Concilium Bulletin November 2024
Concilium Centenary Talk
The Handbook of the Legion of Mary states: “In the Legion, Mary is Queen. She it is who summons her legionary hosts to their glorious warfare and commands them in the field, inspires them, and personally leads them on to victory. It is a natural step from the Queen to her special council, or “Concilium,” which would represent her visibly and share her superintendence of all the other legionary governing bodies.” (28:1:18)
The Legion of Mary started shortly after Frank Duff and others had discussed the True Devotion to Mary, as taught by St. Louis Marie de Montfort. The first branch of the Legion of Mary at its foundation on 7 September 1921 in Myra House, Francis Street, Dublin, was given the title Our Lady of Mercy. The Sancta Maria Hostel was opened in 1922 and this led to the start of a second branch which had the title of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. This was changed to Sancta Maria later. The branches were known as patronages belonging to the Association of Our Lady of Mercy. The name Legion of Mary was adopted on 15 November 1925. In 1924 there were four patronages functioning, all of them based in Myra House. These were all composed of women. The Legion Handbook says: “The Legion came into existence as an organisation of women” and it adds “women have thus the place of honour in the organisation” (13:16). Frank Duff, the Founder of the Legion, was present at their meetings to guide them. At some stage, some men, members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, were appointed to attend meetings as Tribunes to provide help with such things as information on welfare services. The opening of the Morning Stat Hostel for men in 1927 led to men joining the Legion.
In 1924, it was decided to set up a central council. Its first meeting was on 2 nd November 2024 in Myra House. The first meeting and many subsequent meetings were also held in Myra House. The first President elected was Mrs. Elizabeth Kirwan, who was the first President of the first praesidium.
She was born in New Zealand and came to Ireland at a young age. The first Spiritual Director was Fr. Michael Creedon.
In 1925, the first praesidium outside Myra House was set up in the St. Vincent de Paul Centre, Ozanam House, in Mountjoy Square, Dublin. The organisation was beginning to spread. The first praesidium outside Dublin was started in Waterford in 1927. The following year a beginning was made in Glasgow, Scotland, and the year after in London, England. In 1930, the Regina Coeli Hostel opened in Dublin.
It is good to recall that during the 1920’s the infant Legion was engaged in a remarkable street rescue apostolate in “Bentley Place” in Dublin. A great many women were rescued and a whole area was cleared of an evil which had lasted many years. Frank Duff has told the story of this venture in his book Miracles on Tap.
Several changes occurred during those early years including the adoption of Latin terms such as Praesidium, Concilium, and Acies in December 1930. In 1931 it was decided to have the Allocutio in the middle of Legion meetings rather than at the end. The Legionary Promise was approved in March 1933. The Opening Legion Prayers and Rosary began to be recited in Latin at the Concilium meetings in the late 1960’s. The first Legion Handbook was written in the 1920’s. Frank Duff was elected President in 1930.The following legionaries also served as Presidents in the course of the years: Jack Nagle, John Murray, John Gavin, Jimmy Cummins, Enda Dunleavy, Sam Hughes, Paddy Fay, Aileen O’Donoghue, who was the second woman to be elected President, Sile Ní Chochláin, Tommy McCabe, Mary Murphy and the current President, Declan Lawlor. Concilium officers’ meetings were very important to the functioning of the Concilium. Many things had to be attended to between meetings such as looking after the Comitia and Curiae in Dublin and Ireland, as they were directly attached to the Concilium, printing and sales of literature, sales of Vexilla, the Concilium Bulletin, visitors and Summer Schools. All who served as Concilium officers, in whatever office or offices they served, deserve many thanks. The following were among the Spiritual Directors of the Concilium in the course of the years: Fr. Michael Creedon, Fr. Michael Toher, An t-Athair Donnacha O Floinn, Fr. Thomas Flynn, C.M., Fr. Michael Browne, Fr. Joseph Moran, O.P., Fr. Bede McGregor, O.P., and currently, Fr. Paul Churchill. We owe a great debt of gratitude to all of them.
The 1930’s saw quite an expansion of the Legion with foundations in the U.S.A. and Africa and other countries. Legion Envoys were sent out. These included Mary Duffy, the first Envoy, in 1934, and later, John Murray and Una O’Byrne, all three to North America, financed by an American businessman, Bartley Oliver. Venerable Edel Quinn was sent to East Africa in 1936. Over the next 77 years 95 Envoys were sent out. It is good to recall that during the 1930’s the Concilium had the responsibility for three Hostels in Dublin as well as care for the growing Legion in Ireland, including Dublin, which had 60 praesidia and about 1,700 legionaries in 1930. In 1933, an Acies in Whitefriar Street Church had an attendance of 1,800 members. Governing councils were set up in several countries, including Ireland. The question of governance in Dublin must have loomed large. As the Legion grew the numbers attending the Concilium grew. The Concilium meetings were held in many venues, including Myra House, Mater Dei in the Regina Coeli Hostel, the Dominican College in Eccles Street, the Archbishop Byrne Hall, the Mansion House, and St. Joseph’s, Rathmines. It moved to Nazareth Hall in November 1973 and is still here after 51 years. In March 1938, there were 129 praesidia in Dublin and there was an attendance of 379 at the Concilium meeting. It was decided to set up six Curiae in Dublin in May 1938. Later more Curiae were set up. There were ten Curiae in Dublin in 1945. With the work of the Envoys and the growth of the Legion abroad governing councils were set up in many places. This brought up the importance of correspondence between these councils and the Concilium. Correspondence down the years, under the mantle of Mary, has contributed greatly to creating bonds between the councils and the Concilium and helping to preserve the unity of the Legion throughout the world. Great thanks are due to the correspondents, for their letters and for their participation in the Concilium meetings. The Maria Legionis started publication in 1937, which helped to provide a lot of information for both active members and in a special way for auxiliary members. For many years, the Concilium office was located in two rooms upstairs in the Regina Coeli Hostel, close to the Oratory. Due to a lack of space the Legion files were stored in Frank Duff’s house. Shelves were installed in a room (the Museum room) upstairs. When the premises, which now house the Concilium office were restored, the office moved there. When the extension was built which contains the kitchen and literature room downstairs, the upstairs section was used for filing, and the files were transferred to it. In the early 2000’s the Concilium office premises and the Regina Coeli and Morning Star Hostels, which were held on Lease were passed over to the Legion by the Civil Authorities. This was a very important and welcome development. Many visitors came to the Concilium over the years and many summer schools were held. The Concilium also sent legionaries to visit councils and some went on Extension work for varying periods of time. Legion Congresses organised by Curiae started in 1939. The Concilium used to send teams to the Congresses around the country. Frank Duff took part in many of these. The Concilium also sent officers to Rome on occasion. Frank Duff met several Popes, and was invited to attend the final session of the Second Vatican Council, where he received a wonderful expression of appreciation from the great assembly of Bishops. Another special visit to Rome took place in 1979 not too long after Saint Pope John Paul II was elected Pope. Frank Duff, Enda Dunleavy, Jimmy Cummins and Lily Lynch formed the Legion delegation. They were invited to attend the Pope’s Mass in his private Chapel and to have breakfast with him afterwards. On the occasion of the Legion Centenary, Mary Murphy, Concilium President, who had met Pope Francis in Rome on one occasion, was nominated to become a Member of the Pontifical Marian Academy International (PAMI) in honour of the great work done by the Legion in the past 100 years by the founders and by the members. Just this year, the Centenary year of the Concilium, the President, Declan Lawlor, and the Secretary, Miriam McKane, attended a Conference in Rome, where they met Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life. who expressed his great regard for the Legion. They were privileged to be presented to the Holy Father Pope Francis, to whom they gave a copy of the Legion Handbook in Spanish.
There were many new forms of apostolate which rose up in the Legion in the course of the years: These included the Book barrow Apostolate, the apostolate to non-Catholics, the Pauline Circle, the Patricians, True Devotion to the Nation, the Peregrinatio Pro Christo, the Viatores Christi, which became a separate organisation, the Incolae Mariae, Maria et Patria and Deus et Patria. The Concilium had to deal with some difficult times over the years. The Second World War, the persecution in China, and more recently the Covid pandemic, come to mind. The deaths of Venerable Edel Quinn in 1944, at the age of 37, of Alfie Lambe in 1959, aged 26, and the Founder of the Legion, Frank Duff in 1980 at the age of 91, were occasions of sadness, however, the opening of their Causes for Canonisation were occasions for joy. It is good to remember in our prayers all those who have gone before us. There were always plenty of problems to be considered by the Concilium and many decisions to be made. However, Frank Duff said the Legion was always in the hands of Our Lady and would continue to be in her hands. We are privileged to be called to serve Mary Our Queen in her special council, the Concilium, to further the growth of the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Presentata Curia
Curia has fourteen (14) attached praesidia and over one hundred (100) members, and recently held a congress with circa seventy (70) in attendance. Frank Duff prayer group meets monthly in the Morning Star hostel. The titles of the last two patricians were ’Evangelisation’ and ‘St. John Paul ll’, attended by eight (8) and five (5) respectively. The Rosary at the Crib will be on Saturday December 14. A praesidium with seven (7) active members and five (5) probationaries, all under the age of forty- five (45), main works are street contact and volunteering at Regina Coeli and Morning Star hostels. Residents in the hostel are always heartened to meet legionaries from their country who speak their language. Street contact is done every Saturday morning in the north city centre. This work bears important witness and a strong instrument of recruitment. Another praesidium with seventeen (17) full members [six (6) of whom are adjutorian members], and one probationary has twelve (12) auxiliaries. The main work is the management and maintenance of the Morning Star hostel and the Mens’ Shed and the care of the sixty (60) residents. The spiritual aspect of their work is always to the fore. This includes Mass, confessions, nightly Adoration and First Friday Devotions. Many of the residents have returned to the practice of their faith in the last year and some have joined the Legion of Mary. The praesidium split some time ago and the new praesidium now has fifteen (15) members.
Exaltata Curia
Exaltata Curia has nine (9) praesidia and a total membership of seventy (70). The Curia annual reunion will be held on November 23. A praesidium has five (5) full members, two (2) praetorians and eighty (80) auxiliaries. Works include home nursing home and Pilgrim Statue visitation, and outdoor Rosary in May and October. Recruitment is ongoing during Legion of Mary work. The praesidium bus to Knock attracted a large number of parishioners who are not Legion of Mary members. Another praesidium’s works also include home and nursing home visitation as well as volunteering in the Morning Star hostel and the Men’s Shed. Recruitment is ongoing. Another praesidium’s main work is volunteering in the Regina Coeli hostel, preparing, cooking and serving meals to the residents as well as cleaning up afterwards. Looking after the spiritual and temporal welfare of the residents is undertaken in a sensitive and caring manner. Regular recruiting has resulted in three (3) new members in the last year. The new praesidium in Mountview is progressing well.
Bethlehem Curia
Curia has six (6) attached praesidia and a total membership of twenty- five (25). A praesidium’s main work is running the De Montfort Mens’ Club every Thursday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The men are invited to mention their intentions before the Rosary and each decade is led by a different man. Tea and sandwiches are then served. There were fifteen (15) new callers to the club, including one woman, during the year. Two of them are now regular attenders. Two members who can no longer attend the Men’s Club are visited regularly. The annual Christmas party was attended by nine (9) men. All were given a Christmas card and calendar. The men chat about their various interests which include music, film, and the environment. Legionaries try to bring a religious dimension to the conversations. First Friday Mass is celebrated every month and many of the men attend. Confessions are available. Another praesidium with three (3) members does home visitation in the parishes of Halston Street and Sean McDermot Street. Legionaries are well received. They listen and chat with the families and distribute Miraculous Medals, Holy water and prayer cards. Legionaries arranged for a priest to visit a lady who desired to receive the sacrament of reconciliation herself and that her child would be baptised. Legionaries assisted a man from Zimbabwe to receive instruction in the Catholic Faith and he was welcomed into the Catholic Church last May. Regular outreach is made to the travelling community. An Edel Quinn Prayer Meeting is held quarterly. The praesidium distributes seventy (70) copies of the Maria Legionis publication.
Consolata Curia
The Curia has ten (10) senior praesidia and one junior praesidium with a total membership of fifty- five (55). A Frank Duff Prayer Meeting is held monthly, and a book barrow is set up in Swords every week. Curia outreach was carried out recently in Balbriggan. Titles of recent Patrician meetings were ‘What was the message of St. Bernadette of Lourdes to the World?’ and ‘What are the promises of the Rosary?’ Five (5) legionaries and three (3) Patricians attended. A praesidium reported home visitation has been carried out to almost one thousand, two hundred (1,200) homes in the greater Malahide area. Visitation with the Pilgrim Statue is offered and accepted by many families. A family that experienced a number of deaths in recent times wanted to become more involved in their faith and were happy to accept the Pilgrim Statue. Other works include nursing home visitation, ‘Nightlight Friday’ and inviting children preparing for First Holy Communion to the church where a talk was given about Our Lady, and prayer packs were distributed, A new resident encountered in the nursing home was grieving the recent death of his wife and had stopped praying, as he was very angry and upset at being placed in the home. He now prays the Rosary regularly. Malahide has several restaurants and bars, and the church- which is adjacent to the train station- is passed by several hundred people on an average Friday evening. On ‘Nightlight Friday’ the church is open until 9 p.m. During this beautiful time there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and live, prayerful music. Legionaries invite passers-by to light a candle and place their petitions in a box and to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Confessions are available and the evening ends with Benediction. Talk on ‘Our Three Causes’ will be held in St. Sylvester’s parish centre on Wednesday November 27 at 7.30 p.m. Another praesidium’s works include home visitation and nursing home visitation, where legionaries were asked to pray with a resident who was dying. Legionaries led the Divine Mercy Chaplet with the resident and his family. Legionaries also visit the local graveyard during November where they pray for the holy souls. A praesidium organised a Candlelight Rosary Procession followed by Mass on October 7. Legionaries promoted praying for the holy souls to gain an indulgence from November 1-8.
Porta Coeli Curia
The Curia has four (4) praesidia. A legionary from another Curia recently joined one of the praesidia, which now has seven (7) members. Works include nursing home visitation and home visitation while promoting the Consecration of homes to the Sacred Heart. and speaking to people about the Faith. Miraculous Medals are given to people on the street. Pilgrim Statue visitation is soon to resume. Holy Communion is taken to a few parishioners. A former legionary, and another parishioner are helped with shopping and medical visits. Two members work weekly at the Regina Coeli Hostel. A praesidium of six (6) members visits a hospital and assists residents in getting to Mass. Recently they held a successful Night Fever event. Passers-by and people in nearby streets were invited to visit the church and light a candle for their intentions.
Veneranda Curia
Veneranda Curia has eight (8) attached praesidia and a total of forty- two (42) members. Over one thousand, five hundred (1,500) Miraculous Medals and over five hundred (500) Rosary beads were distributed at the recent visit of the relics of St. Bernadette to Our Lady of Victories Church, Ballymun. A praesidium with seven (7) members carries out much home visitation.
Elphin Comitium
Our Lady of Lourdes praesidium with eight (8) members and twenty (20) auxiliaries presented their annual report. Home visitation is carried out. A Eucharistic Healing night was recently held in the Sacred Heart Church, Roscommon. The legionaries went door to door in estates throughout the town with invitations for all to attend. The church was full in that evening, during which the sacrament of reconciliation was available, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament occurred, and healing prayers were prayed. Two hundred (200) care packs were distributed to children who were preparing to receive their First Holy Communion children. Each care pack included Rosary beads, Holy water and prayer cards. The legionaries received a warm welcome from the teachers.
Carlow Comitium
A small number of praesidia are currently attached to the Comitium. The annual outing included a visit to Frank Duff’s house, the Morning Star Hostel, and the Shrine of St. Charles of Mount Argus in Dublin. Laois Curia has a low number of praesidia at this time. Good solid work is being done by these praesidia and this includes home visitation. In excess of two hundred and sixty (260) homes have been visited. Two new members were gained. Kildare Curia All praesidia visit nursing homes which includes visitation to Cuan Mhuire. The Rosary is prayed with the female patients in the Oratory, and afterwards they meet the ladies for a discussion on the Miraculous Medal. Other works being carried out by praesidia are home visitation, organising and praying Public Rosaries, and Children’s Rosary. One praesidium runs a Patrician meeting.
Tuam Comitium
A low number of Curiae are currently attached. The legionaries in the Comitium are working hard in their parishes, nursing homes and in schools in the Galway and Mayo area. The apostolate includes assisting and supporting the parish priest in each parish with pastoral work, teaching classes preparing for First Holy Communion how to pray the rosary and giving them resources that tell them about their Christian Faith. Legionaries from the Comitium assist with the staffing of the Knock Legion of Mary Office. They carry out contact work at the foot of Croagh Patrick, and many other works also. Two legionaries took part in Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) projects in England and Amsterdam.
Galway Curia
Legionaries in the Curia work well together in maintaining the Legion of Mary house. A recent Frank Duff prayer meeting held in the Legion house was attended by twelve (12) people. The title was “The Queen of Mexico and Empress of America”. A praesidium report included home visitation, nursing home and hospital visitation, and running a Faith Club for children. The summer outing combined a visit to Alfie Lambe’s House with a visit to Clonmacnoise.
Killala Curia
A mixed praesidium in Belmullet has ten (10) active members. Works include organising Eucharistic Adoration, Pilgrim Statue visitation, nursing home visitation, and assisting with various works in the parish. The legionaries distributed several hundred Miraculous Medals at the Agricultural Show.
Clonfert Curia
Our Lady of Mount Carmel praesidium has five (5) active and twenty-three (23) auxiliaries, all of whom were visited during the year. Elderly people in the parish who are living alone or are sick are visited in their homes. Two (2) legionaries from the Curia are working hard to see the establishment of a new praesidium in Portumna.
Achonry Curia
The Curia currently has three (3) praesidia attached. The first Curia meeting was held on Sunday November 3 with members from the three (3) praesidia present. Works undertaken include bringing Holy Communion to the sick and elderly, leading morning Rosary in the Parish Church, Pilgrim Statue visitation, and many other parish duties. The Charlestown and Killaser praesidia promote the Miraculous Medal and visit families with the Pilgrim Statue. They assisted the priest in preparing for and facilitating Enrolment of the Brown Scapular. They also prepared packs for children preparing for First Holy Communion.
Ferns Curia
A new praesidium has been established in Oulart, with six (6) members and a Spiritual Director. Mater Dei praesidium in Wexford organised for “Night Fever”- to coincide with the Wexford Opera Festival- to be held in the Franciscan Friary. Many hundred candles were distributed and lit, people were invited to visit Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and given the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation also. One person told the legionaries that he hadn’t been to the Church in thirty (30) years. The junior praesidium in Davidstown, Enniscorthy reported delivering the Alive Paper in Davidstown and three (3) neighbouring parishes. They also deliver newsletters, Miraculous Medals, and prayer leaflets.
Senatus of Asuncion
Over one thousand (1,000) people attended the 21st National Conference of Young Legionaries, which took place over a weekend in August and included talks, competitions, workshops, a handbook quiz, the availability of the sacrament of reconciliation, Eucharistic Adoration and a concluding Mass in the Cathedral of San Blas. Following the death of four (4) young gang members from drug overdoses, the Legion of Mary recruited the mother of one of the deceased persons. The granddaughter of a grandmother who joined the Legion of Mary is now attending catechism classes as she prepares to receive the sacrament of confirmation.
Senatus of Caracus
Works include returns- sometimes after many years- to the sacraments, teaching catechism and assisting so that many babies are baptised. The large number of Comitia and Curiae currently attached to the Senatus results in meetings lasting over three (3) hours. The Senatus intends to take action once vacant Senatus officerships are filled.
Senatus of Quito
A Comitium of twelve (12) praesidia and one Curia, a Curia of eleven (11) praesidia, and a praesidium of five (5) members reported at the September meeting. True Devotion to Mary is promoted, in addition to the solid active work being done. An Exploratio Dominicalis project was programmed to take place on August 20.
Senatus of Montevideo
Three (3) Curiae and one praesidium reported. There are seven (7) probationary members there also. Works include visiting nursing homes, hospitals, family homes, sick people, doing street contact, and outreach to young people. A Curia is visiting all parishes in its area with a view to extending the Legion of Mary there. All four (4) Senatus officers have been newly elected since the last report. The latest edition of the Legion of Mary Handbook is being reviewed, with a view to printing it locally.
Senatus of Lima
Five (5) praesidia, eleven (11) Curiae, six (6) Comitia and one (1) Regia reported. There are three hundred and forty- one (341) probationary members at the Senatus currently. Work includes home visitation including those of families in conflict, street contact, handing out literature, visiting the sick in homes and hospitals, catechesis of children with special needs, their parents and godparents, and those preparing for marriage. They visit three (3) prisons, two (2) for men and one for women. There is a praesidium of men in one of the prisons. Also mentioned are Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Frank Duff Prayer Groups. Two (2) legionaries work with alcoholics. They have rehabilitated two (2) Curiae, one in the mountains that is difficult to access, and have ensured that all praesidia have a Spiritual Director. In Tumbes, only two (2) praesidia of a Comitium survived the pandemic, but they are working hard. It is a high- risk area for diseases such as Zika and Dengue. The Senatus officers are visiting all attached Councils, including the most remote ones.
Senatus of La Paz
A praesidium annual report included two thousand, five hundred (2,500) street contacts. The legionaries begin by asking permission to speak about the love God has for each individual. The Comitium of Oruro has many men as members. Every praesidium has at least one pair of legionaries assigned home visitation. Some schools have junior praesidia. Non- legionaries are invited to attend the annual Legion of Mary Retreat as a means of recruiting new members. A praesidium runs a weekly Rosary in the block of apartments where a legionary lives. Two (2) African nuns use their Legion of Mary experience as Spiritual Directors.
Senatus of Santiago Seve
Several new praesidia have been started, one of which has eight (8) members. Street people are spoken with on a weekly basis. Legionaries intend to help the Archdiocese of Santiago which has started street contact in a city centre plaza. A legionary who receives dialysis treatment has made many valuable contacts with fellow patients.
Senatus of Bogotá
Three (3) praesidia, three (3) senior Curiae, one junior Curia, five (5) Comitia and five (5) Regiae reported. They made contacts in a hospital outpatients department, in shopping centres encouraging parents to enrol their children in catechesis, and to people who receive food in parishes. They hold ‘Prayer Campfires’ in parks inviting the passers-by to join the prayer. They report placing an altar with Our Lady at the church doors giving people a flower so they can present it to Our Lady while making a personal prayer. Also mentioned are Film Nights, Mission Days, Marian Festivals, and a Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) in the Barranquilla Regia. The juniors explained the meaning of the Scapular to their contacts while a Curia celebrated Hallowe’en to remind people of the meaning of All Saints. Regina Mundi Comitium created a new Curia in Cáqueza and established new praesidia in Ubaque after a mission, while Bucaramanga Regia has one new Curia and one new praesidium.
Senatus of Medellin
The Senatus celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the Legion of Mary on September 5. A Curia in the Archdiocese of Medellín is made up of eleven (11) adult praesidia, one hundred and ten (110) active members, sixty (60) praetorians and three hundred and eighteen (318) auxiliary members, and a junior praesidium of six (6) members. A praesidium in Antioquia is comprised of seventeen (17) active members, and seven (7) probationers. Reports include catechism, prison ministry, and Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) and Exploratio Dominicalis projects. A new Curia of five (5) praesidia was formed in the distant town of Ituango on the recommendation of the correspondent.
Melbourne Senatus
Two (2) praesidia, five (5) Curiae and one Comitium reported. From those attending the Frank Duff prayer meetings, two (2) became auxiliary members. Flemington Vietnamese Comitium reported with (18) directly attached praesidia and three (3) Curiae of seventeen (17) praesidia with two hundred (200) members. One praesidium is for the age group of twenty- five to forty (25 - 40) years. Catechism is taught to new converts and follow-up is done. Preston Curia has eight (8) senior and two (2) junior praesidia. A number of junior and senior legionaries ran a book barrow before and after Mass on September 8 and distributed Miraculous Medals, Rosaries and Legion of Mary pamphlets. They also distributed Rosary Beads and Tesserae at the St. Patrick’s Day festival. The Legion of Mary in Tasmania celebrated its 90th Anniversary. Two Senatus officers attended the celebrations.
Sydney Senatus
The Korean Comitium reported with two hundred and sixty- six (266) full members, twenty three (23) praetorians, three hundred and twenty- five (325) auxiliaries and fourteen (14) adjutorians. There was no mention of juniors. Contacts are made to non-believers and other faiths. Fifteen (15) joined for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and ten (10) were baptised. Thirty- eight (38) lapsed people returned to Church. Brisbane Comitium has one hundred and fifty (150) members. They provide transport to Mass, visit the nursing homes, the aged and the sick. Contact is made at a book barrow and the shopping centre.
Auckland Senatus
A report was received of a visitation project to Tonga Island in the South Pacific which took place in March 2024. The Legion of Mary had closed down there. Cardinal Mafi was met and was very supportive of the restarting of the Legion of Mary there. Four (4) praesidia with memberships of six, six, ten and ten (6, 6, 10 and 10) were set up. The new Curia, Our Lady Queen of Peace was established in September with a Spiritual Director appointed by the Cardinal.
Cebu Senatus
Dumaguete Regia has eight (8) Comitia, four (4) Curiae and seventeen (17) praesidia directly attached. Works include jail and home visitation, crowd contact, supervision of the junior praesidia and teaching catechism at schools. Two (2) Protestants and two (2) others converted to the Catholic Faith. Maasin Regia has twelve (12) Comitia, six (6) Curiae and seven (7) senior and two (2) junior praesidia with over five thousand (5,000) active members. Officership training/workshops are conducted at various Councils. Three (3) Comitia reported works of increase of membership and revived three (3) Curiae. Other works include visiting prisons, home and hospital visitations, marriage validations, and Exploratio Dominicalis projects to areas to be strengthened.
Bicolandia Senatus
Two hundred and fifty (250) people attended a Congress. Jail visitation is carried out, and the inmates are taught to pray the Rosary. Legionaries assist the priest for Mass in Naga District Jail. The Holy Rosary Major Seminary Curia has twelve (12) praesidia, and they conduct radio apostolate, visit the nursing home and have taken part in a three (3) week Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) project to a mission territory. They found a lack of knowledge of religion and the Catholic Faith. They had sessions to help people with their spiritual growth, prepared adults for baptism, helped with the facilitation of marriage rectifications, organised and held Rosary Processions, and a separate event for young people. It is such a joy to have this Curia of young men in their priesthood training. Please God they will be future Spiritual Directors.
Mindanao Senatus.
The Spiritual Director encouraged all legionaries to practice True Devotion to Mary. Visits to lower Councils and praesidia resulted in three (3) new senior and two (2) junior praesidia being established or revived. The importance of pre-council officers’ meetings was stressed. Cagayan de Oro Regia celebrated “Legion Awareness Month” in July with activities of recruitment, home visitation, book-barrow apostolate and distribution of the three causes prayers. Nazareth Comitium organised an Auxiliary Rally. A praesidium with seven (7) members, seven (7) praetorians arranged baptism for twenty-one (21) children and three (3) adults, seven (7) people prepared for confirmation and eight (8) children prepared for First Holy Communion. Two hundred and forty- six (246) adults were taught the Catechism as a first step in preparation for baptism.
Northern Philippines Senatus
The 2nd Young Adults’ Conference was held on October 19 for seventeen to thirty- five (17- 35) year-olds. The Frank Duff anniversary Mass was held on November 9 in Manila Cathedral. Manila and Makati Comitia reported with seventeen (17) directly attached praesidia, fourteen (14) senior Curiae, ten (10) junior Curiae and over one thousand (1,000) auxiliaries. Eight (8) juniors graduated to become seniors, (2) juniors entered the minor seminary and two (2) seniors entered religious life. Works covered home visitation to families including the sick and elderly, book barrow and Catechesis. Cabanatuan Comitium set up four (4) new praesidia, revived three (3) and established a Children’s Club. Two (2) Born again Christians and two (2) from the Iglesia Ni Kristo were baptised. In Kalookan West, a Spiritual Directors’ night was attended by twenty- two (22) priests and a bishop. The correspondent from Manila reported on the new Madang Senatus in Papua New Guinea. The officers are dedicated legionaries, but will need a lot of support and guidance. Minutes are slow to come in as they have to be translated from Pigeon to English.
Western Visayas Senatus
Candelaria Curia facilitated seven hundred and forty- nine (749) baptisms and two hundred and ninety- four (294) confirmations. President Roxas Comitium organised collective weddings for a total of forty- two (42) couples. Mary Queen of all Christians Curia facilitated marriage validations for mixed religion couples. Silay Comitium taught the Rosary to a cancer patient who recovered and became an active legionary. Antique Comitium assisted an Aglipayan couple’s conversion, while Nuestra Senora Del Sto. Rosario Curia facilitated the conversion of an Adventist follower. Northern Negros Comitium taught Catechism to one thousand, six hundred and twenty- nine (1,629) children in public schools. Others reported of home visitations, sick people were visited at home and in hospital, Peregrinatio Pro Christo projects (PPC), Exploratio Dominicalis, juniors serving as altar servers and encouraging their peers to attend Mass and engage in acts of kindness. Three (3) entered the seminary.
Senatus of Accra
Star of the Sea Comitium organised a novena in preparation for the Feast of the Assumption, with strong attendance each day. On the feast day itself, one thousand people (1,000) people attended, and the event included Mass, confession, a healing service, counselling, and the Rosary. Meanwhile, Madina Curia held a novena at a local grotto, attracting around six hundred (600) people daily. Mataheko Curia organised a penitential walk, Mass, and a healing service, with attendance varying between three hundred (300) and over one thousand (1,000) on the feast day. In addition, parishes across the Council area organised novenas in honour of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother.
Maputo Regia held a vigil to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. Several Praesidia organised events to commemorate the occasion. The annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Namaacha took place in October, with a strong turnout from legionaries.
Tete Comitium celebrated the Legion of Mary’s anniversary on September 7 and 8. The event featured Holy Mass, talks and prayers led by Bishop Dom Diamantino.
Beira Comitium comprises of nine (9) Curiae with one hundred and seventeen (117) praesidia, two thousand, four hundred and eighty- six (2,486) active members and three hundred and ninety six (396) auxiliaries. An outdoor event in the Suffragan Diocese of Chimoio provided an opportunity for legionaries to come together and engage with one another.
The Senatus of Egypt
Great efforts are being made in several areas to establish new senior and junior praesidia. A praesidium in Ismailia organised a spiritual day with Franciscan nuns at Azbat George. It is hoped that a new praesidium can be established there.
Senatus of Benguela
Works reported include home and hospital visits, recruitment drives, leading to eighty (80) new members across four (4) Curiae. A new Comitium, Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho, was established. The cause of Servant of God Frank Duff is widely promoted through leaflet distribution. No updates have been received from the Senatus of Luanda since the last report.
Cape Verde Regia
Improvements in attendance at the Regia meeting were reported. Works undertook include visits to migrant families, teaching skills like sewing, promoting the sacraments, activities for the elderly, and reaching out to marginalised individuals including alcoholics and drug addicts. Seven (7) Exploratio Dominicalis projects were completed. With seventy- six (76) legionaries serving as catechists, one of these projects was specifically organised to meet and register children for Catechism classes.
Council under the care of Cape Verde Regia
Guinea Bissau Comitium
The 57th anniversary of the Legion in Guinea Bissau was celebrated and the Comitium there also reports establishment of a junior praesidium. Legionaries visit families in their homes, the sick and migrants. Prayers were requested for the late Brother António Gomes, president of the Comitium of Guinea-Bissau, who passed away on November 1.
Elections took place with satisfactory results. The recent report highlights a variety of works, including visits to families, patients, the elderly, prisons, and lapsed Christians. The Brown Scapular is used as a means of evangelisation. Efforts also focused on encouraging baptisms, teaching children their prayers in preparation for First Communion, and inviting new members to join the Legion. Visitations resulted in several new recruits while Masses and prayers were offered for the recently deceased. One devoted elderly legionary, despite being housebound, offered to teach prayers to children from her home. One legionary joined the Diaconate.
Cape Town Senatus
It is reported that the new praesidium in Bellville is now operational. A successful back-to-basics workshop was held in September, leaving legionaries feeling re-energised and eager to continue their work. Several praesidia marked Our Lady’s birthday on September 8 with various celebrations, including one that organised a recruitment drive, celebrated Holy Mass, and set up a gazebo adorned with a statue of Mary, surrounded by flowers. A Curia, consisting of nine (9) praesidia with sixty- three (63) active members and one hundred and forty-six (146) auxiliaries, conducted a range of activities, including visits to bereaved families, street evangelisation, Catechism and preparation for baptism classes, Faith formation sessions, and organising of a Marian concert in October. It is also reported that a praesidium launched the “Make Our Mother Known” project, where legionaries distributed handmade Rosaries and information leaflets.
Matatiele Comitium
A praesidium with fourteen (14) active members and twenty (20) auxiliaries visits families, urging children to return to school. They also engage with young boys, encouraging good behaviour and active participation in Church activities. Co-habiting couples are encouraged to receive the sacrament of marriage. Retreats and Exploratio Dominicalis were organised, and in May and October legionaries prayed the Rosary with families in their homes. As a result of their efforts, they report twenty- five (25) children were baptised, forty- five (45) received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, and two (2) lapsed Catholics returned to the Sacraments.
Harare Curia has two active praesidia, one having eleven (11) members. The Curia has struggled post-covid, facing issues like infrequent meetings, deaths of members, and power cuts. No valid elections occurred since 2016 until recently, when the former president initiated steps to revive the Curia.
There have not been any updates regarding Johannesburg, Durban (South Africa), Hwange (Zimbabwe) since the last report.
Some Handbook Reflections
Last month, we focused on p.3- 5 of Some Handbook Reflections which addresses the following aspects of a praesidium meeting: the atmosphere, the setting, the Legion altar, punctuality, prayers, spiritual reading, Allocutio, worksheet, minutes and members’ reports. This month, we focus on the duties of officers of a praesidium. We pray that the Holy Spirit, to whom we all made our Legion Promise will direct, guide and inspire all officers always. ‘
Duties of Officers of Praesidia’
(p. 5- 7) in Some Handbook Reflections
DUTIES OF OFFICERS OF PRAESIDIA “Obviously, one’s first care must be for the natural sources of zeal, the officers ... If the officers fail, everything withers. If they lose fire and enthusiasm, the body they control will reproduce the same process.” (Handbook 14:12) Chapter 34 of the handbook details the duties of officers of praesidia. With the aim of encouraging officers to make themselves familiar with the full content of that chapter, a few points from it are quoted below:
THE SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR “As the Legion judges its success entirely according to the spiritual qualities developed in its members and brought to bear by them on their work, it follows that the Spiritual Director, on whom the duty primarily falls of inspiring the members with these qualities, is the very mainspring of the praesidium.”
THE PRESIDENT “A principal duty of the president shall be to attend the meetings of the Curia…. He shall allocate the work and receive the members’ reports on their work. He shall remember that he is there as the Legion’s trustee for the faithful carrying out of the system in all its details. In the absence of the Spiritual Director, he shall give the Allocutio or assign someone to give it. ... He shall instruct and supervise the other officers in the performance of their duties…. He shall cultivate the spirit of fraternity in the praesidium, knowing that when this is gone all is gone. ... He shall satisfy himself that the work of each legionary is being done: (a) in the right spirit; (b) along the right lines; (c) that all the good the Legion would wish to see reaped in each case is in fact achieved; (d that old work is from time to time returned upon; and (e) that an enterprising spirit is kept alive in the members by the regular breaking of new ground. ... He shall secure from the members the degree of effort and self-sacrifice of which they are capable. He shall, like every other officer and member, satisfy the obligations of membership by doing the ordinary work of the praesidium. ... he must never be found wanting in the virtue of docility to ecclesiastical authority, ...”
THE VICE PRESIDENT “It shall be the duty of the Vice President to attend the meetings of the Curia. ... He shall preside at the praesidium meeting in the event of the absence of the President. ... In particular the Vice President is charged with the duty of looking after membership. ... He shall keep the various registers relating to active, praetorian, adjutorian and auxiliary membership. ... He shall see that auxiliary members are visited at the end of their probation period. ... He shall notify the active probationers of the drawing to a close of their probation, and shall make all arrangements for the taking of the Promise. ... He shall note the fact that a member is absenting himself from the meetings; and ... endeavour to prevent a complete falling away from membership. ...He shall see to it that the duty of prayer for the deceased members is not neglected. ...He shall visit the sick members, or secure that they are visited by other members. ...
THE SECRETARY “The Secretary shall attend the meetings of the Curia. ...Great pains should be taken with the preparation of the minutes, which should be read in distinct tones. The minutes should be written in ink or typed, and in a book of good quality. ... He shall punctually furnish all information and all returns which may be required by the Curia”
THE TREASURER “The Treasurer shall attend the meetings of the Curia. ... He shall be responsible for the making and receiving of all payments by and to the praesidium and for the keeping of full and properly written accounts thereof. He shall see that the secret bag collection is made at each meeting. He shall pay money only on the direction of the praesidium, and shall lodge funds in hand to the credit of the 6 praesidium in such manner as the latter may direct. He shall bear in mind the recommendation as to accumulated funds which is contained in chapter 35 on Funds, and shall from time to time bring the matter before the praesidium.”
Images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, suitable for Home Enthronement to the Sacred Heart
Concilium has made available A3 images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, suitable for Home Enthronement to the Sacred Heart at the very reasonable cost of E1.50 each. Pope Francis has published on October 24 2024 his fourth encyclical ‘Dilexit Nos’ since the beginning of his Pontificate eleven years ago, and that is so focused on the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
33 Day Preparation for Consecration to Jesus through Mary books.
Concilium is delighted to remind all of the availability for sale- at the very reasonable cost of E1.50- of this recent Legion of Mary publication, modelled on that of St. Louis Marie De Montfort. We pray that legionaries throughout the world will be inspired to implement, spread and promote this Consecration.
Columban Drive Cards.
Columban Drive cards are back in stock at Concilium, so please God we will shortly hear through reports of a great increase in the number of Columban Drives happening.
Repaid a Million-fold
Concilium is delighted to continue to stock this new publication which all Councils may wish to source and distribute among their auxiliary members. Councils around the world may wish to translate this, and are welcome to contact Concilium regarding this should they be inspired to do so.
Election for Assistant Secretary
Sr. Lóirín O’ Leary was nominated and seconded for a second term as Assistant Secretary. This was also ratified at the November 2024 Concilium meeting. There were no nominations for Assistant Treasurer, hence the position remains vacant.
Centenary Anniversary of the First Concilium meeting.
There was a great sense of jubilation at the November 2024 Concilium meeting as it marked one hundred (100) years since the first Concilium meeting. Br. Paddy Fay prepared and delivered a most informative and inspiring talk. All present enjoyed the celebratory cake afterwards also. We pray that the next one hundred (100) years will be as grace-filled and fruitful for the Legion of Mary as the first one hundred has been.
Mass for founder of the Legion of Mary, Servant of God, Frank Duff.
The annual Mass for Servant of God, Frank Duff was celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Paul Dempsey in the Pro- Cathedral, Dublin 1 on Saturday November 16 2024 at 3 p.m. It was very edifying to hear Auxiliary Bishop Dempsey speak of the time he spent with the Legion of Mary at the Morning Star Hostel Dublin when assigned there for some time while he was a seminarian.
Errors in October 2024 Concilium Bulletin regarding October 2024 Concilium Bulletin Reports for Latvia and Lithuania.
Please accept sincere apologies that the following correct reports for Latvia and Lithuania did not feature in the October 2024 Concilium Bulletin.
Latvia Comitium
A praesidium with five (5) members visits the visually impaired in a special home for them and organise some fun activities. The legionaries assist with helping some of the residents in the home to attend Mass and receive confession. Jelgava Curia has had to close three (3) praesidia in the last few months due to ill health and increasing age. Rezekne Curia also closed one praesidium due to advancing age and currently has seven (7) praesidia. Holy Mass to celebrate thirty (30) years of the Legion of Mary in Latvia was organised for August 24.
Kaunas Comitium
The Comitium reported that there is very good attendance and participation at the Comitium meetings. Three (3) attached Curiae reported on their efforts to extend the Legion of Mary into new parishes. One Curia is planning a Congress. Praesidia reports: A praesidium with seven (7) members visit the elderly and carry out an apostolate to the visually impaired. They organise for the Rosary to be prayed on the First Fridays in the St. John of God Services. Another praesidium with five (5) members do street and park contact work where many homeless people are met and helped with getting advice as to where they can get a hot meal and overnight accommodation.
Mary’s Channel of Grace
A reminder to all that Mary’s Channel of Grace continues to transmit live 365 days per year at 8 p.m. GMT.
Zoom Meeting ID: 811 4083 3503
Passcode: 876433
All are welcome. Please continue to invite others. We look forward to meeting you all there.