Concilium Bulletin January 2025



Presentata Curia

This Curia has fourteen (14) attached praesidia and over one hundred (100) members. Hail Full of Grace praesidium presented its first annual report. The praesidium has eleven (11) full members and five (5) probationary members. The main work is volunteering in the Morning Star hostel. In addition, members look after the grounds and recreational areas including painting and electrical works, sourcing furniture, curtains, floors etc. They extend this work to the Regina Coeli hostel, where possible. They are also very involved in rehabilitation for those suffering from addictions both inside and outside the hostel where they bring faith hope and courage through the recovery programme.

Exaltata Curia

Exaltata Curia has nine (9) praesidia and a total membership of seventy (70). The praesidium in Mulhuddart is functioning well. The praesidium at Mountview is making a strong effort to recruit officers. Frank Duff prayer is recited at Holy Hour at Church of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Huntstown daily. Deus et Patria events and Mary’s Channel of Grace are promoted.

Bethlehem Curia

The Curia has six (6) attached praesidia and a total membership of twenty- five (25). Street contact is done weekly outside the General Post Office (GPO), Dublin 1 and a book barrow is set up in Mountjoy Square. A praesidium’s main work is home visitation in the North William Street area of Dublin. Lapsed Catholics are encouraged to return to Mass and confession, though few impress as being interested. The praesidium distributes thirty- five (35) Maria Legionis journals which encourages contact with their twenty (20) auxiliaries.

Consolata Curia

The Curia has ten (10) senior praesidia and one (1) junior praesidium with a total membership of fifty- five (55). Over the past few years, legionaries have met quarterly for Mass, Adoration, the Rosary and Legion prayers to pray for new members. A book barrow is set up on Swords Main Street weekly. Frank Duff Prayer Meeting is held monthly with an average of eight (8) attendees. St. Sylvester’s Church Malahide hosted an evening entitled “New Saints of Ireland” where three (3) legionaries were invited to speak about Our Three Causes. Two praesidia reported a total of nine hundred and fifty- one (951) homes visited in the last year, with no replies received from three hundred (300) homes. They encouraged a woman who planned a Humanist wedding, to have a Catholic wedding instead. A man said that he was an atheist and a Communist and that his girlfriend was a lapsed Catholic. After chatting to him for some time he eventually accepted Miraculous Medals. Other works are Pilgrim Statue visitation whereat legionaries also speak of the importance of Eucharistic Adoration, prayer, confessions, and Holy Water. They also carry out nursing home visitation where they pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, sing hymns and chat with the residents. Legionaries lead the Rosary before weekday Mass and also every hour, at the grotto on Our Lady of Lourdes on 11 February, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Recent Patricians title was “Can we avoid Purgatory”? Five (5) legionaries and three (3) Patricians attended.

Porta Coeli Curia

The Curia has four (4) praesidia attached and a total of eighteen (18) members. All members are urged to carry Miraculous medals while walking, or using public transport. As a result, people of various nationalities have gratefully accepted Miraculous Medals. Works include nursing home and hospital visitation, taking Holy Communion to the housebound, visiting the sick and praying the Rosary with them. The Pilgrim Statue visitation apostolate has commenced. One hundred (100) Maria Legionis publications are distributed quarterly. Porta Coeli Curia joined with Bethlehem Curia, for the annual reunion and a variety of entertainment was enjoyed by all.

Veneranda Curia

Veneranda Curia has eight (8) attached praesidia and a total of members (42) members. Works include home visitation and volunteering in the Morning Star hostel. The new praesidium in Ballygall is going well and a praesidium is soon to start in Our Lady of Victories, Ballymun.

Queen of Peace Curia

The new Curia, Our Lady Queen of Peace has four (4) praesidia attached and a total membership of thirty (30). Two (2) of the praesidia have their quota of officers. The main work of the praesidia is street contact work which is carried out in Dublin streets every Saturday, distributing Miraculous Medals, literature, prayer cards, and rosaries. New contacts are made each week with non-Catholic Christians, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, and, most commonly, lapsed Catholics. The latter often express grievances against the Church or exhibit an agnostic attitude toward God. Parents are encouraged to pray the Rosary daily with their children. Many Catholics are unaware of The Fifteen (15) promises of The Virgin Mary to those who pray the Rosary. Muslims often accept the Miraculous Medal when it is explained that Mary holds a significant place in the Quran. Encouraging signs have also emerged, with many people sharing that they have been returning to God recently. Legionaries make monthly visits to the residents of Cuan Mhuire in Athy, where recovering addicts are supported in their faith and encouraged to deepen their prayer lives. Several legionaries have shared their personal testimonies with the residents, receiving positive feedback. Additionally, many former residents of Cuan Mhuire, now living near Talbot Street, often stop to chat with the legionaries engaged in street contact work in the area. A number of legionaries volunteer at the Morning Star Hostel, taking on roles such as managing the kitchen and participating in the Men’s Shed, where they lead singing sessions with the residents. The Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion of three converts, met on street contact, recently took place. About forty (40) people attended the recent Shadows on the Wall in December. The evening began with Adoration accompanied by reflective music, and concluded with musicians taking turns to perform a variety of songs.


Navan Comitium

The book barrow apostolate took place at two locations where Miraculous Medals and explanatory leaflets were distributed. The annual report was from Our Lady of the Visitation praesidium which has ten (10) members and sixty-two (62) auxiliaries. Works include home and nursing home visitation, public Rosaries at Navan shopping centre and the Hill of St Patrick’s statue which facilitates contact with people and those passing by.

Raphoe Comitium

The attendance at the meetings has been approximately fifty per cent (50%). A vacancy for vice-president of the Comitium is still outstanding. The new praesidium in Ardaghey is going well with four (4) members and a Spiritual Director. Home visitation and distribution of Miraculous Medals are the main works. In Killybegs legionaries recite the Rosary after morning Mass.

Dromore Comitium

Our Lady of Good Council praesidium in Newry reported one new member who has taken the Legion promise. Hilltown praesidium is up and running again. Three (3) members of the praesidium attended the June Comitium meeting. Their apostolate includes distribution of Rosary beads, Miraculous Medals and prayer leaflets.

Derry Comitium

The Comitium reported an increase in new members in praesidia in the Derry city area. The Spiritual Director started a Rosary group in his parish and will work towards the setting up of a new praesidium. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception praesidium reported seven (7) members, two (2) of whom are probationaries and thirty (30) of whom auxiliaries. Their apostolate includes Pilgrim Statue visitation and visitation of people who are sick and elderly. Rosary leaflets, Miraculous Medals, and books ae also distributed. The annual retreat for legionaries had thirty- three (33) in attendance.

Down and Conor Comitium

The October Rosary Festival had about eight hundred (800) in attendance at the various activities during the week-long celebration. The speakers included Dana and Mickey Harte, and focused on faith and religion. Bishop Alan Mc Guckian has excellent support from the Legion of Mary and he had requested them to complete a Bible study initiative similar to Lectio Divina. Street contact is very consistent each Saturday. The officers are planning a meeting to highlight the importance of confession.



The legionaries are involved in visiting nursing homes including Haven Nursing home which caters for young adults with special needs, fostering friendship with residents and staff. The annual retreat took place at the Servite Priory in Benburb which was well attended. A recruitment weekend is planned for the new year to attract new members.

Drogheda Curia

Extension work was carried out in two (2) parishes in November. Talks were given at each and legionaries spoke with people afterwards. The following weekend the legionaries visited four (4) churches. Talks were given at Masses in Rosnaree and Donore. In both parishes people showed interest, and a number of names were given. The praesidium in Clogherhead had their annual Rosary at the Harbour in August for those lost at sea. Six (6) legionaries from the Curia made a visit to Alfie Lambe’ house in Tullamore.

Kilmore Curia

The legionaries prayed the Rosary each Tuesday in October before evening Mass. The praesidia in Cavan and Belturbet are holding their meetings on a regular basis. The praesidium in Ballyjamesduff is being supported by Cavan.

Clonmacnoise Curia

The junior praesidium in Athlone distributes Miraculous Medals and helps out with the Family Mass in Cossan Church on the third Sunday of the month. The legionaries in Moate senior praesidium take part in a Holy Hour for vocations each month. Athlone praesidium held a public Rosary at the Grotto at St. John’s on October 7. They plan to start home visitation and Pilgrim Statue visitation in the coming months.

Leitrim Curia

The praesidium at Edgeworthstown has twelve (12) members and a Spiritual Director. Home visitation and crowd contact are the main works. The Rosary was recited publicly on a number of occasions. The Legion of Mary organised a nine- day Miraculous Medal novena in St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford.

Clogher Curia

Our Lady of Refuge praesidium in Monaghan has five (5) active members, two (2) of whom are probationary members. Three (3) new members were recruited during the year. Most of the works are evangelisation. Two nursing homes are also visited. Miraculous Medals are given to the residents, along with Brown Scapulars when residents who have been already enrolled in the Brown Scapular need to have them replaced, or those who have never been enrolled in the Brown Scapular are enrolled for the first time by a priest, and so begin to wear the Brown Scapular. The praesidium in Derrygonnelly has five (5) members. Works include organisation of Eucharistic Adoration in the parish, and the provision of transport for people to enable them to attend Mass, Eucharist Adoration and hospital appointments.


Frankfurt Senatus

Munich Regia has seven (7) praesidia, two (2) Comitia and eight (8) Curiae totalling three hundred and fifty (350) active members and four thousand (4,000) auxiliaries. Works include street apostolate, nursing home visitation and assisting with the sacraments. Frieburg Comitium has eight (8) praesidia totalling fifty- seven (57) active and eight hundred and seventy- three (873) auxiliary members. Works include care of disabled children, car park apostolate and transporting people to Mass. The book barrow is placed in front of the Cathedral in Birnau. The Curia in Karlesruhe is currently facing some challenges. The Korean Curia has eleven (11) praesidia totalling ninety- seven (97) active and one hundred and sixty- four (164) auxiliary members. A summer camp for children was organised and a youth group for twelve to seventeen (12-17) year-olds was set up for teaching catechism. During promotion of the Legion of Mary after Sunday Mass in Frankfurt many people showed an interest and accepted the Miraculous Medal. The possibility of doing extension in Denmark by Phillippino legionaries living in Sweden is being considered.

Kazakstan Curia

The Curia currently has five (5) praesidia attached totalling thirty- three (33) members and fifty- six (56) auxiliaries. The correspondent, assisted by a priest fluent in Russian, visited the Curia for two (2) weeks. The Curia and all praesidia meetings were visited. Attendance was satisfactory. Two (2) Spiritual Directors and nineteen (19) legionaries attended the Curia meeting. The main works are supporting the priest in the parish and bringing Holy Communion to the sick and house- bound. The visitors met Archbishop Peta, and Auxiliary Bishop Schneider who were very supportive of the Legion of Mary. Siberia has two (2) praesidia. Five (5) members, including a Spiritual Director attended the Curia meeting. Membership of the praesidia totals eight (8) full members and three (3) probationary members. Works are mainly accompanying the priest on pastoral visits, visitation of the elderly, care of children and helping with parish correspondence. There is no praesidium in Krasnojorsk at present because of a difficulty regarding a venue for the meetings.

Brussels Senatus

Twelve (12) legionaries and four (4) young people participated in a day of evangelisation. Many interesting contacts, including several Moslems, were offered the Miraculous Medal and usually accepted it. A workshop was held on the mission of the Legion of Mary. It was a great success, with many admitting they were unaware of the work of the Legion and said they were inspired by the works being carried out.

Amsterdam Regia

Cape Verde Curia in Rotterdam is following up and visited the praesidium they helped set up in Paris. One praesidium engages in street contact mainly, and encourages people who have lapsed to return to the sacraments. Two (2) praesidia have Patrician groups.

Antwerp Regia

They are working and praying for extension.


Brentwood Regia A number of praesidia reported. Auxiliary membership featured in all reports, and one praesidium held a retreat for auxiliaries at which there was an attendance of forty-one (41). West Middlesex Curia has four (4) praesidia, totalling forty (40) active and eighty- three (83) auxiliary members. The Curia desires that all praesidia engage in home visitation. Nursing home visitation is carried out, and on Ash Wednesday ashes are brought to Catholics. The Miraculous Medal features in all works.

Brent and Harrow Curia

The Curia currently has four (4) praesidia, totalling nineteen (19) members. All praesidia engage in home visitation. A recruiting drive organised by one praesidium yielded two (2) new members.

Central London Curia

Five (5) praesidia reported between September and December Curiae meetings. Works include home visitation, visitation of nursing homes, and visitation of the sick and housebound. A lady returned to the sacraments as a result of having the Pilgrim Statue in her home. A member gave out Miraculous Medals and rosaries to about six (6) people while visiting the hair salon of a friend. Later her friend requested more visits and Rosaries for her customers and friends. The praesidium in Soho visit the red-light area mainly at Eastertime and do contact work around Soho Square.

Liverpool Senatus

Works reported included home visitation, and visitation of nursing homes, sick and housebound. Book barrow and crowd contact carried out also.

Council taken care of by Liverpool Senatus


Br. and Sr. Kirsten visited from September 9- 23. They visited one Curia with nine (9) praesidia. Home visitation and street contact are amongst the works being carried out. The new Polish-speaking praesidium with eight (8) members was visited. They had a meeting with Cardinal Anders who gave them a great welcome and delighted to hear of the progress of the Legion of Mary.

Birmingham Senatus

Great efforts are being made to re-start the praesidia that closed due to covid. A new praesidium was set up in Wolverhampton Curia. Reports were received from Oxford, Sheldon and Banbury. Legionaries are doing very good apostolic work. Coventry Curia has three (3) praesidia and sixty (60) auxiliary members. Home and hospital are carried out, as is homosexual apostolate. A very good report was received from Bristol Curia who had been out of touch for a year due to illness. Street contact in the city centre is successful. Swansea Curia has six (6) senior praesidia, one (1) junior and thirty- two (32) auxiliaries. Four (4) members attended the Call to Arms in Dublin recently. Leicester Curia has four (4) praesidia attached and apostolate includes hospital visitation and helping at the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) sessions.


Stella Maris praesidium has eight (8) full and two (2) probationary members and a Spiritual Director. Crowd contact is carried out at the Metro, and Miraculous Medals are distributed to those met there. The Frank Duff Video was shown after Mass, with twenty (20) attending, and a meaningful discussion taking place.

Scotland Senatus

Curia in Motherwell reported. The Rosary is prayed in the schools, and pupils ask lots of questions. Christmas crib contact was carried out also.


Karnataka Senatus, Curiae and Comitia report regularly, but insufficient information is provided. Spouse of the Holy Spirit Curia in Mangalore held a workshop which went well. Visitation of councils and outstations is having a good effect. Pondicherry Senatus has twenty- four (24) praesidia, twelve (12) Curiae and eight (8) Comitia, with between eighty- two (82) and one hundred (100) attending the Senatus meetings. HIV patients, people who have been bereaved, people who are physically challenged, and prisoners are among those visited. Ten (10) new praesidia were set up and five (5) Comitia have over one thousand and two hundred (1,200) members each.

Chennai Senatus

Ninety- five (95) people were brought into the Church, cathecism is taught, and homes are consecrated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Legion of Mary in the Andaman Islands is still rebuilding as a result of the tsunami.

Kerala Senatus

It is hoped that a new praesidium will be established as a result of visits to councils. The Senatus appears to have cut off contact with the Legion in Erknakulan due to an ongoing liturgical dispute. Kochi Comitium with one thousand, two hundred and eighty- seven (1,287) members was visited. Six thousand, one hundred and fifty- six (6,156) patients were met in the course of hospital visitation.

Mumbai Senatus

A Spiritual Directors’ Conference was held for the Archdiocese of Mumbai in September, with thirty- nine (39) Spiritual Directors in attendance. The twenty- two (22) praesidia that are currently attached to the Senatus were instructed to mark the month of the Holy Rosary (October) with a Crusade, and Pilgrim Statue visitation. Edel Quinn leaflets, in a print run of five thousand (5,000), were produced in three (3) languages. During the General Elections of September, assistance was given to families in downloading the voting app, the faithful were encouraged to exercise their vote. A consolidation trip was made to Jabalpur and other cities in Central India to what is called an Outstation Comitium, with a thorough round of meetings with the bishop and local clergy. In November, four (4) prayer services were held in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mumbai, for the Legion’s Three Causes. Many praesidia, as well as visiting auxiliary members, and people who are sick and housebound, organise that Masses be celebrated for them. One praesidium has an outreach to the Don Bosco Boys’ Home. Juniors in Virgin Most Prudent junior Curia join underprivileged children in songs and games at Christmastime and during Indian festivals. Our Lady of the Assumption praesidium, Orlem, Mumbai, has recruited hundreds to the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. The praesidium was blessed with a vocation to the religious life in late Autumn. Finally, the Senatus submitted its annual plan for 2025 in December, showing month-by-month activities and devotions under six (6) headings.

Kottar Regia

There has been an increase in members reported monthly. Two (2) Comitia sought permission to start five (5) new Curiae each. Each praesidium has an average of seventeen to twenty (17-20) members each. Seven (7) Exploratio Dominicalis projects were carried out, with between twelve and twenty (12- 20) taking part.


Karachi Comitium has twelve (12) praesidia and a Curia of twelve (12) praesidia attached, having grown by six (6). They have four hundred (400) active and two hundred (200) auxiliary members, and aim to increase this number during the coming year. Enthronement of homes to the Sacred Heart and hospital visitation are carried out also.


Sixty- nine (69) people attended the November meeting but minutes didn’t include reports.


Works since the last report include: evangelisation in villages, carrying out Exploratio Dominicalis, leading people to be baptised, reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, returns to the Faith of some lapsed and lukewarm people, teaching Thai classes and helping the Daughters of Charity Sisters in their pastoral works, organisation of activities for the elderly, volunteering to teach ethics, assisting students with behavioural problems, transporting the sick to see doctors, accompanying an infirmary nursing team on field trips to villages, helping the marginalised with shelters, organising retreats for students, teachers and Catholic staff at a school, directing children to attend Holy Mass with their families, and to attend catechism classes, working with junior legionaries, organising Congresses, teaching catechism, leading people towards regularisation of their marriages, facilitating Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in eighty- three (83) families, recruiting active, auxiliary and probationary members, visiting ageing and infirm ex-legionaries, and seeing to the revival of a praesidium with low numbers through the support of legionaries from local praesidia. All students in a particular school can now pray the Hail Mary following the efforts of legionaries. Senatus continues to encourage the practice by all Councils of Enthronement of homes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the establishment of and promotion of First Saturday Devotions, and of Frank Duff prayer meetings.


Twelve (12) Comitia attached to the Senatus with forty to sixty per cent (40- 60%) attendance. Lanka Comitium has four thousand, nine hundred and eighty- five (4,985) senior, and one thousand and ninety (1,090) junior members. Three hundred and fifty (350) homes were consecrated to the Sacred Heart. Five hundred and seventy (570) children and five hundred and thirty (530) adults were prepared for the sacraments. One hundred (100) people who had lapsed returned to practice. Thousands take part in Rosary rallies that are organised.


Three (3) Regiae, (3) Comitia, four (4) Curiae and one (1) praesidium reported in this period. The three (3) Regiae cover nine (9) Dioceses. Excellent details are provided e.g. in Hanoi the Legion exists in one hundred and fifty- four (154) of the one hundred and ninety- eight (198) parishes. The Archbishop of this Diocese asked the Legion of Mary to participate in the work of evangelisation. This Regia has eleven thousand, six hundred and eighty (11,680) senior members, of whom four hundred and ninety-four (494) are praetorians. They have seven hundred and twenty- six (726) junior members and six thousand, six hundred and three (6,603) auxiliary members. They report on how many baptisms of children and adults were arranged, how many lapsed returned, how many abortions were prevented, marriages regularised etc. The Legion of Mary is weakest in areas where young people have moved to cities and the elderly have to work hard to provide for themselves. The annual statistics of the Senatus show they have (70,493) senior, (10,689) junior members with (9,756) praetorian and (415,885) auxiliary and adjutorian members.


Two (2) praesidia reported at the Curia meetings. Mother Immaculate praesidium with seven (7) active and seven (7) auxiliary members visit homes, shops, hairdressers etc. They say they are not Jehovah witnesses and invite people to return to Mass and the sacraments. Mother of Apostles praesidium in Yerevan has five (5) members and runs a men’s prayer group with six (6) on average attending, some of whom are being encouraged to return to practice. The Spiritual Director is encouraging legionaries to take more symbolic action.


This country has suffered greatly due to war. They hope to resume Comitium meetings soon. They continued to visit the sick and isolated bringing them to hospital and retirement homes. They organised events for children on the feast of St. Barbara.


August minutes. It’s not clear if the Comitium is meeting or not at present.



Cotonou Regia

Eighteen (18) months of minutes have been received recently. The Regia celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary in Benin in October. This report is based on the October and November minutes. Four (4) praesidia, six (6) Curiae with one hundred and twenty (120) praesidia and three (3) Comitia with forty (40) Curiae reported.

The attendance at all level of meetings is well below average with less than forty per cent (40%) in attendance. Two (2) of the Comitia are over four hundred kilometres (400 km) away from the Regia. One of these Comitia has twelve (12) praesidia and five (5) Curiae with two hundred and thirty- two (232) members, and the other is comprised of eleven (11) praesidia and eight (8) Curiae with one thousand and ninety- five (1,095) members. The junior Curia is not functioning and it is unclear if praesidia meet. Seniors have been tasked to follow up on this. The Regia caretake Gabon in Central Africa with two (2) Comitia reporting with over one thousand, five hundred (1,500) members. Thirty (30) from Gabon attended the Anniversary in Benin. All reports showed marriage validations, families reconciled, adults and children baptised, many returns to the sacraments and Sunday Mass. Contact is made with Protestants, Muslims and Pagans. There have been approximately one hundred (100) new recruits since the last report. No mention has been made in the minutes of The Legion of Mary in Niger.


We look forward to hearing from you in your next report.

Burkina Faso

Norte Dame de Yagma Comitium hosted a national meeting of Spiritual Directors from the three (3) Archdioceses and many Dioceses in the capital Ougadougou. Legionaries also attended. The security situation and many other matters were discussed as many parish churches are closed due to danger to parishioners. Plans for activities for 2025- including promotion of the Angelus and better co-operation from the Curiae and Comitia- were discussed.


We look forward to hearing from you in your next report.

Guinea Equatorial

This is a Spanish speaking area in French Africa. We look forward to hearing from you in your next report.

Ivory Coast

Works reported include visitation of hospitals, prisons, teaching Catechism, house visitation and as a result many families have been reunited, couples married, lapsed returned to Mass and the sacraments. New members were recruited in health centres, hairdressers, sewing workshops, schools, restaurants, shops and on street contact and door to door visitation. Plans are in place to invite Catholics and non-Catholics to various activities organised by the Legion. Recruitment of young people happens mainly through interesting and innovative programs and give them roles of responsibility. There are many difficulties and challenges for members to attend meetings, remoteness of some Councils, the poor state of the roads, lack of financial resources and a high rate of illiteracy.


Lome Senatus.

December minutes received. Works reported include home, hospital, auxiliary and prison visitation as well as street contact and visiting businesses, markets and contact on the beach. All Curiae mentioned have juniors. Many Exploratio Dominicalis and weekend evangelisation projects resulted in new praesidia, Curiae and one new Comitium. They have many catechumens, conversions and abortions prevented. Congresses were held.

Lome caretake Senegal.

Dakar Comitium has (18) adult praesidia and (1) junior praesidium directly attached and six (6) Curiae. New praesidia have been set up. Works include home and hospital visitation and catechesis.

Guinea Comitium has six (6) Curiae and seven (7) praesidia with over one thousand (1,000) active members. Hospitals, prisons and orphanages are visited and catechism is taught.


Planning Meetings for 2025

In Some Handbook Reflections (p. 25-26) we are reminded of the importance of councils and praesidia meeting at the beginning of each year to plan for the year ahead, of allowing sufficient time for these meetings, and presidents encouraging officers to submit suggestions in advance. Surely in this Jubilee Year of 2025, with its theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, the importance of planning is of critical importance for the Legion of Mary as we all strive to carry out all that Heaven desires of us.

In his essay ‘Thinking in Christ’ in the book ‘Mary Shall Reign’ (p.18) Frank Duff declared “We must reflect with a view to producing good work and advancing in every respect. We must plan. We must be ingenious. We must strive as a very part of the work itself to devise better methods, to hammer out new ideas, and to solve the problems.” He emphasised “We must think and plan as if everything depended on it.” “So when we plan, it should be with faith, ambitiously, a little beyond what we judge to be our reach, so as to leave some room for Him to operate.” (Frank Duff Thinking in Christ: Mary Shall Reign p.18).

We are reminded that “If the officers approach the meeting in a spirit of faith and union with Mary and conscious of Brother Duff’s words… they will be giving scope for the Holy Spirit to work through them.” (Some Handbook Reflections p.26).

In light of all of this, priorities when planning for the year are based on the area in which a council exists, and the needs with which that council is presented at the current time. Specific plans for the whole year within the system of The Legion of Mary are thus to be formulated, while always allowing room for the movement of The Holy Spirit in His Creativity as the year unfolds, and beyond this continually welcoming and invoking The Holy Spirit to direct, guide, inspire and enlighten us. We of course plead that God The Father and God The Son intervene also, and that our Blessed Mother and all of Heaven intercede for us always. The need for the human efforts of all council officers and praesidia officers to take control and implement the plans is also important. It is vitally important that the council bodies are informed and supportive. Concilium asks for the taking on board and carrying out, as part of the planning of the following

Recommendations from Concilium for legionaries throughout the world for Jubilee Year 2025.


1. All legionaries (active and auxiliaries) are recommended to take on the 33 Day Consecration to Jesus Through Mary proposed by St. Louis- Marie de Montfort during the Jubilee Year 2025. Auxiliaries and active members need to be informed. Concilium has just published a new production of the 33 Day Consecration to Jesus Through Mary. Some councils might wish to carry it out together with their legionaries over the 33 day preparation period.

2. All councils are recommended to carry out some Saturday street contact during any Saturday for each month for the Jubilee Year to focus on apostolic activity and personal contact and to teach the master/apprentice system of formation.

3. In Dublin, and throughout Ireland, a Jubilee task force will focus on recruitment for the Jubilee Year. Other councils may wish to follow this recommendation to address the need for Recruitment during the Jubilee Year and address the need for more active members following the covid lockdowns across the world.

4. All are asked to take on the Jubilee Year recommendations.

We thus look forward, full of hope and optimism this year to see how all our plans will unfold as God wills, in His plan, in His time, knowing that

“The more one plunges into God, the wider become the horizons, and the greater the possibilities.” (Legion of Mary Handbook p.235)


Some Handbook Reflections

This month’s extract is the first of a four- part series of opportunities for us to consider the importance of Standing Instruction, which the Legion of Mary Handbook (p.109) informs us

“is to be inserted on the Work Sheet (or otherwise placed so as to ensure that it will not be overlooked at the proper time) and read out by the President at the first meeting of each month, immediately after the signing of the minutes.”


(p. 9,10 in ‘Some Handbook Reflections’)

Legionary duty requires from each legionary:- First, the punctual and regular attendance at the weekly meetings of the praesidium, and the furnishing there of an adequate and audible report on the work done.” (Handbook 18:7) It may be worthwhile reflecting on the following extracts from the handbook which deal with points contained in the first part of the Standing Instruction quoted above:

PUNCTUAL ATTENDANCE: “Punctually at the appointed time, the members shall be in their places, and the meeting shall begin. But a punctual start (so necessary for the efficiency of the praesidium) will not be possible unless the officers are in attendance some time in advance in order to make the requisite preparations.” (18:2) “Legionaries arriving late for the opening prayers shall kneel down and recite privately the prayers (on the Tessera) which precede the rosary and the invocations which follow it. But the loss of the praesidium rosary cannot be repaired. In no circumstances can the persistent late-coming or early departure of a member be permitted. It is true that the work may be done and reported upon, but indifference to the missing of the opening or concluding prayers may well be believed to denote a cast of mind alien to or even hostile to the real spirit of the Legion, which is a spirit of prayer. Harm, not good, would be the fruit of such a membership.” (19:10)

REGULAR ATTENDANCE: “Foremost in its system, the primary obligation of each member, the Legion sets the duty of attendance at its meetings.” (11:4) “The legionaries shall therefore regard attendance at their weekly praesidium meeting as their first and most sacred duty to the Legion. Nothing else can supply for this; without it their work will be like a body without a soul.” (11:5) “It is easier to see the value of doing a work than the value of attendance at a meeting to report on that work, yet the meeting is the prime duty. The meeting is to the work as the root is to the flower; the latter will not live without the former.” (33:1)

ADEQUATE REPORT: “In its own way the report is as important to the meeting as the prayers. They supplement each other ... The report connects the work with the praesidium and therefore it must be a clear presentation of the doings of the member - in a sense as vivid as the picture on a cinema screen - such as will enable the other members mentally to engage in that work, to judge it, to comment on it, to learn from it. Accordingly, the report must show what has been attempted and achieved, and in what spirit; the time spent; the methods used; what has not been gained and the persons who have not been touched the reports should be such as will interest as well as inform the meeting ... The report must not be too long nor too brief; above all, it must not be a routine phrase. Failure in these directions not only shows that the member is neglecting his duty but also that the other members are assisting him in this neglect. This strikes at the whole legionary idea of the supervision of the work. the praesidium cannot supervise a work unless it is fully informed about it.” (18:9) “Every member should have a notebook: without its aid a suitable report will not be made.” (33: 5)

AUDIBLE REPORT: “The report, and all discussion upon it, must be delivered in a tone of voice which will reach every part of the room. A report, however full and faithful, which is inaudible to many of those present is - having regard to its depressing effect on the meeting- worse than no report. Whispering is no sign of modesty or gentleness, as some apparently imagine. Who so modest, who so gentle as Mary? Yet could anyone imagine her mumbling her words, or talking in such a fashion that those close to her could not hear what she was saying? O legionaries! Imitate your Queen in this, as in all other ways.” (18 :9).


33 Day Preparation for Consecration to Jesus through Mary books

Concilium is delighted to relate to all of the continuing availability for sale- at the very reasonable cost of E1.50- of this recent Legion of Mary publication, modelled on that of St. Louis Marie De Montfort. We pray that legionaries throughout the world will be inspired to implement, spread and promote this Consecration. While it can be started on any day, beginning Day 1 on 20 February would see 25 March Feast of The Annunciation as the Consecration Day.


Columban Drive Cards

The availability of Columban Drive cards from Concilium is a help to us all as we plan our recruitment drives for 2025. We pray that many will join The Legion of Mary this year.


Repaid a Million-fold

A gentle reminder to all Councils who may not, as yet have acquired this recent publication from Concilium to do so for their auxiliary members.


Mary’s Channel of Grace

Zoom Meeting ID: 811 4083 3503

Passcode: 876433

Legion of Prayers and Rosary 365 days per year.

8 p.m. GMT

All welcome.


Annual Mass in Dublin for Servant of God, Alfie Lambe

The Annual Mass for Servant of God, Alfie Lambe, will be celebrated on Sunday 9 February at 12:30 p.m. in St. Agnes’ Church, Crumlin. All are welcome. Please invite many others also.


Invitation to all active members of The Legion of Mary across Ireland to

Call to Arms Conference 2025

Where? Dominican College, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.

When? Beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday 15 March.

We look forward to meeting all who were there last year, many new members who have joined since last year’s Conference, and those who could not be there last year.


Enthronement of The Sacred Heart in the homes

“As it is the mission of Mary to bring about the reign of Jesus, so there is a special appropriateness (which should attract the special graces of the Holy Spirit) in the Legion of Mary propagating the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart.”

(Legion of Mary Handbook, p.214- 215).

At this particularly special time (27th December 2023- 27th June 2025) of the 350th Anniversary of the apparitions of The Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque at Paray-le-Monial in France, Concilium is especially delighted to be able to make available A3 images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which are very suitable for Enthronement of The Sacred Heart in homes, at the very reasonable cost of E1.50 each. We remember that the Handbook tells us that the spreading and promotion by the Legion of Mary of The Enthronement of The Sacred Heart- as quoted above- should attract “the special graces of the Holy Spirit” which we all so deeply desire. Thus, we pray that we will all be inspired and motivated to follow through on this beautiful work, keeping always The Twelve Promises of The Sacred Heart uppermost in our minds and engraved on our hearts and souls.