New Regia for Western Visayas - Philippines
A proposal to raise the Capiz Comitium in Western Visayas, Philippines to Regia status was approved by Concilium. This new Regia will consist of 9…
Election of Concilium Assistant Treasurer
An election took place at the June meeting for Concilium Assistant Treasurer. Nominations were taken and Declan Lawlor was proposed and seconded…
Election of Concilium Secretary - 2019
An election took place at the May meeting for the Office of Secretary of Concilium. Nominations were taken and Maureen McManus was proposed and…
Election of Assistant Secretary of Concilium
An election took place at the December meeting for the post of Assistant Secretary of Concilium. Nominations were taken and Helen Murphy was…
Frank Duff Prayer Leaflets in Different Languages
FRANK DUFF PRAYER LEAFLETS IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES In order to have a complete list of the prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Frank…
St. Raphael to be included in the Final Invocations
ST. RAPHAELTO BE INCLUDED IN THE FINAL INVOCATIONS The proposal to include St. Raphael in the final invocations prayers of the Legion was approved…
Election of Assistant Secretary
ELECTION OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY An election took place for Assistant Secretary of Concilium. Nominations were taken and Louise Hanlon was proposed…
Concilium Bulletin September 2017
ASIA MYANMAR: Extension teams were appointed and visitation of councils undertaken. The correspondent has been encouraging more detailed…
Election of Vice President of Concilium
ELECTION OF CONCILIUM VICE PRESIDENT An election took place for Vice President of Concilium. Nominations were taken and Sile Ni Chochlain was…
Proposal to Raise 3 New Regia in the Bogota Senatus Area, Columbia
PROPOSAL TO RAISE 3 NEW REGIA IN THE BOGOTA SENATUS AREA, COLUMBIA A proposal to raise 3 new Regia in the Bogota Senatus area of Columbia was…
Concilium Bulletin May 2017
CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICO Mexico City Senatus: An attached Curia set up two new praesidia. Two PPC projects are planned. The extension worker, along…
TRIBUTE TO MONIQUE CHEVROT On Sunday 2 April 2017, Monique Chevrot, President of the Senatus of Paris, was suddenly called home by the Lord, at the…