Concilium Bulletin May 2012

Concilium Bulletin May 2012

Regia of Managua: One Comitium, 5 Curiae and 2 junior Curiae and 17 directly attached praesidia make up the Regia. The attached two senior Curiae of Leon as well as the junior Curia are very active.

Regia of Camotan: Considerable progress has been made since the Legion in Guatemala was transferred to the caretakership of the Senatus of Merida. The correspondent and another legionary from Merida have carried out two visits. The officers of the Camotan Regia visited Merida and were present at the Senatus meeting as well as a meeting with the Senatus officers. The Spiritual Director of the Regia of Camotan has written thanking Concilium and the Senatus of Merida for the positive move.

Panama Regia: The new Regia is working well and attendance at the meeting is very good. Four praesidia with an average of 10 members reported. As well as home visitation, they are attempting crowd contact, which they find a challenge. Steps are being taken to ensure that the treasurer’s books at all levels are correct and accurate and that legionaries and treasurers follow the proper procedures.

Senatus of Tegucigalpa: A former secretary informed the Concilium that the Senatus was working well.

Senatus of San Salvador: The Senatus is working very well particularly in the areas of extension and home visitation. The attached Regia of San Vicente has set up 23 praesidia. A number of contacts returned from the sects to the practice of the faith and some have joined the Legion. In a special visitation carried out by an attached Comitium, a large number of couples were met and some are now preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. They also met 39 young persons and a number of babies who were not baptised. A Protestant pastor accepted an invitation to the Catholic Church.

Mexico City Senatus: Reports received from 1 praesidium, 3 Curiae, 3 Comitia and 1 Regia. Since December the new quarterly reports system is underway. A praesidium of 8 and 2 probationers has 3 praetorians and 157 auxiliaries. Under the heading of True Devotion to the Nation, they list having reported potholes and street lighting to the relevant authority and directing the sick to the appropriate medical treatment. A junior Conference had 1,000 young people in attendance. Also 1,000 attended the first Auxiliary Rally.

Merida Senatus: Reporting were 3 praesidia, 3 Curiae, 1 Comitium and 1 Regia. The Regia of Tuxtla Gutierrez has 5 Comitia, 16 praesidia and 5 junior Curiae affiliated with a total of 33,000 legionaries of which 5,000 are catechists. They also work with alcoholics and visit a jail for young offenders. A recently formed Curia with 11 praesidia reported visiting 331 members of the sects. A praesidium reported having 259 auxiliary members. There are reports of hundreds of marriages regularised and adult baptisms.

Guadalajara Regia: The average attendance at the Regia meeting is 70-80%. A recent Comitium report indicates 562 active members including 71 praetorians, 1,741 auxiliaries and 79 adjutorians. The catechists prepare children for the sacraments and couples for marriage. As well as visiting the elderly they provide a service, house cleaning, accompany them to the doctor and collect their medication.

Durango Regia: A reporting praesidium promotes Eucharistic Adoration with positive results. The Rosary is recited by legionaries in different Social Welfare buildings at the request of the Archbishop but always with the permission of management. There are 2 praesidia in the prison, these praesidia are supervised by members of an outside praesidium.

Monterrey Regia: The attached Comitium of Saltillo set up 11 new praesidia in the last year, some in new areas. Legionaries encourage the sick to receive the sacrament of reconciliation when the priest comes with the Eucharist. Five legionaries took part in a special mission for Holy Week in the neighbouring diocese of Morales with legionaries from that council. As well as doing intensive home visitation they set up a new praesidium.

Leon Regia: Legionaries cooperated actively in the preparation for the visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. The junior movement is strong in Leon and a new junior Curia was set up recently.


Three Senatus officers visited Mandalay. A recruiting effort in three parishes yielded a new praesidium of 14 members. 200 legionaries attended the Acies in Yangon.

Bible study groups and sharing the Good News features in reports. Deaf and dumb and prisoners visited, catechism is taught, lapsed are encouraged to return to the practice of their faith, they assist at the immigration office giving legal aid, others help with medical teams to remote areas. Prayer groups are later formed into praesidia.

The junior Curia in Colombo has 11 praesidia, 5 in schools, 4 in parishes and 2 in seminaries with 200 members and 75 auxiliaries. The Rosary is promoted among their peers, children in poor areas are visited, catechism and Sunday Schools are organised.

Two junior praesidia reported with 24 and 16 members. Homes are enthroned to the Sacred Heart, hospitals are visited, help with church cleaning, parochial activities and bible study. Two senior praesidia also reported with 10 and 12 members, doing similar works.

Port Blair Comitium on the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean sent its years report. They have 8 praesidia and 2 Curiae, 3 other Curiae are not currently functioning. Catholics, other Christians, Hindus and Muslims are visited. A Marian Congress was held to mark the 90th anniversary of the Legion. A programme for extension to 10 villages was organised for 14th to 22nd February.

Mumbai Regia covers 45 dioceses with the Legion in 23; of the remainder three Bishops have given their consent for the Legion.38 priests attended a Conference for Spiritual Directors, the Auxiliary Bishop chaired the meeting. There are 21 nearby and 11 distant praesidia, 29 senior and 8 junior Curiae and 7 Comitia attached. There were 164 homes visited during an Exploratio Dominicalis project. Audits are up to date and the clergy gives great support. This Regia also cares for the Legion in Nepal. Two visits have been made and the Curia has resumed meeting.

Kottar Regia: All 15 Curiae are regularly represented at the Regia meetings and in March, officers of 7 of the 11 directly affiliated praesidia were also present. Much good work is done for families, to the sick, and to those of other faiths.

Pondicherry Senatus: More than 500 legionaries took part in the function organised to mark the 90th anniversary of the Legion at which Archbishop Anthony Anandarayar presided with many Spiritual Directors in attendance. During 2011, 7 praesidia, 3 Curiae and a Comitium were set up. Special works include visitation of lepers, prisoners, mentally ill, aids patients and orphanages.

Kerala Senatus: This Senatus governs 28 directly attached praesidia, 14 Curiae and 17 Comitia. Visitation of people of all religions in homes and hospitals shows good results. Marriages are regularised, 72 contacts returned to the practice of the faith.

Karnataka Senatus: 2 Comitia, 11 Curiae and 14 directly affiliated praesidia were represented at the April meeting. Annual audits were highlighted. Miraculous Medals were given in a small number of cases, homes were enthroned, domestic disputes resolved, marriages were regularised. The Bishops of 2 dioceses gave permission to set up the Legion.
Coimbatore Comitium held a meeting for 102 officers on 11th February; a one-day retreat had an attendance of 250 legionaries, conducted by 3 Spiritual Directors.

Bernardo de Nardo keeps in contact with the Legion in Armenia and Georgia and if his schedule allows during the summer months he hopes to visit them.

Bishop Tomasz Peta has given Elizabeth Kriss every assistance, even to the point of collecting her at the airport at 4.00 a.m. Many of the legionaries in the north remember the Mitchells and were most grateful for Elisabeth Kriss’s visit to help with formation.


Ouagadougou Comitium: A new Curia has been formed as a result of extension in St. Francis of Assisi parish and another at Piisy. Works include visits to the General Hospital, the Maternity Hospital and the Orphanage. On home visitation Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and people of other faiths are met. One praesidium in the course of home visitation comes across Muslims who ask the legionaries to pray for them.

Abidjan Senatus: The January meeting heard reports from the Regia at Gagnoa, 9 Comitia, 2 Curiae and 3 praesidia. There is a junior Curia affiliated to Gagnoa Regia. A new Curia is being formed at Attoban. The Comitium of Abobote recorded 10,468 visits in the course of a year with 41,419 persons spoken with of whom 19,227 were Catholics and the rest non-Catholics. A group of 20 Ivorian legionaries, organised by the outgoing Senatus President and led by the Senatus Spiritual Director, are attending the Eucharistic Congress.

Works reported include home, hospital and prison visitation resulting in many returns to the Sacraments, marriages reconciled and the study of the catechism. One Curia recruited 13 new members in the first two months of the year. The Regia organised a day of formation on the theme “Collaboration and Solidarity in the Churches Mission the Priest and the Legion”, led by Fr. Massengo, Spiritual Director of the Regia. Over 1,100 legionaries from 27 councils of the Regia participated.

Bata Comitium: Correspondence continues to be irregular but in a letter from a Spiritual Director, he confirmed that the Legion is working well. All are faithful to the weekly meeting and particularly in the distant villages where the legionaries organise prayer meetings and teach a catechism to the children. Legionaries are active in extension despite much illiterate.

Lomé Regia: The 60th anniversary of the Legion was celebrated in Togo. They officially launched their own website in March. Nearly all councils reported on having juniors attached and Adidome Curia reported 89 new members since their last report 3 months ago. Efforts are under way to set up junior Curiae in the Archdiocese of Lomé. The Acies, Masses for Alfie Lambe, the True Devotion to Our Blessed Lady and the booklet “Can we be Saints” were mentioned in reports.

Dakar Comitium: The 90th Anniversary of the Legion was celebrated and the main celebrant was His Eminence Cardinal Adrian Sarr. The Comitium was invited by the Apostolic Nuncio to participate at a Mass to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Republic of Senegal last December.

Douala Senatus: The Senatus is putting great emphasis on establishing junior praesidia. In Yaounde, with the help of the Spiritual Directors, work is undertaken against prostitution, drug addicts and children living on the streets. Three new Curiae and 20 praesidia were started, 170 brought back to the sacraments, 349 converts and 44 marriages regularised. The Legion exists in 22 Dioceses and the aim is to have the Legion established in all the Dioceses by the end of the year. A priest met who visits Chad on a regular basis was given 50 tesserae and a letter to the President of Moundou Comitium.

Reports presented to Contonou Regia reveal membership of more than 20 in each city praesidium with apostolic activity directed towards persons of all persuasions, Catholics being by far the majority, members of Christian sects in second place and Muslims also featuring. The junior Curia numbers 112 members. Parakou Comitium, 435 kilometres to the north, has 7 praesidia and 2 Curiae and reported 293 enrolled in the catechumenate in a three-month period.

Oyem Comitium which supervises 14 Curiae is reported to be working well, visiting its Curiae and supporting its praesidia with improvement in membership figures and good results in catechumens enrolled, baptisms arranged, returns to Mass and the Sacraments, marriages regularised and family troubles resolved.


Brussels plan 3 new praesidia and for 2012 they wish to pay attention to juniors and pioneers. Antwerp: some members help at the Permanence in Lourdes and they visit sick and elderly.

Birmingham Senatus: The Spiritual Director, Fr. Peyton addressed the students at Oscott College at which there was an attendance of 20 students and the Rector of the College. As a result of home visitation, a lapsed Catholic went to Confession and a non-Catholic was invited to consider the Catholic Church. Lunch-time prayers in a primary school has an attendance of 30 children. The Bristol Curia had a special Mass for non-practising and non-Catholics at which 40 attended and included 6 lapsed and 3 non-Catholics. In the South Birmingham Curia a new praesidium was set up in Balsall Heath. Mentioned in the report was of a co-habiting couple returning to the Church and inviting the legionaries to their wedding; another couple decided to marry in church rather than on the beach. In Coventry Curia three of the praesidia carried out Exploratio Dominicalis projects. A lapsed housebound person went to confession.
Northampton Comitium now attached to Birmingham Senatus has 9 praesidia and one Curia. Members visit homes, a hospital, a prison and teach catechism and the Rosary to children and parents. They had a good attendance at a special Mass to mark the 90th anniversary.
Liverpool Senatus: Manchester Comitium has 3 junior and one intermediate praesidia affiliated. One of the Curiae attached to Manchester Comitium held a Rosary and Carol service at which the Mayor attended. In a report at the Newcastle Comitium a recollection day was held entitled “A Day with Mary” and was very successful. South Shields Curia continues to thrive while Sunderland Curia organised a trip to the Holy Land. Warrington Curia with 6 praesidia considers reading the Handbook today as important as it was in 1921.
Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces Comitium, Southwark
Southwark has 16 praesidia and 4 Curiae affiliated. ‘An Hour of Grace’ prompted legionaries to organise a similar event for auxiliaries. Works include statue visitation, house blessing, visiting bereaved, sick and housebound as well as Patricians and contact at tube stations for Lent and Advent. One lady received Communion after 61 years is now a Praetorian member.
Brentwood Comitium: Extension and recruiting are evident in reports as there is an increase in membership with many praesidia having probationary members. Attached to the Comitium are two Curiae. One of the Curiae has 3 junior praesidia affiliated. Reports include contacts made by members on a Peregrinatio Pro Christo project being following up; the Rosary is recited on a Friday morning with primary school children and the Stations of the Cross are made during Lent; and Miraculous Medals and leaflets were given to children who made their First Holy Communion.
West Middlesex Curia: Having held a recruiting drive with 14 contacts showing interest, the Curia plans to extend in Southall Parish. Care homes, housebound parishioners as well as contact in parks and promotion of the 3 Causes were mentioned in reports.
Hammersmith Curia has a praesidium of 12 active and 12 auxiliary members. Legionaries say the Rosary with the housebound and interact with other organisations and are very involved in parishes.
Central London Curia: After a recruiting drive 4 active and 18 auxiliaries were gained. Membership in praesidia ranges from 5 to 10 legionaries.

An extension drive in Carfin resulted in contacting 18 interested people. Nine attended the first meeting. Greenock Curia has 12 praesidia and reports tell of interesting contacts made at the Christmas Cribs and the Rosary recited on two Sundays. Our Lady Queen of all Nations praesidium with 10 members and Fr. John Keenan Spiritual Director recently attended the Concilium meeting. Works included home visitation, Patricians, a Light a Candle and say a Prayer programme. Bookbarrow brings the Legion to the heart of the University. Workshops for organising Congresses were organised by the Senatus.

Frankfurt Senatus: 40-50 people undertook the preparation of the True Devotion to Mary in the Cathedral in February and a new praesidium was started. The Korean Curia started a new praesidium in Schulzback. One praesidium reported on their monthly night contact work when they invite people back to the Blessed Sacrament. An Iranian became a Catholic through home visitation.
Cologne Regia has 2 Comitia in Essen and Dusseldorf and they keep in touch with the 2 praesidia in Luxembourg. Members of a praesidium gave out 4,200 Miraculous Medals and 1,600 Rosaries in the course of doing street contact apostolate.
Munich Regia comprises 2 Comitia, 14 Curiae with a total of 78 praesidia. Croatian, German, Vietnamese and Spanish praesidia work as part of Berlin Comitium. Works include street contact and a Marian Mass with Rosary for children. Freiburg Comitium has 4 Curiae and Patricians and extension were mentioned. Night Adoration is undertaken in Saarbrucken.

Amsterdam Regia: Two Patrician groups mentioned, one with 20 attending. A large group will attend the Eucharistic Congress in Dublin.

The new Curia in Irkutsk is working to start another praesidium in Krasnoyarsk.

Manchester Comitium undertook extension - a new praesidium was set up in Sandviken. Malmo praesidium with 8 members was visited by two legionaries from the Liverpool Senatus in September.

Zurich Curia has 12 praesidia with 61 active members was raised to Comitium status on 24 March in the presence of Bishop Hounder. Lucern Curia with 3 praesidia appointed an extension worker.

Wrexham Curia has 5 praesidia and Bishop Edwin wrote to legionaries wishing them well in their recruiting efforts.
Swansea Curia also has 5 praesidia and works include street rescue and crowd contact as well as an apostolate to families affected by abuse of alcohol and drugs.

Strasbourg Senatus has decided to convert to Comitium status and this is being communicated to the relevant ecclesiastical authorities.

There are 15 members on roll in the praesidium in Copenhagen. Their apostolate includes hospital and housebound visitation as well as family visitation with the Statue of Our Lady. During Lent the legionaries lead the Stations of the Cross.

There are two praesidia in Norway at Tonsberg and Drammen. There are 7 active and 12 auxiliary members in the Tonsberg praesidium with a full compliment of Officers. A special Mass was celebrated for the 90th Anniversary of the Legion followed by a social evening. Teaching catechism, contacting auxiliaries and church activities are amongst the works being undertaken. The Drammen praesidium has 7 members and undertakes house-to-house visitation. Rosaries, Bible study are promoted and encouragement given to contacts to attend Mass on a regular basis.

Since the 10th April Elizabeth Kriss has been working in Kazakhstan. She will be in Dublin for June Concilium meeting and the Eucharistic Congress and go back to Kazakhstan for another two months. She met two young nuns who had been legionaries and they remembered Bill and Morag Mitchell.
She has been working in the northern diocese of Astana visiting 3 praesidia and starting 2 new praesidia. She has attended a Curia meeting and 2 conferences, one on planning and the other on extension. Legionaries travelled from 2 to 4 hours by bus. Before coming to the diocese of Karaganda she met Bishop Janusz Kaleta, who gave his blessing to her work. In Karaganda she visited the 2 remaining praesidia, the Curia has not met for two years.
Please keep Elizabeth in your prayers.

A Senatus for Belem, Pará, Brazil
Belem Regia, in the State of Pará in the North of Brazil, was raised to Senatus status to govern the Legion in the Archdiocese of Belem and in five of its Suffragan Dioceses and five Prelatures. The new Senatus will have 17 praesidia, 12 Curiae and 10 Comitia directly attached. Ecclesiastical sanction has been given and the Senatus of Rio de Janeiro has given its approval.
A Regia for Castanhal, Pará, Brazil
It is proposed that the Comitium Nossa Senhora de Aparecida in Castanhal in the State of Pará be raised to Regia status to govern the Legion in the Dioceses of Castanhal, Braganca do Pará and Abaetuba, all Suffragan Dioceses of Belem Archdiocese, and all in the State of Pará and all up to now in the territory of the Belem Regia. The new Regia will have 14 praesidia, 6 Curiae and 6 Comitia directly attached. It is proposed that the new Regia be affiliated to the new Belem Senatus. Ecclesiastical sanction has been given and the Senatus of Rio de Janeiro has given its approval.
A Regia for Kwito-Bie, Privince of Bié, Angola
It is proposed that the Comitium Nossa Senhora do Rosário in the Diocese of Kwito-Bié, Angola be raised to Regia status to govern the Legion in the Dioceses of Kwito-Bie. Ecclesiastical sanction has been given. It is proposed that the new Regia be affiliated to the Senatus of Benguela.
The 3 above proposals were all approved and seconded at the May Concilium Meeting and congratulations was extended to all on the growth of the Legion.

Any Legion council officers who are registering for the International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin are asked to note that the June 2012 Concilium meeting will take place on SATURDAY 9th June 2012 at 3.00 pm in Legion headquarters