Concilium Bulletin July 2010
Concilium Bulletin July 2010 REPORTS South America COLUMBIA Bogotá Senatus: Forty-three returns to the sacraments were mentioned. Shortage of…
Concilium Bulletin June 2010
CONCILIUM LEGIONIS MARIAE BULLETIN JUNE 2010 REPORTS Argentina and Brazil ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: There is great excitement about the…
Concilium Bulletin May 2010
CONCILIUM LEGIONIS MARIAE BULLETIN MAY 2010 REPORTS ASIA Thailand Two legionaries represented the Concilium at a Conference in Bangkok on the role…
Concilium Bulletin April 2010
REPORTS AFRICA KENYA Senatus of Kenya: Kisumu Regia celebrated its Silver and Nakuru Comitium its Golden Jubilee. Kisumu Regia reported 983 persons…
Concilium Bulletin March 2010
REPORTS Africa Guinea: Great joy was expressed at receiving the first minutes since 2003 from Conakry Comitium, which governs 3 local Curiae and an…
Concilium Bulletin February 2010
REPORTS - Mexico Mexico City Senatus: An attached Comitium in Puebla has been raised to Regia status. This particular Comitium was very active;…
Concilium Bulletin January 2010
Reports - AFRICA CENTRAL AFRICA Bangui Regia: The report for 2008/09 indicates that there are 20,870 Legion members in the Archdiocese of Bangui…
Concilium Bulletin December 2009
REPORTS - AFRICA KENYA: Senatus of Kenya: A praesidium of 18 in Nairobi restarted a junior praesidium, and care for Venerable Edel's grave.…
Concilium Bulletin November 2009
REPORTS - SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA: Cordoba Senatus: - Correspondence is being undertaken by email. One of the attached Curia has set up its first…
Concilium Bulletin October 2009
REPORTS - EUROPE SPAIN: Madrid Senatus: It is noticeable how the Legion in this Senatus are keeping in mind what they learned when the 3 Senatus…
Concilium Bulletin September 2009
REPORTS - ASIA & OCEANIA MELBOURNE SENATUS: The Senatus governs the Legion in the metropolitan provinces of Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth and…
Concilium Bulletin August 2009
REPORTS - EUROPE FRANCE: There are 4 Regiae governing the Legion of Mary in France: Paris Regia: The Legion has a presence in 15 dioceses and it…