Concilium Bulletin January 2018

AFRICA TOGO Lome Senatus: In the reporting 2 praesidia, 7 Curiae and 3 Comitia there are only 8 vacancies. A great number of Exploratio Dominicalis…

Concilium Bulletin December 2017

EUROPE SPAIN Madrid Senatus: Immigrants contacted on street contact are invited to the Sacraments and into Legion membership. Some brothers work in…

Concilium Bulletin November 2017

ASIA NEW ZEALAND Auckland Senatus: Praesidia are very active in parishes conducting catechism classes to children, Rosary and Pilgrim statue…

Concilium Bulletin October 2017

ASIA Singapore Senatus: A new Curia in Kuching is in the course of formation and a new Indonesian praesidium has been formed in the Senatus. Curia…

Concilium Bulletin August 2017

UNITED STATES, CANADA AND WEST INDIES Boston Senatus: An attached praesidium has 13 members and 20 auxiliaries. These do visitation of homes and…

Concilium Bulletin July 2017

SOUTH AMERICA COLUMBIA Bogota Senatus: The visit by the Senatus Officers to Dublin last September was very fruitful; already they are putting many…

Concilium Bulletin June 2017

SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: There was an ever-increasing attendance at the procession through the streets of Buenos Aires to the…

Concilium Bulletin April 2017

AFRICA KENYA Kenya Senatus: About 30 legionaries attend the prayers at Venerable Edel Quinn’s grave each month. 900 legionaries and students…

Concilium Bulletin March 2017

AFRICA GHANA Senatus of Accra: Tema Curia held a project at Sakumono after Mass, with 35 legionaries from 8 praesidia participating. They contacted…

Concilium Bulletin January 2017

AFRICA IVORY COAST Senatus of Abidjan:-Seven Comitia, one Curia and six praesidia made their Annual Reports to the Senatus during this period. They…

Concilium Bulletin - December 2016

EUROPE SPAIN Madrid Senatus: The members of a praesidium in the Faculty of Law in Madrid University make contacts on the campus. Another praesidium…

Concilium Bulletin November 2016

ASIA PHILIPPINES The Senatus of Western Visayas is composed of 12 Comitia, 1 Regia, 15 Curiae and 24 directly attached praesidia. Antique Comitium…