Concilium Bulletin August 2007

Indonesia: Jakarta Senatus: Reports from 2006 to May 2007 were received. References are made to extension, the helping of weak praesidia and the splitting of larger ones, planning has taken place and visitation of praesidia and councils is ongoing. There are many reports of junior praesidia. The Senatus has translated the booklet ‘Some Handbook Reflections’. The main works recorded are the visitation of hospitals, the old and homeless, the marginalised, the teaching of Catechism and bringing Holy Communion to the sick.

Seoul Senatus: Three of the seven Regia attached presented their reports. These reports record a membership of 73,000 with 9,700 Auxiliaries, 2,000 Praetorians. 108,200 Catechumens were recruited of whom 15,862 were baptised. There were 15,046 returns to the Sacraments.

Gwangiu Senatus: Legionaries report many Catechumens. SanJuong-dong Comitium reported the recruitment of 1,090 Catechumens.

Taiwan Senatus: In addition to home and hospital visitation much work is carried out with the Priests visiting the sick, helping with Church services, including marriages and funerals and teaching Catechism, prisoners are visited, contact is made with migrants, public Rosaries and crowd contact is carried out.

Hong Kong
Hong Kong Comitium :A total of 22 Baptisms between Easter and Whit Sunday were mentioned. In a praesidium they reported on their Catechism class, 19 were baptised. Also recorded were a bi-monthly meeting for non-Catholics, an Asian youth day took place, illegal migrants were visited, distant Catechism learning, a Catholic phone enquiry service, e-mail contact, care of street sleepers, crowd contact is carried out at garden, theatre, book fairs and flower market at Chinese New Years eve, and 9 Patrician meetings took place.

Osaka Senatus: Works included home and hospital visitation, helping with hot meals for the aged and distribution of a monthly Catholic publication. A praesidium in this Curia holds an annual Mass for the Cause of Venerable Edel Quinn. On Easter Sunday there was much joy as the new Catechumens were baptised. Himeji Curia has three attached praesidia, main works are visiting the sick and housebound, also the transportation of a handicapped person to care centre.

Kuala Lumpur Regia: There are 1,000 active legionaries and a few thousand auxiliaries in Peninsular Malaysia. The Regia officers with officers of some Curiae and Praesidia met with Archbishop Murphy Pakiam. New praesidiae are being formed.


Senatus of Kenya: Rt. Rev. Celesius Mugambi, Bishop of Meru was Chief Celebrant at the annual Mass at Venerable Edel Quinn’s grave. There was a large attendance including legionaries from Uganda and Tanzania. Kisumu Regia reported that 516 people were baptised including 57 who were on the verge of death. 41 Protestants were received into the Church, 115 lapsed returned to the practice of the faith, 139 marriages were validated, 1,970 received Confirmation, 16 witch doctors agreed to burn their paraphernalia and joined the Catechism class, prisoners are visited and 3 new Curiae were established in Nairobi Archdiocese.

Senatus of Uganda: This year marks the 45th anniversary of the inauguration of the Senatus in 1962. Much extension, recruiting and visitation of the Praesidia and councils is undertaken within the country and Ugandan legionaries have recently carried out visits to a number of countries at the request of the Concilium. As a result of the work undertaken by the councils reporting in May, 4,089 children and 2,525 adults were baptised, 4,703 received First Holy Communion and 132 Confirmation, 2,535 lapsed Catholics returned to the Church, 680 were converted including 21 Moslems, 2,069 marriages were rectified and 441 patients were anointed and 44 traditional shrines were demolished. 40 entered the seminary and 5 the religious life. There are 3 praesidia at Ggaba National Seminary.

Ibadan Senatus: A University praesidium has 15 full and 2 probationary members and 7 Praetorians. In Benin City Regia, 52 senior and 11 junior praesidia were formed and there were 940 conversions, while two Curiae reported the setting up of 4 and 7 praesidia respectively. Abuja Regia: One Curia had 3 street girls brought back to the faith, while another reported 10 conversions. Lagos Regia: One Comitium reported 23 conversions including 3 Muslims and the formation of 59 praesidia in 2 years. Jos Regia: Holding Patrician meetings are among the good apostolic works being done. The Handbook has been translated into Hausa. Onitsha Regia: The inauguration of the Regia in June was attended by the Archbishop of Onitsha. 18 Legionaries in a seminary were ordained Priests and as a result of visitation 12 prisoners received Holy Communion.

Dar-Es-Salaam Comitium: A new praesidium was set up and a Seminar for junior legionaries was held. Hai Comitium: Works include home and hospital visitation, preparing youths for Holy Communion and Confirmation, bringing about marriage validations, recruiting new members for the Church and the Legion and helping around the Church. Mtwara Comitium: Works include visiting the sick at home and in hospital and preparing the patients to receive the Holy Eucharist, encouraging Christians to attend the Small Christian Communities (SCC’s) and praying the Rosary in these SCC’s and following instruction by Legionaries, two couples were married in Church. Kilema Comitium: Two praesidia have been revived. Four members attended the Mass in Nairobi to commemorate the death of Venerable Edel Quinn. Kahama Comitium: There are 9 parishes in the Comitium area and they have 6 senior Curiae and 9 directly attached Praesidia.

Lusaka Regia: Works include door to door visitation and visiting the sick, the aged and the poor. Prison visitation is done and they pray the with the inmates and plan to teach the Catechism. The Frank Duff prayer has been translated into Bemba.

Monrovia Curia: There are 10 senior and 25 junior legionaries in Fr. Jenkins mission in Bomi Hills.


Austria and Countries Under their Care
Senatus of Austria: Reports from the Senatus and its attached Councils gave news of the start of 5 new praesidia and 13 legionaries taking the Promise. Curia Salzburg filled all officerships in the Curia.

Czech Republic
Comitium Prague has new praesidium in Curia Klatov with 4 members.

Comitium Zselic has increased its membership by 7 with a further 12 on probation. A new praesidium has started in Blumental.

Moldova Curia Chisinau has only 1 Parish without the Legion. The Legion causes are promoted in every parish.

Legion preparation meetings are held fortnightly in Triesen Parish

The legion is growing with news of the start of new praesidia and Curia. In Comitium Zagreb, the new Curia organised meetings for all youth legionaries and 10 legionary couples. A noteworthy work undertaken by legionaries in Zadar Comitium area is encouraging people to give up swearing, and taking the Lord’s name in vain. The Bishop of Dubrovnik granted permission for the start of the Legion.

Bosnia Herzegovnia: has been attached to Zagreb Comitium until March 2009. The Bishop of Banja Luca has given permission to start.

Curia Ljubljana has 7 praesidia.

Extension efforts are ongoing by the Minsk Comitium and the attached Curiae, resulting in new praesidia being established and weak praesidia strengthened. Morning Star praesidium, Stolbtsy which is in existence for just 9 months has 6 active and 18 auxiliary members. They visit lonely and disabled people, problem families and families with unbaptised children. Masses were offered in many parishes for the Cause of the Servant of God, Frank Duff. Some of the fruits in one parish resulted in 11 people joining the Frank Duff prayer group and 2 people undertook auxiliary membership.

Budapest Regia: In the period April to July, 8 new praesidia were set up and reports were taken from 7 praesidia, 12 Curiae and 6 Comitia. A Curia in Nagyvarad was split giving a Romanian speaking Curia and the other a Hungarian speaking Curia. In the Comitium of Szeged reports from 2 praesidia show memberships of 18 and 16. In the course of visitation people are encouraged to receive the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion. One sick person was helped to return to the Sacraments after 25 years.

A praesidium of 7 report that most of the young people met during park contact are open to hearing about the Catholic faith. Priests are being visited to interest them in the Legion and a handbook is left with them.

A praesidium of 5 members has 242 auxiliaries. They visited 363 families during the year. A large number met are lapsed and some have no religion. The legionaries arranged for the Priest to call to 12 sick people and for the baptism of 2 children.

Lublin Regia: In Lublin Comitium area, 5 new praesidia were set up and the Curia in Chelm has divided into 3 Curiae. Zamosc has now 9 Curiae. Katowice Comitium organises 2 PPC’s annually to Ostrawa. Warsaw Comitium: Distant Curia and praesidia are visited and cared for. Membership in praesidia reporting ranges from 5 to 16. Zoliborz Curia, 10 years in existence has grown to 9 praesidia. Street rescue work has been undertaken by legionaries in Glowna.

Zhitomir Comitium: Reports from directly attached praesidia tell of two people brought back to the Church, a marriage regularised and many people went to First Confession. Kamients-Podolski Curia: Governs 1 junior and 9 adult praesidia. Some works undertaken were catechetical instruction of children, bringing people to Confession, visits to the sick and lonely. One abortion was prevented.

Sao Paolo Senatus: There was good participation at a Congress, dealing mainly with extension and recruiting which was held in May. The annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida had an attendance of 50,000 in spite of heavy rain. Council and praesidia reports show conversions of Buddhists, Spiritists, Atheists and Evangelicals. Children and adults are being prepared for Baptism.

Rio De Janeiro Senatus: Extension dominates in reports. Two extension workers spent several months in the Amazonas, in one area, with local legionaries a boat was hired and 10 praesidia were formed in towns along the River Jurua, Alcantara Comitium recruited 342 people to the Legion. On street apostolate, in Rio city over 500 contacts were made and 400 miraculous medals distributed. Petropolis juniors evangelised a spiritist family and catechise fellow students during class intervals. In Acre a leper colony is visited.

Belo Horizonte Senatus: Divinopilis Comitium conducts literacy classes for young and old. Juniors were instrumental in the conversion of a mother whose son had been murdered. In another area 80 youths, 15 of whom had special needs were taught the Rosary. In another area many young people were prepared for Baptism and First Holy Communion. The apostolate to young people involves retreats, conferences on spirituality and a triduum for Pentecost.

Salvador Senatus: The new Regia in Aracaju records the formation of a new Curia and a formation session for juniors who account for almost 2/3 of the praesidia. Praesidia in Vittoria Regia carried out 54 Exploratio projects and also visited almost 50,000 families. In other areas pre-baptismal talks are given to parents and godparents and members direct Bible circles.

Sao Luis Regia: The 15 correspondents hold a bi-monthly meeting, Legionaries accompany the chaplain on a monthly visit to Aids patients for the celebration of the Eucharist. Legionaries organised a week long spiritual programme in a prison with counselling, Bible teaching and the Rosary. A leprosy hospital is visited.

Brasilia Regia: 900 participated in apartment Rosaries organised by a praesidium. Junior curia work includes the promotion of the Rosary in shopping centres and outings for the sick.

Fortaleza Regia: Reports show visitation of homes and the sick at home and in hospital are undertaken on a wide scale. There is also some visitation of prisoners and drug addicts. One Comitium recorded over 900 visits to non-Catholics and 2 young non-Catholics prepared for Baptism. In Pernambuco, one Comitium started 7 new praesidia and another 4.

Buenos Aires Senatus: 12 Priests and 2 deacons attended the annual Spiritual Directors meeting many permanent deacons were active legionaries and now promote and extend the Legion as well as acting as Spiritual Directors. The Alfie Lambe prayer leaflet is being reprinted and many favours are being received.

Salta Senatus: A Curia has set up 4 new praesidia in a very deprived and vice-ridden area. Praesidia in difficulty are helped by stronger praesidia and given a new lease of life. A Curia with 27 praesidia divided and a new Curia was set up.

Rosario Senatus: A praesidium visited a commercial zone where there were 12 factories. At the request of the Parish Priest they started public rosaries in two areas. A Curia with 12 praesidia and 5 in formation recorded 28 returns to the Sacraments. They have an extension committee with 12 members. Another Curia with 14 praesidia arranged for Holy Communion to be brought to 63 sick people. They set up 3 prayer groups, some in private homes, resulting in many returns to Mass and the Sacraments. A Curia of 8 praesidia runs a radio programme, visit the male and female prisons and recite the Rosary in a hospital.

Election of Assistant Secretary
Rose Caulfield was elected for her first term as Assistant Secretary of Concilium with responsibility for Ireland and Europe.

Visit by Chaldean Legionaries from Sweden
Three members of the Chaldean praesidia in Sweden, Hani Mansour, Slewa Kalka and his wife Jamila Korkis visited the Concilium and met with the Concilium officers and attended the Concilium meeting on the Sunday. They have two praesidia one with 32 members and the other with 8 members. Tommy McCabe, Concilium President thanked them for their legionary commitment and also Margaret Corrigan and Mary Bergin of the Liverpool Senatus who had dedicated themselves to the development of the Legion in Sweden making many visits and encouraging the Chaldean legionaries.

Obituary - Robert Brown R.I.P.
Robert Brown who died on Sunday 12th August 2007 was one of the most faithful legionaries one could know. While studying accountancy he had joined the band of mostly students who set the Legion world on fire beginning in 1958 in London and laid the foundations of the Peregrinatio Pro Christo movement. When the Dublin Curiae were divided in the 60’s, Robert was elected president of Cana Curia. Later he became President of Spouse of the Holy Spirit Curia. From the first National Legion Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine in 1980, Robert showed such flair for organising and such enthusiasm that he became automatically the Chief organiser, relinquishing the task only last year. Robert was Treasurer of the Concilium in the early 90’s and was also a former editor of the Maria Legionis. As Correspondent he filled the role of what Frank Duff called ‘the multiple Correspondent’ dealing with South Africa. He was faithful to his praesidium and weekly assignment up to the week he went to Knock where he took ill. He will be sadly missed by all.

Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God Frank Duff
God our Father, You inspired your servant Frank Duff with a profound insight into the mystery of Your Church, the Body of Christ, and of the place of Mary the Mother of Jesus in this mystery. In his immense desire to share this insight with others and in filial dependence on Mary he formed her Legion to be a sign of her maternal love for the world and a means of enlisting all her children in the Church’s evangelising work. We thank you Father for the graces conferred on him and for the benefits accruing to the Church from his courageous and shining faith. With confidence we beg You that through his intercession you grant the petition we lay before You….............. We ask too that if it be in accordance with Your will, the holiness of his life may be acknowledged by the Church for the glory of your Name, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Favours attributed to the intercession of
The Servant of God, Frank Duff should be reported to:
Legion of Mary
De Montfort House
Morning Star Avenue
North Brunswick Street
Dublin 7