Concilium Bulletin November 2020

ASIA PHILIPPINES Bicolandia Senatus: The correspondent writes monthly to encourage them. Most legionaries have no internet/computer access. Cebu…

November 2020 Allocutio

As we approach Advent Fr. Paul Churchill “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those who live in a land of deep shadow…

Concilium Bulletin October 2020

AFRICA BURUNDI: Senatus of Burundi: Regular monthly reports are being received from Burundi. The country has not been in lockdown owing to the low…

October 2020 Allocutio

Mary, Queen of the Harvest Fr. Paul Churchill In our Northern Hemisphere we are coming towards the end of the harvest season. During autumn the…

Knock Pilgrimage 2020 - Homily

Most Rev. Michael Neary D.D. Archbishop of Tuam Sunday 27th September 2020 I am very pleased to be here today as I have so many grateful memories…

Rosary: nightly at 8.30 p.m. GMT

The Legion of Mary invites you to participate in our nightly Rosary at 8.30 p.m. GMT Join Zoom meeting…

Concilium Bulletin September 2020

AFRICA Togo Senatus: September Senatus meeting was held but with all restrictions in place: only 2 officers from each Council and each praesidium…

September 2020 Allocutio

Trust Her Completely Fr. Paul Churchill During the first total lockdown resulting from the growing spread of Covid 19 earlier this Spring I had a…

ELECTIONS Concilium officers

Election of Concilium Assistant Secretary: An election took place at the August meeting for Concilium Assistant Secretary. Nominations were taken…

Concilium Bulletin August 2020

USA - CANADA - WEST INDIES U.S.A. In New York Senatus, sadly, some Legionaries died from the virus; R.I.P. Newark Korean Comitium has 783 active…

August 2020 Allocutio

The Queenship of Our Lady Fr. Paul Churchill The month of August is studded with Feasts of Our Lady or Feasts about events or people connected to…

Notification of officership elections

Elections for President, Vice President, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer will take place at the August Concilium meeting.