Senatus Bikira Amina of Bukavu:

Reports included visiting, encouraging and praying with prisoners, widows, the poor, and orphans. Advice is given to young alcoholics to help them resist the consumption of alcohol. Unmarried couples were given counselling for sacramental marriage. Many lapsed Catholics were visited to be encouraged to return to Mass and the sacraments. Legionaries accompany priests bringing the Eucharist to the ill and dying. There seem to have been elections held of new officers of Bukavu Senatus. As the correspondent had been informed of this beforehand, he has requested the minutes and relevant information to ensure that ratification take place through the proper channels. Regarding their recent request for the raising of Uvira Comitium to regia status, he has asked the officers of the Senatus of Bukavu to submit their request through him to Concilium, with all the necessary information, in accordance with Legion of Mary procedures, this request to be supported by the Bishop of the Diocese of Uvira. The correspondent has reminded them that only Concilium can give the final decision and approval.

Senatus of Kinshasa:

Kinshasa includes five other dioceses: Kenge, Matadi, Equateur, Kwilu, and Kwango. The Diocese of Kinshasa has twenty-five (25) comitia and one hundred (100) curiae. This year is special, as they are celebrating the 70th year of the founding of the Legion of Mary there. A celebratory Mass was concelebrated by several church dignitaries, including His Eminence Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo. Works include promotion of marriage, baptism, hospital and prison visitation. Large numbers are being recruited for the Legion of Mary. Elections of three officers (all for the second term) of the senatus were held recently but details are necessary in the form of minutes of relevant meetings in order for them to be ratified by Concilium.

Senatus of Kisangani:

Recent works include the organisation of a retreat for junior legionaries, for which the senatus respectfully requests some financial help from Concilium. Installation of a youth praesidium at the university chaplaincy has occurred as has the recruitment of ninety-eight (98) young legionaries. Twenty-three (23) marriages were regularised in the Catholic Church. Catechism instruction classes (both morning and evening) were held for five hundred and forty-three (543) Catechumens. Rosary was prayed in the church with one thousand, two hundred and thirty-six (1,236) people present.

Senatus of Kananga:


On Sunday 28th April a Mass of thanksgiving was held to celebrate the 84th anniversary of the founding the Legion of Mary in Mauritius by now Venerable Edel Quinn, with many legionaries in attendance. A Retreat for members was held on the 25th May in Cure Pipe, the theme being “Our Lady’s great humility”. In conjunction with an open day for Catholic action groups, one praesidium organised an exposé on the life of Edel Quinn and the work of the Legion in their country.


Senatus of Kigali

A new Regia is created in the southwest of the country. “On this memorable date of May 18th 2024, the Senatus Kigali “Relief of Christians” is pleased to announce the promotion of the Comitium Gikongoro “Mother of Good Advice” to the rank of regia”. It is in these terms that the President of Senatus of Kigali has formalised the establishment of a regia in Gikongoro, South-West Rwanda, which will bring together the comitia of the dioceses Butare, Gikongoro and Cyangugu. The event was preceded by a thanksgiving Mass concelebrated by sixteen (16) priests (including the Spiritual Director Senatus Kigali: Father Clet Nahayo) around Monsignor Eugene Dushimurukundo, Vicar of the Bishop of Gikongoro who represented Monsignor Célestin Hakizimana, Bishop of Gikongoro).


Pope Francis meets the Moderators of Associations of the Faithful, Ecclesial Movements and New Communities.

It was an occasion of tremendous joy for the Concilium body to hear the report of Br. Declan Lawlor, president of Concilium and Sr. Miriam Mc Kane, secretary of Concilium on their recent representation of the Legion of Mary at the Vatican in Rome. They attended a meeting with about two hundred moderators and delegates with Pope Francis on June 13th 2024. They were also gifted the great grace of experiencing a private audience afterwards with Pope Francis. Br. Lawlor presented Pope Francis with a copy of the Legion of Mary Handbook in Spanish, and was very blessed to have led the prayers of the faithful at the Mass celebrated by Cardinal Farrell. Pope Francis highlighted some attitudes “which we can derive from the three announcements of the Passion in the Gospel of Mark (cf. Mk 8:31; 9:31; 10:32-34): thinking as God thinks, overcoming exclusiveness and humility.” We are so grateful to the Most Holy Trinity and our Blessed Mother for this wonderful occasion, and pray that it lead to a multitude of further Heavenly Graces for the Legion of Mary. Next month we hope to have a much more animated account of this historical visit to Rome available for you.


Permission granted to raise Chennai/Madras Regia to Senatus status

Sr. Helen Murphy formally proposed that Chennai/Madras Regia be raised to senatus status and continue to govern the Legion as it does at present. Sr. Mary Murphy seconded this proposal. Chennai/Madras Senatus will thus continue to supervise the Legion in the suffragan Dioceses and also in Nicobar and Andaman Islands.


Prayers at Grave of the Servant of God Frank Duff

This annual event was held at Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin 11 at 3pm on Sunday June 9th. It was great to see so many in attendance, and particular thanks are due to Br. Dónal Fallon for his very illuminating talk on the day.


Procession in honour of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

A Procession in honour of The Sacred Heart of Jesus will be held in Dublin on Thursday 27th of June, the month dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus, beginning at 6.30pm at St. Teresa’s Church (entrance on Grafton St. side) and proceeding to St. Saviour’s Church, Dominick St.


Summer School 2024 in Dublin

Saturday mornings at Legion of Mary Headquarters, Dublin

The month of June so far has seen Saturday morning gatherings at Concilium. These will continue with events on Saturdays June 22nd and 29th remaining. Thank you to all who have contributed to the great success of this very fruitful series.


Mary Day

Mary Day, part of Summer School 2024 with the theme “Behold Your Mother” (John 19:27) will be held in the Bonnington Hotel, Swords Road, Dublin 9 on Sunday July 7th 2024 from 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Talks, Question and Answer sessions, Testimonies will feature throughout the day. Confessions will be available and the day will conclude with the celebration of Holy Mass at 3.30 p.m.


General Correspondents’ Meeting

The General Correspondents meeting took place on Saturday 25th May at Nazareth Hall, Dublin 7. The attendance of sixty-five (65) included eight (8) overseas correspondents, two (2) from Brazil, three (3) from Portugal, one (1) from Belgium, one (1) from Amsterdam and one (1) from Rotterdam. These correspond with our Portuguese speaking councils on behalf of Concilium.

The “Theme” for the day was “The joy of being a correspondent.”

We discussed the minutes received, elections, finances, attendance, and what to put in our letters. Frank Duff says “Your letter should be a worthy proposition, so do not disappoint your council in their expectation of what should be coming to them.”

Fr. John Peyton, Spiritual Director of Birmingham Senatus zoomed in and told us what it meant to him to be a legionary and correspondent. We should also be positive, inspiring and encouraging.

Fr. Paul Churchill, Concilium Spiritual Director, referred to when Angel Gabriel communicated the message to our Lady she was to be the Mother of God. We, too, as correspondents communicate, and we need to be sensitive to each culture, to be a correspondent who lifts and encourages.

Thanks to all who chaired the sessions, helped with translations, and the many other jobs involved in making the day an informative and helpful one.

Many more correspondents are needed, please speak to one of the Concilium officers if you would like to take up correspondence.


Portrait of Ven. Edel Quinn gifted by Dominicans to The Legion of Mary

The strong links between the Dominicans and the Legion of Mary date back to the very early times of the Legion of Mary. The Legion of Mary is very grateful to the Dominicans for their enduring support and input, with many Dominican brothers and priests serving in so many ways…. celebrating Mass, as Spiritual Directors of praesidia, Spiritual Director at Concilium for some time, preparing and delivering talks at conferences, as retreat masters, most recently attending games night, a new initiative organised by Deus et Patria, and in so many other ways. A Dominican priest is even buried next to Edel Quinn in the Missionaries’ Cemetery, Nairobi. With this year being the 800th anniversary of the arrival of the Dominicans in Ireland, and the 80th anniversary of the passing from this life of now Venerable Edel Quinn, the Dominicans were inspired to mark the happening of both occasions in a very special way by presenting a portrait of Venerable Edel Quinn which had been gifted to Fr. Anselm Moynihan OP (Vice-Postulator of the cause of Edel Quinn for some time) to the Legion of Mary. Fr. Terence Crotty OP spoke at the event and Fr. John Harris OP presented the beautiful gift to Br. Declan Lawlor, President of the Legion of Mary on behalf of The Legion of Mary. We thank God for the Dominicans and the Legion of Mary.


Some Handbook Reflections


“Exploratio Dominicalis is the term by which is known what might be called a mini-Peregrinatio and which might be translated as the Sunday search for souls.

Every praesidium in the world is urged, if possible as a body, to devote at least one Sunday in the year to an expedition to some place -possibly a problem area -at a little distance away, but at the same time not so far as to absorb undue time in travelling. The Exploratio need not be limited to one day; two or three days might be found possible. Exploratio Dominicalis enables the majority (in many cases all) of the members of a praesidium to undertake such a venture. It is recognised that even with the best of will, the Peregrinatio Pro Christo itself is not a possibility for the majority of legionaries.

Experience shows that it is necessary to stress, what the Concilium has repeatedly emphasised, that is, that Exploratio Dominicalis is essentially a praesidium project. Councils and praesidia are asked to keep this point in mind when Exploratio Dominicalis is being organised.” (Handbook 40:9)

It is strongly recommended that Exploratio Dominicalis should be one of the items to be considered when a praesidium is planning for the year ahead. If all the members are to take part, something which is very much to be desired, the choice of date, well in advance, will be of great importance. If a date is not agreed on at an early stage, it is likely that the Exploratio may be deferred, perhaps several times, and possibly omitted altogether.

The praesidium, obviously, will require permission from the parish priest and the Legion council, which is responsible for the parish in which it is proposed to carry out the Exploratio. It seems desirable, therefore, that the praesidium should work through its own Curia (or other council to which it is directly-affiliated) when planning the Exploratio. If the Exploratio is being carried out in another council area, then the praesidium’s own council should liaise with the other council. It is important that each council’s area of jurisdiction should be respected. It should not be necessary to add that if the Exploratio is planned for a parish in which a praesidium already exists, then, of course, the permission of that praesidium, also, should be obtained.

While new members may be recruited or even the nucleus for a new praesidium obtained in the course of an Exploratio, extension is not its main purpose. The handbook describes it as “the Sunday search for souls” (see above). It is evident, therefore, that the Exploratio should reach out to people with the aim of “bringing the full riches of the Church to every person.” (Handbook 37:9) As the carrying out of an Exploratio calls for self-sacrifice and a valuable contribution of time and effort on the part of the legionaries it is desirable that it should be directed as far as possible to areas of greatest need. The Exploratio can be a valuable asset to Legion councils in having an intensive apostolate carried out in areas which, otherwise, might be partially or totally untouched.

As a praesidium may succeed in having only one Exploratio during the year, it is desirable that a full day, at least, should be devoted to it and that a substantial portion of that day, after attendance at Mass and the recitation of the Legion prayers and Rosary, should be spent on the actual work of visitation or contact.


Mary’s Channel of Grace

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Mary’s Channel of Grace.


June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

It is very encouraging to hear of all happening in the Legion of Mary throughout the world to honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in this month of June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We pray that this devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus continues to grow, intensify and spread at an ever-increasing rate each and every month. The Concilium bulletin of April 2024 suggested a number of works a praesidium could carry out in honour of The Sacred Heart of Jesus. We look forward to hearing updates from what is happening in the Legion of Mary all around the world in this regard.