Concilium Bulletin June 2012

Concilium Bulletin June 2012 REPORTS South America ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: The Secretary of the Senatus has had an operation on his eyes…

Concilium Bulletin May 2012

Concilium Bulletin May 2012 REPORTS CENTRAL AMERICA AND MEXICO NICARAGUA Regia of Managua: One Comitium, 5 Curiae and 2 junior Curiae and 17…

Concilium Bulletin April 2012

Concilium Bulletin April 2012 REPORTS AFRICA KENYA Kenya Senatus: The monthly prayers at Venerable Edel's grave in January had an attendance…

Concilium Bulletin March 2012

Concilium Bulletin March 2012 REPORTS AFRICA GHANA Accra Senatus is a very active promoting the Cause of Frank Duff, distributing the prayer and…

Concilium Bulletin February 2012

Concilium Bulletin February 2012 REPORTS AFRICA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Butembo Senatus: Two officers from the Senatus attended the Congress…

Concilium Bulletin January 2012

Concilium Bulletin January 2012 REPORTS Africa BENIN REPUBLIC Cotonou Regia: The Porto-Novo Comitium has 1,172 active members and reported 22,335…

Concilium Bulletin December 2011

Concilium Bulletin December 2011 REPORTS Europe MALTA Malta Regia: Archbishop Monsignor Cremona was chief celebrant at the Legion's 90th…

Concilium Bulletin November 2011

Concilium Bulletin November 2011 Asia AUSTRALIA Sydney Senatus: The apostolate in this Senatus includes teaching of religion in schools, visitation…

Concilium Bulletin September 2011

Concilium Bulletin September 2011 ASIA NEPAL Mumbai Regia visitors visited Nepal between 25 August and 4 September. The praesidium in Baniyatar has…

Concilium Bulletin August 2011

Concilium Bulletin August 2011 United States ST. LOUIS Saint Louis Senatus: The Legion had a booth at the Eucharistic Congress held at the St.…

Concilium Bulletin July 2011

Concilium Bulletin July 2011 Asia and Oceania PAPUA NEW GUINEA Madang Regia: Works of conversion are being done especially from the sects where…

Concilium Bulletin June 2011

Concilium Bulletin June 2011 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: Great importance is given to the Alfie Lambe Cause all during the year. Senatus…