Concilium Bulletin August 2024



Assumpta Curia

Members lead a Rosary procession in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the last Thursday of each month. The Rosary procession starts at 6.30 p.m. from St. Teresa’s Church, Clarendon Street, Dublin 2. The curia supports all Legion of Mary functions.

Mater Ecclesiae Curia

Recruiting is carried out during street contact in both Dún Laoghaire and Bray every Saturday morning. Once a month, a praesidium in the curia area, is responsible for praying the rosary and the prayer for the beatification of Venerable Edel Quinn in St. Patrick’s Church, Monkstown where Edel herself worshipped. Two Holy Hours with prayers for the cause of now Servant of God Frank Duff are held in the curia area -one weekly and one monthly. A praesidium’s main works is visitation to a new nursing home, including visitation to residents who are confined to their room. Legionaries chat and pray a decade of the rosary with these residents. One hundred (100) homes were visited in Newtownmountkennedy before Easter and people were encouraged back to Confession and Mass. Members regularly visit auxiliaries, especially those who are old or sick. The praesidium promotes children’s Rosary. On New Year’s Day last, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, the praesidium organised a Rosary which twenty-two (22) attended including children. They prayed the Angelus and Rosary and had bells for the children to ring between the decades which they did with great gusto. Legionaries organise a Mother’s Prayer Group once a month. This is an opportunity for mothers to have some quiet time to pray for themselves and their children, and to build friendships. The last two Patrician titles were ‘Mary in the modern world’ [which fourteen (14) attended, seven (7) of whom were legionaries], and ‘Miraculous Recovery’ [which eighteen (18) attended, twelve (12) of whom were legionaries]. Bus has been booked for Knock pilgrimage.

Benedicta Curia

Two buses to Knock have been organised for the Legion of Mary pilgrimage in September. Following home visitation by a praesidium in Drimnagh, two (2) of the legionaries met the new parish priest with a view to restarting the Legion of Mary there. A praesidium delivers Maria Legionis to thirty (30) homes. A new member will take the Legion Promise shortly. A praesidium is engaged in home visitation in Ceann Fort, visits St James’s Hospital, and does street contact outside the Legion of Mary House. Junior praesidium members promote the rosary, distribute Miraculous Medals and leaflets. Every praesidium recruits weekly for both active and auxiliary members.

Immaculata Curia

Two buses have been organised for the Legion of Mary pilgrimage to Knock in September. Curia outreach and recruiting drives have been held in Sundrive Road and Crumlin parishes recently. Mass is celebrated for the cause of Frank Duff on the third Sunday of the month in Sundrive House. Scripture reading for young adults is planned for September. A praesidium with seven (7) full members, including three (3) praetorians also has one (1) probationary and forty-three (43) auxiliaries, and delivers forty (40) Maria Legionis journals every quarter. The praesidium held twelve (12) Patrician meetings over the last year, with titles such as ‘Confession - the forgotten Sacrament’, ‘Focus on Jesus’, ‘Fruits of the Holy Spirit - Real life testimony’ and ‘Blood of Jesus, Source of Sanctifying Grace’. Works include home visitation, pilgrim statue visitation and street contact. Another praesidium’s works include home visitation, crowd contact, nursing home visitation, outreach to travellers and school visitation. Project 300 is mentioned at weekly praesidium meeting and members report on their recruitment efforts.

Annunciata Curia

The main work of a praesidium is an apostolate to Muslims whom they meet mainly at their work premises. On all the visits they offer the message to Muslims for the month of Ramadan and the feast of Id Al-Fitr, which comes from the Dicastery for Inter-religious Dialogue in Rome, and which is always well received. The legionaries speak to the Muslims about the many Truths of the Catholic Faith such as The Blessed Trinity as a Family of Love, Jesus as God become Man, the Most Holy Eucharist and Mary as Mother of God and Our Mother, and Mary’s role in our Salvation. Members have also carried out home visitation in fFrench Mullen flats, St. Kevin’s parish and the recent Rosary in the community room had sixteen (16) in attendance. A praesidium organised enrolment in the Brown Scapular and sixteen (16) people were enrolled in July. As there was no praesidium report at the June curia meeting, a discussion was held on the tremendous grace obtained by making a Spiritual Communion. St. John Vianney said that when we feel our love for God growing cold we should instantly make a Spiritual Communion. St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Padre Pio, St. Francis de Sales and St. Catherine of Sienna also spoke and wrote about the importance of a Spiritual Communion. Pope John Paul II was a great advocate of Spiritual Communion and said that it is good to cultivate in our hearts a constant desire for the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Other points were made and it was pointed out that Spiritual Communion is not a substitute for actual or Sacramental Communion. Curia outing took place recently. The curia is making plans to celebrate its one thousandth (1,000th) meeting.

Ancilla Domini Curia

Patricians meeting is held every second month. The topic for the next Patricians in September is ‘The Folly of the Cross’. A Frank Duff Prayer Meeting was held after the officers meeting in July. Any favours attributed to Frank Duff will be sent to Concilium. A bus is being organised for the Legion of Mary pilgrimage to Knock in September. Flyers will be put up in the local churches and all are asked to promote it. The anniversary Mass to commemorate the founding of the Legion of Mary will be celebrated in St. Nicholas of Myra Church, Francis Street on September 6th. The Rosary will be prayed at 7 p.m. and Mass will begin at 7.30 p.m. Refreshments will be served afterwards in Myra House. Street contact is ongoing every Saturday in Temple Bar. A group of legionaries recently spent a week in the Permanence in Lourdes.

Gloriosa Curia

The new praesidium at Radio Maria has six (6) members. The curia held a farewell party for Fr. Simon, who is returning home to Malawi. The curia outing was held last week.



Elphin Comitium

The annual report of Queen of the Universe praesidium with ten (10) members related that they are involved in many activities including home and hospital visitation. Patients in the Sacred Heart hospital look forward to the weekly Holy Hour and the visits by the legionaries. The Rosary was recited at Our Lady’s Grotto during May and October. The First Communicants, together with their parents, family members and the public took part. The comitium have many plans for the year including the recruitment of new members, more home visitation in the town, and visits to former legionaries.

Carlow Comitium

One praesidium reported that it had done visitation to the local primary school where the legionaries spoke to the Holy Communion and Confirmation classes. They were very well received.

Kildare Curia:

The praesidium in Newbridge has acquired three (3) new members. Home visitation is done each week. One praesidium organised a public Way of the Cross on Good Friday with fifty (50) in attendance. A praesidium has been asked by the parish priest to visit a housing estate with a view to offering house blessings to residents.

Tuam Comitium

The comitium hosted a Maria et Patria (MEP) project on June the 13th and 14th. Legionaries from Killala, Clonfert, Galway and other councils took part. Fr. Declan Lohan contributed greatly to the success of the project. A one-day door to door project was held in Castlebar on May 18th where many good contacts were made. The attached curia of Our Lady of Knock Claremorris with four (4) praesidia is engaging in a good apostolate including home visitation with the pilgrim statue. The praesidium in Knock has sixteen (16) members and ten (10) auxiliaries.


Ferns Curia

Planning for the outreach at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann is ongoing. It is hoped that twenty (20) legionaries will be on duty during the event. The apostolate of a praesidium with ten (10) members includes home, nursing home and street contact with the Legion Altar and public Rosaries. Muire na n-Óg junior praesidium is based in the Franciscan Friary. They receive great support from the Franciscan Order and from the senior praesidium. Works include assisting at processions, outings, distributing religious material such as Totus Tuus magazine, Alive publication and confession leaflets.

Achonry Curia

The praesidium in Kiltimagh has five (5) members including the Spiritual Director. A good apostolate is carried out including the pilgrim statue, visitation and Enrolment in the Brown Scapular. Support is given to the newly established praesidium in Charlestown which has five (5) members. There are four (4) acting officers. There are two praesidia currently attached to the curia, with hopes to start a new praesidium in Killasser later in the year at the request of the parish priest.

Killala Curia

There was a large presence at Heritage Day on Wednesday 10th July. One thousand (1,000) Miraculous Medals were distributed as well as rosaries and leaflets. A praesidium in Ballina with four (4) members supports the parish with good works. Eight (8) legionaries from Killala took part in the Maria et Patria (MEP) project in Tuam. It is hoped to have a project in Ballina in the future.

Galway Curia

Five (5) members of the curia joined legionaries from Castlebar praesidium and Westport curia in a day of home visitation on Saturday 18th May in Castlebar. Between forty (40) and fifty (50) legionaries attended the meeting organised by Galway curia for members of the Connaught councils at Knock on June 1st. The monthly Frank Duff prayer meeting is continuing in the curia.

Clonfert Curia

The curia is currently comprised of five (5) praesidia. Five (5) legionaries the took part in the Maria et Patria (MEP) project in Tuam. In the absence of a praesidium report, time was spent looking at other Legion initiatives to try and recruit new members. Some suggestions were social evenings, book barrows in towns, distribution of Miraculous Medals and literature during visitation. Visitation of the attached praesidia is being done.



Madrid Senatus

The senatus body accepted to caretake the councils attached to the former Barcelona Senatus. This is extremely generous as it entails an extra workload to their own extensive area. Many praesidia and councils report gaining new active members. A group of auxiliary members meet each day after Mass to pray the rosary. It was suggested to them that they might become active members. Immigrant legionaries hope to use the twin praesidium system because of their irregular employment hours. A praesidium who have an enclosed community of nuns as adjutorian members hold their praesidium meeting once a year in the convent with all their adjutorians present. Home visitation is done in apartment blocks in the city centre. This year the Legion Standard was carried in the public streets for the Corpus Christi Procession. The international Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) project organised by Brazilian legionaries is planned for Tarragona, Spain in November.

Bilbao Senatus

The curia at Santander participates in a wide spectrum of prayer and religious formation groups. They have an excellent religious education club for children aged five-twelve (5 -12) years old, with an average attendance of twenty-five (25). Basauri curia has acquired some new recruits from the book barrow. Members devote a lot of time to activities with the junior praesidium. Munguia praesidium has not had representation at the senatus meetings for the last eleven (11) months, and the correspondent is questioning this. The praesidium in Durango assists in welcoming new immigrants, and in human dignity and mental health programmes. The correspondent stresses the need to expand the Legion of Mary, and encourages them with ideas from the contemporary Irish experience, including Deus et Patria, Legion presence at secular and religious events, and the patricians.


The praesidia directly attached to the senatus visited Lisbon prison and attended Mass with the inmate. Auxiliary membership was promoted. Missionaries and priests were accompanied on visits to two troubled neighbourhoods. A praesidium with nine (9) active members has one hundred and two (102) auxiliaries. Santissimo Nome de Maria curia (Amadora) held a three-day Lenten Retreat for young people, guided by Fr. Luis Fernandez, spiritual director of the curia. Following a Columban Drive, a praesidium was founded with six (6) active members.

Parede curia:

With the approval of the parish priest of Carcavelos, a Columban Drive recruited five (5) active members with a new praesidium about to start. Nossa Senhora Arca da Alianca curia (Massama) visits the recovery centres, takes care of children while the parents work and also helps with literacy. Maria Rainha dos Apostolos comitium (Ponta Delgada) organised a retreat which was attended by seventy-two (72) people.

Maria Mae de Christo comitium (Portela):

A praesidium reports providing assistance to a victim of domestic violence.

Maria Imaculada Regia (Porto).

Regina Apostolorum Comitium (Viana do Castelo):

They lead two groups of catechesis, one for adults, the other for young people with cognitive difficulties. They supported a project of social integration of young Brazilian students.

Cenaculo do Espirito Santo Regia (Coimbra):

The Retreat held at the Casa da Sagrada Familia in Coimbra had sixty-two (62) participants.


Malta Regia

Praesidia reports:

Immaculate Heart of Mary praesidium is engaging in a good apostolate at the Seaport where those on board the ships are met and encouraged in their faith. Mass is said on board when a priest is available. The praesidium in Qawra is doing well and the legionaries have resumed their apostolate in Mount Carmel hospital. Visitation of the Little Sisters of The Poor residential home is done by the junior legionaries.

Curia Reports:

Mother of the Maltese Nation curia has eight (8) praesidia of fifty-four (54) members. In Marscala contact was made with Chinese, Indian and Filipino communities with the aim of forming a praesidium for them. After much follow-up a Jehovah Witness has now returned to the Catholic Church. Patrician meetings are held every month with an average of twenty-eight (28) in attendance. Child of Mary curia comprises seven (7) praesidia with forty-nine (49) active members. The apostolate includes book barrow and home visitation. A day Retreat was held in March with thirty (30) in attendance. In Floriana a three day apostolate resulted in many good contacts made and the possibility of getting a praesidium started.

Countries under the care of Malta Regia:


The curia in Istanbul has five (5) praesidia in three (3) parishes with a membership of sixty four (64). Maria Legionis was sent by post with encouragement for individual reading of the Allocutio in the absence of a Spiritual Director. The weekly meeting is held regularly by all praesidia. The apostolate included statue visitation, and visitation of the sick and housebound.


Regular reports of the Comitium meetings are being received by the correspondent. There are twenty-three (23) praesidia affiliated, ten (10) of these are not represented at the meeting. This happens every summer as many go abroad or have families coming home on holidays. Keeping in regular contact with auxiliaries was encouraged.


In March 2024 news was received from Libya that the Acies was planned for April 2024. The praesidium is still meeting. The correspondent is trying to devise a way to re-establish contact with Sr. Belen and maybe the bishop who has been very helpful over the years.


Following an email from Bro. Ghassan, Our Lady of Deliverance curia in Syria, many efforts were made by email and letter from Malta, but no reply was received. The Concilium correspondent also sent emails since June and is awaiting response.


No presence of the Legion of Mary there at present.


Limassol praesidium appointed four (4) new officers at their weekly meetings on the 21st and 28th July and are subject to ratification. In Nicosia the two praesidia continue to meet every Sunday and each have grown in membership in the past year. Reports from North Cyprus indicate that the praesidium in Kyrena continues to hold their meetings every week. The last communication from Famagusta reported that the praesidium there had restarted. The correspondent hopes to visit Cyprus in November with the aim of restarting the curia in Nicosia. North Cyprus is more challenging.



Los Angeles Senatus

The average attendance is fifty-seven per cent (57%). Visitation of praesidia and councils and extension is ongoing. West San Fernando Valley curia started fifteen (15) Frank Duff prayer meetings and are trying to extend into ten (10) parishes.

Arlington Senatus

The average attendance is eighty-six per cent (86%). One comitium has gained nine (9) praesidia giving them twenty-eight (28) praesidia in total. Pilgrim Statue visitation resulted in a husband deciding to become Catholic. Patricians, Exploratio and crowd contact at county fairs featured. Study of the map of each curia area directs extension efforts to the parishes currently without Legion presence. Visitation to praesidia and councils is done monthly.

Philadelphia Senatus

The average attendance is fifty-nine per cent (59%). With only seven (7) praesidia attached, it was suggested to fold in a nearby curia to senatus. Their Maria Legionis committee is seeking help to promote both the English and Spanish version. Their apostolate includes visiting retirement homes, street contact and evangelisation days. They have recruiting tables at all parish events. Teaching Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and visiting prisons also feature. One hundred (100) attended a Marian Day.

San Francisco Senatus

Twenty-three (23) legionaries visited two hundred and fifty (250) homes to promote the Eucharistic Revival Mass at the Cathedral followed by the Eucharistic Procession to Golden Gate Bridge. Columban Drives took places in several councils. In one comitium, sixty-nine (69) people signed up, resulting in the establishment of a new praesidium of thirteen (13) active and forty-six (46) auxiliary members. Elsewhere thirty-two (32) people attended an information meeting, and there is a new praesidium of nine (9) members in Redwood City. Senatus and four (4) attached comitia promote Maria Legionis. Concilium advised on the treasury issue in San José comitium.

Houston Senatus

The president and assistant treasurer visited Concilium in June and provided a comprehensive report to Concilium officers. A curia in Beaumont, Texas, which went from five (5) to nine (9) praesidia, held door to door workshops. Tyler Comitium reported on a Legion booth at the Hawkins Oil Festival. Pharr curia, established in June 2023, has increased from three (3) to five (5) praesidia. The Korean curia in Houston started a college praesidium with four (4) active members.

Chicago Senatus

Milwaukee curia set up Legion of Mary booths at parish festivals and at a county fair. A praesidium in Indiana evangelise at a grocery store. The Hispanic comitium in Chicago reported helping a community, impacted by gun violence, to convert. A curia in Joliet had attendance of thirty (30) at a Legion Congress and carried out crowd contact at a Filipino festival. A newly formed Spanish curia works with youth, recruiting couples to the ‘Marriage Encounter’ group which results in sacramental marriage. They mentor young people to remain Catholic.

Boston Senatus

A new president has been elected. One curia provides bilingual (English and Spanish) reporting. Praetorian and adjutorian membership are evident. Providence Comitium do conversion work and lead junior praesidia. A Vietnamese curia assisted eight (8) adults to baptism. A new Ugandan praesidium has fourteen (14) members. They catechise the young and do prison visits with their Spiritual Director. They presented Senatus with a Legion Altar cloth made in Uganda recently.

New York Senatus

Prayers are needed as they are experiencing a lot of difficulties at present.

Cincinnati Senatus

The senatus participated in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage in three (3) parishes. They worked at the congress booth and at a fair booth in Montgomery, making good contacts. A new praesidium with seven (7) members had gained three (3) new members during the year. In regard to ongoing restructuring of senatus, the bishops in Pittsburg and in Detroit have given approval for the changes in governance proposed by the Legion.

St. Louis Senatus

Senatus mourned the death of their senatus treasurer, Sr. Jean Leonhardt who died on 17th July; may her faithful legionary soul rest in peace. They received reports from seven (7) curiae and five (5) directly attached praesidia. Some fruits of their apostolate included four (4) baptisms, twenty-one (21) confessions, sixteen (16) confirmations, four (4) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), three (3) Last Rites, several marriages saved, and one women planning to visit an abortion clinic changed her mind. In Nebraska, six thousand, two hundred (6,200) rosaries were distributed by two (2) curiae. In Kansas, twenty-four (24) legionaries participated in Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) resulting in visitation of one thousand, four hundred (1,400) homes and three hundred and seventy-five (375) follow-up calls planned.

Miami Regia

Attendance is good. The highlight is taken from St. Augustine curia, which had nine (9) praesidia submit reports. Works included home visitation, hospital visitation, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), jail contacts, crowd contact and work with juniors.



The senatus extension committee of Puerto Rico Senatus has started several praesidia. Apostolic work included visiting the blind, sick and elderly for spiritual contact and to help them with medical appointments etc. Book barrow work in some churches facilitates good discussions on Faith.


Santa Domingo Senatus in the South, has between thirty and thirty-seven (30-37) officers attending. They took reports from three (3) comitia, one (1) curia and four (4) praesidia which includes total of five hundred and seventy (570) active, ninety-nine (99) praetorians, three hundred and fifty-six (356) auxiliaries, forty-four (44) adjutorians. Apostolate included five thousand, eight hundred (5,800) visits to the sick, six thousand, seven hundred (6,700) homes visited, visits to ninety-seven (97) prisoners. The other senatus in Santiago de los Caballeros in the North has between twenty-five (25) and thirty (30) officers attending. The Senatus is helping some comitia restructure. Senatus held a successful Lenten Retreat and a Marian afternoon.


Haiti Senatus had reports from two (2) comitia and three (3) praesidia including two (2) seminary praesidia. It has been noted that the Legion has implanted a means for the spiritual, human, intellectual and pastoral growth in the seminarians while they progress towards the ultimate goal. Works include visiting homes, hospitals, mental health facilities and marginalised people. They organise Catechism, prepare people for the sacraments and accompany priests on sick calls.


Trinidad and Tobago Regia have been visiting attached praesidia and curiae. They had some virtual meetings with officers of distant councils to guide on resumption of meetings post covid. St. Lucia, Dominica, Barbados, Antigua, Guyana and Suriname are in correspondence with the regia. They were setting up some junior praesidia also.


Toronto Senatus

The 90th anniversary of Toronto Senatus will be celebrated on 7th September. In Scarborough comitium, sixty-two (62) legionaries did a Columban Drive resulting in a praesidium of fourteen (14) members. Follow-up continues with sixty (60) other people who had signed up. Another praesidium visited a junior school to explain Adoration to children. Subsequently, the teachers brought three (3) classes to weekly Adoration for twenty minutes where legionaries led a decade of the Rosary.

Vancouver Comitium

‘Pilgrim of Hope and Peace through the Legion of Mary’ will be the theme for their congress scheduled for May 2025. A thirty-five (35) year-old praesidium has fifteen (15) active members plus three (3) on probation and sixteen (16) auxiliaries. Circulation of four (4) Pilgrim statues were instrumental in three (3) children being baptised, one (1) marriage being validated, successful cancer treatment and reconciliation of a family feud. An attached curia has ten (10) senior and three (3) junior praesidia with a total of one hundred twenty-five (125) active and around one thousand (1,000) auxiliaries. Works include book barrow and bereavement counselling.

Montreal Senatus

A monthly recruiting report is taken by the senatus from their praesidia. This results in several probation members being on roll. Recruitment drives by two (2) praesidia yielded forty-three (43) names for follow up. Repeated Legion contact and prayer with a homosexual man and his family reconciled him with the Church. An immigrant mother and baby were guided to baptism at Easter. St. Hyacinthe curia started a new praesidium.

Edmonton Comitium

Seven (7) praesidia and five (5) curiae are attached to Edmonton comitium. Attendance ranged from 25-29%. Comitium generously donates to Concilium monthly. All curiae encourage the formation of junior praesidia. Comitium plans a junior retreat and a young adults retreat. One curia in Calgary will commit three (3) pairs to guide the extension in three (3) new parishes.



The Senatus of Abuja held a seminar for catechists with the theme: ‘Go Make Disciples of All Nations: The Role of the Catechist’. Two hundred and ninety-nine (299) legionaries attended this event. The new edition of the Legion Handbook has been printed. Security issues are still widespread. Some areas still experience security challenges. The Council is asking for prayers for the restoration of peace in these areas.

Onitsha Regia

Nnewi Comitium held a fruitful congress. Legionaries from the regia participated in the Archdiocesan Rosary Carnival in May. All reports indicate preparing people for the various sacraments and encouraging and helping couples to marry in Church. The regia spiritual director encouraged legionaries to live a life worthy of emulation and to create a space in their hearts for the Holy Spirit to direct their lives. Jos Regia is looking at merging two comitia in Pankshin. Further details are awaited.

Enugu Senatus

Thousands of legionaries are members of Enugu Senatus and there are reports of the establishment of over one hundred and thirty-four (134) new praesidia, seventy-nine (79) junior praesidia, nine (5) curiae and two (2) comitia. Great numbers are being prepared for sacraments, including over eight thousand (8,000) adults for baptism. Preparation for the sacraments, home and hospital visitation, recruiting and training altar servers, block Rosary groups and contact with prostitutes are just some of the works reported.

Ikot Ekpene Regia

A comitium prepared catechumens for the various sacraments, recruited over one hundred and sixty (160) legionaries and formed two new praesidiae. The regia has tasked several praesidia with revival of praesidia. The seat of a comitium has been moved to another area. The details are unclear, so the correspondent is following up on this.

Lagos Regia

Election for secretary took place in May. The regia encouraged all legionaries to intensify efforts as it works on its extension program with Exploratio Dominicalis projects and the establishment of many new senior and junior curiae. The regia is working hard to build up the Legion of Mary in Lagos. A regia quiz competition on the Legion handbook was organised with great success. Visitation of attached councils is done periodically. Many councils report home and hospital visitation, crowd contact, visitation of police cells and orphanages and teaching Catechism in July or August.


Banjul Curia

The curia is working hard to establish a new praesidium in Star of the Sea parish.


Uganda Senatus

The regia of Western Uganda has over eighty-four thousand (84,000) members. During the year, two thousand, six hundred and forty-nine (2,649) couples were married and ten thousand (10,000) children were baptised. They also carry out an apostolate in prisons and refugee camps. A congress was held in Arua which was attended by legionaries from ten (10) schools, six (6) tertiary institutions and nine (9) parish praesidia; they planned to form a curia there in June. Extension work continues and the visitation of the islands is ongoing. Two legionaries spent three (3) weeks on a visit to Ethiopia on behalf of the senatus. Ethiopia is a large country, where the Catholics comprise only one per cent (1%) of the population. The legionaries met with Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphel, Archbishop of Addis Ababa who is supportive of the Legion of Mary. They visited four (4) parishes, addressed the National Annual General Meeting of Catholic Priests and started three (3) praesidia in the Archdiocese of Addis Ababa. They made plans for the handbook to be translated into the local language of Amharic, to return for a follow up visit in August and to invite Ethiopian priests to the next Spiritual Directors’ Conference, August 2025.


Senatus of Uganda

A visit to Tambura – Yambio Diocese was due to happen in May but had to be postponed due to tribal conflicts. They plan to visit Juba Archdiocese soon.


Dar-es-Salaam Regia

Reports indicate great outreach to Catholics, Moslems and Lutherans. Their efforts result in many returns to the sacraments. They also visit the patients in the hospital where cancer is treated, orphans, motor cyclists, food vendors, and pubs. Several of the praesidia and councils are weak following Covid, and the regia is making great efforts to encourage them. Visitation of attached praesidia and councils is undertaken on a regular basis. Hai Moshi Comitium: Works reported include home and hospital visitation, contact with youth, encouraging couples to marry in Church and preparing adults and children for the sacraments.

Rombo Comitium:

An email was received just giving names of officers etc. The correspondent has asked for minutes.


Blantyre Senatus

Many reports include visits to the sick in their homes and hospital, preparing children for the sacraments and instructing catechumens. Works include visits to the elderly and helping them with household chores, along with counselling cohabiting couples, some of whom have now received the sacrament of matrimony. Legionaries visited a school for deaf and dumb children and assisted with repairs to their hostel and harvesting their crops. A praesidium commissioned in 1945 has twelve (12) active and two (2) auxiliary members. Elections for president, vice president, secretary and treasurer took place in May.

Maula Senatus

Praesidia are regularly visited by their higher councils. Reports show extension drives, marriage ratification, visiting the sick, aged, orphans and bereaved, aftercare of auxiliaries, Catechism instruction, visiting lapsed Catholics and legionaries and arranging requiem Mass for departed legionaries. Legionaries also organise Catechism classes for children whose parents are not Catholic. A new praesidium was established among small Christian communities where some Christians had previously burnt Bibles and liturgical books.

Senatus of Kenya

Most Rev. Wallace Nganga, auxiliary Bishop of Nairobi was the chief celebrant at the Mass at Venerable Edel Quinn’s grave, along with eighteen (18) priests. A large gathering of legionaries from all over Kenya and some from Tanzania attended also despite torrential downpour. The first praesidium set up by Venerable Edel in December 1936 reported twenty (20) active and twenty-four (24) auxiliary members and this praesidium supervises a junior praesidium. Reports from the two attached regiae and comitia and curiae indicate extensive home visitation and street contact work resulting in many returns to the sacraments, marriages validated, children baptised, and contact with Muslims and Protestants with a view of interesting them in the faith. Several new praesidia and curiae were set up. Fr. John Kariba is the newly appointed Spiritual Director of Senatus Zambia-Lusaka Regia. Elections of officers took place in June at the regia meeting in accordance with the Legion statutes after the archbishop accepted on the term of office. To commemorate the passing of Venerable Edel Quinn all councils were instructed to organise for Masses to be celebrated at curia or parish level. Visitation of attached councils is done periodically and two new praesidia were established in Livingstone.

Kasama Regia: no news since the last report.


Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC)

In our report last month, we mentioned that there was a problem about accommodation on the team going from the 10th to 17th August, however thanks to your prayers the problem was solved. This team should now hopefully have arrived home yesterday.

Another team of twelve (12) peregrini left yesterday for the Sacred Heart Parish, Wimbledon. An email from the parish secretary indicated that they will be well looked after including being picked up from the airport.

Two legionaries have volunteered to work with the PPC team in the Netherlands from 24th to 31st August under the directions of an English organiser, David Bibby.

The final project will go out on the 31st August to 7th September to Inverness, Scotland, with twelve (12) volunteers, including a priest.

An interesting report from one of the projects was that of a young man who was met and had spent seven (7) years in prison. During that time he had attended daily Mass thanks to the prison officers. This helped him renew his faith and to cope with the many challenges he faced. He was overjoyed to receive a Miraculous Medal.

We are considering having the Organisers’ and PPC Conference on the Saturday of Hallowe’en weekend.

Please keep all past and future projects in your prayers. Thank you.


Some Handbook Reflections

This month’s extract (p. 16-18) from Some Handbook Reflections focuses on the importance of junior praesidia. The opening quote below challenges all praesidia to meet the expectation it names, and where a praesidium has an existing junior praesidium, the challenge may well be to assist a praesidium that does not currently have a junior praesidium to establish one. We ask our Blessed Mother to guide our intentions in this regard, so that we will shortly see a multiplication of junior praesidia throughout the world.


“ should be regarded as a necessary part of the system of each senior praesidium to conduct a junior praesidium.” (Handbook 14:22)

Senior praesidia which do not have junior praesidia attached might give serious consideration to the above words. Obviously, some praesidia experience difficulty in this matter, particularly, in regard to providing senior officers for a junior praesidium. Due weight should be given, however, to the value of the junior Legion to young people and every effort should be made to overcome the obstacles which lie in the way. The following words, taken from the Papal Exhortation, “Christifideles Laici”, which are quoted in chapter 36:22 of the handbook, should be an incentive to senior praesidia in this regard:

“ ....young people are and ought to be encouraged to be active on behalf of the Church as leading characters in evangelisation and participants in the renewal of society.” (CL 46)

The following are just suggestions in regard to some steps which might be taken by a senior praesidium towards setting up a junior praesidium:

1. Consideration by the praesidium;

2. Consultation with the senior curia and with the junior curia, where one exists;

3. Consultation with the Parish Priest and school authorities;

4. Set a date for the first meeting;

5. The members of the praesidium pray for this intention and invite their auxiliary members to pray for it also;

6. A small hand-out might be prepared inviting young people to consider membership;

7. The praesidium canvasses young people in their area through visitation of homes, schools and recreation areas;

8. In the course of home visitation, as well as speaking to the young people they meet, the legionaries inform parents of the proposal and explain to them the value of Legion membership to their children;

9. One of the senior members is asked to take on the Presidency of the new junior praesidium. If possible, a second senior member should be asked to become Vice President;

10. Consideration should be given to a programme of works for the juniors.

The following points are taken from chapter 36:1 of the handbook, on the subject of Junior Praesidia: (a) Praesidia for persons under 18 years may be established with the approval of of the curia and subject to any special conditions which may be deemed necessary;

(b) It is to be regarded as an essential condition that at least the President should be an adult and a second adult officer would be desirable. If these senior legionaries remain members of the senior praesidium, the work of officering the junior praesidium satisfies their work obligation;

(c) The purpose (in setting up a junior praesidium) is not primarily the doing of a certain amount of useful work, but the training and spiritualising of its members….;

(d) No junior who has reached 16 years should be given work which would not be accepted from seniors;

(e) A minimum of one hour’s work may be accepted from the junior member,

(f) It would be permissible for a junior to perform his work in company with a senior legionary;

(g) In suggestions for works for juniors, emphasis is placed on: teaching the Catechism, recruiting for catechism classes, visitation of children in hospital or other institutions, or in their own homes, and visitation of the infirm and the blind and the performing for them of all sorts of needed services.


Mary’s Channel of Grace

A reminder to all that Mary’s Channel of Grace continues to go live 365 days per year at 8pm GMT.

Zoom Meeting ID: 811 4083 3503

Passcode: 876433

All welcome. Please continue to invite others.


46th Annual Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine

Date: 29 September 2024

Thank you for all you are doing in planning and preparing for this great day. All are welcome to attend. Please extend invitations to as many as possible, and please continue to pray that it be very fruitful for all. We implore Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland to intercede for all.