Concilium Bulletin July 2018
South America COLOMBIA Bogota Senatus: The Senatus comprises 8 Regia, 7 Comitia, 6 Curiae and 8 praesidia. Apostolates mentioned include weekly…
May 2018 Allocutio
The Holy Spirit and Mary It is a lovely providence of God that our Concilium Meeting today takes place on the magnificent feast of Pentecost. We…
Concilium Bulletin May 2018
MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA Mexico, Mexico City Senatus: The Legion Statutes, translated into Spanish, have been distributed to all attached…
April 2018 Allocutio
The Divine Office and the Legionary Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. The Handbook tells us: ‘Spiritual Directors and Presidents shall endeavour to increase…
Concilium Bulletin April 2018
AFRICA KENYA Senatus of Kenya: Preparations for the Annual Mass at Venerable Edel Quinn’s grave commenced in February. Recently the Senatus, in…
March 2018 Concilium Meeting
By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. The Necessity of Spiritual Reading Today I would like to return to a little pamphlet of our founder Frank Duff: ‘Can we…
Concilium Bulletin March 2018
AFRICA GHANA The new praesidium at McCarthy Hill has obtained permission to visit the Leprosarium in Weija. Sunyani Comitium organised a two day…
Concilium Bulletin February 2018
AFRICA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Senatus of Bukavu: Bukavu and Kabare prisons are visited. Shabunda has 10 Comitia, 43 Curiae, and 151 praesidia…
Frank Duff Prayer Leaflets in Different Languages
FRANK DUFF PRAYER LEAFLETS IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES In order to have a complete list of the prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Frank…
February 2018 Concilium Meeting
By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. The Legion and the Grace of Conversion Today the meeting of Concilium takes place on the first Sunday of Lent. So I…
St. Raphael to be included in the Final Invocations
ST. RAPHAELTO BE INCLUDED IN THE FINAL INVOCATIONS The proposal to include St. Raphael in the final invocations prayers of the Legion was approved…
January 2018 Concilium Meeting
By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. A Stronger Commitment to Christian Unity The January meeting of Concilium usually takes place during the annual Week of…