50th Anniversary of Peregrinatio Pro Christo
Recently we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the beginning of the Peregrinatio Pro Christo or as it is more popularly known, PPC. It was a deeply…
The Legion and the Vocation of Marriage
Recently I spoke on the Legion and vocations to the priesthood in conjunction with the year of vocations. Today I want to speak about the Legion…
Mary Teaches Us
This month I would like to focus our attention on Lourdes on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady there. Lourdes is…
Mary our Mother and the Assumption
The Handbook is certainly the most authoritative source for understanding the Legion of Mary and the interior life of our Founder, the Servant of…
The Legion and the Priest
One of the most striking facts about the history of the Legion of Mary is that so many men and women of all ages have discovered their vocation in…
The Visitation and the Legion
Recently we celebrated the feast of the Visitation. This led me on to thinking about the place of home visitation in the vision and apostolic life…
The Legion and the Holy Trinity
Today is Trinity Sunday so inevitably we turn to that profound and beautiful chapter in the Handbook on the Legionary and the Holy Trinity. Often…
The Legion and Paschal Time
Paschal time is in many ways the loveliest time of the Christian year. We celebrate the presence of the risen Christ among us. We enjoy his…
The Purpose of the Acies
As near to the feast of the Annunciation as possible, the whole worldwide Legion both individually and collectively earnestly seeks each year to…
The Legion and the Rosary Confraternity
Every month Concilium listens to reports from all over the world. They are always impressive and sometimes profoundly thought provoking and…
Frank Duff and Ecumenism
Every year the January meeting of Concilium takes place during the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity. This is especially providential for the…
Immaculate Conception and the Legion
The Legion is steeped in the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. It is not simply a doctrine that we assent to with our mind or accept with our…