Quote of the Day
Even at Mary’s school, servitude to Jesus means service before self. In fact, as soon as the Archangel Gabriel left her after the Annunciation, Mary did not sit back complacently, revelling in her newly invested dignity of Mother of God, but she went with haste to help her cousin Elizabeth who was with child in her advanced age.
So also, at the marriage at Cana in Galilee, while others were enjoying the festive meal, Mary saw the empty wine jars and she ‘provoked’ Jesus’ first miracle. For Mary, therefore, to be a handmaid of the Lord meant to go out and meet the needs of others, and she continues to do this even today from her throne in heaven.
She teaches us not to be weighed down with our titles and achievements, or to be puffed up with what we think of ourselves or with what others say about us, but rather to put our time and talents joyfully at the service of God and neighbour.