Maria Legionis: Edition 1 of 2021

Download the Maria Legionis Edition 1 of 2021 - Centenary bumper edition

Maria Legionis: Edition 4 of 2020

Download the Maria Legionis Edition 4 of 2020 - Christmas​

Concilium Bulletin March 2021

AFRICA GHANA The Senatus of Accra: Ghana no minutes received since last report Nov 2020. EGYPT The Senatus of Egypt: Had resumed meetings in…

March 2021 Allocutio

“What was going on in Mary as she stood at the foot of the Cross?” By Fr. Paul Churchill Just at a basic human natural level it had to be that…

Concilium Bulletin February 2021

AFRICA BURUNDI Senatus of Burundi: Legionaries have been able to continue with their meetings and apostolate at all levels. St. Louis Marie de…

February 2021 Allocutio

“Bring everything to Mary and let her have charge of it” Fr. Paul Churchill I was reflecting, at the beginning of this month, on the…

Knock Pilgrimage 2020 - Homily

Most Rev. Michael Neary D.D. Archbishop of Tuam Sunday 27th September 2020 I am very pleased to be here today as I have so many grateful memories…

Rosary: nightly at 8.30 p.m. GMT

The Legion of Mary invites you to participate in our nightly Rosary at 8.30 p.m. GMT Join Zoom meeting…

ELECTIONS Concilium officers

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary: An election took place at the August meeting for Concilium Assistant Secretary. Nominations were taken…

Notification of officership elections

Elections for President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer will take place at the August Concilium meeting.


Covid-19 NOTICE Concilium advises all legionaries to adhere to the instruction of the Catholic bishops and the civic authorities in regard to…

Cause of Frank Duff: Update December 2019

We’re hopeful that by 31st December 30,000 of the 33,000 letters written by Frank Duff will have been read. The 25 readers who had completed…