Concilium Bulletin November 2007

REPORTS - Europe
Scotland: The Senatus reported that an attached Curia in Glasgow has set up a new praesidium which brings its total number of praesidia to 7. One of its praesidia gave a gift of Rosary beads to primary school pupils before the end of term. During the summer months, crowd contact was carried out in parks and useful contacts were made. Prayers for peace and a card giving the times of Masses in 3 local Churches were given out in schools in Ayrshire in May. Book barrows are operated in Paisley and Greenock with good results.

Senatus of Birmingham: Extension and recruiting efforts are taking place in a number of parishes. A function to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Venerable Edel Quinn was held on September 15th. South Birmingham Curia with 13 praesidia attached celebrated its Diamond Jubilee with a concelebrated Mass. The chief celebrant was Bishop Philip Pargeter. This Curia reported the return of three lapsed Catholics to practice and the establishment of a branch of the Patricians at the University Chaplaincy.

Brentwood Comitium: Legionaries continue to give religious instruction to adults and as a result 2 people have been received into the Catholic Church. Brentwood East Curia has 9 senior and 2 junior praesidia and it has set up another senior praesidium. Over 50 active and auxiliary members attended a retreat.

Northampton North and South Curiae held a joint Congress with approx. 50 attending. The North Curia has 6 praesidia with 41 active members including 8 probationers and the South Curia has a new praesidium with 5 members. A praesidium in Guernsey recruited 3 new members as a result of inviting people to Church to promote the Cause of Venerable Edel Quinn.

Southwark Comitium: Bishop Howard Tripp conducted an enlightening and prayerful retreat at which 16 legionaries attended. Extension efforts have been made in a few areas. Contacts in parishes where PPC teams worked very successfully this year are being followed up. The praesidium in Borough with 6 members visit the sick, bereaved and housebound. They organised a film show on Our Lady of Fatima at which 15 attended. A reporting praesidium with 19 members made a special visitation to 130 non-practising Catholics in the lead-up to Easter. The 3 Legion Causes are promoted.

Liverpool Senatus: A praesidium in Ushaw Seminary is working well. Praesidia in Leeds Comitium give catechetical instruction to children attending non-Catholic schools and conduct Baptism and Liturgy preparation classes. Extension is carried out in Aston Curia and Patrician meetings were reported on in Wirral Curia.

Swansea Curia under the care of Birmingham Senatus: Efforts are continuing to reach out to new parishes for extension. Permission has been given for a Rosary group in one of the junior schools. Ongoing visits are taking place to a brothel where good relations are building up with the people involved.

Wrexham Curia under the care of Liverpool Senatus: The 7 praesidia are working well. They report an interesting variety of work - running an Ecumenical Club, an outdoor procession of the Blessed Sacrament, retreats, a Rosary Rally and a pilgrimage to Walsingham.

Cardiff Comitium also under the care of Liverpool Senatus has 3 attached Curiae and works include visitation of homes, visits and instructions to prisoners in Cardiff prison, RCIA and accompanying the priest visiting the sick. Masses were said at 4 different Churches to mark Venerable Edel Quinn’s centenary.

A new praesidium which was set up by the former Legion Envoy lames 0 Hanlon has 12 members and a Spiritual Director and is progressing well. The works undertaken are teaching catechism, youth work and visits to the sick and housebound.

A Peregrinatio Pro Christo team organised by the Senatus of Scotland carried out a project in Oulu in July. They spoke to people in the parks, the streets and the market place and had many useful conversations with them. As a result of the project, a prayer group has been started in Tornio at the request of the parish priest of Oulu.

A praesidium for the Filipino community in Copenhagen visits a hospital, a jail and homes for the sick. They promote the family Rosary and help with various church activities.

Sweden (under the care of Liverpool Senatus)
A successful and interesting visit was paid to Lund in Sweden to meet the young Nigerian women who are keen to set up a praesidium. The visit to Dublin by the Chaldean legionaries from Sweden, together with Senatus officers from Liverpool, has borne fruit with news from Sweden that the praesidium in Sodertalje has split to form another praesidium.

Mont de Marsan Regia: The main apostolate involves the visitation of nursing homes and people ill or elderly in their homes.

Paris Regia: The attached Curia at Troyes has 8 senior and 1 junior praesidia comprised of 44 senior members and 12 juniors. The apostolate includes home visitation with the pilgrim statue, street contact, teaching catechism and visitation of the sick. A praesidium in the Haitian community has started a junior and a senior praesidium for Haitians and Africans.

Valence Regia: A Mass was celebrated in October followed by a picnic to mark the centenary of the birth of the Venerable Edel Quinn. The normal apostolate is carried out in parishes and one praesidium holds functions for Auxiliary members twice a year. The international praesidium of Lyon which has 9 members is working well. Strasbourg Senatus: The centenary of the birth of Venerable Edel Quinn was celebrated on 15 September. The apostolate carried out is proving fruitful.

Munich Senatus: A Mass to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Venerable Edel Quinn took place on 16 September and a talk on her life was given on the radio. Munich North West Curia with 5 praesidia staff a book barrow in the dioceses of Dresden and Goerlitz. Curia Rosenheim organised a pilgrimage to Freising. Curia Amberg Weiden has 11 praesidia, which are working well. Auxiliary Bishop Reinhard Pappenberger attended the Acies ceremony. Extension work is being carried out in Gunzelhofen, Memmenhausen and Feilnbach and new praesidia have been set up in Burghausen and Soecking.

Frankfurt Senatus The officers of the Frankfurt and Munich Senatuses and Cologne Regia met in August. Frankfurt Senatus accepted recommendations from this meeting to undertake extension in a systematic fashion in each diocese and to the merging of the 3 internet German Legion websites. Cologne Regia: Since the attachment of the Regia to Frankfurt Senatus 5 new praesidia have started. The Korean Curia has 8 praesidia. 44 legionaries attended the Regia retreat. A PPC project took place in Wemigode/Harz in October.

Comitium Frieburg started extension in 3 areas and a new praesidium was started in Ludwigshafen - Bodmann. Curia Karlsruhe with 4 praesidia was reopened. Comitium Berlin comprises a Korean Curia with 5 praesidia as well as 1 Spanish, 1 Filipino, 2 German and Croatian praesidia attached. The Comitium held a Mass to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Venerable Edel Quinn. Frankfurt Korean Curia has 8 praesidia. 21 adults were baptised in June. 35 children attended a meeting in Maria Einsiedel.

Contact with Luzem Curia is ongoing. A visit to Curia Nordost by Frankfurt Senatus representatives was fruitful. The Curia changed its name to Curia Zurich and has 6 praesidia. A junior retreat organised by the Zurich praesidium had 24 children with 3 priests present.

The praesidia in Krasnojarsk and Atschinsk and Bogotol are in touch with Frankfurt Senatus. The praesidium in Atschinsk with 6 members organised a children’s summer school

Senatus of Brussels: A PPC project was undertaken in Beauring to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady. 20 legionaries took part including 5 from France. Extensive use was made of the Miraculous Medal in the course of the general apostolate carried out by the legionaries.

Senatus of Amsterdam: Efforts are ongoing for the setting up of a praesidium in Hengelo. The Comitium of Heerlen has 4 attached praesidia and a small Curia.


Accra Senatus Permission was granted to visit the prisons. A new praesidium of 8 was started among medical students. Extension work was carried out at Cape Coast Polytechnic. Kumasi Regia: has made several visits to Vendi and Bolgatanga to revive the Legion and recruit young members. Sunyani Regia has an active membership of 2,018, 6 Comitia and 14 Curiae and celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Legion with Mass celebrated by the Bishop Peter Atuahene of Goaso. They organised a 3-day programme of conferences and ended with 6 teams doing home visitation. During the year the Regia prepared 2,634 for Baptism, 2,848 for First Holy Communion and 908 were Confirmed.

The attached councils are being visited and praesidia and council officers are met during these visits.

Cape Verde
Bro Juvenal Moreno Tavares and Bro Joao Moniz, President and Vice President respectively of Cape Verde Regia visited the Concilium Headquarters in Dublin and were present at the Concilium Meeting. In the 2 Dioceses of Cape Verde and Mindelo there are 29 parishes and the Legion of Mary is established in 26 of these parishes. They have 10,000 legionaries, 9 Comitia, 37 Curiae and 470 praesidia.Their aim is to set up a praesidium in every parish and have a legionary in every family. Legionaries are very involved in catechetical work and the promotion of the Causes of Venerable Edel Quinn, the Servants of God Frank Duff and Alfie Lambe are emphasised. They expressed their gratitude to the Concilium Officers and the Concilium correspondent for all the assistance given to them and they also paid tribute to Sr Maria Senra of Portugal who helped to develop the Legion in their country.

Br Tommy McCabe, President of the Concilium, thanked the two officers for coming to the Concilium and he asked them to take back the Concilium’s warm greetings to the legionaries at home.

South Africa
Durban Comitium: a praesidium of 15 active members has 10 praetorians, 80 auxiliary members and 25 adjutorians. The praesidium undertook an Exploratio Dominicalis project to an area devastated by a tidal wave.

Matatiele Comitium: A praesidium of 17 active members with 25 auxiliaries, carried out an Exploratio Dominicalis project. Another praesidium reported 43 Baptisms and 40 First Holy Communions.

Johannesburg Senatus A praesidium of 12 members does home visitation and encourages families to bring their children for Baptism. Anglican ladies invited legionaries to teach them to recite the Rosary.

Capetown Senatus A praesidium organised a Rosary rally in October. This was well attended by parishioners. This praesidium also visits old folks’ homes including a Muslim old age home. In the course of hospital visitation Miraculous Medals and prayer cards are distributed.

Asia and Oceania

Senatus of Northern Philippines (Manila): A Biennial Conference was held in April at which 1 Bishop, 6 Spiritual Directors and 109 delegates attended. A Lenten recollection day was held with 126 legionaries. Columban recruiting drives take place regularly. Jail visitation is done by legionary inmates who care for the sick and recite the Rosary in cells. There ongoing extension efforts resulted in senior and junior praesidia being set up. The vice-president of a Junior Curia entered religious life.

Bicolandia Senatus: Due to typhoons one Comitium has lost its 8 attached Curiae. Works undertaken are consecration of homes to the Sacred Heart; Sunday Mass for jail inmates and the conducting of Rosary and Bible classes for them.

Cebu Senatus: A Columban recruiting drive resulted in 12 new members. Praesidia in 2 councils undertook Exploratio Dominicalis projects. There are 6 Seminary praesidia with 67 members and 79 probationers and their work is with the destitute, visiting hospitals and recruiting auxiliaries. A Junior Curia with 16 praesidia teach catechism in schools in the summer period. A Buddhist was converted and 12 children from the sects were baptised.

Western Visayas Regia: A Seminary praesidium conduct liturgy in a home for the aged and are involved in the formation of volunteer catechists. Juniors lead the Rosary in homes during October and distribute Rosary beads. University praesidia were established at St. Paul’s in Iloilo City. Exploratio Dominicalis projects were carried out by 11 praesidia. A number of conversions were reported. Mindinao S: The establishment of 2 new Regiae is under consideration.

Melbourne Senatus: Praesidia visit the business district in the city and distribute prayer cards and parish bulletins. Exploratio Dominicalis project was undertaken over two weekends in Lent. The Parish Priest was so impressed he invited legionaries to continue the work during June. Extension continues and new praesidia have been set up. Perth Comitium has 16 city and 3 distant praesidia. There are 5 city and 1 distant Curiae attached. Flemington Comitium has 13 praesidia and 2 Curiae mainly Vietnamese who work among their own community.

Sydney Senatus:The Korean and Vietnamese Curiae are thriving with many baptisms and conversions. Crowd contact and door to door visitation are undertaken. One Curia has 4 praesidia. The local Bishop attends its monthly meeting. A PPC team met 250 Italians who live over 40 miles from their local Church and many wept when spoken to about the love of God and Our Lady. Mass is celebrated in each Diocese where the Legion is established for the 3 Legion candidates for canonisation.

New Zealand Auckland Senatus: Wellington Comitium has translated the Tessera into Arabic. Auckland juniors with 6 praesidia and 75 members bring the elderly to Mass, staff a piety stall, are altar servers and help seniors with auxiliary visitation. A Korean Comitium has 39 praesidia, 384 members and 5 junior praesidia. Vavau Curia in Tonga has 13 senior and 13 junior praesidia. Their works include preparing children for First Holy Communion, visiting homes, doing statue visitation and reciting the Rosary.

Papua New Guinea
Madang Regia: There are many conversions from sects; a former Pentecostal Minister and a former 7 Day Adventist are now active legionaries and the junior movement is flourishing.

Rabul Regia: A legionary of the Regia is travelling extensively on behalf of the Legion and is well received. Manus Island celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Legion and a workshop on the government of the Legion was included in the programme. Their works include conversion, regularising marriages and preparing young and old for the Sacraments.

Visit to Brazil
The visit to Brazil of Br Paddy Fay and Br Tadgh McMahon, former Legion Envoys and members of the Concilium, included attending a 2-day National Conference of Spiritual Directors held in Brasilia and visiting a number of councils. The result of discussions at the conference was that participation and a renewal of commitment to promoting the Legion was emphasised. Bishop Dom John Terra gave the opening address and was principal celebrant at the celebration of the Eucharist closing the conference. They were warmly received by the Apostolic Nuncio His Excellency Dom Lorenzo Baldisseri.

The councils visited by Bros Paddy Fay and Tadgh MCHahon were Sao Paulo, Salvador, Fortaleza and Rio de Janeiro Senatus. In Sao Paulo they attended a 2-day training course for Senatus correspondents and had meetings with many of the officers. In Salvador they attended the Senatus meeting and met with officers of Recife, Maceio and Aracaju Regiae. In Fortaleza they visited the Senatus Spiritual Director, His Excellency Dom Jose Coutinho emeritus Bishop of Estancia. The Archbishop of Fortaleza, His Grace Dom Jose Antonio, warmly welcomed them and assured them of his great satisfaction with the Legion, pointing out that the Legion was specially suited to carry out the programme of evangelisation promulgated in the meeting of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean under the guidance of the Holy Father in Aparecida in May of this year. In Rio de Janeiro officers were ready to accept suggestions to set up new Regiae. Both visitors thanked the Concilium for the privilege of revisiting Brazil.

Br Tommy McCabe President of Concilium thanked them for undertaking the recent visit.

Peregrinatio Pro Christo
The annual Conference on 3 November had an attendance of 270 approximately. Thanks was expressed to all those who helped in so many ways and in particular to Si le Ni Chochlain for her stimulating address. Twenty-four projects were carried out in Britain.

27th Anniversary Mass Commemorating the Servant of God Frank Duff
St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Dublin was filled to capacity for the 27th Anniversary Mass commemorating the Servant of God Frank Duff which took place on Saturday 17th November 2007. Bishop Michael Smith of Meath was the chief celebrant and homilist. Seventeen priests concelebrated with him. In his address the Bishop reflected on Frank Duff’s life and what motivated him to give his life to the service of God and His Church. He said “Proclaim the message and witness to that message was Frank Duff’s approach for that is the message that gives life.

Under the guidance of Mary, Frank Duff and those he inspired to follow his way, has drawn an immense number in many lands into the embrace of God.” The members of Bethlehem Curia were thanked for the hard work undertaken to bring about a most successful occasion.

Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God Frank Duff
God our Father, You inspired your servant Frank Duff with a profound insight into the mystery of Your Church, the Body of Christ, and of the place of Mary the Mother of Jesus in this mystery. In his immense desire to share this insight with others and in filial dependence on Mary he formed her Legion to be a sign of her maternal love for the world and a means of enlisting all her children in the Church’s evangelising work. We thank you Father for the graces conferred on him and for the benefits accruing to the Church from his courageous and shining faith. With confidence we beg You that through his intercession you grant the petition we lay before You….............. We ask too that if it be in accordance with Your will, the holiness of his life may be acknowledged by the Church for the glory of your Name, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Favours attributed to the intercession of
The Servant of God, Frank Duff should be reported to:
Legion of Mary
De Montfort House
Morning Star Avenue
North Brunswick Street
Dublin 7