The Weekly Meeting of the Praesidium
Our spiritual reading for today was on the weekly meeting of the praesidium. There are some powerful sentences in this section written by Brother…
Praetorian Membership of the Legion
Everyone in heaven is a saint whether they are canonized or not. The central focus of the Legion is to help its members to get into heaven or in…
The Vocation of the Auxiliary Members of the Legion of Mary
Sometimes we put a lot of emphasis on what we do for Our Lady or at least on what we would want to do for her. We want to consecrate everything we…
The Spirit of Mary and the Eucharist
The attractiveness of the Legion should be the attractiveness of Mary herself. The Legion seeks to be a presence of Mary in a parish or diocese or…
A Reflection on Leadership in the Legion of Mary
Today we have elected a new President of Concilium Tommy McCabe so I ask you to pray for him and support him in every possible way you can. I think…
Pentecost - Its Message to Legionaries
'When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven, there came a sound like the rush of a…
John Paul II and the Legion
Recently I searched through the Handbook for some reflection on death and dying. There is no reference to either death or dying in the Index but…
The Renewal of the Legion
It is that time of the year when the Legion throughout the whole world, both individually and collectively, renews its commitment to the Mother of…
The Heart of the Legion of Mary
Priests and lay people that are not in the Legion sometimes ask me if I would sum up in a few words what the Legion of Mary is all about. This is…
The Legion and the Word of God
The Handbook of the Legion of Mary is brimful of quotations from Sacred Scripture. This gives you some idea of how deeply rooted in the Word of God…
Friendship and Joy in the Legion
Everything one finds in the Handbook has significance for the spirit of the Legion! Sometimes what may seem at first sight a little bit remote from…
The Legion and the Souls in Purgatory
The doctrine of the mystical Body of Christ is the backbone of the Legion of Mary. Or in other words the mystical Body of Christ is the radical…