Concilium News April 2012
Election of Concilium Assistant Treasurer Nominations were sought for the office of Assistant Treasurer of the Concilium, notice of the election…
Concilium Bulletin April 2012
Concilium Bulletin April 2012 REPORTS AFRICA KENYA Kenya Senatus: The monthly prayers at Venerable Edel's grave in January had an attendance…
The Eucharist in Union with Mary
Concilium Allocutio April 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary The Eucharist in Union with Mary In preparation…
Concilium Bulletin March 2012
Concilium Bulletin March 2012 REPORTS AFRICA GHANA Accra Senatus is a very active promoting the Cause of Frank Duff, distributing the prayer and…
The Eucharistic Congress and the Legion (3)
Concilium Allocutio March 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary The Eucharistic Congress and the Legion (3) The…
Concilium News March 2012
Concilium News March 2012 Three New Regiae for the Democratic Republic of the Congo The Concilium was very pleased to raise two Comitia in the…
Concilium Bulletin February 2012
Concilium Bulletin February 2012 REPORTS AFRICA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Butembo Senatus: Two officers from the Senatus attended the Congress…
The International Eucharistic Congress and the Legion (2)
Concilium Allocutio February 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary The International Eucharistic Congress and the…
Concilium News February 2012
Concilium News February 2012 Alfie Lambe Anniversary Mass The annual Anniversary Mass was celebrated on Saturday, 18 February 2012, in the Church…
Concilium News January 2012
Concilium News January 2012 Establishment of the Legion of Mary in Bulgaria The Concilium was very pleased to hear that the first Legion praesidia…
Concilium Bulletin January 2012
Concilium Bulletin January 2012 REPORTS Africa BENIN REPUBLIC Cotonou Regia: The Porto-Novo Comitium has 1,172 active members and reported 22,335…
The International Eucharistic Congress and the Legion
Concilium Allocutio January 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary The International Eucharistic Congress and the…