Concilium Bulletin October 2024



Gloriosa Curia

A local councillor has been approached regarding the setting up of a Crib under the Christmas tree at the Civic Offices in Ballyfermot. Curia organised a Rosary Procession in Ballyfermot on Sunday 13th October. Ten (10) people participated including two priests and one sister. The Legion of Mary Altar is displayed at Tesco carpark, Ballyfermot on Saturdays during October. The Rosary is prayed and Miraculous Medals and Rosaries are distributed. The offices of vice president and secretary are vacant in the curia. A praesidium has recruited three (3) new probationary members and three (3) other members have taken their Legion promise. The praesidium has recently been blessed with a new Spiritual Director. Most praesidia reported one (1) new member or visitor in the last month. Members have cleared the overgrown plants and foliage behind Mount Olivet. This is an ongoing project. A weekly Children’s Rosary is held in Celbridge Parish Church.

Mater Ecclesiae Curia

The curia outing to Baltinglass was held recently. The curia Retreat will be in October and the annual reunion in November. Street contact continues in Bray and Dún Laoghaire every Saturday morning. A coach has been booked for Knock. A praesidium’s main work is street contact which takes place every week. Miraculous Medals and leaflets, recruiting cards and flyers for Legion of Mary events are handed out. Five (5) auxiliaries were recruited through street contact. One probationer recruited on street contact brought in two (2) others to the praesidium. Three (3) others came to a few meetings, and one of these people hopes to return once her work situation permits. A legionary reported on her first ever Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) project to Bordon, England. She was so inspired by the experience that she signed up for another project to Inverness. She will give a report on the Bordon project at the PPC conference on 2nd November. Sister urged legionaries to go on Peregrinatio Pro Christo; it is an adventure in Faith and a holiday. A Holy Hour with Frank Duff prayers is held every week in St. Joseph’s Church, Glasthule and on the second Thursday of every month in Chapel of Divine Master, Newtownpark Avenue. Praesidia take turns, on a monthly basis, at leading the Rosary and Venerable Edel Quinn prayer in Monkstown church, where Edel attended Mass.

Benedicta Curia

The curia organised four (4) buses to Knock on the 29th September; there was great interest, and the buses were filled to capacity. Several people contacted on home visitation in Mount Brown had missed the Legion’s presence during the Covid years. Reconnections were made, and new people were also contacted. Legionaries met a young doctor and his wife, a teacher, with their four-month-old baby, who invited them into their home and were very pleased to hear that the Legion of Mary is active in the area. A Muslim family invited the visiting legionaries into their home in Drimnagh, and they chatted for an hour. They have a child who has special needs and so does one of the members, so they had a lot in common. The junior praesidium held a summer outing taking in a visit to Myra House on 6th September. They were particularly interested to learn about the Legion envoys, especially the Filipino envoys. After the visit, they went straight to St. Nicholas of Myra Church, Francis Street to attend the 103rd anniversary Mass of the Legion of Mary. A total of fourteen (14) members from Benedicta Curia attended the Mass.

Immaculata Curia

The annual Mass for Alfie Lambe has been arranged, by the curia, for Sunday 2nd February 2025 in St. Agnes’ Church, Crumlin. The curia has organised two (2) buses to travel to Knock for the annual Knock Pilgrimage. Scripture study for young adults began in September. Recruiting drives were held in August in Walkinstown and Crumlin, as well as an Exploratio Dominicalis in Jobstown. A Frank Duff prayer meeting is held monthly in Immaculata House. Twelve (12) people, eight (8) of whom were non-legionaries attended a recent Patrician meeting entitled ‘The Miracles of Jesus’. A praesidium’s main works are home visitation, school visitation and the maintenance of Immaculata House, where the members lead a weekly Public Rosary.

Assumpta Curia

The curia organised a bus to attend the recent pilgrimage to Knock. A monthly Rosary Procession takes places from St. Teresa’s Church, Clarendon Street, Dublin 2 to St. Saviour’s Church, Dominick Street, Dublin 1. Legionaries pray the Rosary en route and distribute Miraculous Medals and leaflets, as well as prayer leaflets promoting our three causes, Divine Mercy leaflets and other Legion of Mary literature. A praesidium organised a Mass for Venerable Edel Quinn in September, to celebrate her birthday. A praesidium has gladly welcomed two (2) new members and another praesidium was delighted to welcome one (1) new member.

Annunciata Curia

A function to mark the one thousandth (1000th) meeting of the curia will be held on Saturday 19th October beginning with Holy Mass. A praesidium’s main work is home visitation and aftercare of auxiliary members. All practicing Catholics met on home visitation are invited to consider both active and auxiliary membership and they are encouraged to become more involved in the life of the Church and the parish by using whatever talents they have. Legionaries lead an Open-air Rosary at the Grotto in Windy Arbour, Dundrum, Dublin 14 on the Fridays prior to every feast of Our Blessed Lady. Attendance varies between thirteen (13) and thirty (30), depending on the weather. Thirty-five (35) copies of Maria Legionis are distributed quarterly. As per the rota for Dublin curiae to visit Frank Duff ’s grave twelve (12) curia members along with two visitors and one member from Presentata Curia visited the grave on the last Sunday in August, recited all the Legion of Mary prayers and finished with a hymn. As there was no praesidium report at the September curia meeting, members discussed the importance of care of auxiliary members, leading to the following observations: The auxiliary member is so important that a whole chapter in the handbook is dedicated to their care. All praesidia should hold an auxiliary rally. All auxiliary members should be receiving Maria Legionis. We should focus more on what the Legion of Mary must do for auxiliary members, and less on what they do for the Legion of Mary. Visits to auxiliaries should be regular and productive.

Ancilla Domini Curia

A Patricians meeting is held every second month. The topic for November is ‘Why Pray for the Dead’. The Frank Duff Prayer Meeting is held monthly in Myra House. A public Rosary was held in the Grotto beside St. Catherine’s Church, Meath Street recently. The Mass to celebrate the anniversary of the first meeting of the Legion of Mary was held in St. Nicholas of Myra Church, Francis Street. It commenced with the Rosary and was followed by Holy Mass. There was a very good attendance. Refreshments were served afterwards in Myra House. One bus was booked for the annual Pilgrimage to Knock on 29th September. A short account of the work done by the junior legionaries was given at the recent curia meeting. Street contact continues in Temple Bar on Saturday followed by a Public Rosary.



Navan Comitium

Four hundred (400) new homes in one estate are visited. Our Lady of the Nativity junior praesidium in Navan has Fr. Mohally as their Spiritual Director, two senior members and twelve (12) juniors. Their works include distribution of Miraculous Medals, prayer cards, holy water and visits to nursing homes. Mass for the three causes was celebrated by Bishop Deenihan, Fr. Declan Hurley and three Columban priests. The book barrow apostolate has been extended to a second location. Dolorosa Curia in Mullingar has four (4) senior and one (1) junior praesidium. The praesidium in Tullamore maintains Alfie Lambe’s house and hosts visitors from all over Ireland and the world. The Rosary is prayed weekly for the summer months in housing estates in Castlepollard. Two (2) members took part in Maria et Patria projects in Limerick and Tuam.

Derry Comitium

Extension: Efforts are ongoing to extend the Legion to new parishes and to recruit new members. Our Lady of Zion Curia has restarted the Legion of Mary with six (6) new members in Dungiven. The parish priest in Ballymagroarty will be contacted to seek permission to start the Legion. In one of the attached praesidia, two young members joined and now the praesidium has eight (8) new members. In Inishowen Curia the president has completed six (6) years and a new president has been elected. There are seven (7) praesidia in the curia, which includes two (2) in Moville.

Raphoe Comitium

One praesidium reported in August. The legionaries there visited ninety (90) homes and distributed sixty-three (63) Miraculous Medals. A nursing home was also visited where the Rosary was prayed with the residents. On the Feast of the Assumption the legionaries participated in a Rosary Procession from the Cathedral.

Dromore Comitium

Four (4) officers from North Dromore visited the comitium meeting in August. They presented their annual report which was well received. Home visitation is ongoing in Newry. The primary and secondary schools are visited during which Miraculous Medals and rosary beads are distributed. Curia report: Armagh Curia. The legionaries promote and lead the rosary on the First Saturday and hold a book barrow on the same morning. The junior and intermediate praesidia visit the housebound parishioners in their homes. The newest praesidium in Ballymacnab is going well. Portadown praesidium is celebrating its 90th Anniversary on October 15th with Holy Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Portadown.

Drogheda Curia

Three (3) legionaries from the curia took part in a Maria et Patria (MEP) project in Nenagh which was described as fruitful. A recruiting drive was held over three weekends in Laytown. The curia retreat was held on 14th July. The Rosary was prayed on 16th July in St. Peter’s Cemetery, Drogheda at the grave of Kathleen Allen who was a Legion envoy to Vietnam and Cambodia.

Kilmore Curia

The new praesidium in Belturbet is going well with seven (7) members. Works include hospital visitation, helping with children’s Sunday Mass and delivering Miraculous Medal packs and prayer packs to churches around the area. Efforts are being made to try and get the praesidium in Ballyjamesduff up and running again.

Clonmacnoise Curia

The curia recently visited the Concilium for the meeting and tour of Frank Duff’s house. A new junior praesidium has been set up in Athlone with three (3) families involved. Works include reading of bidding prayers at Sunday Mass, choir duties and Altar serving. Some new members have joined the curia in the past three months including the two praesidia in Athlone and Moate.

Leitrim Curia

A praesidium has five (5) full members and one probationer. Works include Pilgrim Statue visitation, street contact, Public Rosaries and nursing home visitation. Co-habiting couples are encouraged to regularise their situations and have their children baptised. Legionaries from the curia carry out duty at the Legion of Mary stand in Knock on their designated Sunday.

Clogher Curia

Three (3) praesidia featured with twelve (12), five (5) and four (4) members respectively. Works being carried out include visitation of the elderly and housebound, nursing home and hospital visitation and bringing those in need to Mass. Three (3) of the attached praesidia each gained one new member each. A praesidium that did not restart after Covid has now restarted following a visit to the parish by the curia president and secretary.


Senatus of Austria

A very good discussion took place at the May meeting on visiting parishes that do not yet have the Legion. Helpful suggestions and points were made with regard to visiting comitia, curia and praesidia. Praesidia reports: A praesidium of three (3) members and six (6) probationers is actively recruiting new members. Another praesidium has thirteen (13) active members and thirty-seven (37) auxiliaries. The legionaries are engaging in a very good apostolate which includes the preparation of older children for baptism, and Patricians meetings with an attendance of twenty (20) to thirty (30).


Curia Salsburg has four (4) praesidia attached. The Legion was presented in Wals-Siezenheim after Mass and people were invited to attend another information meeting.

Curia Bregenz reported growth in the curia. The Lana and South Tyrol praesidium has been attached to the curia.

Comitia reports:

Thirty-six (36) people attended a retreat organised by the comitium.


The statistics for the country show that the situation has stabilised overall even though some Councils are suffering badly from the departure of the younger generation. The Councils are now aware of the concept of working in pairs and the legionaries are now striving to implement this idea. It has been reported that thirteen (13) new people have now made the Legion promise and a new praesidium of seven (7) members was established. After years of effort, the legionaries are delighted to have received the Imprimatur for the 33 steps.

Countries under caretakership:


Comitium Trnava: Following the presentation of the Legion in Sulelkovo, thirteen (13) people signed up for Legion membership.


Curia Chisinau

The six (6) praesidia of the curia are engaged in an apostolate to the sick, lonely and housebound at home and in hospital. Those encountered are also encouraged to return to the sacraments.



This Council has been out of touch since November 2023. Minutes for December 2023 to June 2024, excluding March, have now been received. There are two (2) curiae attached to the comitium.

Baranovich Curia has nine (9) praesidia, and the Lida Curia has six (6) praesidia. Visitation of the attached praesidia was recorded in the minutes. Permission was given by the parish priest in one parish to set up a new praesidium.

Minsk Comitium

The attendance of the directly attached praesidia and curiae is very good. Visitation of praesidia and curiae is done following the annual and quarterly reports. Reports: A praesidium of eleven (11) active members and sixteen (16) auxiliary members is engaging in a good variety of works which includes distribution of Miraculous Medals, contact work at bus stops, bus stations, the Church kiosk, promoting family prayer, arranging confession for those who are unable to go to Church. Extension: Very good efforts are being made to bring the Legion of Mary to new parishes. The Legion retreat was planned for 25th August.


Pertinja Comitium.

Pertinja Curia reported. Elderly people came back to the sacraments of confession, Holy Communion, confirmation and marriage, some having been away for up to ten (10) years. Kutina Curia organised a movie night followed by discussion. They have some outreach to people suffering from mental illness - the members were invited to read Br. Duff’s article entitled ‘You came to me affectionately when others called me mad.’ Sisak Curia started a book barrow apostolate and have an outreach to those most dejected in society. A meeting between the officers of Zagreb Regia and Petrinja Comitium took place, and better relations were established.

Zagreb Regia and countries under caretakerhip:

Praesidia reports: Three (3) praesidia feature in this report. Our Lady Refuge of Sinners praesidium has seven (7) active, and sixty-three (63) auxiliary members. Home visitation and visits to the sick and elderly are carried out. At Our Lady Queen of Apostles praesidium, the legionaries were instrumental in the return of one person to confession and Holy Communion after sixty (60) years.

Curiae reports:

Mary Origin of a Better World Curia has four (4) praesidia and three hundred and twenty-nine (329) auxiliary members. The legionaries have a very good outreach, with help and words of encouragement to those in need recorded.

Our Lady of Fatima Curia reported a new praesidium of eight (8) members. Returns to the sacraments were recorded. The junior curia with three (3) praesidia in Dugo Selo held a Patrician meeting on ‘The sacrament of reconciliation’ which was well attended.

Zagreb East Curia: Their work includes home visitation and street contact. Eight (8) new auxiliary members were enrolled and twenty-one (21) people returned to the sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Communion.

Comitia reports

There are three (3) comitia attached to the regia.

Comitium Split established a new curia, entitled Gate of Heaven Curia in Sibenik which has three (3) praesidia in this Diocese. There are eight (8) praesidia and four (4) curiae attached to the comitium. The apostolate includes home visitation including Pilgrim Statue visitation, Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the homes and in some parishes, and Catechism classes are given to children of lower grades. Seven (7) people received the sacraments after a long time.

Countries under the care of Zagreb Regia:


Our Lady of the Way Curia has five (5) praesidia and one hundred and fifty-five (155) auxiliary members. The curia meetings are held regularly with attendance of forty per cent (40%). The apostolate is mainly home visitation.


A new praesidium of six (6) members was established here following extension work, and a presentation on the Legion of Mary. Their apostolate is home visitation.


Budapest Regia

Recruitment and extension efforts are ongoing, with a new praesidium recently established in an elderly home at Olive Branch. Our Lady of Hungary Comitium has also expanded by adding another praesidium. Efforts are being made to reach out to priests for permission to speak at Mass and introduce the Legion. In Tarnalelesz, a praesidium with eight (8) members is involved in prison visitation. The Queen of Angels Curia consists of twelve (12) praesidia with one hundred and one (101) active members. During Lent, they led the Stations of the Cross on Radio Maria, and in May, they prayed the Rosary in Church after every Mass. Their activities include caring for children during Mass, visiting the sick and helping transport them to Mass, assisting with parish work, cleaning, washing, and ironing liturgical garments. There was no meeting in July due to the extreme heat, in order to protect those travelling long distances.


A praesidium with five (5) members visit the visually impaired in a special home for them and organise some fun activities. They assist with helping some of the residents in the home to attend Mass and receive confession. Jelgava Curia has had to close three (3) praesidia in the last few months, due to ill health and advance in years.

Rezekne Curia has also closed one praesidium due to increasing years, and currently has seven (7) praesidia. Holy Mass to celebrate thirty (30) years of the Legion in Latvia was organised for 24th August.


A praesidium of five (5) active members at Latvia Comitium visit the visually impaired in a special home for them, and organise some fun activities. They assist with helping some of the residents in the home to attend Mass and receive confession.

Jelgava Curia has had to close three praesidia due to ill health and old age.

Rezekne Curia also closed one praesidium due to old age and has currently seven (7) praesidia.

Warsaw Praga Comitium

Recruiting efforts are ongoing. Three (3) new members were gained for one praesidium of seven (7) active members and fifteen (15) auxiliaries. The attached curiae are making good efforts to recruit and extend. A very good attendance of two hundred (200) was recorded at the Acies which included auxiliaries and others.

Warsaw Comitium

A congress is planned for October/ November to mark the 45th anniversary of the Legion of Mary in Poland. The legionaries in this Council are engaging in a good apostolate. Much contact work is done in Willand where many sects gather, aiming to win people over. Many Miraculous Medals were delivered in this place of special need. Recruiting and extension is ongoing. One praesidium gained two (2) new members.

Lublin Regia: The 45th anniversary of the Legion in Poland was celebrated with twenty-eight (28) priests who are Spiritual Directors concelebrating at a Mass attended by several hundreds of legionaries on June 22nd. The reports relate the new people are joining the active ranks and some auxiliaries are moving to active membership. Home visitation to apartment blocks and distribution of Miraculous Medals are included in the apostolate.


Satu Mare Regia

The correspondent has been encouraging a better attendance of the directly attached praesidia at the regia meeting. A praesidium of twelve (12) members has 100% attendance at their weekly praesidium meeting. Queen of Peace praesidium at the Cathedral parish has ten (10) active members and one probationer. The apostolates undertaken are visitation to the sick and housebound and helping them to receive the sacraments, leading the rosary in Church, organising for Eucharistic Adoration, helping the priest with parish duties, cleaning the Church, and many more parish works. The attached Councils are engaging in a similar apostolate.



Works reported on at the regia are visits to men’s and women’s prisons. Response to an on-line bible sharing group, organized by the regia, has been disappointing. An officers’ formation day was held at which some legionaries from Macau were present.


Kuala Lumpur Regia

Praesidia reported the recitation of the Rosary at wakes and funerals including wakes for non – Catholics. Legionaries were encouraged by the regia officers to organise parishioners to take responsibility for some of the works legionaries were undertaking to allow them to concentrate on home visitation and street contact. They were also encouraged to prioritise recruiting, with the aim of having ten (10) members in each praesidium.


Kaupang Senatus

Reports show legionaries involved in parish activities including organisation of a Marian Procession and recruiting for the church choir. They also undertake prison and hospital visitation. Three (3) marriages occurred following contact unmarried fathers. The junior curia has fifty-seven (57) members who work with the seniors.

Jakarta Senatus

One comitium and three (3) curiae reported to the August meeting. The comitium has two praesidia in the university and four (4) in the seminary and seventeen (17) juniors in one praesidium. Following prison visitation, two inmates expressed a desire to be baptised. Tanjung Curia has nine (9) senior and nine (9) junior praesidia attached. This is located in a rural area and the praesidia are dispersed throughout the area.

Malang Senatus:

Regia Semaranag has two thousand, two hundred and eighty (2280) members, eighty-four (84) of whom are praetorians. Former members are invited to re-join and those lapsed were encouraged to pray the Stations of the Cross during Lent. Works of the juniors include leading prayers before and after class, singing in the church/school choir and being altar servers.


The university praesidia held interfaith dialog events during which Miraculous Medals were distributed. Forty (40) juniors attended a Day of Reconciliation. Legionaries teach English and Catechism to domestic workers.


Seoul Senatus

One comitium reported positive results from the distribution of the parish bulletin and talking to contacts made. These included returns to the sacraments and new members, and the gaining of both active and auxiliary members. The support given by legionaries to bereaved families including non-Catholics has led to conversions and returns to practice. The senatus Spiritual Director has been encouraging Councils to actively recruit younger adults and juniors. The senatus has a project to prepare a new translation of the Handbook within two years.

Gwanju Senatus

One comitium reported on a special project in an area where, following urban renewal, a large number of apartment blocks had been built. As a result of legionary visitation, ninety-nine (99) people were enrolled in catechism class, fifty-seven (57) were baptised, three hundred and fifty-nine (359) returned to the sacraments and many active and auxiliary members were gained. A curia in a rural area carried out a work of True Devotion to the Nation and promoted membership by getting involved in environmental activities such as clearing up rubbish.

Daegu Senatus

Works reported on show contact with the lapsed and non-Catholics leading to returns to the sacraments and baptisms. One hundred (100) legionaries attended a Day Retreat at Beomeo Cathedral.


Osaka Senatus

Due to the extremely hot weather, the August meeting was held as an open meeting. A review of the senatus showed that at present it has six hundred and sixty-four (664) active and one thousand, five hundred and fifty-seven (1,557) auxiliary members. Three (3) praesidia presented reports. The praesidium at Ikuno Parish Church has twenty (20) female members of whom five (5) are praetorians. The members visit the elderly, bring invalids to church, and maintain the church building. They plan to recruit young members and revive dormant praesidia. There are just two (2) active members in the praesidium at Fuse Parish Church. The members provide music for Sunday Mass and distribute Miraculous Medals to school children. The praesidium at Kohri Parish Church has twenty-four (24) female members. They keep in contact with their adjutorian and auxiliary members by sending them handmade cards, which are joyfully received. They perform the same act of kindness to priests on their feast days.

Taiwan Senatus.

Mother of Divine Grace Curia is in the process of establishing two (2) new praesidia. It has also started a prison ministry which is progressing well. The annual Legion of Mary Retreat, held in June, attracted so many legionaries that it had to be held over three (3) sessions. A correspondents’ training meeting was also held during that month.



Buenos Aires Senatus

A group of legionary brothers carry out a mission with men on the streets late at night and a group of legionary sisters do contact work in a very dangerous area. Street contact is done, and the Legion Standard is brought along to this. The annual online symposium for the beatification of Alfie Lambe has invited legionaries from all Spanish speaking Councils. The Alfie Lambe committee of the senatus has been invited to attend the meeting of the Delegation for the Canonisation of Argentinean Saints.

Salta Senatus

The Regia of Tucuman has visited many times the Comitium of La Rioja which formerly was affiliated to the Cordoba Senatus. Many priests are asking for praesidia to be set up in their parishes. Thousands of pilgrims travel each year for the Feast of Our Lady of the Miracle. Legionaries meet and help those who arrive by preparing them for the sacraments. Bolivian immigrants are helped prepare for their annual fiesta of the Virgen of Urkupiña.

Corrientes Regia

The works undertaken by the Comitium of Iguazu include visitation of hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, children’s homes, auxiliaries. They provide Catechesis for both children and adults and have set up two (2) junior praesidia. The surviving praesidium in the Marian Shrine town of Itatí carries out various works including visiting homes to invite people to join in the Novena to Our Lady of Itatí.

Rosario Regia

A parish priest requested for the Legion of Mary to be established since he discovered there were many Marian apostolic people in the parish. The regia called a meeting and thirty-two (32) men and women attended, all of them very interested. Santa Fe Comitium held a Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) Project. Concordia Comitium carries out much work in spreading the three Causes. The regia officers travelled four hundred (400) kilometres to Cordoba and held a meeting with legionaries from many places in the former senatus area.


Belo Horizonte Senatus

Reports show visits to families and to the sick at home and in hospital. Holy Communion is brought to many sick and elderly people. The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in homes is undertaken. There is mention of Catechesis for children, young people and adults, prison visitation and the evangelisation of homeless people.

Ponta Grossa Senatus: Works mentioned include visitation of elderly homes, hospitals and nursing homes and bringing Holy Communion to the sick. Legionaries also presided over Public Rosaries in public squares, shopping centres and at wakes.

Recife Senatus: Graces received by the legionary apostolate included eleven (11) families having returned to the Church, forty-eight (48) couples having received the Sacrament of Matrimony, and a Protestant family having converted to Catholicism. The senatus founded seven (7) senior and four (4) youth praesidia.

Rio de Janeiro Senatus: A report from an attached regia shows visitation of Protestants, the lapsed and the sick. An elderly lady with sight impairment was evangelised and received her First Holy Communion, and a young lady from an Evangelical family became a Catholic and a legionary following a legionary visit. Three (3) new praesidia were founded.

Salvador Senatus: Legionaries visited lapsed Catholics, atheists, Protestants, spiritist and Buddhist homes, as well as homes, hospitals, hostels, schools and shopping centres. They prepared children, young people and adults for the sacraments.

Aracaju Regia reported thirty (30) people made the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, according to St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, accompanied by the Spiritual Director.

Santa Maria Senatus: Reports show visitation of homes, elderly homes and retirement homes. Holy Communion was brought to patients at home and in hospitals and nursing homes. The senatus organised the participation of young legionaries at a gathering which took place in Brasilia.

São Luis Senatus: There were four thousand, nine hundred and forty-seven (4,947) visits, with one thousand, seven hundred and five (1,705) revisits to families with problems, non-Catholics, the bereaved, the sick at home, the elderly and others. Holy Communion was brought to the elderly. Hospital visits were made and people were accompanied to medical tests. Two (2) curiae were founded.

São Paulo Senatus: The 21st June 2024 was the 65th Anniversary of the establishment by Concilium of the São Paulo Senatus as the first senatus in Brazil and the first in the Portuguese-speaking world. Many reports show great numbers of homes visited and Holy Communion being brought to large numbers of sick people.

Brasilia Regia: In July the regia hosted youth gathering. It went well.


Some Handbook Reflections

“So it can be expected that a praesidium which is true to its ideals will bestow around itself life and renewal and healing and solutions.” (19:23)

We all desire to be part of such as praesidium, don’t we? Concilium is delighted to hear of so many praesidia being established throughout the world, and pray that this continues. In light of this, we are all reminded of the importance of fidelity to the handbook in the running of Legion of Mary praesidia meetings as we pray for optimal levels of Grace to flow. We are all urged to ensure that we are conducting all our praesidia meetings - those of praesidia that are long - established, and those that are newly established alike - as we ought.

It is well within our means to do this. Asking ourselves if we are carrying out each of the aspects listed below in this month’s extract from ‘Some Handbook Reflections’ effectively gives us the opportunity to complete a little checklist as we strive to honour our Blessed Mother as she well deserves, as all is provided for in the Legion system. Our hearts are really all we need to offer in this regard.

The money collected in the secret bag well covers any costs such as the purchase of candles, fresh flowers if fresh flowers are not available and thus need to be bought etc.

A close examination of the paragraph in the extract below about the setting of the meeting may lead us to making some necessary changes that yet again are very easily made once our hearts are in the right place for our Blessed Mother.

The handbook provides a very clear photograph of how a Legion Altar is to be. It goes without saying that nothing but what is listed below should ever find itself on a Legion Altar. The existence of the word ‘Altar’ should surely be enough to indicate this, and yet unfortunately a casual attitude and slipshod practices may have crept in, such as various personal items or matches to light candles being left on the Legion Altar. All of this can of course very easily be rectified.

An officer recently related sensing that the Legion Altar at her praesidium meeting was ‘just not quite right’. Further reflection on this, and reading about how a Legion Altar and the Setting of the Meeting ought to be - as described below - led to the necessary changes being made at that praesidium meeting. The officer reported a great increase in the flow of Grace at that praesidium and its meetings, and attributed this to the changes made. The humility of the officer in relating this, and the great good that subsequently came about is surely a prompt for all of us to read carefully the following extract from Some Handbook Reflections (p. 2-4), ensure that the points listed are always uppermost in our minds, and to be courageous enough to speak up if we ever encounter a Legion of Mary Altar in need of changes being made.

Indeed, it would be good for us to return to the points in the extract below on a regular basis to ensure that all is proceeding at the praesidium meeting as it should:

‘The praesidium Meeting’ (p. 3-5) in Some Handbook Reflections

THE PRAESIDIUM MEETING “In an atmosphere made supernatural by its wealth of prayer, by its devotional usages, and by its sweet spirit of fraternity, the praesidium holds a weekly meeting ... “(Handbook 11:5) The handbook devotes many pages to the praesidium meeting. It may be worthwhile reflecting on some aspects of this fundamental and vital part of the Legion system, mindful of the words of the handbook: “So it can be expected that a praesidium which is true to its ideals will bestow around itself life and renewal and healing and solutions.” (19:23)

SETTING OF THE MEETING: The members should sit around a table at one end of which the Legion altar is placed. Traditionally, the President sits at the other end facing the altar. The altar must not be separated from the meeting-table or so placed as to remove the statue outside the circle of the members.

THE LEGION ALTAR: “It should be regarded as an honourable duty on the part of some legionary to keep the vexillum and the vases and candlesticks clean and bright, and duly provided with flowers and candles at the expense of the praesidium.” (Handbook 18:1) It should not be necessary to add that the statue and altar cloth also should be kept in good condition.

PUNCTUALITY “... a punctual start (so necessary for the proficiency of the praesidium) will not be possible unless the officers are in attendance some time in advance in order to make the requisite preparations.” (Handbook 18:2)

THE PRAYERS: Regarding the manner of saying the 3 prayers “... pray as if Our Blessed Lady herself, instead of her statue, were visibly present.” (Handbook 19:13) The prayers are to be one with the meeting: “What the breathing is to the human body, the Rosary is to the Legion meetings” (Handbook 19:14). In regard to special prayers at the meeting: “If it is a question of supplementing the Legion prayers by some other prayers for special intentions, the ruling is that the existing prayers are already long enough, and should not ordinarily be added to.” (Handbook 19:16) At a fixed time, usually about an hour after the opening of the meeting, the Catena Legionis is recited, all standing.

SPIRITUAL READING: “Its duration should be limited to about five minutes.”(Handbook 18:5)

THE ALLOCUTIO: “In the event of the absence of the Spiritual Director, the commentary (on the handbook) should be made by the President or by any member designated by the President. It is stressed that a mere reading from the handbook or any other document does not suffice for the allocutio. The allocutio should not occupy more than five or six minutes.” (Handbook 18:11)

WORK SHEET, ETC. “No praesidium meeting is ever to begin without its written programme, termed the “Work Sheet”. This should be drawn up in advance of each meeting and from it the President will call the business.” (Handbook 18:2) The Minute book, Attendance roll, Treasurer’s book and secret bag will be required also at the meeting. The praesidium should have also roll books for praetorians, auxiliaries and adjutorians.

THE MINUTES: “...the minutes should be written in ink or typed, and in a book of good quality. (Handbook 34:4:3)

MEMBERS’ REPORTS: “In its own way the report is as important to the meeting as the prayers.” (Handbook 18:9) “Every member should have a notebook ... without its aid a suitable report will not be made.” (Handbook 33:5) 4 “A particular application of the doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ may be made to the Legion meetings, especially to the praesidium meeting which forms the heart of the Legion system.” (Handbook 21)


Rosary Procession

A Rosary Procession takes place on the last Thursday of each month through Dublin City Centre, leaving at 6:30 p.m. from St. Teresa’s Church, Clarendon Street, Dublin 2, through O’Connell Street, and ending at St. Saviour’s Church, Dominick Street Lower, Dublin 1. All are welcome and invited to join others praying together publicly through the streets of the capital of Ireland.


Deus et Patria Report

Sr. Áine Blake informed all about the conference on 24th August 2024 at De Montfort House, Dublin 7. This was the first time that the conference was moved from the previous venue of All Hallows. The speakers on the day greatly inspired all present. Attendees had a tour of Frank Duff house, visited the Oratories in the hostels. There was food and music. Confession was available and Holy Mass to conclude the day. Forty-nine (49) legionaries and fifty-one (51) non-legionaries attended. Attendees travelled from far and near. Many thanks to all legionaries who contributed in any way to the success of this event.


Knock Pilgrimage 2024 Report.

We are most thankful to Bishop Paul Connell of the Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise for being our chief celebrant at our Legion of Mary Pilgrimage on Sunday 29th September 2024. His inspiring homily reminded us of the threefold damage caused by sin in our society (i) offending God, (ii) wounding ourselves and others and (iii) the negative witness we give to others by our sins.

In addition, we were privileged to the Relic of St. Bernadette present in the Basilica during our pilgrimage.

Thanks also to the legionaries from Longford and Clonmacnoise and the Concilium Officers who assisted with readings, prayers of the faithful, and offertory procession and with greeting Bishop Paul Connell and Fr. Richard Gibbons. Thanks to Fr. Gibbons who gave us every assistance on the day.

The choir made a lovely sound and they were joined by some junior legionaries and students from Mater Dei Academy.

Thanks to all Irish Councils who did a tremendous job to bring many pilgrims to Knock. The Basilica was packed on the day.

We hope you all received many graces and blessings for your Legion work going forward.


Proposal re: Deus et Patria

Br. Patrick Dixon proposed, and Sr. Bróna Snow seconded the branching out of Deus et Patria to other Councils, citing its merits in training legionaries and informing them about the system of the Legion of Mary. Eighteen-forty (18-40) year olds in Europe are the main target of this current expansion. Br. Declan Lawlor related how Deus et Patria has been running in Ireland for the past twenty years or so, and that 18-40 year olds are the target group as people often fall away from faith between the ages of eighteen and forty years old.


Proposal to contribute one thousand, three hundred and fifty (€1, 350) to Frankfurt Senatus for the printing of the Norwegian Handbook [two hundred (200) hardcover copies].

This first printing of the Handbook in the Norwegian language has been almost ten (10) years in preparation. The praesidium of Tonsberg, one of the five (5) praesidia of the new curia of Oslo (in formation at the moment) took responsibility for procuring translation services, which have been intermittent over the years.

The Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur of the Bishop of Oslo are included in the .pdf file of the new book which has been sent to us. Concilium is concerned however that neither the three colour photos, not the important papal letters of Appendix 1 appear in the document. It was proposed to the body and agreed by the body that the funding be given, due to the long period of preparatory work by the Norwegian praesidia, the great expectation surrounding the Handbook in their own language, and the relatively small outlay on Concilium’s part, but on the understanding that the photos and papal letters be included as a final step before printing.


Proposal to contribute three thousand (€3,000) to Chennai Senatus, India for the printing of the Tamil Handbook three thousand (3,000) copies.

A reprint of the Handbook in Tamil has been requested. Concilium asked for three quotations and an upgrade to the thickness of the paper for better quality. It was decided to print three thousand (3,000) instead of five thousand (5,000) copies. The best offer has now been selected, with a very reasonable price of one euro (E1) per book.

Concilium asked for clarification regarding the text, as it was thought the edition being printed was that of several decades back. We received assurance from the senatus president that the new printing will incorporate all amendments and additions of the 2024 English edition, a .pdf file of which was forwarded to the senatus by Sr. Helen Murphy, their correspondent years ago.

As Chennai is a Council which was recently raised from a regia to a senatus, there is a great movement there, and they have great expectations of growth, it was proposed and seconded by the body that funding of three thousand (E3,000) be given as requested.


Maria Legionis.

Retrospective sanction for six thousand, eight hundred euro (E 6, 800) was sought to cover printing costs of Maria Legionis. This is largely due to moneys outstanding and difficulties getting money from around the world. Maria Legionis sales need to increase. Many thanks to Sr. Felicity Devlin who is working valiantly on administration regarding this.


Proposal to print 33 Day Consecration booklet.

Br. Pat O’ Donoghue explained that the booklet published by De Montfort Fathers has been out of print for some time, and that as it was not possible for The Legion of Mary to receive permission to reprint it, the Legion of Mary has compiled a booklet which is ready to go to print. Permission was sought and received from the body for the sum of two thousand euro (E 2,000) for one thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight (1,998) copies to be printed, and a typesetter fee for same to be paid.


Columban Drive Cards.

Br. Pat O’ Donoghue explained that Columban Drive Cards are back in stock. He reminded all that ideally a card, pen and recruitment card be left in the pews. We pray that we will all be mobilised to fill our diaries with Colomban Drive events, and that praesidia will see numbers of legionaries surge, and a plethora of new praesidia being formed all over the world.


Sacred Heart Images for Home Enthronement to the Sacred Heart.

Images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are available at the very reasonable price of E1.50 (A3 size). Many thanks are due to Waterford curia for pursuing this initiative. In this Jubilee year (2023-2025) at Paray-le Monial marking the 350th Anniversary of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, it could be perceived that we in the Legion of Mary are being prompted to carry out, with particular focus and zeal the work of Enthronement of Homes to the Sacred Heart, a work that is placed very highly (third to be exact) on the list of suggestions as to works for us to carry our as per the Legion of Mary Handbook (p.234). Please contact Concilium when seeking to order these images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) Conference

The programme for the Organisers’ Meeting and the PPC Conference has been finalised for Saturday 2nd November 2024 at De Montfort House, Dublin 7. Assistance from legionaries available to help on the day would be greatly appreciated. So far, eight (8) projects have been completed, with sixty-eight (68) Irish legionaries, sixteen (16) English legionaries, and one (1) Belgian legionary taking part. Some Irish legionaries participated in two (2) projects due to a lack of legionaries volunteering. Reports from the eight (8) projects will be taken. The projects this year were particularly fruitful in the number of people eager to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) programme.


Africa Day

Location: De Montfort House, Dublin 7.

Date: Saturday October 26 2024.

All legionaries are invited, especially African families are invited to this day. There will be talks, African food, and of course Holy Mass.


Notice of election for Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer in November 2024.

Sr. Lóirín O’Leary has completed her first term as Assistant Secretary, and the position of Assistant Treasurer is vacant for one year now, hence the elections.

Drammen and Tonsberg

Drammen and Tonsberg have been attached to Concilium for the past thirteen (13) or fourteen (14) years. Sr. Rose Caulfield has been correspondent with them. They will now be attached to Oslo, and will no longer be attached to Concilium.


Ireland Day

Date: Saturday 2nd November 2024.

Venue: Longford.

This is a follow-up day to the day held in Newbridge in March this year. It is mainly aimed at legionaries in the environs of Longford and in that general region. Your prayers are requested that this day be fruitful.

Europe Day

Date: 09/11/2024.

Venue: De Montfort House, Dublin 7.

Officers from England, Wales, Scotland, France and Malta have been invited. To date, twenty-five (25) people have confirmed attendance. Malta and France have confirmed attendance. Other councils are yet to confirm numbers. The main objective of the day is to strengthen relationships and encourage all. Please keep this in our prayers. Concilium visits to Central London, Birmingham and Brentwood have happened recently in advance of Europe Day, and a new curia has recently been ratified in London.


Centenary Anniversary of the First Concilium meeting.

The November 2024 Concilium meeting will mark one hundred years since the first Concilium meeting.


De Montfort Trust meeting

The next meeting will be held at De Montfort House, Dublin 7 on 26th November 2024.


Mass for founder of the Legion of Mary, Servant of God, Frank Duff.

The annual Mass for Servant of God, Frank Duff will be celebrated in the Pro-Cathedral, Dublin 1 on Sunday 16th November 2024 at 3p.m. All welcome.
