February 2018 Concilium Meeting

By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. The Legion and the Grace of Conversion Today the meeting of Concilium takes place on the first Sunday of Lent. So I…

January 2018 Concilium Meeting

By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. A Stronger Commitment to Christian Unity The January meeting of Concilium usually takes place during the annual Week of…

December 2017 Concilium Meeting

By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. The Legion and the Immaculate Conception In the very first Chapter of the Handbook we read a very reflective account of…

Allocutio at November 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

The Liturgy and the Ultimate Question ******************************* It is difficult to think of a more radical and urgent question than this one:…

Allocutio at October 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

The Legion of Mary and the Rosary ******************************* In a letter to Blessed Pope PaulV1 our founder mentions that he has been praying…

Allocutio at September 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

The Role of Mary in the Universal Call to Holiness ******************************* In recent Concilium meetings we have been reflecting on the…

Allocutio at August 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

What is Holiness? ******************************* Last month we reflected on the universal call to holiness which is a fundamental teaching of the…

Allocutio at July 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

What is the Purpose of the Legion of Mary? ******************************* Sometimes I am asked by non-legionaries who are curious about the…

Allocutio at June 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

The Essence of the Spirit and System of the Legion of Mary ******************************* Frank Duff, our Founder gave considerable thought into…

Allocutio at May 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

The Legion and the Vocation of Children ******************************** On the 13th of May 2017 Pope Francis went on a Pilgrimage to Fatima and…

Allocutio at April 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

The Presence of the Risen Christ ******************************** The Resurrection of Christ is the central truth of our Christian faith. St. Paul…

Allocutio at March 2017 Concilium Meeting by Fr. Bede McGregor OP

St. Joseph: Marriage and the Family ******************************** Today, the 19th of March, the Church throughout the world usually celebrates…