Visit to the United States
VISIT TO THE UNITED STATES Raymond Mulrooney and Seamus Rickard will travel to the United States from 15th to 28th May 2014, visiting Legion…
Invitation to visit Angola
INVITATION TO VISIT ANGOLA Following the decision of the Concilium to raise the Regia of Luanda, Angola to the level of Senatus, the Regia made…
Noticias de abril 2014
INVITACIÓN A VISITAR ANGOLA Consecuentemente a la decisión del Concilium a elevar a Senatus la Regia de Luanda, Angola, la Regia…
Visit to Brazil by Tadhg McMahon
TADHG McMAHON’S VISIT TO BRAZIL The central event was Celebration of the Eucharist by 70 Spiritual Directors, presided over by Recife’s…
Raising of Councils in Venezuala and Togo
PROPOSAL TO RAISE A NEW REGIA IN VENEZUALA The Legion exists in all 10 Archdioceses and 26 Dioceses in Venezuala and the junior Legion is much…
Election of Assistant Secretary of Concilium
ELECTION OFASSISTANT SECRETARY OF CONCILIUM An election took place for Assistant Secretary of Concilium, in charge of the Bulletin, among other…
Noticias del Concilium de diciembre 2013
Elección de Secretario Asistente del Concilium Tuvo lugar la elección de Secretario Asistente del Concilium, a cargo del Boletín,…
Varias noticias del Concilium de noviembre
Visita de legionarios del Senatus de Nueva York al Concilium En la junta del Concilium de octubre se dio la bienvenida a los oficiales del Senatus…
April 2014 Concilium Meeting
Because Easter Sunday falls on 20th April 2014, the third Sunday of the month, the Concilium meeting has been brought forward to Sunday 13th April…
Visit to Rome
VISIT TO ROME Representing the Legion of Mary, Moira and Liam Hayden attended a meeting of the Plenery Assembly of the Pontifical Council of the…
Proposals to raise Regiae to Senatus Status in Angola and Malawi
Visitation to Concilium by Legionaries from Mexico
Visit to Concilium by Legionaries from Mexico ******************************************************* Legionaries from Mexico City Senatus…