Concilium Bulletin June 2016


Buenos Aires Senatus: All councils include in their reports establishment of new praesidia and the restarting of praesidia. Most reports mention junior and young adult praesidia, of which there are many. One council made contact with the owners of cars in car parks or stuck in traffic, offering them a little statue of Our Lady for their car and suggesting a prayer for safe driving. Each year the Senatus holds a Spiritual Directors’ meeting, which includes a midday meal prepared by the legionaries. Priests who are not Spiritual Directors are also invited to these meetings.
Cordoba Senatus: It has been recommended that a Curia with only two praesidia be closed and the praesidia affiliated directly to the Senatus or to another council. The total makeup of the two Comitia based in the city is less than 20 praesidia and 100 members, so they are being asked to give their opinions about amalgamating into one Comitium, or even one Curia.
Salta Senatus: This year marks the 60th anniversary of the starting of the Legion by the Servant of God, Alfie Lambe in Salta. Two new Comitia are being set up. In a very busy parish, the legionaries have a monthly meeting with the Parish Priest to discuss their combined plans. The Senatus youth committee, something like Deus et Patria, meet monthly. Corrientes Regia: Legionaries from one Curia help in a Refuge for Young Drug Addicts; legionaries from another Curia went to the Women’s Prison and prayed the Rosary with the inmates. A person with a terminal illness was instructed in the faith and received the Sacraments. Every Friday they have a radio programme dedicated to the Sacred Heart.

Belem Senatus: Visitation in the adjacent State of Amapá revealed that among a thousand families visited there were 127 youths and adults without Baptism. Results include, 15 Baptisms, the setting up of two Curiae and revival of two praesidia with 30 active members recruited.
Belo Horizonte Senatus: Contacts are made in the parks and markets, legionaries speaking to people about the Sacraments and introducing the Word of God. Legionaries assist with hygiene-care and bath a sick person on a weekly basis; they also give monthly haircuts to two people suffering ill health. 23 expectant mothers were visited and given guidance on pre-natal care, choice of God-parents and the Sacrament of Baptism. 103 Enthronements of the Sacred Heart took place in homes.
Fortaleza Senatus: One report shows 369 home visits and Holy Communion brought to the elderly. There were 214 visits to non-religious families and 32 meetings were held to prepare adults for Baptism and First Holy Communion. Ponta Grossa Senatus: Legionaries visited 1,140 families of different religions, 633 families without religion and 25,820 Catholic families. 34 youths and two adults were helped to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, and 16 couples the sacrament of marriage. Two teenagers were prepared to receive the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation and two adults for the Sacrament of Marriage. 18 Enthronements of the Sacred Heart took place in homes.
Recife Senatus: In February the Senatus welcomed the newly appointed Spiritual Director, Fr. Antonio Diego. One Comitium reported over two and half thousand visits to homes and almost two thousand visits to the sick. Regia of João Pessoa reported over four thousand visits to homes and 778 children and youths prepared for First Holy Communion. Ten praesidia were set up as a result of a Peregrinatio Pro Christo project in the State of Alagoas.
Rio de Janeiro Senatus: In Copacabana an apostolate is carried out to taxi drivers and apartment door-keepers. In the city of Campos, nursing home residents are helped with chiropody and repairs to their clothes. Legionaries distribute Bibles, Rosary beads and Scapulars. Several councils reported receiving positive reception on visits to Protestants. In the Amazon region in Porto Velho 25% of over three thousand families visited were Protestants. Also in that region prisoners and their families were visited. The Senatus is planning further extension and visitation of the vast Amazonian region.
Salvador Senatus: The Senatus divided a Comitium and raised a Curia to Comitium with six Curiae attached. Aracaju Regia set up two new praesidia and organised a Congress for young legionaries. Regia of Vitória da Conquista helped 308 people to return to the Sacraments. Some of these joined the Legion. A Comitium attached to the Senatus recited Rosaries on streets which are considered the most violent in the neighbourhood.
Santa Maria Senatus: One Curia has 12 praesidia with an average membership of 35. The correspondent has recommended division of these praesidia. Most presidia in other Curiae have an average of 12 members. One Comitium in the largest city of the Senatus has almost 50% Praetorians out of 176 active members. A new praesidium was set up in one Curia.
São Luis Senatus: 24,660 visits were made to families, 1,413 and follow up visits to the sick and elderly, non-Catholics, families and individuals with problems. Catechism classes were given in preparation for the Sacraments: 52 persons were prepared for Baptism, 227 for First Holy Communion and 446 for Confirmation. There were 2,433 hospital visits.
São Paulo Senatus: A Comitium in Vila Maria organised a two-day Conference for young people which had an attendance of 90. A Comitium in Santos reported regular visits to five families of drug addicts and prisoners who were invited to participate in community activities and in the Mass and they participated with great love. Reports show large numbers of visits to homes and to the sick. The Regia of Campo Grande recorded 3,650 visits and follow-up visits to families and 4,182 visits and follow up visits to the sick. There is mention of a visit to a home for children who are carriers of HIV. Brasilia Regia area includes two States as well as the Federal District with a considerable variation in its terrain, part being one of the most socially and economically developed in Brazil and another part the opposite. The Legion broadcasts on local radio. Service of the old involves manicure and hair dressing. Thirteen adults were prepared for Confirmation through a fortnightly class. The Regia has proposed the extensive use of book barrows.


Kuala Lumpar Regia: This report covers December 2015 to April 2016. Two elections took place in February for Vice President and Secretary. Reports of one praesidium and ten councils were taken, overall covering 83 senior and junior praesidia with a total of 822 active members, 1,108 auxiliaries and 11 probationers. Works include home, hospital and nursing home visitation, teaching Catechism, attending wakes and funeral Masses, assisting in soup kitchens, leading the Rosary before Sunday Mass, visiting shelter homes and homes for aids patients, extension and evangelising via Street Sheppard outreach, which caters for homeless on the streets. Two praesidia were set up and another divided due to large numbers. The Acies took place in St. John’s Cathedral with 550 in attendance. This year 5 Curiae held their own Acies as recommended in the Handbook.


Hong Kong Comitium: is comprised of 13 Curiae, 4 Chinese-speaking, 3 English-speaking, a Korean Curia and 5 junior Curiae. The new Spiritual Director, Rev. Fr. Francis Tam, Deacon John Lam, his wife Mabel and Sally Chan, newly appointed Vice President Comitium visited Ireland recently, meeting with Concilium officers, focussing mainly on the junior Legion in Hong Kong, its structure, the role of the senior officers and the progression of juniors to the senior ranks. Works of the Comitium include, Catechumen classes, street and Flower Market contact, running a mother’s group, parish work, taking care of junior praesidia and Legion extension. Macau Curia: Sr. Sally Chan, who was present at Concilium reported on her work in Macau. The Curia consists of 7 Chinese and 1 English-speaking praesidium as well as a junior praesidium. The legionaries have re-started home and hospital visitation, which in turn has enriched the praesidium meetings. Bishop Stephen Lee Bunsang expressed the wish that talks on the Legion be given in Schools with a view to setting up more junior praesidia.

Singapore Senatus: Two new junior praesidia were established and the setting up of a new junior Curia was discussed at the December meeting. A post-graduation praesidium was also established.


Malang Senatus: Visitation of councils and praesidia is on-going. Works include, visitation of the sick in hospitals and in their homes, apostolates to prisons and a Centre for Drug Addicts, washing of deceased persons, bringing Holy Communion to old people and assisting at Sunday school. Exploratio Dominicalis is reported, also organising Pilgrimages to grottos of Our Lady.

Jakarta Senatus: Works undertaken are: visitation of the sick and dying; promotion of the Legion among young people, reciting public Rosaries during May and October and evangelising in the Mentawai Islands.


Osaka Senatus: Archbishop Manyo and over 100 legionaries, including auxiliary members attended the Acies. On Sunday morning’s legionaries distribute noodles and coffee to parishioners. Mass for the sick is appreciated, people saying, “we are not forgotten” “After a long time I have come back to Church” and “I was happy to meet the priest face to face.” Great grief was expressed at the death of praesidium Spiritual Director Fr. Joldy.


Taiwan Senatus: Catechism classes conducted by legionaries resulted in 50 people being received into the Church. Support and contact is kept with such people. 14 new praesidia, including 1 junior have been set up in the last 15 months. A PPC project was undertaken. Extension is on the agenda at all meetings. Auxiliary and Praetorian membership have greatly increased.


Seoul Senatus: A legionary was appointed to do translations. Suwon Regia has 28,760 senior, 602 young adults and 1,948 junior members. The council has 78 young adult praesidia. Two senior praesidia in a bank helped 6 people to be baptised. A lady contacted in a hospital asked for Baptism; two of her sisters and a brother were also baptised and through the initial contact with this lady whose husband is in the army, 31 soldiers also later received Baptism.

Gwangju Senatus: In April a Curia was raised to Comitium status, with three Curia attached. A Comitium reported 68 Baptisms and 261 returns to the Sacraments. A Curia had 161 Baptisms and 267 returns to the Sacraments. Another Curia reported 56 anointing’s of the sick. All councils do a great variety of works, including recruiting catechumens and visiting the sick.

Masan Regia registered 1,734 Baptisms and 2,867 returns to the Sacraments.

Daegu Senatus: 200 junior legionaries from Gyongsan Comitium took part in a one-day Retreat. This Comitium recorded an increase of 45 in the number of Baptisms this year. They organised a legionary training day in the lecture hall of a Buddhist Temple. Talks were given by a Catholic Professor, a Chief Monk and the Superintendent of Educational Affairs, ending with Mass. One Comitium reported an increase in the number of legionaries, while a Curia had 10 people baptised



Cloyne Comitium: Legionaries doing contact at Cobh Cathedral with the many visitors of various nationalities from the Cruise Liners distributed 1,890 Miraculous Medals last year. The annual Retreat directed by Fr. Michael Kennedy had an attendance of 70 legionaries from the Comitium and the attached Curiae. East Cloyne Curia: Legionaries helped out the Dublin team who visited Ballyhea parish for the pre-Mission visitation of homes. Fermoy praesidium has 13 members, 3 of whom are Praetorians. They visit homes with the Fatima statue, a hospital and nursing homes. They also visit an elderly man living alone in a country district and take him shopping and to Holy Mass on Sundays.

Cork Comitium: A praesidium reported printing 400 copies of their annual Christmas Newsletter; 60 of these were sent to parish emigrants in various places all over the world and the response was one of grateful appreciation. A praesidium of 9 members does home, Pilgrim statue and nursing home visitation. A lady requested the statue on the night of her son’s graduation and prayed with her family for all his friends. Muire Na nGras Curia: The works of praesidia include home to home, auxiliary, Fatima statue and hospital visitation. A Rosary Procession was organised on the 8th December through the streets of Cork and a Rosary was recited at the crib on Christmas Eve. Members of one praesidium visited the First Holy Communion classes where the children were given Miraculous Medals and Mass booklets. Annunciata Curia: A praesidium of 5 members visits a hospital, nursing home and a housebound lady.

Kerry Comitium: A Day of Prayer for all prayer groups in the Diocese was held in March and the Legion was asked to take charge of one session. The Rosary Procession of Our Blessed Lady commenced on the 13th May through the streets of Killarney and will continue until 13th October. Legionaries help at these Processions and do recruiting. The praesidium in Knocknagree has restarted. A Maria et Patria project was held at the end of March and beginning of April. A total of 1,656 homes were visited with about half no replies. 12 people were interested in the Legion and there were 11 special cases for follow up. Fr. Michael Kennedy heard many Confessions over the two days.

Mid Clare Comitium: A joint officers meeting between the Comitium and the two attached Curiae took place on 25th February. Corofin praesidium has 7 members who carry out home visitation regularly, mostly to elderly people living alone. Shannon praesidium has 8 members, 3 of whom are Praetorians and 19 auxiliaries. Works include care of the Adoration Chapel in the town centre and visits to sick and elderly in a nursing home. During the year 31 homes were visited with the Pilgrim Fatima statue. Families who accepted the statue reported receiving great graces and benefits. Clarecastle praesidium has 5 members. Works include visitation to a hospital for the elderly and a Day-Care Centre, also co-ordinating 13 Advent and Lenten home prayer groups. The Comitium Retreat was conducted by Fr. Robbie Coffey and 20 attended. A praesidium with 8 members has started in Ennis among the Polish community. East Clare Curia: The Rosary is recited each night at a Grotto with 7 or 8 people attending.


Birr/Roscrea Curia: The works of Shinrone praesidium include nursing home visitation and distribution of Catholic literature. Clonlisk praesidium has 5 members who visit the old and lonely in their homes and in nursing homes. They helped with the Youth 2000 Retreat held in Mount St. Josephs Abbey, Roscrea in August. Promotion of the Pioneers is on-going. They are also involved in the Year of Mercy Holy Door in Mount St. Josephs. Members of the praesidium meeting in Citeaux Hall work with the Travelling Community and read for a blind person.

Limerick Curia: A reporting praesidium has 7 members, 26 auxiliaries and 2 Adjutorians. They visit sick people from the locality in hospital and at home, including legionaries now in nursing homes. Another reporting praesidium has 8 members, 40 auxiliaries and one Adjutorian. Work includes visiting 4 nursing homes, addressing the Confirmation classes in 3 Primary schools, house to house visitation to parishioners and University students living in the parish. Members assisted in setting up a praesidium in Caherdavin. A report was given on the 4 key proposals voted on by delegates over the 3 days of the Diocesan Synod, i.e. Lifelong Faith Formation, Lay Leadership, Lay Ecclesiastical Ministries, support for priests with team ministries and child safeguarding.

Lismore Curia: A reporting praesidium of 10 members has a Presentation Sister as Spiritual Director. Home, hospital and nursing home visitation is undertaken and the statue of Our Lady of Fatima is brought to homes. Two members are involved in the Sunday Children’s liturgy. The praesidium was honoured to have a visit from Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan on February 9th. He was very encouraging and said there was great need for the Legion of Mary.

Ross Curia: A Patrician meeting in April had 10 present. Clonakilty praesidium has 13 members whose works include hospital and nursing home visitation. Members are involved in a number of parish organisations such as the Baptismal team. Barryroe praesidium sells Catholic Newspapers and undertakes some hospital visitation. Miraculous Medals were given to the First Holy Communion class. Skibbereen praesidium has 15 members who undertake hospital visitation and a hostel for psychiatric patients. Some home visitation was done during the year. They publish a quarterly Newsletter which is mailed to 500 addresses at home and abroad. The praesidium showed a film on Fatima at which there was an attendance of 23.

Waterford Curia: There are now 3 praesidia in the Curia, including one which was attached to the former South Ossory Curia.


In Our Lady of Fatima Wicklow Curia, the praesidium of 9 in Johnstown, Arklow continue to visit Shelton Abbey Prison weekly. Each student in the parish sitting State Exams was visited and given an invitation to a special Mass for their intentions while all the First Holy Communion children were given a copy of “Let’s go to Mass” and a statue of Our Lady.

In Assumpta Curia 48 patricians and 9 legionaries attended 3 meetings. A praesidium of 7 full and 1 probationary member visited Primary school children in 2 schools. The children were enthused by the Miraculous Medal DVD and gladly accepted medals. The praesidium runs a monthly Patrician meeting and a monthly Frank Duff Prayer Group, both well-attended.

In Ancilla Domini Curia 45 legionaries took part in this year’s Inner City Project. As well as visiting 3,500 homes, street contact was undertaken. Among the many fruits was the recruitment of 15 auxiliary members. 9 Jews and 7 legionaries attended a Pillar of Fire talk by an Irish Jew whose parents survived the Holocaust. Recent Pauline Circle meetings featured a testimony in April by a Youth Pastor from the Church of Ireland Church on Thomas Street and in May a paper titled “1916 from a Protestant Perspective” was read by Mrs. Simms to a group of 23 including 7 non-Catholics; the paper was first delivered by Archbishop Simms 33 years ago. The “Joy of Israel” praesidium has 9 full and 1 probationary member. Public rosaries have been recited in the Oliver Bond Complex at the request of the residents; the praesidium has also been requested to erect a statue of Our Lady at the site of the murder of a young man.

In Annunciata Curia discussions on the Year of Mercy and Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy took the place of praesidium reports at the April and May curia meetings. A Recruiting Drive was held in Ballally in May. 32 patricians and 13 legionaries attended 4 meetings.

In Gloriosa Curia an Extension Drive on Sunday May 1st has resulted in a tentative new praesidium with some Nigerians attending who were legionaries in their home country. The Legion is now in all three parishes in one area, a new praesidium having started last year. 2 legionaries of the Seminary praesidium were ordained deacons on May 29th. In Celbridge two members were recruited, one of whom is on the Baptism Team. All members are Praetorians. An Indian was received into the Catholic Church on Easter Sunday as a result of contact with the praesidium. Leaflets of the 3 Legion causes were distributed at the daily Mass on their respective Feast Days.
Mary Spouse of the Holy Spirit Curia held a successful talk in on the Rosary Confraternity on the feast of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. A group of 13 people gathered for their Edel Quinn meeting while over 50 attended a Mass in her honour on May 12th. A 6-member praesidium has 3 religious Adjutorians. As well as the visitation of homes, hospitals and nursing homes, the whole congregation at the First Holy Communion Mass were given ‘Joy of Confession’ leaflets.

In Immaculata Curia 6 legionaries make up the School Visitation Team. The Sacrament classes of 9 schools were visited, a power-point presentation given and a pack given to each child. 20 people attended a Consecration Ceremony in a parish after the praesidium there organised 3 talks on the 33 day True Devotion to Mary preparation. Over fifty people, mostly non-legionaries, processed with a large statue of Our Lady of Fatima from the Curia House to Mount Argus on 13th May as part of a Pilgrimage to the Holy Door there. Nine legionaries undertook an Exploratio Dominicalis Project resulting in 2 possible active members, 3 probationary auxiliary members and 3 requests for house blessings. A Frank Duff prayer meeting was formed by 3 former active legionaries who can no longer do active Legion work. The 10 children in the “Faith is Fun” Club made their own act of consecration after the Acies ceremony was explained to them. 43 legionaries and 43 patricians attended 10 Patrician meetings. The Curia Congress is scheduled for October 9th.

In Mater Ecclesiae Curia a 6-member praesidium counts, amongst its many activities, a Parish Book Club, an interdenominational Crib Blessing and a Talk on Adoration for Children, the latter organised with help from the Pastoral Council. Two Patrician meetings had 18 and 20 in attendance.

In Benedicta Curia a praesidium does street contact and visits units of St. James Hospital. Since their last report a member has retired after 64 years of service as an active legionary.


On 16th March last the Senatus held elections for the posts of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer.

News has just reached us of the death after a very brief illness of the Senatus President, Bro. Jean Ouagaza. He restored stability of the Senatus at a time when the country was in turmoil. Many of the population, including legionaries had to move to safer areas. This meant that the Senatus was unable to meet for a time, but meetings have recently resumed.


Senatus of Butembo: Reports on works from Comitia, Regiae and praesidia include Baptism ministry, reconciliations of married couples, visitation of the sick and elderly, prisoners and marginalized, contact with refugees. Many returns to Mass and the Sacraments were reported. Counseling takes place of the young taking examinations. Much emphasis is placed on respect for women in recognition of their invaluable contribution in employment, the home, parish activities and in social media.

Senatus of Bukavu: Bro. Henri Kaite newly appointed correspondent gave a detailed report for the period January 2015 to March 2016. The Senatus has a membership of 32,504 members. Training sessions for officers have been arranged and visitation of Councils undertaken. Works include, visitation of widows and orphans, family reconciliations, Catechesis and re-introduction to the Sacraments. There are difficulties in communication due to bad road conditions and in some cases armed conflict.

Kisangani Senatus: Sr. Pia Makengo also newly appointed correspondent reported on the inauguration of this council to Senatus. Minutes show a very active council with full attendance of officers. 116 families were counseled, 140 Baptisms took place and 232 bereaved families consoled. Spiritual aid was given to 201 prisoners and there were converts from other faiths. Visitation of councils at distances of up to 5,000 kms, can be difficult due to transport difficulties.

Kananga Senatus: This council governs East and West Kasai. This year’s Acies had 1,500 legionaries taking part.

Lubumbashi Regia: The Archdiocese of Lubumbashi has 12 Comitia and 52 Curiae. There are 7 suffragan Dioceses: Kolwezi, Sakania, Kilwa, Kamina, Manono, Kongolo and Kalemie. There is a council in Kolwezi with 6 Comitia, 68 senior and 2 junior Curia and another in Kamina. Kalemie Diocese with 1 Comitium and 9 Curia.

Latest correspondence from Sr. Seychelles (June) states that they derived new hope from visit of Concilium representatives Bro. Henri Navarre and his wife
Fr. Bede Mc Gregor’ allocutios are greatly appreciated.


Senatus of Kigali: Auxiliary, prison, hospital and orphanage visitation are among the works reported on as well as contacts with schools and higher educational establishments. Comitium Kabgayi, which was founded in 1957 has 28 directly attached praesidia, 23 Curiae and 116 junior praesidia. The Diocese of Kabgayi has 4 Comitia.
