Notice of election of Concilium Officers

Notice of elections was furnished for 4 officerships for next month’s Concilium meeting; – Office of Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Assistant…

Concilium Bulletin August 2023

CANADA, USA, and WEST INDIES CANADA Toronto Senatus Fr. Moncada introduced the Divine Office for the members. Extension efforts have resulted in…

August 2023 Allocutio

Mary Glorious Fr. Paul Churchill, Concilium Spiritual Director The August calendar is bedecked with bright jewels. By that I mean that a great…

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary - July 2023

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary: Sr. Jacinta McGovern was proposed by Sr. Mary Murphy and this was seconded by Sr. Anne Carney. As there…

Concilium Bulletin July 2023

SOUTH AMERICA VENEZUELA Senatus of Caracas: A post-pandemic check indicates that the Senatus has two Regiae, sixteen Comitiae, eight Curiae and…

July 2023 Allocutio

Fr. Paul Churchill Concilium Spiritual Director Today, the 16th July, is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is of course, primarily, a…

Election of Concilium President

June 2023 Concilium Meeting: Sr. Murphy proposed Br. Declan Lawlor and was seconded by Sr. Ní Chochláin. As there was no other nomination Br.…

Concilium Bulletin June 2023

SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: Most councils have a Legion Congress every two years. . Public Rosaries are held on plazas and street…