Concilium Bulletin October 2012
Concilium Bulletin October 2012 REPORTS ASIA SINGAPORE Singapore Senatus: There are 31 junior praesidia in Singapore Archdiocese, with 17 in the…
The Door of Faith
Concilium Allocutio October 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary The Door of Faith Pope Benedict has invited the…
Concilium Bulletin September 2012
Concilium Bulletin September 2012 REPORTS ASIA SRI LANKA Works include enthronements of homes to the Sacred Heart, teaching catechism to adults and…
Mary in the Liturgy of the Church
Concilium Allocutio September 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary Mary in the Liturgy of the Church The…
Concilium Bulletin August 2012
Concilium Bulletin August 2012 REPORTS AFRICA KENYA Kenya Senatus: Rt. Rev. Philip Anyolo, Bishop of Homa Bay was Chief Celebrant at the Mass at…
The Woman of Genesis and the Assumption of Our Lady
Concilium Allocutio August 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary The Woman of Genesis and the Assumption of Our…
Suffering and the New Evangelisation
Concilium Allocutio July 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary Suffering and the New Evangelisation Suffering is…
Concilium Bulletin July 2012
Concilium Bulletin July 2012 REPORTS ASIA AUSTRALIA Melbourne Senatus: During the 4 months, reports were taken from 9 praesidia, 7 Curia and 3…
Concilium Bulletin June 2012
Concilium Bulletin June 2012 REPORTS South America ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: The Secretary of the Senatus has had an operation on his eyes…
The Eucharistic Congress and Degrees of Legion Membership
Concilium Allocutio June 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary The Eucharistic Congress and Degrees of Legion…
Concilium Bulletin May 2012
Concilium Bulletin May 2012 REPORTS CENTRAL AMERICA AND MEXICO NICARAGUA Regia of Managua: One Comitium, 5 Curiae and 2 junior Curiae and 17…
The Feast of the Ascension and the Legion
Concilium Allocutio May 2012 By Fr. Bede McGregor O.P. Spiritual Director to the Legion of Mary The Feast of the Ascension and the Legion Christ…