Annual Audits
Reminder to all Councils re the requirement of an annual audit for all Praesidia and Councils All Councils were reminded that all Councils and…
The Servant of God Alfie Lambe
The 51st Anniversary of the death of The Servant of God Alfie Lambe To commemorate the 51st Anniversary of the death of The Servant of God Alfie…
Camotan Regia celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Legion Camotan Regia recently celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Legion and two legionaries…
Concilium Bulletin February 2010
REPORTS - Mexico Mexico City Senatus: An attached Comitium in Puebla has been raised to Regia status. This particular Comitium was very active;…
Back to Basics (4)
The Weekly Meeting Revisited In the context of our program of going back to basics and the ongoing renewal of the Legion, I think I should revisit…
Theme of Legion of Mary for 2010
“Get back to Basics through the Study of the Handbook” The Concilium was reminded of the theme for the Legion of Mary worldwide in 2010 “Get…
Concilium Bulletin January 2010
Reports - AFRICA CENTRAL AFRICA Bangui Regia: The report for 2008/09 indicates that there are 20,870 Legion members in the Archdiocese of Bangui…
The Philippines
New Regia for Northern Philippines The Concilium approved, subject to ecclesiastical permission, the raising of Lipa Comitium to Regia. The…
Papua New Guinea
New Regia for PNG The Concilium approved the raising of Mount Hagan Comitium to Regia and affiliating the Legion in the Archdiocese Mount Hagan and…
Back to Basics (3)
The Weekly Meeting At our November meeting of the Concilium Officers (2009) to plan for the coming year we decided that the deepest renewal of the…
Theme for the Legion of Mary worldwide in 2010
Tommy McCabe, Concilium President informed the Concilium that proposals from the Concilium Officers annual planning meeting held in November 2009,…
Concilium Bulletin December 2009
REPORTS - AFRICA KENYA: Senatus of Kenya: A praesidium of 18 in Nairobi restarted a junior praesidium, and care for Venerable Edel's grave.…