Concilium News August 2010
August 2010 Concilium News
Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary
Nominations were sought for the office of Assistant Secretary of the Concilium, with responsibility for Ireland & Europe, as Rose Caulfield had completed her first term. Rose Caulfield was proposed and seconded and as there were no other nominations, she was duly elected Assistant Secretary of the Concilium. On behalf of Concilium, Tommy McCabe, President, thanked Rose for her dedicated service and wished her every grace and blessing in her second term.
Visit to Concilium by the Officers of Legion Councils of Austria.
Four of the officers of the Senatus of Austria, including their Spiritual Director Fr Florian Calice and President Elizabeth Ruepp, along with 16 other officers of directly attached Councils, attended the Concilium meeting. They had a 3 day officers’ conference in Dublin earlier in the week.
The Senatus of Austria comprises 10 directly attached Praesidia, 10 Curiae& 10 Comitia. The Legion is present in the 9 dioceses of Austria. There are approx 2,100 active and 12,000 auxiliary members .The Senatus also caretakes the Legion in Czech Republic, Moldova, Slovakia and the Ukraine, on behalf of the Concilium.
Tommy McCabe, President of Concilium, thanked Fr Calice and all the officers for coming to Concilium and for their dedication to the Legion and encouraged them to continue in their apostolate.
Web site guidelines etc –letter to councils
The Concilium decided to send a letter to all councils to remind them that all Legion websites should comply with the Guidelines for Legion Websites, and councils are responsible for the content etc of their websites.
In particular Council officers are asked to look at their websites and consider the following:
(1) Does the site comply with the Guidelines for Legion Websites?
(2) Is all the content in keeping with the legionary spirit and system as per the Legion Handbook?
(3) Is legionary confidentiality respected? - In regard to persons, meetings and reports?
(4) Is sufficient care taken in regard to the appropriateness of links to other sites and to guard against including material on the website which is not specifically related to the Legion of Mary, to its apostolate, its spirituality or methods.