Visit by Concilium to Cyprus

VISIT BY CONCILIUM TO CYPRUS John Galvin, a legionary from the Thurles Comitium and Concilium Correspondent, visited the 4 praesidia in Cyprus…

Visit by Concilium to Korea

VISIT BY CONCILIUM TO KOREA Paddy Fay and Pat O’Donoghue attended the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the foundation of the Legion of Mary in…

Visitation to Concilium by Austrian Legionaries

VISITATION TO CONCILIUM BY AUSTRIAN LEGIONARIES The Concilium had great pleasure in welcoming the Officers of the Austrian Senatus which included…

Election of Concilium Officers

ELECTION OF CONCILIUM SECRETARY At the May meeting of Concilium, an election for Concilium Secretary took place as Paddy Fay’s first term of…

Concilium Allocutio June 2013 by Fr. Bede McGregor

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and Legion Spirituality If we were to draw a spiritual portrait of Frank Duff, we would have to give a prominent place to…

Concilium Bulletin June 2013 - Reports

ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: Many young Argentinean legionaries will be taking part in the World Youth Day in Rio next…

Concilium Allocutio - May 2013 by Fr. Bede McGregor

The Infinite Gift of the Holy Spirit It is a lovely providence of God that our Concilium Meeting takes place this month on the feast of Pentecost.…

Concilium Bulletin May 2013 - Reports

REPORTS MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICOMexico City Senatus: During the reporting period 1 Regia, 3 Comitia, 10 Curiae and 3 praesidia reported.…

The Gift of the Acies - April 2013

By Fr. Bede McGregor, Spiritual Director of Concilium We could easily think of the Acies as our personal and collective gift to Mary and indeed it…

Concilium Reports April 2013

AFRICA KENYA Kenya Senatus: Kisumu Regia celebrated its silver jubilee in December. In his homily Archbishop Okoth encouraged the Regia to recruit…

Meeting for Legionaries on occasion of World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Monday 29th July 2013

Following the World Youth Day, which is due to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-28 July 2013, the Legion Councils in Brazil are arranging…

Concilium News - December 2012

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary At the November 2012 Concilium Meeting nominations were sought for the office of Assistant Secretary as…