Concilium Bulletin January 2019
AFRICA TOGO Lome Senatus: Two new correspondents were appointed, 1 for Senegal and 1 for Guinea, for which country they accepted caretaker ship for…
Concilium Bulletin December 2018
EUROPE SPAIN Madrid Senatus: Many legionaries from the Senatus took part in the international PPC in Salamanca and were congratulated for their…
Concilium Bulletin November 2018
ASIA New Zealand Auckland Senatus: Christchurch Korean Curia has 8 praesidia attached and 65 members. Auckland Korean Comitium has 16 senior and 3…
Concilium Bulletin October 2018
IRISH PROVINCIAL REPORT COMITIA Dromore Comitium: A reporting praesidium in Newry visits Primary schools to show the DVD on the Miraculous Medal…
Concilium Bulletin September 2018
ASIA HOLY LAND Two new praesidia have been set up and three more in formation. Contact has been made with the Bishop in Jordan in the hopes of…
Concilium Bulletin August 2018
NORTH AMERICA - (USA/Canada &West Indies) UNITED STATES Boston Senatus: A praesidium promotes 1st Friday Adoration and had 2 prison inmates…
Concilium Bulletin June 2018
SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires Senatus: The Senatus is organising celebrations in January next year for the 60th Anniversary of the death of…
Concilium Bulletin July 2018
South America COLOMBIA Bogota Senatus: The Senatus comprises 8 Regia, 7 Comitia, 6 Curiae and 8 praesidia. Apostolates mentioned include weekly…
Concilium Bulletin May 2018
MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA Mexico, Mexico City Senatus: The Legion Statutes, translated into Spanish, have been distributed to all attached…
Concilium Bulletin April 2018
AFRICA KENYA Senatus of Kenya: Preparations for the Annual Mass at Venerable Edel Quinn’s grave commenced in February. Recently the Senatus, in…
Concilium Bulletin March 2018
AFRICA GHANA The new praesidium at McCarthy Hill has obtained permission to visit the Leprosarium in Weija. Sunyani Comitium organised a two day…
Concilium Bulletin February 2018
AFRICA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Senatus of Bukavu: Bukavu and Kabare prisons are visited. Shabunda has 10 Comitia, 43 Curiae, and 151 praesidia…