Centenary Closing Mass 2022

Centenary Closing Mass: 19th November 2022 The Centenary came to a close when we gathered in St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Dublin to celebrate the…

Concilium Bulletin September 2022

ASIA HOLY LAND This was the first face to face meeting held since February 2020. The meeting was divided into 2 parts. Curiae joining by Zoom gave…

September 2022 Allocutio

“Just have faith” (Mk 5:36) Fr. Paul Churchill These are challenging words both in the order of nature and of grace. For example, Covid-19 has…

Annual Mass to commemorate the founding of the Legion of Mary 2022

The Annual Mass to commemorate the founding of the Legion of Mary will be celebrated at St. Nicholas of Myra Church, Francis Street, Dublin 8 on…

Concilium Bulletin August 2022

NORTH AMERICA AND CANADA Boston Senatus with 9 praesidia was restricted to 20 attendees from March until June. They have held overdue elections.…

August 2022 Allocutio

“Because you’re getting closer to heaven!” Fr. Paul Churchill This time of year provide us with a great array of saints who are very…

Regia / Senatus

The Regia and Senatus are very important Councils in the government of the Legion of Mary throughout the world. Serious consideration is always…

Election of Concilium Vice-President

ELECTION OF CONCILIUM VICE-PRESIDENT Sr. Síle Ní Chochláin proposed and Sr. Bróna Snow seconded the nomination of Br. Declan Lawlor. As there…

Concilium Bulletin July 2022

SOUTH AMERICA VENEZUELA Senatus of Caracas: Senatus meetings are back to normal but there are large numbers of vacant officerships both at…

July 2022 Allocutio

A Vision of Marriage Fr. Paul Chuchill I was asking myself what I might say to you this month and, turning to Our Lady, I asked her what she wanted…