Sally Chan - Extension Worker in Ireland

SALLY CHAN - EXTENSION WORKER IN IRELAND Sally Chan, a legionary from Hong Kong, is involved with extension work in the Dublin area. She has…

Visit by Concilium to Cyprus

VISIT BY CONCILIUM TO CYPRUS John Galvin, a legionary from the Thurles Comitium and Concilium Correspondent, visited the 4 praesidia in Cyprus…

Visit by Concilium to Korea

VISIT BY CONCILIUM TO KOREA Paddy Fay and Pat O’Donoghue attended the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the foundation of the Legion of Mary in…

Visitation to Concilium by Austrian Legionaries

VISITATION TO CONCILIUM BY AUSTRIAN LEGIONARIES The Concilium had great pleasure in welcoming the Officers of the Austrian Senatus which included…

Election of Concilium Officers

ELECTION OF CONCILIUM SECRETARY At the May meeting of Concilium, an election for Concilium Secretary took place as Paddy Fay’s first term of…

Meeting for Legionaries on occasion of World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Monday 29th July 2013

Following the World Youth Day, which is due to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-28 July 2013, the Legion Councils in Brazil are arranging…

Concilium News - December 2012

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary At the November 2012 Concilium Meeting nominations were sought for the office of Assistant Secretary as…

Concilium News April 2012

Election of Concilium Assistant Treasurer Nominations were sought for the office of Assistant Treasurer of the Concilium, notice of the election…

Concilium News March 2012

Concilium News March 2012 Three New Regiae for the Democratic Republic of the Congo The Concilium was very pleased to raise two Comitia in the…

Concilium News February 2012

Concilium News February 2012 Alfie Lambe Anniversary Mass The annual Anniversary Mass was celebrated on Saturday, 18 February 2012, in the Church…

Concilium News January 2012

Concilium News January 2012 Establishment of the Legion of Mary in Bulgaria The Concilium was very pleased to hear that the first Legion praesidia…

Concilium News December 2011

Concilium News December 2011 Frank Duff Anniversary Mass in Ukraine The first Mass in the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine for the Beatification of…