Garda Vetting for Legion of Mary, Republic of Ireland


1. Obtain a Garda Vetting Application Form [Vetting Invitation] from the praesidium.

2. Fill it in completely – in CAPITALS.

Section 1 – Personal Information

  • Forename, Middle Name, Surname, Date of Birth,
  • Email address
  • Contact number
  • Role being vetted for
  • Current address
  • Eircode / Postcode

Section 2 – Additional Information

  • Tick the box
  • Signature
  • Date

Section 3 - Organisation Information

  • Enter the title of the praesidium
  • The name of the curia / comitium
  • The town / county where the praesidum meets
  • The name of the praesidium president
  • The contact number for the president

I.D. documents must accompany the form. The I.D. documents must amount to 100 points.***

If the form is properly completed and the I.D. documents are in order, the president of the praesidium must sign and date the form.

The form should then be passed to the curia / comitium for the signature of the president of that council.

(Each time a form is submitted, there is a fee charged.)

The curia / comitium will also check that the form is fully completed. The form and I.D. are sent by the curia / comitium to the Child Safeguarding Office at Concilium.

*** A Proof of Identity table is set out below showing the various documents which are acceptable for I.D. and the points for each document.

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At least two forms of identification must be produced to validate the identity of the applicant when completing the application. Where possible, one of these should be photographic.

There is a point system for the verification of identity where 100 points must be reached. Different forms of identification are weighted with a
sliding scale (see below). Where a person cannot reach 100 points, an affidavit witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths will suffice.

The National Vetting Bureau requires that copies of all proof of identity are retained for the validity of the vetting. This means if vetting lasts 3
years, then copies of these documents must be kept for 3 years.

Irish driving licence or learner permit (new credit card 80
Irish Public Service Card (not currently acceptable) 80
Passport (from country of citizenship) 70
Irish Certificate of Naturalisation 70
Birth Certificate 50
Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) card 50
National Identity Card for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens 50
Irish driving licence or learner permit (old paper format) 40
Employment ID:
ID card issued by employer (with name and address) 35
ID card issued by employer (with name only) 30
Letter from employer (within last 2 years) confirming name and address 35
P60, P45 or payslip (with home address) 35
Utility bill (e.g. gas, electricity, television, broadband) which must be less than 6 months old. Printed online bills are acceptable. 35
Mobile phone bills are not acceptable.
Medical card – without photograph 25
Medical card - with photograph 40
Bank / Building Society / Credit Union statement 35
Credit / Debit cards / passbook (only one per institution) 25
National age card (issued by An Garda Síochána) 25
Membership card (club, union or trade, professional bodies) 25
Educational Institution 25
From an educational institution / SUS / CAO 20
From an insurance company regarding an active policy 20
From a bank / credit union or government body or state agency 20
Children under 16 years (or one of the following):
Birth certificate 100
Passport 100
Written statement by the Principal confirming attendance at educational institution format) on a letter head of that institution 100
Recent arrival in Ireland (less than 6 weeks):
Passport 100
Vetting subject is unable to achieve 100 points:
Affidavit witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths 100

Garda Vetting Application Form